If the Swiftee's new ad can excerpt Kerry's 1971 testimony, mine can too. And we will juxtapose Kerry's 2004 acceptance speech:
2004: I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty.
1971: I would like to talk, representing all those veterans, and say that several months ago in Detroit, we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged and many very highly decorated veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia, not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.
2004: I am accompanied by an extraordinary band of brothers led by that American hero, a patriot called Max Cleland.
Our band of brothers doesn't march together because of who we are as veterans, but because of what we learned as soldiers.
We fought for this nation because we loved it, and we came back with the deep belief that every day is extra. We may be a little older, we may be a little grayer, but we still know how to fight for our country.
1971: …they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, tape wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the country side of South Vietnam…
2004: I know what kids go through when they're carrying an M-16 in a dangerous place, and they can't tell friend from foe. I know what they go through when they're out on patrol at night and they don't know what's coming around the next bend. I know what it's like to write letters home telling your family that everything's all right, when you're not sure that that's true.
1971: I would like to talk to you a little bit about what the result is of the feelings these men carry with them after coming back from Vietnam. The country doesn't know it yet, but it has created a monster, a monster in the form of millions of men who have been taught to deal and to trade in violence, and who are given the chance to die for the biggest nothing in history; men who have returned with a sense of anger and a sense of betrayal which no one has yet grasped.
2004: I learned a lot about these values on that gunboat patrolling the Mekong Delta with Americans -- you saw them -- who come from places as different as Iowa and Oregon, Arkansas, Florida, California.
No one cared where we went to school. No one cared about our race or our backgrounds. We were literally all in the same boat. We looked out, one for the other, and we still do.
1971: …we are ashamed of and hated what we were called on to do in Southeast Asia.
2004: I defended this country as a young man…
1971: In our opinion, and from our experience, there is nothing in South Vietnam, nothing which could happen that realistically threatens the United States of America.
Devestatingly simple. Ouch.
Posted by: Kamakazi | August 21, 2004 at 10:18 AM
Posted by: gagarin | August 21, 2004 at 10:28 AM
The Democrats would have been better off if they had nominated Howard Dean or anyone else who doesn't have a record of accusing American soldiers of war atrocities without substantiating evidence.
Posted by: MarkRock | August 21, 2004 at 10:49 AM
Are you in contact with John O'Neill?
Have you e-mailed this to the SwiftVets?
If not, may I respectfully suggest that you do ASAP.
From recent reports their war chest is growing rapidly and they should be able to produce another ad before the drop dead date for airing them on Sept. 3rd.
Nothing I've seen would preclude them for making it and putting it out as a video on the net, even after that date.
That comparison type of ad would have a tremedous impact.
Posted by: FrankNH | August 21, 2004 at 10:56 AM
I am not Kerry fan, but on reading the 1971 transcript I came out with alot more respect for the man. He back then managed to present a complete and formed world-view with passion and conviction.
If only he could muster that today.
Posted by: Jay | August 21, 2004 at 11:01 AM
Questions for Senator Kerry:
Senator Kerry, given that you have previously testified that war crimes perpetrated by U.S. soldiers were commonplace in Vietnam, did your personally witness such acts; and, if so, where can we find the reports that you would have submitted contemporaneously to document these activities to people in your chain of command or other U.S. authorities?
When will you be releasing all of your military records and personal journals from this era so that the American electorate can better judge for themselves the veracity of your claims?
Posted by: Russ | August 21, 2004 at 11:05 AM
Given that Kerry was an officer in the Naval Reserve at the time (1971), did he not have a duty to report the crimes he describes to the proper millitary authorities? Just wondering...
By the way, Jay is correct in that Kerry, right or wrong, at least had passion in the late 60's and the early 70's. Its as if he became a burnt out old man at 30. He began to play it safe, worry about processes rather than goals, avoid leadership, run from controversy, and was content to lurk in the shadow of the senior senator from MA.
Now he wants to be president? Why?
Posted by: Dan | August 21, 2004 at 11:14 AM
Good stuff, but we suffer from an embarrassment of riches in trying to put together this sort of stuff. I suspect this runs way longer than the 27 seconds or so that they have for an ad.
Posted by: Beldar | August 21, 2004 at 11:41 AM
And Beldar, per usual, made a particularly incisive comment: "Good stuff, but we suffer from an embarrassment of riches in trying to put together this sort of stuff."
That's IT! Kerry is such a bag full of contradictions, you hardly know where to start. While I admire the SBVFT and support them, (BTW, right after this I'm sending them $), Kerry's OWN WORDS are enough to impeach him beyond rehabilitation. And even then, just WHICH issue upon which he has establsihed mutually exclusive positions would you pursue?
My God, I see no parallel in our history to this election in terms of a candidate's undeniable self-contradictions on so many points; not just his personal history, but in his poltical career. I can not for the life of me think of a time when a man with this much slip-n-slide would not have been laughed or run off the national stage.
Has America become so cynical, jaded or partisan that it can tolerate such a low man?
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 12:57 PM
The other swift boat officer just spoke up for the first time ever. He's a local news editor at the Chicago Tribune.
Here's his story.
Posted by: harold | August 21, 2004 at 01:32 PM
The Swifties have been pretty debunked by now. You sure you want to associate with them?
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 01:53 PM
"The other swift boat officer just spoke up for the first time ever."
I went there: unless I missed something its a limited refutation, if that. The author, William Rood, is an asst. ed at the Chi Trib. The gravamen of his article seems to be that he was the as-yet-unheard-from skipper of the 3rd PCF on Feb 28, PCF-23. He said he has intentionally not engaged in any interviews, etc. since 1969, for the personal reasons of wanting gto leave it behind.
He makes these points. 1) John Kerry spoke with the other 2 SWIFT OICs before the Feb 28 mission, and proposed a new tactic of charging into any ambush (the likelihood of which was all but a foregone conclusion), instead of roaring off downriver. 2) They received "significant fire" from attackers other than the VC Kerry tracked down and killed 3) and that the VC was "a grown man dressed just like their attackers usually were.
He also points with disapproval to Adm Hoffman's change of course from praising Kerry's initiative in suggesting the new tactic of turning into an ambush, to later bailing out on Kerry.
He seems extremely reluctant to say anything 35 years later. He says he ws motivated by his unease that the SBVFT, in an attempt to hurt Kerry, were unintentionally hurting the other men there. He said the Kerry campaign had called him on more than one occasion in the last few days to have him come out, but if he is a Kerry supporter, he does not betray it. He seems most uncomfortable about rehashing old combat, because "no one" is able to remember 35 years later what happened. He seems genuine, troubled that this old stuff is being dug up which might reflect poorly on participants other than the intended targer, Kerry. He is conspicuously silent about Kerry's character, or other events. He seems conflicted.
This will, however, be touted by MSM as a definitive, shattering refutation of SBVFT as to all claims past, present and future, and thus nostoryhere, nothingtosee, movealong. But it's not.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 02:16 PM
Hee hee! GT beat me to the post to put out the party line!
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 02:16 PM
It's yet another Swift lie exposed.
