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December 06, 2006



I think they had a twofold objective:drumming up fake sympathy and punishing people and companies for acting on natural, prudent self-defense measures. Both failed as they are failing in Europe.


**"drumming up fake sympathy " should be drumming up sympathy based on faked accounts


Boy the liberals really laid the groundwork for this... after 30+ years of insisting that any and all minorities can insist on special treatment, we now have the terrorists playing the same hand.

What these muslims did was purely done to terrorise the other passengers... and they should be charged as such! But noooooooo, all we're going to hear is how their personal rights have been trampled upon.

I asked Santa for a gun for Christmas... seriously!


They want to force us to relax our security on airlines. I don't think it will work - most of us (with common sense) tolerate PCness, we do not agree with it.

The Muslims are not the victims in this situation - the people on the plane are.


The rest of the pasengers should sue them for causing emotional distress and for any inconvenience they cause by delaying of the flight.


Meanwhile, the newly elected first Muslim in Congress, from Minneapolis, wants to hold hearings as part of the shakedown of US Airways.


Time to write and say how we feel.


Imams and the media:

The next question is whether, once inoculated to this sort of behavior, the press will measure carefully and put in context further actions and comments from imam Shahin, congressman-elect Ellison, NAIF, and CAIR. By all good sense, this should be the last time they clutter the news with propaganda.


""I asked Santa for a gun for Christmas... seriously!"""

I'm asking for pig guts. Guns get them into heaven, pig guts keep them out.

We should start a pig brigade. Every mosque in Iraq involved in terrorist activity will be sprayed with liquified pig guts. Ang the families of every terrorist, and the mountains in Pakistan, etc.

Elroy Jetson

Let'em try it again. And again. And again.
When they discover that America by and large has no sympathy for them, they will understand that there is only so much we will tolerate.
In the words of that American hero, John Kerry- we are going to kick some ass.
Out of context, yes, but effective.


Speaking as the resident of a town with a pork processing plant, I would be more thrilled than you can possibly imagine if there was some good use for pig offal. But I have been assured by people in the know that no brand of Islamic theology would consider contact with pork products as a particularly serious matter, especially if it happened without the consent of the muslim(s) involved.

It's really a shame, too. I had plans you know... I figured that we could have the Israelis collect up the splodeydope pieces and ship 'em over here and we'd toss them in the waste pond. We could charge fees and then use the money to buy one of those fancy schmancy cover systems to control the smell in town. Oh, well, the best laid plans...


They acted in a boistrious manner intending to cause fear and alarm in others.

That fits Minn.Stat. 609.72, the crime of disorderly conduct. I have seen it charged for far less offensive conduct.

They should be charged. But this is the Twin Cities where hypersensitivity to multiculturalism abounds. They won't be charged.


"I would be more thrilled than you can possibly imagine if there was some good use for pig offal."

SCRAPPLE! Yum, I miss that stuff! Ate it all the time with pride as a boy growing up in the DELMARVA area.

was Borat filming this incident?

Borat could have made it more fun by seating someone with an Israeli flag t-shirt next to the Imams.

Bruce Hayden

Also see: A word from the Minneapolis airport police

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