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November 10, 2006



They are not going to do anything.


Because they will be busy investigating, subpoenaing, and impeaching everyone in the Bush administration.


Who cares?

Unbelievable the mess Bush has created, huh?

It took time but finally Americans realized.

Heh, it took the GOP more than 40 years to win the House but Bush only 6 to turn the GOP into a minority.


Just wondering .....

Do we need an Iranian corollary to Godwin's law?

Stalin also made a deal with Hitler. Later,
both Roosevelt and Churchill had good things to say about Stalin - after that, things changed a bit.

IIRC, one of my first post on this board was to point out that Robert Mugabe was a staunch ally of GWB on the issue of gay marriage. Telling, n'est-ce pas?


IIRC, one of my first post on this board was to point out that Robert Mugabe was a staunch ally of GWB on the issue of gay marriage. Telling, n'est-ce pas?
Sounds like the beginning of a joke. What do GWB, Robert Mugabe, and the Dali Lama have in common.....



The GOP and its blogging friends tried using the Dems-as-soft-on-terror with the end result that they are now in the minority and Americans no longer trust them. So by all means I hope they keep at it.


Thanks to the actions of Bush, the Iranians are in a win-win situation.

If Bush wins then the US goes deeper and deeper in the quagmire.

If Bush loses, then the Iranians can claim victory.

And regardless of the US election outcome - Iran's arch enemy Saddam is gone, Iran's influence in the region is on the rise, and with oil 2-3 times the pre-war levels, the mullahs are flush with cash.


So, they're hard on terror.

I hope so, but I rather doubt it.



Exactly. This is the greatest foreign policy fiasco in modern US history. No wonder the country decided these clowns can't be trusted any more.


Texas Toast:

My new Congressman is Brad Ellsworth, Democrat and he made a point of telling us here in the 8th District that he was not a supporter of gay marriage, no siree. Kind of makes you wonder.


Uh..but wait...Bill Clinton was tough on terror, but our boys in uniform just kept taking it on the chin and life for him and he bombed Iraq...for nothing I guess...thanks Gab for clearing that up...it has always been a wonder.



The Iranians applaud the Democrats win and all you can do is blame Bush. Wow. That is the default for you guys isn't it? Stub yur toe, blame Bush.

It is interesting that the Democrats can get their asses whipped a lot worse than the GOP and it is either a minor setback or they were robbed.

The GOP loses just enough seats to lose the majority and it is suppsed to be a mandate for the Dems. I don't think so. One up in the Senate and a dozen or so up in Congress is not a huge majority. In fact I can remember a time when Democrats could carry a majority of a hundred in the House and a dozen in the Senate. What happened to you guys?

As for Bush's socalled debacle, well if you are really into taking talking points from the mad mullahs it might be worth noting that the previous administration did nothing to even slow down Iran whatsoever.

Clinton completetly failed with the Oslo accords. The Democrats allowed the Taliban to harbor AlQaida and terrorize its people while planning attacks against the United States. And in Iraq they let the UN food for oil program be turned into the largest scam in history while they threatened Saddam Hussein but refused to resolve the situation one way or another.

Glass houses and all that.

BTW, Bush won his election and there was a war in Iraq at the time. I think people are oversimplifying things here.

Now the question is will Pelosi have the guts to tell the people who would like nothing better than to wipe us off the face of the earth..that she is not their friend. Can she even bother to do that much?

This is the death to America crowd, the last time they called a Democrat Jimmy Carter was president and he went belly up. We all know what that lead to.

Al Qaida says this vote means we are defeated, they also say they will not rest until they destroy the White House. Well someday a Democrat would like to be in that White House. Will they defend it? Or well they just smirk and sneer and say there is nothing but big bad GOP to defend it against. The terrorists are our friends.



Actually I think the big issue that'll cause the most ruckus within the Democrat's is gun control. A lot of coastal liberal Democrats want to really push gun control again. But a lot of the new Democrats in the House and Senate ran on the Bible-n-Rifle platform so that issue is extremely dangerous for their long term career in politics.


I'm enjoying reading your posts, Mr. Maguire. It was nice meeting you up in CT. If you're ever in DC again, let me know.


People democrats don't listen to yet claim to have oh so much respect for:

Meanwhile, Laura Lee Donoho emails: "My son emails me from Iraq that he and his fellow troops are in a funk about the resignation of Don Rumsfeld. This is the first time in a long time that President Bush has really pissed me off."


