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May 24, 2007



I know! Let's dismiss the Congress, and merely make it a requirement that all Presidential action be supported by the results of a Times/CBS public opinion poll.

But apparently a majority of Americans support the financing of the war effort, so the Times highlights what 20/20 hindsight tells us.

While banging its spoon on the highchair, the Times wants a do-over. How mature and responsible. It get harder and harder to make fun of the left, these self-parodies do it for you automatically.


Americans are sheep. They follow the mainstream media line lock, stock and barrel and it sucks. See: You're Killing Us!

Tim F

Hi Tom, thanks for appreciating my Spakespeare.

One question: when did I become Tim Fox? Folks have called me a fox before but my mother is not one of them.

Tim F

On second thought, I most certainly am Tim Fox. Now kiss my pro bowl ring.


Nothing like watching a lefty meltdown on a rainy Thursday afternoon! I love the smell of napalm in the morning, it smells like victory!

And don't ever try to tell me that Balloon whatever site is anything other than a moonbat outpost. If it appears at brief moment's to resemble anything else, remember that is a DougJ hangout. In fact the whole site may be DougJ sockpuppets. Regardless, there aint no Republicans hanging out there, especially not the site owner.

Tom Maguire

One question: when did I become Tim Fox? Folks have called me a fox before but my mother is not one of them.

What's in a name? But sorry - I posted a correction.

Other Tom

Interesting headline accompanying that poll. It doesn't seem to me that the poll measures "opposition" to the war it all. It seems to say that people wish it hadn't begun, and don't think it's going well. Is that the same thing as opposing it?

Other Tom

"...I knew a 'John Fox' once..."

That would be the Carolina Panthers head coach, right? (You got a football Jones working?)


Interesting headline accompanying that poll. It doesn't seem to me that the poll measures "opposition" to the war it all. It seems to say that people wish it hadn't begun, and don't think it's going well.

You noticed that too, Other Tom? Not only that, but "the majority of Americans support continuing to finance the war." That's real opposition, hm?

It seems to say that people wish it hadn't begun,
Well, duh. Like what's the last war we actually started? Spanish-American War? And isn't the only other war we ever started the Revolutionary War? (Ok, I suppose since we were on both sides of the Civil War -- that's the definition of "civil" war -- then some of "we" started that one, too.) But notice a theme going there, at least since the end of the nineteenth century: we don't start wars, but we get stuck finishing them. This one is no exception, declared against us by the Mad Mulluhs, drawn in by Saddam's invasion of an ally, declared against us by Osama. Of course we're pissed off that some damnfools have picked a war with us and now we've got to fight back. That's our national lot in life, after all.
Jeff Dobbs

It get harder and harder to make fun of the left, these self-parodies do it for you automatically.

Tell me about it. Gonna put me out of business.

A similar phenomenon is the Jay Leno "man on the street" bit. Forget trying to write jokes about people, just stick a microphone in their face and get them to speak and hilarity will flow like a river.

Jeff Dobbs

More from the harder-to-make-fun-of-the-left-these-self-parodies-do-it-for-you-automatically file...

Taranto points us to this article at politico.com

Some activists had privately feared that Democratic leaders were losing their resolve to stage a protracted fight with the White House over wartime funding. Pelosi had announced earlier that the House would not leave for the Memorial Day recess without a new funding bill, a signal to some of a looming defeat.

"When they put out that deadline, people realized that we were going to lose," said an aide to an anti-war lawmaker. "Everything after that seemed like posturing."

And in typical fashion, he sums it up succinctly:

This gives away the game, doesn't it? The "antiwar" people understand what it means to set a deadline--and they seek to do so because they want America to lose.

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