Like Thurlow saying he wasn't shot at and then finding not one but two documnets that contradicts him (including HIS OWN BS citation).
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 02:18 PM
Rood (and the citations) destroy the SS accusations.
Thurlow's records (and Rassman) destroy the BS accusation.
Runyon and Zeldonis destroy the PH accusations.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 02:25 PM
In fact, even Letson, by admitting he gave medical treatment to Kerry, helps destroy the PH acusations.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 02:29 PM
Assuming EVERYTHING you say is correct; what we know is the facts conform this: Kerry lied about being in Cambodia; Kerry accused his "band of brothers" of war crimes; the North Vietnames enemy benefitted tremendously from Kerry's accusations; Kerry was still a uniformed officer of the United States Navy when he, without authorization, met with them in Paris, thereby giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
You and other Anyone But Bush voters may be satisfied, but I and MOST Americans will not be.
Kerry loses. Big time. Better luck next time.
Posted by: Tim | August 21, 2004 at 02:37 PM
Alt Hippo here, still healing from a recent cage match with the Belgrave Dispatch.
I agree with Jay, having just read the text of his 1971 testimony, this is a very different John Kerry than the controlled, and patrician Senator we often see.
I'd like to correct one misconception, though. Kerry was not criticizing his fellow veterans (read the full testimony and judge for yourself). If anything, he was critical of the policies of the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
Even McNamara has said that going to war over the Domino Theory was a mistake.
I guess I can see criticizing Kerry over his views on the death penalty, outsourcing, or the way he takes 10 minutes to clear his throat before speaking, but he did the right thing by his Viet Nam service. I don't see anything partisan about that.
That being said, I'll be happy to talk to the Johns, and see if we can give Viet Nam a rest. Fair enough?
Posted by: alt hippo | August 21, 2004 at 02:52 PM
althippo said: "I'd like to correct one misconception, though. Kerry was not criticizing his fellow veterans (read the full testimony and judge for yourself). If anything, he was critical of the policies of the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations."
I agree he was laying the blame at the feet of what he claims is a corrupt leadership of what he claims is a corrupt military of what he claims is a corrupt country.
But it is an inescapable conclusion that in his Senate testimony, 1) he claims personal knowledge of crimes consistent with the atrocities he lists; 2) that atrocities are widespread (NEVER that day or at any time I know of in his activities associated with VVAW did he limit culpability, or say that it "was only a few"; to the contrary, we know he meant to say it was widespread because he claimed....). 3) atrocities were known "AT ALL LEVELS OF COMMAND", directly accusing knowledge, and clearly implying, at a minimum, tolerance, by ALL COMMAND, of atrocities, and thus, ATROCITY WAS U.S. POLCY.
Only after it became politcally advatageous to associate oneself with Vietnam service (just as it was, up unitl at least the mid-80's politically advantageous for a Massachusetts liberal to associate himself with the anti-war movement) did he begin talking about the honorbale service of many Viet vets.
That it the unmistakeable context of his remarks. LAT and NYT and Annenberg have taken up this silly parsing of these un-parseable remarks, but it won't work.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 03:18 PM
It's quite funny to read much of the left's indignation over the SBVFT controversy.
After 3 years of attacks on Bush's service through the AWOL pseudo issue and the relentless attacks from allied 527s such as MoveOn (the bush = Hilter ad) et al (how many discredited books, cocaine myths, etc.), including Moore's various prevarications, one little 527 with a measily 150K at it's disposal is suddenly a THREAT to democracy. Call the Marines!!
The closest that the MSM came to addressing Moore's F911 truth issues is to say he was addressing greater truths. Hilarious. And with many members of the DNC attending, applauding his d'oeuvre de merde. Not only that but inviting him as a welcome guest to the DNC convention.
Imagine if Bush welcomed the SBVFT, applauded them and they were a welcome guest at the RNC convention. The media would freak.
So far, there is little response, but the NYT thinks that six degrees of SBVFT is an indicator of a VRWC.
Give it a break. Like it or not, this is McCain Feingold and free speech at work.
Oh, I forgot, for the left, it is "Free speech for me but not for thee".
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 03:29 PM
And as to giving Vietnam a rest, the first thing I saw following that Eschaton link was continued harping over GWB's honorable (but undistinguished) Guard service. Until McAuliffe and Cleland issue a public apology for the AWOL lie, and JFKerry comes up with a platform other than "band of brothers," it is perfectly appropriate to discuss Kerry's Vietnam performance.
Speaking of which, if you include his borderline treasonous activities with the VVAW, it's fairly obvious he helped the enemy's war effort more than ours. If he actually expects voters to determine his fitness for office based on that record, he is likely to be disappointed.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | August 21, 2004 at 03:43 PM
I will let God grant forgiveness to Kerry. I will never forget or forgive Kerry.
At first, I too, just wanted Vietnam left buried; however, now I want the whole truth to come out. Including just who financed their anti-war, anti-American movement.
And, I want those veterans and families that were lied about and had abuse heaped upon them for their service to this country by these people, are truly vindicated.
And, I want the veteran whose daughter, upon hearing Kerry's testimony, ask her father if "He, too, were a baby killer", receive a personal, televised apology from Kerry.
That man has no moral right to be CINC. He gave that up long ago when he aided and abetted the enemy of his "fellow warriors".
Posted by: NavySEAL Mom | August 21, 2004 at 04:21 PM
Preach on, NavySEAL Mom!
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 04:30 PM
Another thing just ocurred to me.
No conservative ever spit on a returning Viet Vet; no Republican ever screamed "Baby Killer!" at a man in uniform. No person who truly honors vets today EVER threw blood on American fighting men. The people who did that were the ideological comrades of John Kerry. Then; and now.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 04:36 PM
OH please spare us the loony talk Mom. Enough with this holier-than-thou crap.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 04:39 PM
C'mon GT tell us: you're really a righty trying to make lefties look bad, right? I mean, no lefty could be so boorish as to mock the way you just did, right?
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 04:54 PM
Who is mocking?
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 05:01 PM
yep, so what's loony about NavySeal Mom's post?
It's passionate, I grant you that. Loony!? This is an important topic to her. Important to anyone who felt betrayed by the slurs on their honor. Never forgotten, Never forgiven.
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 05:07 PM
Anyone who continues to disseminate this extra-chromosome version of patriotism where if you don't accept 100% what your government tells you is a traitor is loony.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 05:18 PM
Add this to the list. list
“Kerry sustained a very minor wound to his arm, probably caused by debris from his own boat's salvoes. The scratch earned him his first Purple Heart, a medal awarded for those wounded in combat. Actually there's no evidence that anyone had fired back, or that Kerry had been in combat, as becomes obvious when we read an entry from his diary about a subsequent excursion, written on December 11, 1968, nine days after the incident that got Kerry his medal. "A cocky air of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel, because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky."
Posted by: Greg F | August 21, 2004 at 06:05 PM
First "looney" and then "this extra-chromosome version of patriotism"; i.e. Down's Syndrom. But NO discussion on the merits of the points in NavySEALMom's post.
Classic loser conduct. See you in November.