...Troops expressed little pleasure at the departure of the man responsible for their protracted deployment to a hostile country where 2,839 of their comrades have died.

Indeed, some members of the 101st Airborne Division and other troops approached by The Times as they prepared to fly home from Baghdad airport yesterday expressed concern that Robert Gates, Mr Rumsfeld’s successor, and the Democrat-controlled Congress, might seek to wind down their mission before it was finished.

Mr Rumsfeld “made decisions, he stuck with them and he did what he thought was right, whether people agreed with it, liked it, or not”, Staff Sergeant Frank Notaro said. He insisted that Iraq was better off now than before the war.

Staff Sergeant Michael Howard said: “It’s a blow to the military. He was a good Secretary of Defence. He kept us focused. He kept the leaders focused. It’s going to be hard to fill his shoes.”...

Clue Dems....brothers in arms would like to finish the progress they started and ensure their lost brothers gains are for naught.

They believe, let them.


Staff Sergeant Frank Notaro

insisted that Iraq was better off now than before the war.

Why argue Gab?


Maybe put one of those Bush masks on Ahmadinnerjacket?



1. Democrats didn't win in this last election cycle. The Republicans lost. There's an enormous difference between the two and it's entirely due, my opinion, because the conservative base lost confidence in the Republicans.

2. Democrats better hope that the new Sec Def is somehow given the Golden Touch vis a vis Iraq. Because it's the Democrats that'll have to approve of his nomination and his ideas on how to deal with Iraq. And if his ideas turns Iraq into a sectarian bloodbath or or a genocidal destruction of the Sunni or even the ignition of a Sunni/Shia'a religious war, they'll have to bear a large portion of the blame. Particularly since they were so instrumental in getting rid of Rumsfeld.



Gab does not give a damn about the Iraqis, he yearns for the stability of mass graves. And the good old days of the dot come 90's. He has slept since then and does not remember what it was like.

I remember in the 90's when a million people died in Rwanda and another 2 million or so died in the Sudan and the fighting between Israel and her neighbors seemed to never end and 250,000 people died in the former Yugoslavia and Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of his own people and Afganistan completely collapsed and Pakistan got the bomb and yet somehow now things are a debacle.



Exactly. This is the greatest foreign policy fiasco in modern US history. No wonder the country decided these clowns can't be trusted any more.

Yuppers, falling on deaf ears. All in denial. Neither of you recognize that this is one of the greatest foreign policies ever in the US history. We already no longer trust the democrats you voted into the office, especially the moonbats.



It was not the conservative base that did not vote for the Republicans, it was the Independents who were sick to death of the antics of Congress and wanted a change. They did not left, they went to the center.

I am tired of hearing how the GOP would win if they just started acting like Pat Buchanan. People are sick of ideologues, they want pragmatic people. They do not want loons in either direction.


Could someone tell me where in the U.S. Constitution I will find the section that says Staff Sargeants decide foreign policy and oversee military operations?


Niiiccee Anon...YEAH EFF the Staff Sergeant and all his brothers... he's just a dummy anyways...

Troops fear Rumsfeld's exit will end their Iraq mission




terrye, I wouldn't want to see the Pat Buchanans in control of the federal government.

is this anonymous and anonymous trademark the same person?


.. and ensure their lost brothers gains are for naught.

Posted by: topsecretk9 | November 10, 2006 at 09:36 PM

The truth will out.

[P.S. It will always be Armistice Day to me.]


Typo Anon...you know what I meant...but then again I get the feeling you'd be pleased as punch if their work and sacrifice were for naught.


And you wouldn't like the truth, mous.


Not Going To Bite

What do you think?


A typographical error ? Not hardly. Consider, if you will, 'unconscious authorial intent.'

It is a crime and a shame that the great work and sacrifice of many trusting souls has been wasted by callous and corrupt men who conned a nation into an illegal and amoral enterprise.


I am not sure if there is one anonymous or if anonymous has multiple personality disorder but whoever or whatever he/she/it is...I am getting bored. same old same old.


Cuz theeyr stoopid thay shudda talkeedd to u anon.


What callous and corrupted men that conned our nation into an illegal and amoral enterprise?

There weren't any, dear mous. It continues to fall on your deaf ears. And you continue to deny the truth. Besides, you wouldn't like the hard and harsh truth once you finally get it.


And you wouldn't like the truth, mous.

