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April 17, 2013



Two things I noticed about Barry's little meltdown which I watched on Carlos Slim's dancing chimps site. (thank you eternally narciso for that.) To the President's right stood Biden, who was trying to feign crying, by scrunching up his face, and squinting, however the effect reminded me of the face Shemp Howard used to make when Moe would wave his fingers in front. And, around 11 minutes into JEF's hissy fit, an insect starts flying around. I thought to myself if another fly lands on his face, that is proof there is a God. However, the person standing behind our Nobel Peace Prize winner shoos the insect away within a couple of seconds, thereby forestalling the miracle.

Danube of Thought

JiB's link re the fool Scarborough getting the wrong Chris Cox didn't work for me. Try this one.


Jack is Back! (On his iPad)


If they're Ronulians then there will be heavy prescence at Fed Reserve Bldg.:)

James D.

AliceH, I've seen that one before - it's hilarious. I'll give you one in return:


a Ken Burns-style documentary about the Battle of Hoth (yes, I'm a geek too!)


Threadkiller, so West is a phony.

Not sure what you are trying to say, nor sure of the evidence you have to support it.

But I am sure that your comment came across poorly to me. You might want to rephrase it.

Danube of Thought

Iron Lady's granddaughter sure did her grandmom, and herself--and Texas--proud, didn't she?

Captain Hate

Thanks for that link, DoT; damn he's a fool.

sbw, TK has had a burr under his saddle about West for some perceived action. I'm not saying West's perfect but he's a lot better than most elected officials and it was a bad move by the GOP to not work harder against him getting redistricted out of Congress.

Jane:  Mock the Media

I just went out to the Post Office and Glenn Beck (radio) said the "Saudi terrorist"'s visa is being revoked.

Who knows?


Yes, DoT.

I love West and think his response to his wife's harassment is perfectly understandable/


Update on the NYP photos from AllahPundit... not suspects. The Feds' work here is starting to turn into a joke-- I know I'm impatient, but the public explanations and news leaks make them look ridiculous: http://hotair.com/archives/2013/04/18/boston-bombing-update-the-guys-in-the-feds-surveillance-video-probably-arent-who-you-think/

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

Jeebus, I hate this friggin %$^&*&^#@& software.

Rob Crawford

If West does not fight back against the attempt to punish his wife for his career, and does not receive our support, then we will deserve the tyranny we get.

The left "discovered" with Palin that if they pile enough crap up, attack a person's family, lie and abuse the law, they can run anyone out of public life. We should support everyone who fights back.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

"--In the first place, when a Democrat talks about background checks, what he really means is "waiting periods" . . . whilst a Republican means "instant check against the criminal and mental health database.--"

Tried to post on this before Cecil but it was during my blacklist period.

The 48 hours, which I assume is what you are referring to is actually a reduction of the time the FBI is allowed to complete a NICS.
Present law is the they have 72 hours to complete one. The vast majority are done within less than a minute on the initial check but they are given the extra time if there is some issue with the data.

The bill sucked and would do no good but in this one aspect did not create a waiting period where one doesn't presently exist.


I'm with RobC @11:25. This is trench warfare now against Obamaism. People have to pick sides. I didn't start this political war, but for my kids' sake I'm in it.


Jane someone posted the latest on facebook and under their new ridiculous system I can't find it. I think walid shoebat's site has the latest.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

The problem I have posting seems mainly to be any comment with a link or html code in it.


I feel left out- I've had no TypePad issues.


Here, Jane, read the editor's updates at the Blaze.http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/18/report-saudi-national-ruled-out-as-suspect-in-boston-marathon-bombings-to-be-deported-on-national-security-grounds-next-week/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=Share+Buttons


--this one aspect did not create a waiting period where one doesn't presently exist.--

Agree, it doesn't do so directly. But. By increasing the volume of transfers/sales transactions requiring NICS checks, and by increasing the amount of data to be added to the database(s) being searched, there kind of has to be an impact to response time.

There was also the restriction of not-related private parties to legally sell anything without going through a third party. The elapsed time of the NICS check might still be quick, but the seller/buyer having to coordinate an appointment at an approved FFL dealer to even initiate the NICS could easily be several days.