Posted by: max | August 21, 2004 at 06:18 PM
First "looney" and then "this extra-chromosome version of patriotism"; i.e. Down's Syndrome. But NO discussion on the merits of the points in NavySEALMom's post.
Classic loser conduct. See you in November.
Posted by: max | August 21, 2004 at 06:19 PM
What we now know is that a group of Vietnam veterans have staked their honor on a collection of sworn affidavits with the intention of defaming the character of a fellow veteran. There is now hard evidence that at least some of them have lied. We also know that these men were initially funded and organized by the same group of people, friends and colleagues of Rove/Bush, who defamed John McCain when he had the temerity to oppose the great W.
Now we are to watch another round of ads by these perjurous men, who have shamelessly and clearly lied to defame a man running for President.
The Kerry campaign is releasing an ad of John McCain challenging George Bush to denounce the SAME kind of scurrilous, unpatriotic attacks upon his record. It is a matter of public record, and not trimmed in the same illegitimate, misleading way Kerry's Senate testimony has been trimmed by the Swifties.
You have all been implying Kerry is a fraud. What if you have been wrong, and he is indeed the fighter he portrays himself to be? The public is not completely stupid and immune from judgment. I can only hope we are a nation capable of understanding that a pattern of deliberate slander is not a way to keep any man in power.
It is legitimate to attack a man on his record. But that is not the way Bush has decided to run his campaign, or any campaign he's ever run in. Americans don't particularly like dirty players or bullies. So we'll see what their ultimate judgment is here. At least NOW they're getting a chance to make an informed judgment.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 06:31 PM
What we now know is that a group of Vietnam veterans have staked their honor on a collection of sworn affidavits with the intention of defaming the character of a fellow veteran. There is now hard evidence that at least some of them have lied. We also know that these men were initially funded and organized by the same group of people, friends and colleagues of Rove/Bush, who defamed John McCain when he had the temerity to oppose the great W.
Now we are to watch another round of ads by these perjurous men, who have shamelessly and clearly lied to defame a man running for President.
The Kerry campaign is releasing an ad of John McCain challenging George Bush to denounce the SAME kind of scurrilous, unpatriotic attacks upon his record. It is a matter of public record, and not trimmed in the same illegitimate, misleading way Kerry's Senate testimony has been trimmed by the Swifties.
You have all been implying Kerry is a fraud. What if you have been wrong, and he is indeed the fighter he portrays himself to be? The public is not completely stupid and immune from judgment. I can only hope we are a nation capable of understanding that a pattern of deliberate slander is not a way to keep any man in power.
It is legitimate to attack a man on his record. But that is not the way Bush has decided to run his campaign, or any campaign he's ever run in. Americans don't particularly like dirty players or bullies. So we'll see what their ultimate judgment is here. At least NOW they're getting a chance to make an informed judgment.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 06:31 PM
The Jujitsu is strong with this one.
Posted by: WillieStyle | August 21, 2004 at 06:38 PM
I would have expected nothing less from you, GT.
The likes of you have tried to ridicule me and demean me and my family for well over forty years without success.
You have no honor or facts to back your assertions, and Kerry has no core.
Posted by: NavySEAL Mom | August 21, 2004 at 06:49 PM
>By the way, Jay is correct in that Kerry, right or wrong, at least had passion in the late 60's and the early 70's. Its as if he became a burnt out old man at 30. He began to play it safe, worry about processes rather than goals, avoid leadership, run from controversy, and was content to lurk in the shadow of the senior senator from MA
Totally disagree. Kerry's a diehard Marxist boring from within. He has the same worldview how as he ever had, a worldview that history has discredited but he still clings to it like a sinking ship. His 30 years in the Senate were a constant gnawing at republicanism.
Lies are just part and parcel of the Marxist-Leninist bag of tricks. Say AMYTHING to gain power, no moral centre.
Oh, and Michael Moore is in the exact same ideological camp:
Grabbed this off www.moorelies.com
"You can also see [Moore] him in a documentary first released in Canada in 2003, which came out in the U.S. in late June of 2004 -- The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, based on the book of the same name by Joel Bakan. Throughout much of May, its poster could be seen on the bottom of Moore's home page next to that of Super Size Me...
[T]he single funniest line belongs to Michael Moore. In the closing moments of the film, the man who brought Roger & Me to movie fans muses about the paradoxical decision of large corporations to distribute his anti-corporate films and TV shows. He paraphrases the (possibly apocryphal) saying attributed to V.I. Lenin about how "the capitalists are so hungry for profits that they will sell us the rope to hang them with." The implication is that corporations want to make money off Moore's creations, even if distributing those creations may inspire hostility to capitalism. Moore then looks into the camera and says, "I'm the rope."
Posted by: Joanna | August 21, 2004 at 07:10 PM
You local liberals are letting the side down a bit. Sure, you've insinuated a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy just like you're supposed to, and you played the "how dare you question my patriotism" card just like you're supposed to-- but don't any of you want to question the timing? Do it for the children!
Posted by: Paul Zrimsek | August 21, 2004 at 07:46 PM
I don't really care what you think.
I just find people like you, that can't simply say they disagree with Kerry but have to go beyond that and call him a traitor, truly despicable human beings.
You have no shame. Views like yours are like a cancer in this society.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 07:51 PM
OUTSTANDING! But as Beldar says, too long for a TV commercial. And I agree with FrankNH that this gem deserves greater distribution, so I will do my part to spread the word far and wide.
Posted by: Brad | August 21, 2004 at 08:09 PM
"I Attempt A Swift Ad", OUTSTANDING! But as Beldar says, too long for a TV commercial. And I agree with FrankNH that this gem deserves greater distribution, so I will do my part to spread the word far and wide.
Posted by: Brad | August 21, 2004 at 08:10 PM
The Washington Post is starting to pay attention.
"An investigation by The Washington Post into what happened that day suggests that both sides have withheld information from the public record and provided an incomplete, and sometimes inaccurate, picture of what took place."
Posted by: Greg F | August 21, 2004 at 08:13 PM
"There is now hard evidence that at least some of them have lied."
There is hard evidence that Kerry lied.
"Now we are to watch another round of ads by these perjurous men, who have shamelessly and clearly lied to defame a man running for President."
Yes, moveon.org and Michael Moore have done just that with a budget of millions!
"The Kerry campaign is releasing an ad of John McCain..."
To paraphrase the Kerry campaign, 'McCain was not on Kerrys boat'.
"...challenging George Bush to denounce the SAME kind of scurrilous, unpatriotic attacks upon his record."
You mean the way Kerry denounced moveon.org and Michael Moore?
"I can only hope we are a nation capable of understanding that a pattern of deliberate slander is not a way to keep any man in power.
Or keep them out of office as the case may be.
Posted by: Greg F | August 21, 2004 at 08:24 PM
Wow, GT, by that statement, you have lost any credibility you might have had with everyone (except Monique of course, but jeez, snort..).
So people who disagree with you are "retarded". You are are allowed to say that and worse about our side but we are allowed to say nothing.
