Here is a link to the original article.
Here is the key paragraph:
Although Kerry campaign officials insist that they have published Kerry's full military records on their Web site (with the exception of medical records shown briefly to reporters earlier this year), they have not permitted independent access to his original Navy records. A Freedom of Information Act request by The Post for Kerry's records produced six pages of information. A spokesman for the Navy Personnel Command, Mike McClellan, said he was not authorized to release the full file, which consists of at least a hundred pages.
Now, it is probable that many of these "unauthorized 100" have been disclosed by the Kerry campaign under Kerry's authority.
However, we have no way to independently verify that all the records have been released.
And we *know* that some records are missing - a Purple Heart application ought to have an approval from a superior officer and an eyewitness statement. We have seen nothing like this for Kerry's first Purple Heart, which is controversial.