We last noted Timesman Adam Nagourney decrying the state of the Democratic Party; now he turns his attention to conservatives. Yes, that is not quite symmetric - shouldn't he be comparing Democrats and Republicans, or liberalism and conservatism? Don't vex me (or him) - who said these were meant to be companion pieces, anyway?
Briefly, we are ecstatic about Alito and Roberts, and concerned about the war, Federal spending, the NSA surveillance program, and immigration reform. Mr. Nagourney mentions corruption (wistfully?) but moves on.
Here is the CPAC program which inspired the article. Michael Barone will tackle corruption on Friday; a discussion on new and old media will include Glenn Reynolds (and I see there was a workshop on blogging); no mention of McCain-Feingold.
I will go out on a limb and speculate that The Corner will have good coverage of the conference.
Liberals are all unhappy in the same way; conservatives are all happy in different ways.
Posted by: kim | February 11, 2006 at 09:24 AM
You want a Rambam Shangalang book? I rarely recommend, or even read new books, but I've stumbled over a prize. It's called 'Maimonides', by Sherwin B. Nuland. It may help us knit the ravelled sleeve of care. And another historical figure, this one new to me, and wondrously so considering his towering ecumenism, Zheng He, early Ming Admiral.
Posted by: kim | February 11, 2006 at 06:52 PM
Here might be some fun, find another to add to his three known steles. And surely the Asoka collection can be augmented.
Posted by: kim | February 11, 2006 at 06:55 PM
Good one in Sat's RCP about God and the War of Northern Incivility.
Posted by: kim | February 12, 2006 at 12:34 PM