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:03 PM

And you wouldn't know "the truth" (whatever that might be when it's at home) if it kicked you in your rapidly-spreading backside.


Consider, if you will, 'unconscious authorial intent.'

I think that was the argument we used against Jon Carry. He still needs to halp them.


Your posts, mous, clearly shows that your backbone is rather weak.


I am getting bored. same old same old.

Posted by: Terrye | November 10, 2006 at 10:08 PM\

Me too. Maybe you could change your tune now and then.


Terrye's tune is just fine. It is yours, mous, that need to improve.


Your posts, mous, clearly shows that your backbone is rather weak.

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:11 PM

Quite the opposite. If that were true, I would have long ago signed on to your dream of a Holy War.


Ah...you finally admitted the denial of the truth!


Even you, my dear "lurker" (if that's your real name) have no idea what you are trying to say.

"Truth" (in political terms) is 'changeable stuff.'


So I take it the trolls do not think that Pelosi should respond in anyway. She should not get outraged and say that the Democratic Party stands firm against America's enemies and will not be used by those enemies for a cheap propaganda stunt. Anything?

Oh yes, I forget...Bush is the enemy. The next door neighbor with the Bush/Cheney bumbper sticker is the enemy. Not that poor misunderstood young man dancing around someone's mutilated headless corpse brandishing a knife while he screeches God is Great in Arabic.

He is only mad because the Jews stole his land or his honor or because George removed that charming dictator and mass murderer from power after the crazy bastard tried to kill a president and shot at our planes on a daily basis. If we just kiss up to the terrorists and abandon the Jews, maybe they will go away.


Yes, I do. You just don't want to face the harsh truth.


It is not Mrs. Pelosi's place to respond, as the voice of the U.S. government, to foreign threats or any other international issues.
That is the purview of the Executive Branch .... President, State Department, et al.


Funny how the Arabs continue to think the Jews stole their land when Mohammad suddenly discovered Islam in year 400 to 600 A.D.

The democrats have already abandoned Israel and its Jews.


That last comment lacked something in the grammar and syntax department. I must be tired. Time for bed.



What will you do if Pelosi and Co stay the course?


If we just kiss up to the terrorists and abandon the Jews, maybe they will go away.

Posted by: Terrye | November 10, 2006 at 10:17 PM

By "Jews," I will assume you mean the Israelis. And so, you have no need for concern -- Israel has nuclear weapons.

After all, they were perfectly capable of successfully invading a neighboring country without the aid of U.S. troops.


Now that's hilarious coming from you, mous!

Funny mous thought that the "That is the purview of the Executive Branch .... President, State Department, et al." is considered an expansion of the Executive privileges on Bush's part.

People still want to know what Pelosi will say as the voice of the Democratic Party.


Ah but we provided aid to Israel during their war against Hizbollah.

And you have no desire in helping Israel?



yeah right.

The State Department should respond by saying Pelosi is not a coward. Puhleaze.

If these people can not even stand up to some loud mouth jihadis calling them cowards [and that is just what they did] then exactly what are they going to do when they actually have to make responsible decisions?

They aren't in the back seat anymore, remember. Just stabbing the other party in the back and bitching won't cut it.


Funny how the Arabs continue to think the Jews stole their land when Mohammad suddenly discovered Islam in year 400 to 600 A.D.

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:20 PM

Funny too how some Jews discovered Christianity circa 50 to 100 C.E.


I see. So you are saying that sense the Israelis can nuke their neighbors we should just sit back and let things escalate to the point that they do.

BTW, wasn't it the French who gave them that technology?



What will you do if Pelosi and Co stay the course?

Posted by: topsecretk9 | November 10, 2006 at 10:21 PM

Pretty much what I've done while Bush & Co. have "stayed the course."

What are your plans?



Your last comment makes no sense. Read about the Muslim Brotherhood. This has been going on a long time. Long before there was an Israel.


HHHmmm...you voted Pelosi into the office because she said she would pull the US troops out of Iraq. Now you have no problems hearing Pelosi say, "Stay the course"?


Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood is very interesting. But how does that relate to whatever we imagine we are talking about ?


Ah, and you admit that the Jews occupied Israel long before Mohammad did. Yet, the Arabs thought that the Jews stole the land from them.

Ah....you just admitted a denial of the facts about the Muslim Brotherhood.


What are your plans?

Posted by: anonymous | November 10, 2006 at 10:26 PM

Support the troops.


