Last week, Adam Nagourney of the Times asked Johns Kerry and Edwards a question that should not have come as a surprise - has George Bush made America safer?
John Kerry gave a little bit of this and a little bit of that before explaining that he couldn't answer until his national security briefing in a few days.
Time has moved on, but the questions remain the same. Don Imus, interviewing Johns Edwards and Kerry, asked whether Bush had made America safer. While Kerry remained silent, Edwards gave - a little bit of this and a little bit of that! Saddam is gone, he reassured us, and that is good. But the world community is angry with us, and that is bad.
Perhaps this is simply a sneak preview of a revised "Two Americas" speech - "I see one America made safer by Saddam's removal; but I see another America made more dangerous by our diminished standing in the world community...". But they might want to rehearse a snappier answer to this - didn't Edwards attend the briefing?
Normally, the questions get more difficult. In this case, the questions remain the same, and it is the answers that get more difficult. Will reporters keep torturing our hapless pair with "Is it safe?"