John Kerry and the Man Sans Q find themselves in rare agreement - both think Theresa is out of bounds.
Jonathon Adler of The Corner is also unconvinced.
BOLD PREDICTION: Someone this summer (besides MoDo) will defend Ms. Heinz with the comment that she is, at least, not a Stepford Wife. Reps will take umbrage at the implied insult to Laura Petrie, ahh, Bush. The Dem 'bon mot' will earn bicoastal smiles from the already converted and annoy the rest of us, prompt a nostalgia piece about Hillary and baking cookies, trigger anguished yet pensive columns about the ambiguous, changing role of the First Lady in these troubled times... please kill me now.
Fine. Only an anti-intellectual would dread a First Lady who speaks five languages, was foreign-born and educated in Europe. She has lived on three different continents and is worldly. She is honest and passionate instead of scripted and cold. Remember how useless Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush were. She is moderate enough to appeal to Democrats and doesn't give into infighting about policy between candidates. She simply endorses her husband as a Presidential candidate. Bluntness is how you define it. Some people are oversensitive, prim and lacking in a sense of humour. The money she possesses is used for philanthropic purposes. She doesn't show it off like Nancy. Besides, Billary wasn't that bad in comparison to the Bushwhacker (WAR WAR WAR AND KILL KILL KILL).
Posted by: S. Kjaerbaek | June 29, 2004 at 04:10 PM
I really encourage commenters to be at least vaguely responsive to the post in question. In the current case, John Kerry has insisted that no one attack his wife, while more or less simultaneously his wife is impugning Cheney's patriotism.
I am not quite clear how a tribute to Ms. Heinz's language skills is relevant.
I don't know about anti-intellectual; how about "anti-hypocrite"?
Posted by: TM | June 29, 2004 at 04:17 PM
I guess out of the two candidates: Bush vs. Kerry, I'd rather vote for the party that freed the slaves (Lincoln - Republican), the party that passed the Equal Rights Ammendment (again, Republican), instead of voting for the party that decided to enact a tax on Social Secrity, and then raise it yet again :( It's obvious that Theresa Heinz Kerry is content to live "high on the hog" while keeping the poor fooled and happy by promising to tax all of the "rich" people and giving it to them.
Posted by: CP | July 26, 2004 at 12:09 AM
we as americans have allowed ppeople ffrom all over the world come here. they bring their influences. terrorist among us bring their own religious agenda, and they intend 0n killing everyone who is not of their religion. can you imagine what would happened if the methodist or baptist went off like this. with all the money kerry and his wife has, why would they want the white house. they have never expressed an agenda, but there was written somewhere that she contributed a large amount of money to the muslims. the question, did that money go to finance terrorism in anyway. who can answer this allegation.
Posted by: peters | July 27, 2004 at 07:52 AM