Again, Free speech for thee, but not for me. What a living example of animal farm, you are. Sorry that we are not as equal as you are. Thank you napolean, for lifting the blindfold from mine eyes.
If people like us are a cancer on society, I think people, who believe what you have just professed, are the cause of certain extreme population removals. People like you never seem to want any of us around. that is, people who think differently.
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 08:42 PM
You have all been implying Kerry is a fraud. What if you have been wrong, and he is indeed the fighter he portrays himself to be?
Are you asking Kerry to release his records? If so, good. Form 180...
It is legitimate to attack a man on his record.
And that's precisely what the SwiftVets have done. They've shown that his version of his record is a lie. But apparently, to you, showing that Kerry is a liar is a down and dirty personal attack.
Posted by: Frank IBC | August 21, 2004 at 08:46 PM
No, capt joe. I am not talking about people who disagree with me.
I am talking about people who are unable to limit their opposition to Kerry to sane discourse and go on to accuse him of being a traitor to his country.
Calling anyone a traitor is a huge thing. Calling a decorated war hero a traitor is even worse. People who say those things are like a poison for political debate.
I thought I made that clear. My post was specific as to what I was referring to. Try not to bring up strawmen arguments if you can.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 08:54 PM
Uh-oh. Sorry to interrupt the Kerry inaugural ball. Bad news. Very bad news. Per Beldar, WaPo has for the first time broken ranks with the Kerry camp and given a moderately balanced look at What It's All About: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A21239-2004Aug21.html
Reporter puts it out there to everybody: release all diaries and records. Heh: SBVFT planned for this day, have rope-a-doped, and are ready to turn over Chenoweth's diaries, which I predict will corroborate what he has said. But Kerry's diaries and military records? A heh. Aheheh. Aheheheheh.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 21, 2004 at 09:06 PM
NavySeal Mom never said Kerry was a traitor. I'm the one who said his VVAW conduct was "borderline treasonous." And that characterization is based on the belief that the propaganda value of various antiwar groups (including Jane Fonda and Kerry's VVAW) provided "aid and comfort" to the North Vietnamese war effort. Is that "insane"?
As to calling someone a traitor being a huge thing, so is calling them "war criminal." Which is why the second Swiftvet ad is so damaging to Kerry.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | August 21, 2004 at 09:17 PM
Broken ranks?
The subtitle of the report is :Critics Fail to Disprove Kerry's Version of Vietnam War Episode
For more on that WP report:
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 09:24 PM
Settle down, gentlemen. I know the concept of Democrats fighting back against the Republican slime machine offends you. But it's still, for the moment, a two party system. If you're going to dish it out, learn to take it. We had to.
Thurlow has been discredited. He took a medal for something he claims John Kerry should not have gotten a medal for. His medal was not based on John Kerry's after report, as has been repeated, constantly, baselessly. Presumably he heard his citation being read to him the day he received it. The man has either perjured himself in his sworn affidavit or has gutlessly clung to a medal all these years he knew to be dishonest. Problem is, he never mentioned it in the book. And he "lost'" it. i give him credit for having gi-normous balls for his bald faced lying ability.
Now Rood has come forth saying Kerry neither shot a "single, fleeing, loinclothed teenager" but indeed a fullgrown VC, who was shooting at the boats along with other VC. O'Neil has perpetrated this defaming with a lawyer's oozy facility. He is despicable.
These men have dishonored not only Kerry, but all the other men who served on those dates. They have planted seeds of doubt in the minds of Americans everywhere as to what military medals mean, and as to the trustworthiness of the recorded documents of the US Navy.
You men ae angry that Kerry spoke out against the war. Others are proud of him for it. The Vietnam war was a murderous, meaningless war that meant nothing to our national security, and wasted over 55,000 beautiful young lives. To speak out, to help end it, was a great national service. I understand the anger of those who fought. However, doing what is asked by one's country, as these men did, as Kerry did, does not automatically mean that their country had the right to ask it.
In this country, we are entitled to believe what we feel in our hearts to be true. George Bush's sliime machine abused the pain of these Vietnam vets to attempt to destroy John Kerry's character.
The time has come for Jr. to stand up like a man and fight back for himself. If he has a record to run on, he better start running on it. Sending out goon squads to destroy his opponent's character is not the same thing as explaining to the American people - ALL the American people, not the handpicked ones in his programmed meetings - why they should reelect him.
I've read for days here all you want is the truth. Not revenge. The truth. Show your standards. All of us deserve an honest election, not a rigged, boobytrapped obstacle course.
Now we have it. Let's see whose integrity cracks first. I knew Kerr
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 09:24 PM
Settle down, gentlemen. I know the concept of Democrats fighting back against the Republican slime machine offends you. But it's still, for the moment, a two party system. If you're going to dish it out, learn to take it. We had to.
Thurlow has been discredited. He took a medal for something he claims John Kerry should not have gotten a medal for. His medal was not based on John Kerry's after report, as has been repeated, constantly, baselessly. Presumably he heard his citation being read to him the day he received it. The man has either perjured himself in his sworn affidavit or has gutlessly clung to a medal all these years he knew to be dishonest. Problem is, he never mentioned it in the book. And he "lost'" it. i give him credit for having gi-normous balls for his bald faced lying ability.
Now Rood has come forth saying Kerry neither shot a "single, fleeing, loinclothed teenager" but indeed a fullgrown VC, who was shooting at the boats along with other VC. O'Neil has perpetrated this defaming with a lawyer's oozy facility. He is despicable.
These men have dishonored not only Kerry, but all the other men who served on those dates. They have planted seeds of doubt in the minds of Americans everywhere as to what military medals mean, and as to the trustworthiness of the recorded documents of the US Navy.
You men ae angry that Kerry spoke out against the war. Others are proud of him for it. The Vietnam war was a murderous, meaningless war that meant nothing to our national security, and wasted over 55,000 beautiful young lives. To speak out, to help end it, was a great national service. I understand the anger of those who fought. However, doing what is asked by one's country, as these men did, as Kerry did, does not automatically mean that their country had the right to ask it.
In this country, we are entitled to believe what we feel in our hearts to be true. George Bush's sliime machine abused the pain of these Vietnam vets to attempt to destroy John Kerry's character.
The time has come for Jr. to stand up like a man and fight back for himself. If he has a record to run on, he better start running on it. Sending out goon squads to destroy his opponent's character is not the same thing as explaining to the American people - ALL the American people, not the handpicked ones in his programmed meetings - why they should reelect him.
I've read for days here all you want is the truth. Not revenge. The truth. Show your standards. All of us deserve an honest election, not a rigged, boobytrapped obstacle course.
Now we have it. Let's see whose integrity cracks first. I knew Kerry was a brave dude to ever attempt to take on these cretins. Now I'm even more sure of it.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 09:25 PM
She didn't Cecil?
She could have fooled me when she wrote that Kerry "aided and abetted the enemy".
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 09:26 PM
And Cecil?
No it is not treason to protest a war you think is foolish. No matter what the enemy may do with that.
It is a duty, a patriotic duty if you think the war is wrong.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 09:32 PM
after the first sentence
"concept of Democrats fighting back against the Republican slime machine offends you"
I never bothered to read any further. You are absolutely ridiculous. I now pronounce you, TROLL. Back to the DU with you, troll.
