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August 21, 2012


Tom Maguire
I also think that the high profile, explosive, reaction of the party as whole has actually helped limit the effectiveness of the demagoguery which was bound to ensue.

I believe the Romney/RNC goal was to distance themselves from the Akins outcome, not decide the Akins outcome.

Que sera sera, as long as Team Romney doesn't have to deal with it/defend it.

Obviously any groups that publicly contribute to Akins will be non grata for other Rep outlets.

Ralph L

Well said, bgates. It's like the 16 words hysteria all over again, with the Repubs surrendering stupidly as usual.

JM Hanes


"It's interesting to me that rape has become such a major dynamite issue as it relates to women and yet on most boards of any political persuasion when I object to people treating prison rape as a joke, my objections are treated rather dismissively."

In virtually any crime drama, you will find a police interrogator telling some miscreant that there's a big honkin' guy just waiting for him in prison. How can we have so casually accepted the idea that the real punishment for crime is not incarceration, it's rape and sexual abuse, that such scenes have became a staple of television scripts and don't even raise any eyebrows? It just stuns me.


He has completely brushed off my objections this morning, which has only made me angrier.

Well then, carry on, but I don't think you are going to get an army behind you in this mission. No one but you seems outraged.


--with the Repubs surrendering stupidly as usual--.

What would you have had them do otherwise? Attempt to explain what he said? Defend what he said? Insist that he didn't say what the Dems/MSM are saying he said. Say you don't agree, but you'll defend to the death his right to say it? Issue a press release on what is and what is not "legitimate rape?"

Talk about abortion and rape rather than the economy for the next two and half months? Because that would have been the end result if the party had done what you wished it had done.


"What would you have had them do otherwise?"

Be less ninny about things.

Not to pick on anybody here but dumping RINOs is frowned upon because "we need every R we can get". Before the deadline the argument was Aking should go because "we need every R we can get".

After the deadline and Akin's not gone the agument "we need every R we can get" is pretty much "Ooops".

Ralph L

Because that would have been the end result
I doubt that. If the country was distracted by it for more than 2 months, it would deserve its miserable fate.

Akin should have explained immediately exactly what he was trying to say, which he didn't do, and even if he had, it would have been lost in the Repub shreeks and pearl clutching.

It really is a national scandal that so many people's reading comprehension is so poor.


Well, I'm with porchlight and ralph on this one. The guy made a statement that is pretty much provably true and non controversial, and it gets blown out of proportion over the use of the word legitimate instead of forcible, and all of a sudden the guy is the most ginormous idiot on the planet.

Ralph L

No one but you seems outraged.
From his initial response, I'm sure Mark was. Why were we the only two?


Why were we the only two?

Because we recognized a joke when we saw one? I have no idea.


Ralph, the DNC is adding nine women speakers to their convention to capitalize on what Akin said. There was no way this was ever going to quietly fade away.

What you see as shrieking and pearl clutching, I see as an attempt to mitigate the avalanche of shit from the Dems/media that was sure to be coming our way.

And now I am done with the subject.

Mark Folkestad

Ralph L, if you have the e-mail addresses for Ignatz, Porchlight, Dot, ManTran or H&R, ask them to give you my addy. I no longer want to share my addy in the open. Or, if you are on Facebook, look me up. Drop me a note.

Ralph L

And now I am done with the subject.
See, the fuss cannot be sustained. It will be nice to watch the Dems alienate more male voters, except that no one but partisans watches the conventions nowadays, anyway.

Sue, what did you think of my rape "joke." Would you have liked that said to you, even on the internet? Would you be surprised (and pissed) that no one else objected to it?

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Why was almost all the flak over the Biden gaffe incoming while almost all the flak aimed at Akin is friendly fire? Inquiring minds want to know.


Repeating myself . . . The DNC is adding NINE women speakers to their convention to capitalize on what Akin said.

That is enemy--not friendly--fire. Beyond praying that the man gets a clue and withdraws, the GOP has already shut up about it. The Dems and the media (again repeating myself) have not. And won't. They are going to beat the Akin drum all the way to the election, because it's the best distraction they've got, and distractions is all they've got.


"Repeating myself . . . The DNC is adding NINE women speakers to their convention to capitalize on what Akin said.

That is enemy--not friendly--fire. Beyond praying that the man gets a clue and withdraws, the GOP has already shut up about it. The Dems and the media (again repeating myself) have not. And won't. They are going to beat the Akin drum all the way to the election, because it's the best distraction they've got, and distractions is all they've got."

We've got candy too.

Ralph L

Maybe in a few minutes, Mark, I'm stuck on this high horse right now.

If you'd like me to drop it, just say so.

I do feel stupid, complaining about everyone else's visceral over-reactions on one subject while having one of my own. I'm just shocked to find myself alone here on this one.


