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November 30, 2007



We haven't caught up yet, because we are NOT crazy.

Rick Ballard

Amazing. Who would think that a focus on envy, covetuousness, greed and fear coupled with a complete ignorance of how the pie gets bigger might lead to a poor state of mental health.

Perhaps an increase of the "Two Minute Hate" to three minutes would help?


Ever have an extended conversation with a progressive on any policy question? It wont just be the progressive describing himself as crazy I can assure you.


Ever have an extended conversation with a progressive on any policy question? It wont just be the progressive describing himself as crazy I can assure you.


OT (or not?) - there's a hostage situation at Hillary's NH HQ...


Yes it is true .


Yes,the hostage taker is demanding money from the government,if they won't pay up he will let them go.


Oh here you all are. SO did anyone have the fleeting thought that Hillary might be behind this little hostage taking?

First thing I thought of. Makes sense we are talking about mental health!


Bet that's one poll Pinch never publishes.
Seriously, there may be something to it. AT has an article today about the high degree of child abuse in nontraditional families. And Rick has a point, too, not understanding how things work can make you a bit meshuga. And then, generally, I think traditionalists tend to be more optimistic, take a long view of many things.
But basically, it's what Rick said. If you are totally adrift in your own culture you really believe any crazy notion that floats through the culvert.


If you can still question the state of your mental health, the likelihood of psychosis is diminished. I'm surprised the % of Republicans reporting good health isn't higher.

As for Maguire...., well, Freud says the Irish are impervious to psychotherapy.


SO did anyone have the fleeting thought that Hillary might be behind this little hostage taking?

I think it is utterly reasonable to first ask "Is this good for Hillary?", since that will be her first (and often only) question during her term of governance.

However, she would have to be crazy to be even remotely involved with stunt like this.


I do imagine her huddled with Mandy Grunewald, trying to figure out how to best take political advantage of the aftermath.


I suppose if she storms the bldg with Lanny Davis by her side and shoots the hostage taker's nuts off, she'll pick up the gun vote along with the fem- Nazis.She's already lost the anti-war vote, so what's the loss?

hit and run

see young socialist in action here

Crap. I had studiously avoided seeing that dude say that phrase.

I let my guard down and clicked without thinking what I was getting myself into and then there it was. You took advantage of me.

I Blame Bush.

[VIMH: Come on...question at hand! Rate your mental health]
Don't make me come in there.

[VIMH: Don't taze me, bro]
Seriously, sometimes you can be extremely annoying.

[VIMH: OK. We'll go with mentally disturbed, then]


It is a bit like the scene from "Blazing Saddles" where the Sheriff holds himself up,but Bill will let them go sooner or later.

The central contradiction in the psychopathy of the left is that,whereas the right believe we are all flawed,the left believes we are all peaceful and loving with an innate desire to cooperate,but none the less there should be laws to ensure we are so.
The left believe that all men are equal,but
that the majority cannot be trusted to manage their own affairs without the guidance of the leftist intelligentsia.
Leftism is a belief system with the central tenet "The ends justify the means",this permits leftists to indulge in all kinds of despicable behavour with a smile on their lips and a song in their hearts.
Thus the Military can be sacrificed in Iraq for the furtherance of a Democrat administration.
Of course they are crazy!



Not my first thought, but my right-wing conspiratorial mind got there in the end.

You mentioned on the other thread that you have a golf tournament. Can you tell us more?


Jane, I have to confess I had "the thought."



Hear, hear!


Democrats have the money. Clinton and Ceavelle gave people pschyzophrenia to get the cash. Democrats believe it is normal to see things with there eyes closed(while awake) and hear voices. Clinton moved amnkind up the ladder. It's not a mental health issue worhipping lucifer and okay for LIBERALS and okay for YOU.

The hostage taker was KOS, he had a problem with the voices and seeing things................... NH was Dodds and now he's losing and the future voice said he was supposed to win and KOS saw him in the White House running the planet............and KOS gets to time travel with Dodd into the past....................


Well FRW,that certainly wraps it all up for me.


I did think that for a second too, Jane.

It just occurred to me that if the hostage taker is ex-military, as I've seen reported, Hillary can then say that if the Bush administration had run the VA properly, he would have had better access to mental health care and this would never have happened.


Firt this article comes out---then the hostage taking at NH Hillary headquarters by someone unhinged.

What a stunning coincidence.


Poor Hillary, she can't blame the vast right wing conspiracy for the hostage taking at her HQ. Just a paranoid schizophrenic off his meds. Opportunity lost.