Jack is Back! (On his iPad)

RobC@1125. Absolutely. Isn't this kind of in your face action we are constantly bemoaning Duke and Duke and Romney for not doing?

Thugs only know bully tactics and we all know how to deal with bullies.

Rob Crawford
Thugs only know bully tactics and we all know how to deal with bullies.

To quote the first Republican president: "I can't spare this man, he fights!"


Manchin-Toomey lost on the politics, not any merits. M-T wouldn't have done any great good or done any great harm to gun owners. It was defeated b/c it was step 1 for gun grabbers (they don't even deny that) so, NO votes denied the next step. Second, the Senate repubs refused to give Obummer a political victory--even a face saving one-- based on Obummer's emotional bullying over "Newtown." Those are both legitimate -- and correct-- political reasons to vote NO, but they are political reasons, not sound administrative law reasons.

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

"--By increasing the volume of transfers/sales transactions requiring NICS checks, and by increasing the amount of data to be added to the database(s) being searched, there kind of has to be an impact to response time.--"

Unlikely. The volume of sales flutuates greatly and is higher now than when NICS began with no appreciable effect.

"--The elapsed time of the NICS check might still be quick, but the seller/buyer having to coordinate an appointment at an approved FFL dealer to even initiate the NICS could easily be several days.--"

Possibly. In CA an FFL is required to process any transaction when requested, but in any event that has nothing to do with Cecil's objection to the 48 hour period as opposed to the existing 72 hour one.


I feel left out- I've had no TypePad issues.

I don't either. I haven't updated Firefox in a long time...I keep hitting, "ask me later".

Ignatz Ratzkywatzky

"--There was also the restriction of not-related private parties to legally sell anything without going through a third party.--"

Wanted to add, since this was a fed proposal it presumably would only apply to interstate transfers as present NICS law does (I could be wrong about that, but if so it would have faced a tough constitutional challenge) which already require shipping to an FFL, so not sure what the effect would be.

Captain Hate

I feel left out- I've had no TypePad issues.

I've had a couple posts disappear but no more than the normal abnormality that this wonderful software provides.


Thanks for clarifying, Ig. I'm not sure that's what Cecil was talking about (I didn't feel like going back to check), but it corrects my misapprehensions nicely.

I wish you lived nearby and could teach me more of this gun stuff. I'm not finding much locally in the way of trustworthy advice.

Captain Hate

Commenters @ AoS say this "interfaith" service is turning into Wellstone 2.


CaptH-- has Obummer bowed thricely towards Mecca yet?


West lost a leaning republican district, claimed voter fraud, cried about attack ads, and still claims that he is better at messaging.

I doubt that he would "carry gas cans through Hell" when he can't carry a ballot box.

Cecil Turner

The bill sucked and would do no good but in this one aspect did not create a waiting period where one doesn't presently exist.

The current waiting period at a gun show is zero minutes (assuming a private seller), because the background check isn't done. The bill created a de facto 48 hour waiting period for such sales (if they decided to use the full allotted period). Considering the left's long antipathy to gunshows, that most are conducted over weekends where the 48-hour period would effectively shut down sales, and who is currently in charge of the FBI, trusting them on this one seems to me to be unwise. YMMV.

(I have much the same objection to the data gathering provisions on gun sales, BTW, notwithstanding the bill's criminalizing any effort to build a database.)



It's smarter to embrace a small change to existing gun law instead of waiting to take responsibility for the next mass shooting that could have been prevented had this law been enacted.

"Problem is, the bill that was rejected would not have prevented the tragedy used to justify it."

Something's going to pass, the only question is how big is it going to be. Here was an opportunity to politically inoculate the NRA and the GOP from future gun tragedies and they chose to wholeheartedly own them, thus making the eventual gun restriction legislation much more meaningful.

Interesting political strategy. Kind of like the strategy of a fucking retard.


Well, I see DD has "come up for air."

Rob Crawford
notwithstanding the bill's criminalizing any effort to build a database

The bill only criminalized the creation of a gun registry if it was organized by anyone reporting to the DoJ.