(In my family guy voice) The power of christ compels you. (repeat many times)
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 09:40 PM
GT, Monique:
You may not remember that time. I do.
Kerry, while still an officer of the US Navy, undertook an independent communication with the enemy government, there being at the time a state of active hostilites, and performed other actions, all of which he could have been expected to know were unlawful and which aided that enemy in its hostilities against the United States.
All of this is public record.
People have been hung for less.
Treason? Maybe not in the Constitutional sense. We've chosen to make treason particularly hard to prove.
But close enough.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) | August 21, 2004 at 09:48 PM
Didn't Kerry's actions aid the enemy?
If you believe the war was immoral and there was a duty to oppose it, even if that opposition aided the enemy, fine. That's at least an honest position (though one I disagree with). But if Kerry wants to run on his war record, it's perfectly appropriate to point out his VVAW activities had a rather larger effect than hs contributions as a boat skipper.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | August 21, 2004 at 09:49 PM
Is that so Charlie? Unlawful? Well then I guess someone will bring up charges.
Otherwise this is all slander and hot air.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 09:49 PM
max clellan. john mccain. and now john kerry.
what kind of man questions a decorated soldier's service?
Posted by: robert0 | August 21, 2004 at 09:51 PM
I have nothing against people saying they disapprove of what Kerry said in his testimony. I happen to think it has been taken out of context but whatever.
What I have a HUGE problem with is when people start saying those actions are treason.
Posted by: GT | August 21, 2004 at 09:51 PM
Monique -
The Vietnam war was a murderous, meaningless war that meant nothing to our national security, and wasted over 55,000 beautiful young lives. To speak out, to help end it, was a great national service. I understand the anger of those who fought. However, doing what is asked by one's country, as these men did, as Kerry did, does not automatically mean that their country had the right to ask it.
Wow, you covered all bases with that one. Your brain must be on the verge of exploding trying to reconcile all the contradictions.
And one favor please -
Thanks, and apologies to the rest for shouting.
Posted by: Frank IBC | August 21, 2004 at 09:53 PM
Maybe I missed the whole "extra chromosome" thing that you labelled NavySeal Mom instead addressing her issue.
You accused her of "if you don't accept 100% what your government tells you is a traitor is loony".
She never said that. She objected to the whole Vietnam Vets are War Criminals Meme.
When someone says traitor, I think Benedict Arnold.
However when someone says War Criminal, I think of the big H (no, not hussein).
I think being called a war criminal is a pretty serious matter. On the other hand, given the way that MoveOn seems to throw around that particular name (H*****), I guess it does not mean much to them.
see my point.
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 10:01 PM
I sincerely apologize for the double posting thing. It's my connection I guess.
Kerry's ad today with McCain is a true call for Bush to respond, and in John Edwards' words "show what kind of man he really is". A reviewer makes this observation (I'll spare you all the entirety, since I think this point is the most striking):
"There's another element to this ad that we'd be remiss not to note too. It puts McCain on the spot and pulls him right back to the center of this battle. Given the fervor of his words, he can hardly disavow them or complain of their use. But there's something else too. If you listen to the ad you'll see McCain hangs his demand for an apology on a letter signed by five senators, each Vietnam vets, calling on Bush to apologize for his smears against McCain.
The five, as reported by the Times on February 5th, 2000: Senators Max Cleland of Georgia, Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, John Kerry of Massachusetts and Charles S. Robb of Virginia, and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska."
It is truly a shame that we must be subjected to this kind of election. But this is what George Bush wanted. Apparently an honest discussion of the issues and the records of the two candidates did not strike him as a fair playing field.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:08 PM
I sincerely apologize for the double posting thing. It's my connection I guess.
Kerry's ad today with McCain is a true call for Bush to respond, and in John Edwards' words "show what kind of man he really is". A reviewer makes this observation (I'll spare you all the entirety, since I think this point is the most striking):
"There's another element to this ad that we'd be remiss not to note too. It puts McCain on the spot and pulls him right back to the center of this battle. Given the fervor of his words, he can hardly disavow them or complain of their use. But there's something else too. If you listen to the ad you'll see McCain hangs his demand for an apology on a letter signed by five senators, each Vietnam vets, calling on Bush to apologize for his smears against McCain.
The five, as reported by the Times on February 5th, 2000: Senators Max Cleland of Georgia, Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, John Kerry of Massachusetts and Charles S. Robb of Virginia, and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska."
It is truly a shame that we must be subjected to this kind of election. But this is what George Bush wanted. Apparently an honest discussion of the issues and the records of the two candidates did not strike him as a fair playing field.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:09 PM
GT: Aided & abetted the enemy? He didn't?
We have testimony from former prisoners who had to see photos of Kerry and listen to tapes of his testimony during brainwashing sessions.
Read the transcript of his confrontation with O'Neill on the Cavett show, which is posted at swiftvets.com.
Kerry repeatedly hammered the theme that all we had to do to get the prisoners back was to pull out totally, abandoning the ARVN to their fate. That is precisely the proposition that Mme. Binh of the PRG put forth at the Paris peace talks. Kerry made it his own, having had a cozy private chat with the VC representative while on his honeymoon a year earlier. "Yeah, honey, we're going to Paris where I have a letter of intro to some really fine people."
Is it an accident that Kerry's tales of widespread atrocities, with the full knowledge and approval of the responsible US military authorities, happen to have been the principal line of KGB propaganda at the time, as General Ian Pacepa has established? Maybe, maybe not, considering that Kerry was brought up by a vigorous opponent of the Truman-Eisenhower-Kennedy policy of containment.
None of this would stand up in court, but it sure as hell bears thinking about.
Posted by: John Van Laer | August 21, 2004 at 10:09 PM
I have a HUGE problem with organizing a group of "veterans" (many poseurs) to provide false testimony in wartime, for the purpose of undermining the war effort, especially when the allegations included broad-brush accusations of war crimes. And, to the extent such activity provides "aid and comfort" to the enemy, the proper description is "treasonous."
If Kerry is proud of his actions, he should run on them. If not, he should explain them. In any case, the idea that we're supposed to accept his Vietnam service as some sort of qualification for running the current conflict is ludicrous. Nor is it inappropriate to point out his contributions to that war predominantly benefitted the other side.
Posted by: cecil Turner | August 21, 2004 at 10:10 PM
If I had my own 527, I'd do a comedy ad. I'd hire a Michael Moore look and soundalike, and I'd do a mini-mini documentary in exactly the same style of MM. The content would patch together all Kerry's references to Christmas in Cambodia and his secret missions, magic hats, gunrunning, taped dogtags, the Senate speech, ALL OF IT. Things are just getting too tense, we need to lighten up a little...:-)
Posted by: Joanna | August 21, 2004 at 10:12 PM
The five, as reported by the Times on February 5th, 2000: Senators Max Cleland of Georgia[D], Bob Kerrey of Nebraska[D], John Kerry of Massachusetts[D] and Charles S. Robb of Virginia[D], and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska[R]."
