Well, easy come, easy go for the new attack group, "Texans for Truth". On Wednesday, Nick Kristof endorsed Bob Mintz, the star of their first commercial, as "a compelling witness", despite some obvious questions about somebody's credibility. On Thursday, CBS News said this:
And on top of all this, the Democrats' answer to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth unleashed an ad Wednesday charging President Bush was AWOL from the Alabama National Guard in the summer of 1972.
But like their Republican counterparts, Texans for Truth has a credibility problem. While the chief accuser, former Alabama Guard pilot Bob Mintz, says in the ad it would have been impossible for Mr. Bush to have gone unnoticed, in an interview earlier this year with CBS News, Mintz admitted he's not a smoking gun.
"I cannot say he was not there," Mintz said. "Absolutely positively was not there. I cannot say that. I cannot say he didn't do his duty."
A point to ponder - the Timesmen were the Guardians of Truth when it came to the Swift Boat Veterans, able to ferret out their lies and ignore their allegations because the Times knew they were not credible.
However, whatever "truth-detector" is issued in the standard Times package evidently failed to sound the alarm when Bob Mintz came knocking with his Bush-bashing story. I wonder why?
So let's see how the media cover the "Texans for Truth" - will the fact that their first commercial is a bit of a bust be publicized? Or will the same "Texans for Truth" crowd simply disappear, then re-emerge under a new 527 and try again in a few weeks?
Who knows? But the NY Times will be there! With bells on.
Aren't we within the 60-day limit imposed by McCain-Feingold? Shouldn't any new 527 ads be illegal?
Posted by: Michael | September 09, 2004 at 02:28 PM
Bush should be illegal!
Posted by: Anonymous | September 09, 2004 at 04:47 PM
Anonymous should be ill{the remainder of this post has been censored for unlawful content}
Posted by: Anonymous | September 09, 2004 at 04:55 PM
Well since the New York Times is well known for the liars it hires such as "Walter Duranty" and "Jayson Blair" is it any suprise that their truth detector is as flimsy as the New York Times's editorial staff's tenuous grip on reality?
Posted by: russ | September 09, 2004 at 06:13 PM
Why is that the leftie/liberal parasites and their lackeys, the dim-witted Dems can only depend on well known liars to prop up their campaign?
"Sharon Bush Denies Kitty Kelley Account"
Posted by: russ | September 09, 2004 at 06:18 PM
Texans For Truth member Bob Mintz's charge against Bush is that "he never saw him their". Wow! What a damning and profoundly serious indicment. We're all very lucky that Mintz decided to sacrifice his personal privacy in order to alert the world about the possibility that Bush might not have rolled up the windows on his jet one time and so the seat was wet when Mintz had to fly his mission. Or was the lights left on over night? Maybe a parking ticket? Note: If you're gonna produce tickets please make sure to use the correct form.
If Mintz could prove that Bush flew to Cuba and met with Castro then hell, I'd even wanna talk to him. Destiny had arraigned a close encounter between Mintz and the future leader of the free world, but because Mintz had spent the previous night drinking cheap beer and eating jalepeno peppers he was inside the men's room blowing out both ends when Bush walked through the halls.
The Swift Boat Veterans made serious and credible charges against Kerry which stripped away most of his glory because they were true. But the DNC just don't get it.
Posted by: Gary B. | September 25, 2004 at 02:06 AM