HHHmmm...you voted Pelosi into the office ...

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:29 PM

Well, no, I didn't. (I don't live in her district.)

And I am not at all naive enough to imagine the Democrats would do anything radically different than their enantiomorphs, the Republicans.


-- Now you have no problems hearing Pelosi say, "Stay the course"?--

No Anon doesn't because at Posted by: anonymous | November 10, 2006 at 10:20 PM

He/She rendered Pelosi useless and neutered already.


Ah, and you admit that the Jews occupied Israel long before Mohammad did. Yet, the Arabs thought that the Jews stole the land from them.

Ah....you just admitted a denial of the facts about the Muslim Brotherhood.

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:31 PM

Well, no... again: just the opposite. I acknowledged the "facts" of the existence and activities of the Muslim Brotherhood. I asked about what you thought the relevance was to the current situation you imagine Israel is in.

And there is no place on the planet you can point to that was not occupied at one time by someone other than the current inhabitants. The United States would be one example.

Or do you subscribe to the belief that YHVH is the real estate agent of the Jews?


Let me ask you this:

If the Republicans had held the majority in the House of Representatives, and J. Dennis Hastert was still the Majority Leader, would you expect him to respond to a statement out of Iran, or would you expect him to defer to Mr. Bush?


HHHmmm...you voted Pelosi into the office because she said she would pull the US troops out of Iraq. Now you have no problems hearing Pelosi say, "Stay the course"?

Posted by: lurker | November 10, 2006 at 10:29 PM

Sorry I missed this comment until now.

But you do know that the Majority-Leader-in-waiting has not said either thing, don't you?


So, I leave you to indulge yourselves, to your cold hearts' content, in your preferred emotion of self-righteous anger.

If nothing else, I hope my few casual comments will help to keep you going a while.

As for me, I think Van Morrison said it well (when the world was young and America was at war:) "The wild night is calling."


"Tupelo Honey"


Viet Nam escalated, partly because of Democrat needs to look tough on National Security.

Just saying.


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Lieberman beat Lamont and Webb is VA Senator which means Clinton's gang is throwing Move0n.org Kozkids into the trash can. Pelosi's going to go with Clinton because she know who controls mainstream media.

Oh yeah, and Senator Dick Durbin doesn't want to set a timeline for getting out of Iraq.

Too funny. The Leftist have no idea what they have elected into office.


"Could someone tell me where in the U.S. Constitution I will find the section that says anonymous chickenshit commenters decide foreign policy and oversee military operations?!


syn... your absolutely right. Once the honeymoon is over, and the moonbats start realizing that the Democrats sucker punched them once again, they'll dust off Mother moonbat Sheehan for a redux.

What they don't comprehend too well is that their victory was won with a strategy that was no different then Bill Clinton's... the triangulation pretty boy, who's only successful legislation was welfare reform, and nothing else.

We will have to deal with this gloating once more in January. But once they take over, I'd expect it'll only take another 6 months before the nutroots get restless... and we'll see the whining start over no Bush impeachment. Emanuel, who orchestrated this so called victory, knows the fundamentals of how it works. He knows all to well that there's no possible way to win in '08, unless they are viewed as centrist.

I'm not happy watching Bush play the poor puppy dog lately, but I do believe the strategy is to give the impression that the Dems are now the leaders. And this may prove to be the Dems big dilemma... how to show leadership and yet still satisfy their moonbat base.

Nancy P

"Oh Mrdinnerjacket,does my bum look big in this burqa? All my friends say I have the right eyes for a burqa".

Nancy P

"As for me, I think Van Morrison said it well (when the world was young and America was at war:) "The wild night is calling."

There we have it,governance by popular culture,whatever words fit the tune


Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood is very interesting. But how does that relate to whatever we imagine we are talking about ?/i>

In a word, Caliphate.


Oh well, I need to leave a ::grin:: for H&R anyways.



Bob, that's a good point about Bush's puppy dog strategy and one I hadn't thought of. The executive branch still runs foreign policy and has a lot of power. Congress has some oversight authority but needs to be very careful not to be seen as obstructionist.

It seems like the Democrats are already misinterpreting their victory and will surely overplay their hand.

The big issue is the media which will continue to cheerlead for the the Democrats and hide their corruption and their mistakes.

I had a thought about the "warrantless evesdropping. " The media has an absolute hatred of this important program and wants is killed as the first order of business by its puppets, the Democrats. I am wondering if reporters are having chit-chats with terrorists, I remember one CNN reporter's name surfaced.