Funny he could only get one of his fellow Republicans to back him up.
Posted by: Frank IBC | August 21, 2004 at 10:14 PM
what kind of man questions a decorated soldier's service?
Who questioned McClelland's service? During the campaign, all that was ever pointed out was that he was a tool in the thrall of the national Party and the unions at the cost of effectively supporting the very Homeland Security department he'd been so voluable in supporting.
On the other hand, while I don't question McClelland's service per se, blowing yourself up in a grenade oopsie doesn't make you Audie Murphy either.
Who questioned McCain's service?
And as far as Kerry's service goes, at last count it was about 250 other veterans, including other members of his division, his full chain of command, and quite a number of decorated veterans.
Not to mention the POWs who were tortured to get them to make "confessions" like Kerry's.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) | August 21, 2004 at 10:17 PM
Honestly, no joke, I used to have a cute little dog named Monique.
>But this is what George Bush wanted. Apparently an honest discussion of the issues and the records of the two candidates did not strike him as a fair playing field.
Sorry, the tone of this election was set by the blue meanies (Move On, Michael Moore, Media Matters, et al), a bunch of petty and spiteful nasties if ever there were such a thing.
Posted by: Joanna | August 21, 2004 at 10:22 PM
"Kerry made it his own, having had a cozy private chat with the VC representative while on his honeymoon a year earlier."
Kerry was still active in the Navy Reserve at the time of his meeting.
Posted by: Greg F | August 21, 2004 at 10:30 PM
Thomas Jefferson defined dissent as not only the right but the duty of a patriot.
If POWs were indeed tortured using the words of an American citizen exercising his right to dissent that is not the fault of the citizen. I know some feel differently, which is their right, but they are not the ultimate arbiters of this. We all have our own definition of conscience.
Bush has always been a dirty campaigner. This is only reminding the American people of what they already know.The vicious neanderthal rantings of right wing talk radio do not speak for all Americans.
It is legitimate to call for the end of 527s. But all of them are not equal. A 527 ad saying Bush gives favors to corporations may sting, but it is not the same thing as having a bunch of old men come on screen and give the details of their drinking or drugging with W. during his National Guard days, then call on W. to prove it untrue. THAT would be the equivalent of these Swift ads.
If Bush doesn't denounce this specific set of ads, which he won't, he'll go to his convention looking like a cowardly little weasel. And all his rich boy frat boy surrogates saying Kerry has come "unhinged" etc. aren't going to cut it. Unhinged? Not hardly. Bush doesn't know what to do when the enemy fights back. He's never been in that position.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:31 PM
Thomas Jefferson defined dissent as not only the right but the duty of a patriot.
If POWs were indeed tortured using the words of an American citizen exercising his right to dissent that is not the fault of the citizen. I know some feel differently, which is their right, but they are not the ultimate arbiters of this. We all have our own definition of conscience.
Bush has always been a dirty campaigner. This is only reminding the American people of what they already know.The vicious neanderthal rantings of right wing talk radio do not speak for all Americans.
It is legitimate to call for the end of 527s. But all of them are not equal. A 527 ad saying Bush gives favors to corporations may sting, but it is not the same thing as having a bunch of old men come on screen and give the details of their drinking or drugging with W. during his National Guard days, then call on W. to prove it untrue. THAT would be the equivalent of these Swift ads.
If Bush doesn't denounce this specific set of ads, which he won't, he'll go to his convention looking like a cowardly little weasel. And all his rich boy frat boy surrogates saying Kerry has come "unhinged" etc. aren't going to cut it. Unhinged? Not hardly. Bush doesn't know what to do when the enemy fights back. He's never been in that position.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:32 PM
Well, Joanna, the lights are on at Monique's house but I don't believe anyone is home. I do think that Mike Moore has broken in and is running some sort wild acid party.
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 10:40 PM
The vicious neanderthal rantings of right wing talk radio
Ah, yes, "slime" and "character assassination" only applies to Republicans. Thanks for reminding me.
Posted by: Frank IBC | August 21, 2004 at 10:42 PM
Ken Cordier, the POW in the second ad, has had to resign today from his position on the BUSH CAMPAIGN veteran's steering committee. That is a direct collaboration right there. Direct.
I heard one commentator express surprise that Rove didn't attempt to distance himself just a little bit from these guys before letting them roll on out. Maybe he's getting careless. The arrogance of power...I guess all these power freaks have to feel the pain of hubris eventually. Did they think the fact that Cordier was a POW meant no one would be allowed to investigate his place in the plot?
And keep the humorless ridicule coming. Gets me in sync with the tone of the Republican National Convention about to begin. Lovely.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:51 PM
Ken Cordier, the POW in the second ad, has had to resign today from his position on the BUSH CAMPAIGN veteran's steering committee. That is a direct collaboration right there. Direct.
I heard one commentator express surprise that Rove didn't attempt to distance himself just a little bit from these guys before letting them roll on out. Maybe he's getting careless. The arrogance of power...I guess all these power freaks have to feel the pain of hubris eventually. Did they think the fact that Cordier was a POW meant no one would be allowed to investigate his place in the plot?
And keep the humorless ridicule coming. Gets me in sync with the tone of the Republican National Convention about to begin. Lovely.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 10:51 PM
I never laughed so much in my life. This is better than anything.
God, This is like some some wierd family guy episode. Seth McFarlane should be talking to you.
I have got to get me some of what she is taking.
Posted by: capt joe | August 21, 2004 at 11:00 PM
Lets play the Monique guilt by association game.
Jim Jordan, ex-campaign manager for Kerry now runs the MediaFund. Harold Ickes (former Clinton official) is its president and founder.
MoveOn.org former employee Zack Exley is Kerrys online communications director.
See how easy that is Monique? Your next question Monique, how much money has Kerry's 527 organizations spent spreading their lies about Bush?
Posted by: Greg F | August 21, 2004 at 11:18 PM
Monique posted:
"If you listen to the ad you'll see McCain hangs his demand for an apology on a letter signed by five senators, each Vietnam vets, calling on Bush to apologize for his smears against McCain."
What McCain Actually says in the ad:
"McCain: That really hurts. And so five United State senators, Vietnam veterans, heroes. Some of them really incredible heroes, wrote George a letter and said “apologize.” You should, you should be ashamed."
John McCain doesn't call on Bush to apologize, he merely references a letter that asked for an apology. If you are going to use the words, please quote the actual source, not what you think you heard.
Posted by: Hutch | August 21, 2004 at 11:27 PM
And while I'm at it, a question for Monique. Monique, do you unquestionably believe everything that is posted on JohnKerry.com?
Posted by: Hutch | August 21, 2004 at 11:29 PM
Monique wrote:
If so, Kerry took part in it and is a murderer. Why do you support him? Why are the Democrats presenting him as a hero? (Answer: Because it suits your political purposes.)
You mean that by some coincidence the only ones to die were those who didn't engage in the atrocities that Kerry said were everywhere? Or are they beautiful because they're dead baby-killers? Or were only the ones who survived baby-killers?
