Following the condemnation of the MoveOn ad by the House and Senate the Mighty Kos of the Nutroots compiled a list of those Democrats who "we can trust to have our backs". All the rest, we are advised, are "a fair-weather friend, at best".
But in the comments a reader revolt ensues - what about Obama? This prompts the following laugh-out-loud update:
Added Obama to the list. He abstained in the anti-MoveOn bill, but his rationale (it was a protest against a ridiculous piece of legislation) was sound.
His rationale was sound? His rationale was so weak that not even the even the Times could keep a straight face:
But curiously absent from the vote was Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, also a Democratic candidate for president, who had canceled a campaign appearance in South Carolina so he could be in Washington for votes.
Mr. Obama issued a statement calling the resolution, put forward by Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, “a stunt.” Mr. Obama said, “By not casting a vote, I registered my protest against these empty politics.”
Mr. Obama had voted minutes earlier in favor of an extremely similar resolution proposed by Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California.
Minutes earlier? The AP said it was twenty minutes, but time flies when you are having fun - the Boxer amendment attracted Mr. Obama's non-stunt vote at 11:58 AM; the stunt vote from which Mr. Obama abstained was at 12:36 PM, a full 38 minutes later, so perhaps the Senator was hungry for integrity, or anyway, lunch.
Or maybe this was a principled stand! The Boxer Amendment linked Petraeus to Kerry and Cleland, so perhaps Mr. Obama believes that Democrats running for office should be treated the same as generals serving their country. Maybe!
Whatever. One suspects that the Mighty Kos was stumped about how to deal with this disrespect from a Nutroots darling, so he chose to define "have our backs" very generously. But for the rest of us, sitting out a fight is not quite the same as actively taking one side.
Geez - no respect. It's the David Brooks scenario.
Earth to Obama:
Your Spin-Fu is weak!
Posted by: capitano | September 27, 2007 at 11:41 AM
That's not "You won't have me to kick around anymore', nor yet 'no mas', but he's getting the idea.
Posted by: kim | September 27, 2007 at 12:05 PM
semi OT
Prowler says Shuster was supplied bogus info from Move-On
Shuster, not really a reporter but Move-On lapdog?
Posted by: Topsecretk9 | September 27, 2007 at 12:16 PM
"Our" backs? So Kos and moveon are an "our"?
Posted by: MayBee | September 27, 2007 at 12:19 PM
Like Chirac had our back at the UN.
Posted by: clarice | September 27, 2007 at 12:53 PM
With Mowlett's Ass having kindly brayed out to to the world a compendium of the "true" Copperhead Caucus, we are left with the task of distinguishing Leninist from Trotskyite. The Beast will make the final Stalinist disposition, of course. The Proglodyte Caucus has 71 members in the House. Only 44 of them made the 'true' Copperhead Caucus list, leaving 37 Trotskyites counted as "undependable". Will the Leninists deny the Trotskyites access to Soros funding? Will The Beast deny the use of ACORN vote thieves to the Trotskyites?
Interesting questions that can only be answered by applying "What would Stalin do?" standards.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | September 27, 2007 at 12:58 PM
There's a story in the WaPo about a purported transcript of a meeting between Jose Maria Aznar and Bush in February 2003, in which Bush says Hosni Mubarak has relayed an offer from Saddam to go into exile if he can take $1 billion AND all the information he has on WMD.
Which is pretty strong evidence that no one was lying us into war.
Posted by: Patrick R. Sullivan | September 27, 2007 at 01:19 PM
heh, Rick.
It is pretty funny to consider the idea that the politicians have the netroots' backs. Whatever for?
The netroots- especially kos- say they exist to support Dems to get them elected. Now he's saying those elected are supposed to support the netroots. What do the netroots need support for? If they do things that make the politicians look bad, and the politicians have to separate themselves to remain elected, shouldn't the netroots have the pols backs?
Posted by: MayBee | September 27, 2007 at 01:28 PM
Bush at peace with himself. That explains why he's so poorly promoted the war, figuring it would justify itself, as it is proving.