Kate... maybe I'm just trying to find the silver lining in all this, but I do believe that the Republicans were more concerned with 2008, than '06. Maybe by emboldening the nutroots a bit, will make the environment a little more tricky for Hillary over the next 2 years... which I do think deep down inside, they fear more than any other Dem in 2008.

This may be simple a stop Hillary strategy... or at least I would hope.


http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061111/ap_on_go_co/warrantless_wiretapsWarrantless Wiretaps are headed to the dustbin of history.


...please excuse the few typos - I hit post instead of preview!

But you do know that the Majority-Leader-in-waiting has not said either thing, don't you?

We are already seeing Pelosi promising everyone anything. She said something like, "War is not meant to be won, it is a solution that need to be solved."

And, yes, she said both things. To Talabani out of one side of her and/or her gang's mouths and out of the other side of her and/or her gangs' mouths.

Well, no... again: just the opposite. I acknowledged the "facts" of the existence and activities of the Muslim Brotherhood. I asked about what you thought the relevance was to the current situation you imagine Israel is in.

And there is no place on the planet you can point to that was not occupied at one time by someone other than the current inhabitants. The United States would be one example.

Or do you subscribe to the belief that YHVH is the real estate agent of the Jews?

This is typical democratic response. There is no connection between the US occupying of lands and the argument of who owned Israel thousands of years ago.

So, I leave you to indulge yourselves, to your cold hearts' content, in your preferred emotion of self-righteous anger.

If nothing else, I hope my few casual comments will help to keep you going a while.

As for me, I think Van Morrison said it well (when the world was young and America was at war:) "The wild night is calling."

Our hearts is better placed than mous's heart, still misplaced but filled with denials. We believe in protecting the civil liberties of the American citizens and the security of our own country.

In the meantime, mous's casual comments continue to deteriorate to the point that (s)he looks more and more like a fool.


Looks like the Gorelick Wall will be back up...positioning ourselves for a repeat 9/11 and mous will have no qualms about it.


The democrats' refusal to recognize the need for terrorist surveillance weakens USA to the point that it will no longer be recognized as a superpower. Which is exactly what mous wants.


Wireless Wiretaps was an effective program that provided valuable information on foreign terrorists and their US contacts.

If the Democrats successfully dismantle this program, then an attack on the US which could have been prevented by better intel should be blamed on those idiots.


If mous is a citizen of our country, she is a naturalized one. From India, more than likely. I have posted with Indians on another forum and the style and quality of education is the same, as are the arguments she makes. And they like for people to know how educated they are by nitpicking things that don't matter.

BTW, I love my Indians on the other forum. They are quite humorous, even if we disagree on almost every issue.

In fact, a couple of times I wondered if she was indeed one of them, because they call me sweetie and honey too.


Looks like Murtha didn't get mous's message on who should confront the rhetoric coming out of AQ and Iran.

Listen, this is not a dictatorship. The President can say all he wants to. The President has, has no power. The President is a, a perception of power. And he’s lost that power in this election.



Bob, disappointed in Bush's attitude. His total silence in 2005 and allowing his enemies to set the narrative for Iraq and other issues has cost this country.

However, the Democrats finally win an election by fielding conservative candidates and their hard left leadership seems to think that means the American people want the trial of their elected leaders, weak UN representation, endless investigagions.

I predict, even with the cheerleading media, that Congress' approval rating will be below 10% by 2008.


I had a thought about the "warrantless evesdropping. " The media has an absolute hatred of this important program and wants is killed as the first order of business by its puppets, the Democrats. I am wondering if reporters are having chit-chats with terrorists, I remember one CNN reporter's name surfaced.

From Strategypage.com


Moreover, many of these techniques were used successfully by the West German government in the 1970s, to deal with an outburst of domestic terrorism. Thus the track record has been that these techniques work, and don't do any damage to civil liberties. Ironically, the German government then shut down the program in the late 1970s, after it had done its job. The reason given was that such powerful tools posed a threat to German liberties. In actuality, there were apparently plenty of politicians worried about their illegal activities being exposed (and many of them have since come to the surface, including links with the secret police in East Germany.) There may be similar fears in the United States, for it is known that many politicians and activists opposed to the war have crossed the line. Some have been caught and punished, and many others probably fear the same fate.