Wel, it's payback for those regular(I think from Berkeley) studies that claim the right is more rigid, has worse taste etc. and is nuts.


I should have known....lucifer.

I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat!

Will Rogers offers the best explanation.


Better still,Hillary can claim that with universal health care the man wouldn't be off his meds.A small caveat,there has been a string of"recovering" mental patients released into the community by the NHS here in the UK,we know this by the long list of victims.


This can only mean that we're in for a deluge of speeches by Al Gore.



It's not my golf tournament. But come September I've devoted so much time and resources to it, I get confused into thinking it is my golf tournament. I'm a Rotarian; it's one of our fundraisers.

Rick Ballard

It's worse than you know, Neo.


There's only one solution. If you truly believe Al Gore you must turn off your heat and open your windows. If all Watermelons act now - and keep it up until the end of February, Gaia will be saved!

Well, the 'problem' will go away, at any rate.


If as it appears we are entering a cooling, not a heating period, do you expect that like Malthaus,Paul Ehrlich and the other lunatic doomsayers who followed him Gore will get off scott free for all the disruption he caused? I do.


Tammy Bruce nails it, in my opinion:

The real news--even Democrats know they're not well. At least that's a start. It's rather obvious that the wing of politics that romanticizes and empowers victimhood will attract those who feel victimized or are otherwise unhappy about themselves and the world.

The right, on the other hand, which emphasizes personal responsibility and and actual individual freedom, naturally appeals to people who are not threatened by that message. Those struggling with mental illness, depression, paranoia and narcissism are not exactly ready to embrace ideas which, by their very nature, promote concepts that require confidence, self-esteem, and and expectation of personal success.

Now the question for 2008 becomes, which group of people know who's best to run this country--those who personally identify as mentally ill, or those who do not?


Sara--That's really excellent.

hit and run

It's worse than you know, Neo.


Is it even worse than that?

It's hard out there for aspiring tropical storms...

Decisions to name storms draw concern

As season ends, some say center rushes to classify, which costs you

Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

Some meteorologists say six systems during the 2007 hurricane season — Chantal, Erin, Gabrielle, Ingrid, Jerry and Melissa — might not have deserved tropical storm status because of relatively high central pressure.

Some meteorologists, including former hurricane center director Neil Frank, say as many as six of this year's 14 named tropical systems might have failed in earlier decades to earn "named storm" status.
Any inconsistencies in the naming of tropical storms and hurricanes have significance far beyond semantics.

The number of a season's named storms forms the foundation of historical records used to determine trends in hurricane activity. Insurance companies use these trends to set homeowners' rates. And such information is vital to scientists trying to determine whether global warming has had a measurable impact on hurricane activity.


Sara: I really admire Tammy - not only her cogent thought, but her ability to articulate it so damn well.

hit and run

like Malthaus,Paul Ehrlich and the other lunatic doomsayers who followed him Gore will get off scott free for all the disruption he caused? I do.

Why, yes. Yes I do.


This is why from the late '70s on, I wanted nothing to do with the "woman's movement."

'View' Co-Hosts Blame Woman Persecuted by Sudan

All the co-hosts of "The View," a show intended to advance women’s voices, do not get offended by women’s persecution in the Islamic world. On the November 30 edition, in discussing the British woman charged for naming a class teddy bear Muhammad, the co-hosts did not direct any anger at the Sudanese government, but rather blamed the woman for not adapting to their culture.

Co-host Sherri Shepherd opined "you would think that with her being in Sudan, she would know the rules and customs." Whoopi Goldberg said Europeans and Americans are "not as anxious to learn the customs before we go places." And of course that’s why we’re called "ugly Americans."

The show was recorded before news of the woman’s 15 day sentence. The entire transcript is below.

First it was 6 months in jail and 40 lashes, then 15 days in jail, no lashes. Now, the Muslim world screaming for her death. Will she come out of 15 days in a body bag because she let a 7 year old name a teddy bear after himself and his name happened to be Mohammed?


After all our exposure here to Semanticleo's gibberish, can this news possibly come as a surprise?



HEH Hit..we were made for eachother. If we'd been in school together we'd still be in make up classes due to the large number of suspensions.

hit and run

Clarice...by the way, I know what Sunday is.

I'm not saying yet, it's too early. But now you know that I know, and that I was first. And if I don't make it back over the weekend to do it properly, please know that I am covertly doing so now.