The only reason you or anybody on the left says they care about the deaths of these soldiers is because you want to score political points. Save the phony rhetoric for those who believe it.
And of course, because of the propaganda spread by the left and the liberal news media, we bugged out, resulting in millions of South Vietnamese deaths. Weren't they beautiful enough to save?
Who said you weren't? Nobody in these comments, I think. But in any case, that doesn't make it true. And those who disagree are free to say so and provide evidence to the contrary, and call you dishonest/stupid/hypocritical if you disregard that evidence. Try to remember that. And Kerry's accusations of atrocities weren't an abuse of the pain of the POWs?Kerry's hands are far from clean. As I'm sure you fully realize, but choose to argue otherwise nevertheless. You are the epitome of a hypocritical, disgusting leftist who will deliver any lies to gain and maintain power. Just like Kerry.
Posted by: Jim C. | August 21, 2004 at 11:35 PM
No, sir, I've only visited that site rarely. I get most of my news from Yahoo News, which draws from multiple sources and is always up to date. i also check out CNN & Fox News websites, which also have up to date running stories as they break.
In recent days though I have discovered a site called Free Republic.com. I can see why anyone who gets their news from that site thinks of the opposition as "kool ade drinkers", one of those orchestrated attack words.It is like the National Enquirer of politics, with some of the most outlandish "three headed elephant from Mars" stories run side by side with legitimate headlines.
Something I observed with great amusement is the way the Rood story appeared, was instantly pulled, and then reappeared a few hours later, buried well down the list, with barely a comment attached...That was a golden indicator right there, that this one was a biggie.
BTW, Washington Post has another eyewitness to the Rasmann incident, stating there was indeed hostile fire from both banks.
The tragedy of this is that it never mattered, and now good men on both sides have been stained. Kerry had the right to cite his war record, and to use it as an indicator of his leadership ability. Case closed. The voters had the right to have that as one factor amongst many in making their informed choice.
The Swift boat vets are falling apart. Their credibility is shot. Their new ad will be overshadowed, even more so by Cordier's resignation. Kerry stood up and defended himself. George Bush will likely slink away only to reappear smirking from the dais at Madison Square Garden.
Posted by: Monique | August 21, 2004 at 11:43 PM
Monique, I'm glad you don't believe everything you see on JohnKerry.com At least that shows you are not just another meme bot. I'll now let you know why I asked. Many people have been pointing links to the SS and BS citations on Kerry's site as "proof" that there was fire coming from both sides of the bank during the Rassman rescue incident. But, those records can not be as accurate as some may think, if you believe this link that is on Kerry's site. Rather than retype, I'll cut and paste from CQ blog, an entry by LCDR M:
According to this, Kerry earned the Vietnam Service Medal WITH 4 BRONZE STARS!!!
How the heck is that possible, when I can only figure out that he earned 2 (based on the dates he was in country)????
Something is rotten here again.
End Quote
If you follow the links, you will see that Kerry's own DD-215 is wrong, which logically can mean that the other documents are wrong as well. If the SecNav (John Lehman at the time) can reissue a modified SS citation 16 years after the fact, don't you think they would have also taken the time to fix his wrong DD-215? Just a few things to think about.
Posted by: Hutch | August 21, 2004 at 11:56 PM
Now, time to get back OT. If I had the money to produce an ad, I would question Kerry on his actions as head of the POW committee. I haven't done enough research yet, but I'm sure there is some ammo in there that can be used to effectively challenge his ability to be CINC.
Posted by: Hutch | August 22, 2004 at 12:02 AM
moniqte said: "If POWs were indeed tortured using the words of an American citizen exercising his right to dissent that is not the fault of the citizen."
Jesus, God in heaven. What. Does. It. Take? If "baby seals" or "whales" were substituted for "POWSs", do ya' think monique would be touting Mr. Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Jefferson? Or, God forbid, if you substituted "a woman's right to choose" and change torture to "impeded by a citizen's words", etc., how long do you think it would take before the monique brigade of the People's Reublic of Blogonia would be setting up a defensive perimeter around the "choice" clinics? My head hurts now.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 22, 2004 at 12:35 AM
OUCH! From Donald Sensing at "One Hand Clapping" http://donaldsensing.com
"Tomorrow's Washington Post (already online) confirms that the damage listed for Kerry's boat actually occurred the day before Kerry pulled Army Lt. Jim Rassman from the water on March 13, 1969. This fact mitigates against (well, pretty much disproves) Kerry's account that his boat struck a mine in the river.
I love the Sunday papers. At least the ones that don't woek exclusively for Kerry.
Posted by: Jumbo | August 22, 2004 at 12:42 AM
If it turns out that both Kerry and the Swift Boaters are right on some counts and lying through their teeth on others, that's a loss for Kerry.
Posted by: Crank | August 22, 2004 at 12:49 AM
Kerry lied. POWs died.
Posted by: BAM | August 22, 2004 at 12:54 AM
In one month my firstborn will be reporting to Lackland AFB for BMT. He is a student of the Constitution and understands the Declaration of Independence, and he loves his country and everything it stands for. He is willing to put his life on the line so that GT and Monique can have their freedom of speech, which they so obviously take for granted. Which leads me to offer them this bit of advice:
Get your heads out of your a**es.
John Kerry is not an honorable man. He is a living caricature of a politician. The sad thing is that he was the "best" candidate the Democrats could vomit up. A decorated "war hero" who was ashamed of his service when he wanted to appeal to lefties and acts proud of it when
he wants to appeal to the rest of America. I told my wife that he met with NV when he was an officer in the Naval Reserve, and her first comment was, "Isn't that treason?"
Maybe not, but it should be. He deserves to be hung, not elected.
And GT, you can go to hell. NavySealMom may not be holier-than-thou, but she she is holier than you.
Posted by: DaveL | August 22, 2004 at 01:27 AM
It is truly a shame that we must be subjected to this kind of election. But this is what George Bush wanted. Apparently an honest discussion of the issues and the records of the two candidates did not strike him as a fair playing field. - Monique
Sorry Monique, but is Kerry and the DNC who focus on events from 30 years ago. It is the Democrat 527s that have spent over $50 million smearing Bush. Remember Kerry’s buddies who produced “Bush = Hitler?”
Monique, it is established fact the Kerry did not spend Christmas in Cambodia even though he frequently invoked this story for political gain.
Monique, it is established fact that Kerry expropriated Bob Kerrey’s work on the intelligence committee
Monique, it is an established fact that after 20 years in the Senate, Kerry has accomplished virtually nothing.
Monique, it is an established fact that Kerry abandoned his command after four months of a 12 month tour and left the fighting to someone else.
Monique, it is established fact that thousands of Americans died after Kerry gave encouragement to the North Vietnamese to continue fighting. In fact Kerry spent more far more time fighting American policy than fighting in the war. Encouraged by Kerry, the North Vietnamese continued fighting for two years until Nixon was overwhelming re-elected. Then they sued for peace and as soon as the Americans were gone, they broke their agreement and attacked South Vietnam.
Finally Monique, next time you get on your knees for Kerry, ask him to sign Form 180 to release the military records that he has been hiding for 30 years.