Pofarmer: very interesting. The media hates this program so much that not only did they define it, they've attempted to dishonestly name it "domestic surveillance."

Despite all this, the program polls well. Republicans should use this as the first opportunity to drive down the Congressinal Democrats poll numbers. We should be as committed to driving down their numbers as the Dems/media were to lowering Bush's.

I hope for a statesmanlike, bipartisan approach to foreign policy, but it's not going to happen.

This campaign was like second graders in a schoolyard. Both parties were guilty, but the worst was when Kerry tried to make a joke about Bush's intelligence. That is so second grade.


Anonymous makes an amazing discovery:

""It is not Mrs. Pelosi's place to respond, as the voice of the U.S. government, to foreign threats or any other international issues.
Posted by: anonymous |

Gee, why were we not hearing that before the election from the media?

I thought the Democrats were all telling us how to respond to foriegn threats.

I could have sworn that it was the Congress's job to declare war, guess I'll have to go back and read that pesky Constitution again.



It certainly didn't stop her from responding before AQ and Iran praised her party for their defeat of Bushism.


Sure Terrye, if that makes the loss feel better go for it.

The more you guys continue with this The-dems-support-the-terrorists BS the more you will lose. Fine by me.


1. Actually, the news coming from Iran, Iraq, AQ, show that they are emboldened and positioning themselves to attack EU and USA.

2. The dems may or may not be supporting the terrorists. In reality, their position is that civil liberties are far more important the the security of our country.



@ Terrye

It was not the conservative base that did not vote for the Republicans

Really? Every conservative I know didn't even bother to hit the polls 11/7 because they were so disgusted with the GOP. But you evidently know differently.

So. Got any actual evidence to support your viewpoint or is this just a guess?


I'm not an economist, I don't even play one on tv, so would someone who is, and who supports a minimum wage hike please explain to me how this a good thing? The minute the minimum wage is raised, the price of goods will be raised to reflect the increase. How does earning more money help you if the cost of what you are buying increases?


I am disgusted with the GOP at the high levels. I am also disgusted with the Democratic Party. Since both parties are filled with corruption, pedophiles, ethical issues, lack of fiscal responsibilities, I voted straight Republican party line.


1. Supreme Court Justice nominations, including Bolton.

2. Impeachment process along with investigations and subpoenas.

3. Balance of civil liberties and security of our country, including NSA terrorist surveillance, can be better maintained with Bush and Republican majority.

Other than that, there are no differences between these two parties.


Oh yea!

4. Raising taxes and minimum wage.

Larry Elder says that raising minimum wage will hurt the economy big time.

The democrats have never learned Economics 101.


The democrats have never learned Economics 101.

Neither have I. Which is why I would like someone who supports the issue to explain to me how it helps minimum wage earners when the cost of living will rise to meet their increase.


Are you saying that any wage increase feeds inflation or just increases to the minimum wage?

In any case the economic debate is not about inflation, it's about job losses. The textbook argument is that if you raise the minimum wage above what the market will clear it will result in less minimum wage jobs. But the (growing) empirical evidence is that for the increases we are talking about the real effect is small to negligible.


"The more you guys continue with this The-dems-support-the-terrorists BS the more you will lose. Fine by me."

Obviuosly the contrary is true,otherwise why would you say it?
The Democrats have already given a hostage to fortune by saying they will reverse many of Bush's security measures.
Remember the Jihad is only on your side against a common enemy.Events dear boy, events,you are not immune.


Sure, the contrary is true Peter. That's why we have Speaker Pelosi and ML Reid.


Are you saying that any wage increase feeds inflation or just increases to the minimum wage?

I believe I was saying I have no freaking idea. And you didn't answer the question I posed.



General observations:

1. Why on earth are you guys wasting your time debating "anonymous"? Must be a very slow day.

2. Europe's political and social organization causes it to swing violent generation by generation between extreme fascism and extreme socialism. Currently Europe is on the back swing from socialism towards facism with the momentum aided by terror. So as more and more terror operations occur in Europe, in a bid to cow the Europeans and inititate the New Caliphate in this lifetime, the faster the swing will be towards extreme fascism.

Which means that basically Europe is lost either way. Either the jihadists win and Europe becomes the basis of the New Caliphate. Or the jihadists lose and Europe becomes a radical fascist state oriented towards ethnically cleansing Europe of all non-Europeans.

I frankly don't see any other outcomes, but then again I could be wrong so YMMV.

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