The DNC is adding NINE women speakers to their convention to capitalize on what Akin said.

Oh no, not that.

Are we supposed to be scared of this? Name nine Democrat women who scare you. How about just one or two?

This is ridiculous.

Jane - Get off the couch your country needs you!

I think the DNC is making a big mistake with its line-up. Most people do not want an election that pits women against men, blacks against whites and legals against illegals.

I keep getting worried and then I see so many signs that Obama really is done. I do expect bad, weird stuff in Tampa - to the point where a hurricane may be a blessing - and weirder things going forward including violence and maybe war. (I can just see us going to war with Iran and Obama spending all day on the campaign trail and the golf course while ValJar surrenders.)

It's gonna be a hell of a couple of months.


Sue, what did you think of my rape "joke." Would you have liked that said to you, even on the internet? Would you be surprised (and pissed) that no one else objected to it?

It's odd to me that we are on opposite sides in both situations, Akin and NK's joke. If Mark hadn't already started the joking around on the subject, I probably would have wondered about NK saying what he did. Since it was in response to what Mark had said earlier, I recognized the joke for what it was. Your rape joke would have to have been started by me for the analogy to work. And now I'm through with this one too. Love ya' man!

JM Hanes


The road between intentions and perceptions can be a long and twisted one. I suspect for example, you probably don't realize how gratuitously insulting a dismissive remark like this might seem:

"See, the fuss cannot be sustained."

Mark Folkestad

Sue, NK's response was not an equivalent one, and it certainly didn't seem mirthful. He took a major step over a line, but he has apologized, and I'm looking forward to a restoration of the comity here.

Ralph L, there were a few others who saw an offense instead of a joke. You are not alone. I appreciate you sticking up for me. But now it is time to hang up the six-guns and amble down to the Long Branch to sweet-talk Miss Kitty.

Melinda Romanoff


And Drudge has up that the MFM is going to pass on covering Ann Romney's speech.

Not that it would be hypocritical or anything, of course.


I don't think we should be scared, Ext. Just pointing out that it's the Dems and the liberal pundits in the media--not our side--who are still clutching their pearls when it comes to Akin.

Exhibit A. Barbara Boxer: Republicans don't like their mothers and first wives.

Exhibit B. and perennial favorite. Maureen Down: Akin and Ryan have a Taliban creed.

Does that kind of hyperbole work? No idea. Maybe it will fire up the Liberal base, they're stupid in that way.



Oh my, I think we just started another "in the eye of the beholder (or ear of the hearer)" topic.

I drink beer, cold, if you want to order ahead of time for me. See you at the Long Branch.

Mark Folkestad

Gosh, Miss Sue, I'm a teetotaler, so I'll just order a tall, cool sarsaparilla and take the joshing from the ranch hands as I wait for you.


IMHO The Fuss will be sustained and derwill in her 03:02 is exactly correct.

Oh well.

I can deal with the dumb sunuvabitch's asking for forgiveness 2 days ago. I just don't want to hear the dumb sunuvabitch asking for forgiveness on 7 November.

Ralph L

Maureen Down
Were you intentionally implying the Syndrome, or have you been taking typing lessons from Clarice?

JMH, did "fuss" sound too dismissive? Brouhaha? She sort of made my point--we'll all be tired of this subject by the time the conventions roll around. The Dems are welcome to beat a dead horse.


"How, exactly, is that not an accurate representation of what he said?"

Start with the difference between the word "rare," which is what Akin used, and "non-existent," which is what your paraphrase implies, and then work from there.

Ralph L

Actually, Maureen Down first brought to mind something rather more vulgar.


LOL Ralph. Freudian slip, betraying my opinion of the woman's mental faculties.

Am I the only one who thinks she has a secret crush on Ryan, and really, really hates herself for it?


--Are we supposed to be scared of this? Name nine Democrat women who scare you. How about just one or two?

Posted by: Extraneus | August 22, 2012 at 03:13 PM --

Does Barack count?

hit and run

Does Barack count?

I hear he counts all the way to 20 if he takes off his shoes.

Ralph L

Does he spell?

JM Hanes


Sounds like there's a nice little beer summit going on here now, so I figure 'nuff said by me! :)


Ralph, the DNC is adding nine women speakers to their convention to capitalize on what Akin said.

That's great news - let them. How did Julia and Sandra Fluke work out for them? If anyone thinks this is what voters want to hear about nonstop between now and the election, they're crazy.

Dems are desperate for a distraction. They'll overplay their hand as always and it will backfire on them as always. The wheels are already in motion.

Back to not talking about this.


"And now I am done with the subject"

How I wish that was true!

This Video

Considering the knowledge you established in this article, you could
consider becoming a full-time author. My writing techniques are far
beneath your level.

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