Rob Crawford
Well, I see DD has "come up for air."

Which is not to say he "pulled his head out".

Cecil Turner

As a follow up, I'd note who added the language on the 48-hour window:

Schumer negotiated several changes to the initial Manchin-Toomey proposal, including striking language from the agreement allowing concealed permit holders to carry their weapons in other states, and limiting Internet sales to five guns per year. He also worked to make sure there is a 72-hour window for performing background checks except for gun-show sales, which will be cleared in 48 hours initially.
It may be a bit cynical to assume everything Chuck Schumer does is devious, dishonest, and ideologically motivated, but that's the way I'd bet.

I feel left out- I've had no TypePad issues.

I've had nothing but. Multiple profile changes, followed by registering with TypePad, and now trying a different browser.


--The bill created a de facto 48 hour waiting period for such sales (if they decided to use the full allotted period)..... Considering the left's long antipathy to gunshows, that most are conducted over weekends where the 48-hour period would effectively shut down sales--

I'm still not sure you understand how the system works, Cecil.
The FBI can only delay a transaction if the info provided by the buyer returns a positive finding for his being a prohibited person on the initial inquiry.

The FFL calls or electronically accesses NICS. If nothing comes up the sale is approved automatically. That all occurs in 30 seconds.

If a record does pop up, which very rarely happens since very few prohibited persons attempt to buy guns through a NICS check, the FBI then has three days to determine why there was a problem. If they find he is really prohibited then they deny the sale and inform the FFL.
If the FBI cannot determine within those three days why there was a hit on the buyer's records then the sale can proceed at the FFL's discretion.
I'd link it but...well.. I can't.

Cecil Turner

I'm still not sure you understand how the system works, Cecil.

I understand how it's supposed to work. I also know that when the NICS was first implemented, Democrat Senators introduced a bill to save the waiting period instead. One of them said (in reference to the NICS vs waiting period):

"We are about to take a giant step backward in the fight to keep guns out of the hands of criminals", said Representative Charles Schumer, who authored the Brady Law which passed the House in 1993. "We shall see if this Congress can stand up to the NRA to do what everyone knows is right."
He lost that one. Now he inserts language in Manchin Toomey to allow 48 hours to do a gun show check. Coincidence? Sure, could be.

The FBI can only delay a transaction if the info provided by the buyer returns a positive finding for his being a prohibited person on the initial inquiry.

How about if they just turned the system off on weekends (due to sequestration, natch)? Or had "technical problems" with gun show checks?

MarkO on laptop

From Althouse:

Obama at the memorial today:

“Boston is your hometown but we claim it a little bit too,” he said, referring to his days as a student at Harvard Law School. “I know this because there is a piece of Boston in me.”

Given the context, that's one of the worst figures of speech ever.

He's just not that smart.


Mark O, maybe he was referring to Barney Frank.


Meanwhile, the Journal has a particularly tone deaf piece by Peter Nicholas, how the Underwear Bomber plot, shaped the administration response, facepalm.

MarkO on laptop

Check out bgates, waxing naughty over at Althouse. LOL.


LOL! MarkO, henry - you make a great comedy team.


"Given the context, that's one of the worst figures of speech ever."

Yes, in addition to the fact that once again he has to make it about him. Would it be any less momentous if he'd never set foot in Boston? He seems to think so.


I laughed when Obama called the NRA "willful" liars.
You see, I do not recall the NRA speaking at the U.N.General Assembly in September and I don't recall the NRA repeatedly lying about BENGHAZI and some faux film/film maker.
Yesterday Obama lost. Obama has had way way way too many Reichstag fires go his way heretofore. He lies and proposes something that is a ruse. The STIMULUS was a GOONION BILL. The AFFORDABLE/OBAMACARE ACT was a SINGLE PAYER STARTER PROGRAM. Yesterday was about the DOJ getting lists of who has guns for FUTURE USE. NO MOTHER FUGGING DOUBT ABOUT IT. Obama lost, and he shit his pants.

Captain Hate

Per Tammy Bruce: Harry Reid is shelving the rest of the gun legislation without a vote.

dumbassdave abused by a pederast again.


Poor wee Davey.

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