Posted by: perfectsense | August 22, 2004 at 02:58 AM
It is truly a shame that we must be subjected to this kind of election. But this is what George Bush wanted. Apparently an honest discussion of the issues and the records of the two candidates did not strike him as a fair playing field. - Monique
Sorry Monique but is Kerry and the DNC who focus on events from 30 years ago. It is the Democrat 527s that have spent over $50 million smearing Bush. Remember Kerry’s buddies who produced “Bush = Hitler?”
Monique, it is established fact the Kerry did not spend Christmas in Cambodia even though he frequently invoked this story for political gain.
Monique, it is established fact that Kerry expropriated Bob Kerrey’s work on the intelligence committee
Monique, it is an established fact that after 20 years in the Senate, Kerry has accomplished virtually nothing.
Monique, it is an established fact that Kerry abandoned his command after four months of a 12 month tour and left the fighting to someone else.
Monique, it is established fact that thousands of Americans died after Kerry gave encouragement to the North Vietnamese to continue fighting. In fact Kerry spent more far more time fighting American policy than fighting in the war. Encouraged by Kerry, the North Vietnamese continued fighting for two years until Nixon was overwhelming re-elected. Then they sued for peace and as soon as the Americans were gone, they broke their agreement and attacked South Vietnam.
Finally Monique, next time you get on your knees for Kerry, ask him to sign Form 180 to release the military records that he has been hiding for 30 years.
Posted by: perfectsense | August 22, 2004 at 03:03 AM
The rationale for the attacks on Kerry remind me of the rationale for the Iraq War. There, we had WMDs turn into revenge for 9/11 turn into spreading the religion of democracy to the savages. With the Swifties, we have their need to protect us from an unfit commander who cheated the US Navy out of 5 illigitemate medals turn into he repeated testimony of war crimes before the US Senate and that, along with his other anti war activities, makes him a traitor. In other words, first we'll "prove" he's a coward, then we'll "prove" he's a traitor. And no one has the right to question the perjurous attackers, because they are themselves veterans and POWs.
An excellent point from the Boston Globe this morning:
"IMAGINE IF supporters of Bill Clinton had tried in 1996 to besmirch the military record of his opponent, Bob Dole. After all, Dole was given a Purple Heart for a leg scratch probably caused, according to one biographer, when a hand grenade thrown by one of his own men bounced off a tree. And while the serious injuries Dole sustained later surely came from German fire, did the episode demonstrate heroism on Dole's part or a reckless move that ended up killing his radioman and endangering the sergeant who dragged Dole off the field?
The truth, according to many accounts, is that Dole fought with exceptional bravery and deserves the nation's gratitude. No one in 1996 questioned that record. Any such attack on behalf of Clinton, an admitted Vietnam draft dodger, would have been preposterous.
Yet amazingly, something quite similar is happening today as supporters of President Bush attack the Vietnam record of Senator John Kerry."
And from Maureen Dowd, a Bush family insider and good friend of the first President Bush, who watched Jr.s good friend Lee Atwater morph into the even more shameless coward, Karl Rove:
"It makes sense for W. to use surrogates to do his fighting, just as he did when he slid out of Vietnam and just as he did when he sent our troops to fight his administration's misbegotten vanity war in Iraq. "
She wonders indeed why Bush's opponents are always, to a man, caught off guard when his slime mongers attack them. It is a good question, as history shows nothing is more predictable. This fight is between Kerry and Bush. Let Bush act like a man for once. And I don't mean that in the macho sense. Just the adult , ethical , responsible sense.
Posted by: Monique | August 22, 2004 at 06:52 AM
Military professionals have been calling Kerry a liar for years. O'Neill did it repeatedly on national television in 1971. Pretending this is all a dirty campaign trick, dreamed up by Karl Rove in 2004, is nonsense.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | August 22, 2004 at 08:41 AM
Monique, it is time for you to do a lot of deep research on John Kerry. As a starting point, read all you can on "Winter Soldier", get yourself a copy of his first book "The New Soldier" (find it here:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/002073610X/qid=1093182130/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl14/104-8696975-5855150?v=glance&s=books&n=507846) (you know, the one he will not allow to be reprinted probably in part due to the cover depicted here: http://www.thegunzone.com/rkba/images/newsoldier.jpg), and to round out your research try looking at his involvement in the POW/MIA committe (start here: http://www.aiipowmia.com/ssc/mccreary.html). If you take just those three references, you might develop an appreciation for why so many veterans do not like John Kerry, no matter how many medals/ribbons he earned/didn't earn that he threw/didn't throw over the fence even if they were/were not someone elses. As a military veteran and son of a Viet Nam era veteran, I can firmly assert that I wouldn't trust John Kerry for one second on any subject, no matter what oath he has sworn.
Posted by: Hutch | August 22, 2004 at 09:53 AM
Monique is an example of voters effected by the monolithic, one-sided, agenda-setting mainstream editors and journalists. These voters do not care to hear that which does not fit into their fabricated fantasies.
Did not 'Boston Strangler' aka John Kerry admit that he NEVER personally saw any attrocities except for the village he personally burned to the ground and the animals he slaughtered.
The Boston Strangle aka John Kerry then returns to Vietnam to 'film' his experiences.
For me, John Kerry has become the Michael Moore of Vietnam. We do know the manipulations, lies and deceits Michael Moore provided. Just like Michael Moore, the Boston Strangler has dug himself into a pit of lies he cannot dig himself out. Perhaps, one reason why the Boston Strangler will not release his military records is that to do so would provide the last shovel of dirt which will bury him forever.
Monique does not realize that the "it's Bush's/Rove's fault" meme has been used adnaseum over the past three years to the point of meaningless diatribe.
And, Monique does not understand mainstream media has set themselves up for their own demise.
Posted by: syn | August 22, 2004 at 10:13 AM
Memo to GT:
Don't like what your boy Kerry is going through now. Too bad. He must think that the American people as a whole are as stupid as the Kerry/Mooreon wing of the Democratic party.
Just wait until someone drops the section 3 of the 14th amendment into the mix.
Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
John Kerry's own words and deeds will be his undoing on this one. They are too well known and Tereza can't buy them all up like she has with Kerry's seditious book "New Soldier".
Posted by: Nahanni | August 22, 2004 at 10:25 AM
Tereza also can not buy up the statement made by Kerry when he was Lt.Gov. of Massachusetts that the Dukakis/Kerry administration would not in any way, shape or form lend assistance to anyplace in the United States in the event of a nuclear war.
Posted by: Nahanni | August 22, 2004 at 10:31 AM
Tereza may not buy the entire election but George Soros will give it a try.
Posted by: syn | August 22, 2004 at 11:08 AM
sorry capt jo, read what she wrote. She said Kerry aided and abetted the enemy.
Posted by: GT | August 22, 2004 at 11:54 AM
Oh Oh, I guess Sydney H. Schanberg must have just been indocinated as a full flegded member of the Republican Slime Machine.
"When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A."
That Karl Rove! His evil tentacles reach everywhere.
Posted by: capt joe | August 22, 2004 at 11:55 AM