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September 18, 2007





This has gotten a lot of attention. I think Hillary will try and do just what Tom suggests, but I am not so sure she will pull it off, again.

I mean after awhile the Chinese bag men and the Moveon Morons and the rest of it kind of leave a bad taste to say the least.


How about a pool on what fool draws her ire?

Ralph L

New Bold Hillary: will that be a font of wisdom and bonhommie, or just another typeface?

Rick Ballard

Bubba and the Beast couldn't draw a majority of the vote in '92 or '96 - even with Bubba's Best Lip Bite working triple overtime. I know the rubes in the muddle are certainly no brighter today than they were then but seeing the Beast's teeth makes even the rubes a little nervous about their own lips. I don't deny that it's going to be a 'roll in the gutter to get yourself cleaned up a bit' election but the Miz Clinton Express is pulling 165 baggage cars followed by one ugly caboose. I imagine we'll see a New Bold Beast on a monthly basis until the election but I really don't intend to worry overmuch unless and until her negatives drop. Increased exposure is unlikely to help that particular problem.


Hitlery warned about the Hsu scam


"So, if you're ready for change pain, she's ready to lead deliver."

Someone else you think escaped us, like Frank?


PUK--She flunked the very easy DC Bar exam--what do you expect?


"She flunked the very easy DC Bar exam",Not got the figure to limbo then?


HEH--One can't expect such a limited brain to remember the prior briefing,PUK

Jim Miller

Interesting argument from a columnist who once called President Bush an "American Ayatollah".

Not that Cohen is wrong in today's column, but he should make an effort to clean up his own act, as well.


The thing is, Rudy can start hitting this Sister Souljah stuff as a way to innoculate himself against its impact, by predicting she'll do it and dare her to try, taking the surprise effect away. (I say Rudy, because I don't see Fred doing this. Rudy seems more likely to get into the political gutter with her, at least to me.)

"She's waiting for just the right time to pretend she's really not one of them."

"See, I told you she'd try that phony Sister Souljah gag."


"One can't expect such a limited brain to remember the prior briefing"

Not being picky here Clarice,but isn't that somewhat of a drawback in a President and CIC?
"Madam President,were had that war two years ago".
"We did,why wasn't I told"
"With respect Madam President,you were".
"How dare you,whatever your name is,Bill would have remembered"
"I'm the Vice President,Madam President".
"You are,why wasn't I told?"


I am less interested in Hillary's Sister Souljah Moment (although I am interested in it) than I am Hillary's Ross Perot Moment. The RPM is the moment when a wealthy, somewhat credible center-right 3rd party candidate announces (and it will be a him - can't split the "skirt vote") that he will run. Bill never got more than 43% of the vote. Without Bill's two RPMs, the last Dem President would have been Peanut Jimmy.


Sister Souljah is the best attack they can come up with?


Mirror image vulnerability from an 'RNM', a Ralph Nader Moment.


Maybe a Brother Kerry moment?


This Women's Wear Daily article on Hsu mentions some of his 80's biz names

There were signs, even then, that there was more than met the eye to the self-effacing Hong Kong native, whose most distinguishing feature was a nervous twitch. Associated with a number of men's sportswear companies that never gained critical mass, including H Two O Inc. and Laveno Sportswear, Hsu schmoozed with fashion reporters and carried himself with an assured air...

Here is an H Two O Inc. that doesn't involve clothing, but appears to be some sort of scam (water/beverages like the latex gloves?)

It mentions a "International Beverage group" which appears to be legit but looks like it is easily co-opted and an equally dummy front site comes up on google just above creepy "H Two O Inc."

International Beverage Group www.theenziogroup.com/page14.html - 1k - Cached - Similar pages

The INTERNATIONAL BEVERAGE GROUP consists of private Canadian and American Corporations, based in Canada & the USA They are involved in providing a ...
www.autobahn.mb.ca/~canammkt/ - 24k - Cached - Similar pages

Like I said - The Enzio Group looks shifty - (you have to delete thepage14.html on the google link to get to it - comes up blank otherwise) --- it's registered to a hoster called Domain Discreet of of Canada

The Enzio Group comes up here

We offer a wide variety of new products, update business information from China and also offer you the very good profitable prices with shortest delivery time. We appreciate all of your support and look forward to your continued support in the future Bo Karlman

Company Address: P. O. Box 37479, Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Year Established: 1997

Trade & Market
Main Markets: Mid East
Total Annual Sales Volume: US$10 Million - US$50 Million

Don't know about you, but their main site doesn't look like a 50 million dollar business.

They also show up in this "cached" version (scrubbed from main) of this Made in China. com site



This company "World Horizon General Trading & Overseas Projects ( L.L.C.)" pops up with that address [Box, Dubai]. Odd


I am no Wes Clark fan but I wish he would speak up.

He disparaged the move-on ad and said Petraeus was totally trustworthy. Then Hillary voted no after Clark had endorsed her.

OK, Wes, any comment?

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