Posted by: kim | September 27, 2007 at 01:31 PM
One thing about demagogues like Kos is that they can make adversarial what should be consensual, like the connections between politicians, and those they represent.
It's pathological, and inefficient.
Posted by: kim | September 27, 2007 at 01:33 PM
Look how it has whipsawed both parties in their dervish. The Dem Pols look foolish to have ignored the facts on the ground, and the nutroots look nutty for forcing them to ignore what's in front of their faces. Do si do. That's the sort of perversion you get with the Kos Dancers.
Posted by: kim | September 27, 2007 at 01:40 PM
February 2003, in which Bush says Hosni Mubarak has relayed an offer from Saddam to go into exile if he can take $1 billion AND all the information he has on WMD.
Another lefty cult "gotcha" blows up in their face.
Posted by: Topsecretk9 | September 27, 2007 at 01:56 PM
But for the rest of us, sitting out a fight is not quite the same as actively taking one side.
I don't know about that - isn't the argument against withdrawing from Iraq and sitting out the subsequent fight that it amounts to actively taking the side of the bad guys? Of course by that standard, Obama would have to be counted as on the side that he declined to oppose.
Posted by: bgates | September 27, 2007 at 01:59 PM
Rush will interview Justice Clarence Thomas for 90 minutes.
His new book will be available Oct. 1:
My Grandfather's Son: A Memoir by Clarence Thomas
Posted by: Ann | September 27, 2007 at 01:59 PM
"If they do things that make the politicians look bad, and the politicians have to separate themselves to remain elected, shouldn't the netroots have the pols backs?"
Mowlett's Ass is a sucker plucker (vide Jerome, Trippi et al infinitum). No huckster's patter need be internally consistant nor coherent. The purpose is to keep the rubes reaching for their wallet. I think he reads his crowd pretty well, he uses decent shills and he's certainly making a good living.
If the rube's aren't quite bright enough to figure out that buying a ticket to the Egress doesn't really get you anything, we probably shouldn't complain overmuch. I'm just surprised that he doesn't sell autographed pictures of Senator Lamont. He's missing a bet.
Now, if this were really about politics, then this action would qualify him as an idiot. But it isn't, and he's not. Just a huckster playing out his string with willing marks too dumb to be allowed to cross the street without accompaniment.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | September 27, 2007 at 01:59 PM
Rick, that was just brilliant and spot on.
Posted by: MayBee | September 27, 2007 at 02:07 PM
Could be worse,could be Glen Greenwald back there.
Posted by: cabana boy | September 27, 2007 at 02:29 PM
I bame PUK for not skinning the rubes before Kos did.
Posted by: clarice | September 27, 2007 at 02:59 PM
We've been focusing on offsets. If it weren't for those pesky cost overruns on the villas on Eleuthera, TAC would be able to declare a substantial dividend.
I'm practically positive that '08 results will justify it.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | September 27, 2007 at 03:19 PM
I would put it to the Board, that it is more cost effective skinning the man who skins the cat.
Posted by: PeterUK | September 27, 2007 at 03:28 PM
I'm practically positive that '08 results will justify it
Speech stolen from notes found on the person of Norman Hsu when he was located upon the train they got on by mistake.
Hey it works for carnies, and low rent boyfriends too, so you cant argue with results.
Posted by: Gmax | September 27, 2007 at 03:32 PM
Speaking of Hsu, flip reports Winkle Paes is missing. (Not the star of a Friskies commercial, Winkle Paws is intimately connected to Hsu's businesses and contributions.)
Posted by: clarice | September 27, 2007 at 06:41 PM
clarice- what is Flip's url?
Posted by: MayBee | September 27, 2007 at 06:50 PM
Posted by: Topsecretk9 | September 27, 2007 at 07:34 PM
Sorry, if I'm late responding today--bad cold and busy day. Thanks for doing it for me, ts.
Posted by: clarice | September 27, 2007 at 07:41 PM
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