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July 13, 2012




Any ideas? Hedging their bets?--

The stink of a loser is not lost even on rats and they seem like nothing more than, in Rick's colorful phrase, rats scurrying along the mooring ropes of a ship they think may very well sink dockside.

--Hope all is well, or at least as well as it can be.--

Not too well, unfortunately.


That's a great link, Clarice!

This should scare a coyote -


--"(he's magically malicious, officious, seditious; take your pick)"

tragically malicious.--

Actually Macphisto after I posted I thought "he's magically meretricious" probably fits the vulgar little hooker best. :)



You and your family are in my prayers.


Thanks Rich.


Is that a pic of WeeDavey, Janet?
He's all in Gaelic green.


That's a shot of the latest designer of the year's men's clothing. I shudder to think what that foamy stuff at the front of the pants is supposed to be. URGH..But MO likes it.

Best thoughts to you Iggy.


lol, Iggy. Clarice said "palate cleanser" but she didn't say we would need comet or ajax for the cleansing.

No wonder Michelle Obama is such a fashion icon. She comes by it so naturally.

(oh - and sorry things aren't going too well. Wish one of the many creative, talented folks here had a magic wand we could all rent out as needed!)

Captain Hate

A judge is expected to rule by Aug. 9 on charges of physical harassment and child endangerment.

This should be a no-brainer; a Kennedy with more sense of entitlement than responsibility felt the rules shouldn't apply to him. Why does the judge need to ruminate on this?

Annoying Old Guy
The issue is whether, not having run for office, she [Condi Rice] would wilt under the pressure.

Given her wilt while Secretary of State, I would say a definite "yes". She went in as a warrior and rapidly changed in to the same old same old at the State Department. That's when I went from a big fan to meh. It's "go West, old man" for me now.


Good grief on the "latest" men's fashion. I think I stick with my variations on "midnight slob";)


Ignatz - if there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask. I assume ya'll are referring to Mrs. Ignatz with "not too well". I'm so sorry. My email is theshagams at gmail dot com.

hit and run

Like Clarice, "I'd forgotten all about the marvelous Chef Grenier. Thanks for linking to it."

That was awesome. I'm not sure if I ever saw it the first time around. Bravo, Elliott!


I think I stick with my variations on "midnight slob";)

I know, Rich. I was so relieved when daddy posted that Anchorage was voted "worst dressed" city!....although the fashion voters might want to find out where the clown lad pictured above lives.


from Clarice's link this photo made me wonder what Barry comes up with when she asks him "does this make my butt look big"



"And if Obama couldn’t lie, he’d have little to say."

And the American public lets him get away with lies over and over.



Leftists want this man to be reelected to be President of the US?


--This should be a no-brainer; a Kennedy with more sense of entitlement than responsibility felt the rules shouldn't apply to him. Why does the judge need to ruminate on this?--

Yeah what is the judge thinking?
Rule not guilty, instruct the nurse to apologize to the creep and reimburse him his costs and fees and bang the gavel for the next case, no doubt involving some other intoxicated Kennedy or Kennedy accomplice.

hit and run

Thought I saw a mountain lion the other day by Sully when I was speeding down 28.

Cougar repellant:


lol, Hit. That is just perfect. And, I notice you got Moochelle's butt in transit too (not to mention the"toned" arms!).


Yeah, & the Mohawk residue looks like an appropriate Indian feather for Barack 'Black Eagle'.


I think any possibility of a Obama-Clinton ticket evaporated with Obama recent dismantling of one of Bill Clinton's signature legacy achievements, namely welefare reform.
I can't think of a good reason to play that card now, so I'm conjecturing that it was at least in part a slap in the face of Bill Clinton after his Bain comments that proved to be so unhelpful.


Bill Clinton made a ton of moneyafter he left the presidency. Who would give Obama the time of day if, as I hope, he is hounded from office this election.

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