You devil!It's also the 2d day of my Chantix assisted stop smoking effort so I am certain to be psychotic. Tread softly.


Clarice: Please keep us updated on the Chantix. I hear it works miracles, but don't know anyone who can verify this from personal use.

H&R: Secrets. Ah c'mon, you can tell me, I won't tell anyone else. I promise. LOL.

hit and run

It's also the 2d day of my Chantix assisted stop smoking effort

Well. With apologies to Sir Winston Churchill...

Clarice: Hit, you are drunk.

Hit: Clarice, you are smoking. And tomorrow morning I'll be sober, but you will always be smoking.


"Some meteorologists, including former hurricane center director Neil Frank, say as many as six of this year's 14 named tropical systems might have failed in earlier decades to earn "named storm" status."

They probably wouldn't even reach "named Teddy Bear" status.



PUK, this is the USA.A big Florida hotelier is suing the National Weather Service for having wrongfully predicted the last two years would be big hurricane seasons when there were none.
I blame AGW.(And the hunt for the big govt kaching)


"Hit: Clarice, you are smoking. And tomorrow morning I'll be sober, but you will always be smoking."

The Sudanese want to kill people for naming a Teddy Bear and there you go prodding a recovering nicotine addict with a stick. Me I'd pick the Sudanese any day.


They have arrested 4 for the murder of Sean Taylor and have confessions from at least 2. Police say they think they have the gunman in custody. The motive was robbery and the intruders did not think Taylor would be in the house.


Today the Sudenese are marching in the street demanding death for the teacher .The usuals are silent and the human shields are otherwise occupied or muttering that the gal was insufficiently sensitive to local sensibilities.




"A big Florida hotelier is suing the National Weather Service for having wrongfully predicted the last two years would be big hurricane seasons when there were none."

Keeps the tourist hands of the objets.


Sadly Clarice,Ms Gibbons is one of the usuals,they are too gutless to protect their own.


Indeed. And way stupid. This is a govt instigated charade to draw attention away from Darfur.

Soylent Red


Get your head right and it's easy. 22 years and cold turkey on my end.

Good luck. And you'll always be smokin' in my book.


I would say this is part and parcel with the Mohamed cartoons and 9/11,warfare by other means.The leftists are so easily manipulated by third world tribesmen.


Mr Ballard,
Not only are the winds acting up,but the polar bears are on the increase.What is the matter with the stupid creatures,don't they know they are doomed to extinction? There the go breeding away with no consideration as to the facts of the matter.


Thanks, Soylent.

hit and run

Did you see this from Jonah on NRO?

The BBC correspondent in Sudan describes the crowd calling for the teddy bear teacher's death "good natured" though he concedes some in the crowd are "unhappy."

Rick Ballard

Mr Uk,

Ixnay on the olarpay earbays opulationpay. Marketing is working on a special program: "See the Last Polar Bears and Become One With Gaia". The technical people are having a slight problem with the bears. Seems that they're overcome with nausea before they finish even a single Watermemlon. We're working on using Orcas to pick up the slack.

The synergy involved in the tie in to the "Lifetime Carbon Credit Aunnuity Policy" is incredible. Offering the Polar Bear excursion as a "bonus" to those choosing the single pay option was a stroke of genius.

Rick Ballard

Perveiw sure ain't my friend tonight.


Mr Ballard, SCAM Unlimited is still trying to live down polluting the Antarctic by having our eco-tourist boat sink there. Mr. UK and I think we need to lie low for the nonce.


HIT, I'd like to suggest the entire staff of the BBC be seconded to the Sudan or Peshawar for a few months.

hit and run

SCAM Unlimited is still trying to live down polluting the Antarctic by having our eco-tourist boat sink there.

It's now a reef. Home to hundreds of species of sea life.

hit and run

Of course, the mission was not a complete success. It's intent was as a mass suicide whereby a group of carbon emitters gave themselves up in sacrifice in hopes of saving of Gaia.

They chickened out.

Live and learn. Next ship won't be equipped with radio, satellite and radar.


You know, HIT, we were looking for a lad with just your talents...


Speaking of talents, I just spent five hours at the mall with two thirteen year olds. That takes alot of love.

Anyways, we bought all kinds of stupid t-shirts as gifts, because the girls thought they were cool. I was thinking that if I was going to buy a t-shirt it would be to support something like JOM.
Some of the best sites have t-shirts. Why don't we have one?

TM could make some money and we could have fun designing it.

I would wear anything that said: Hit and Run :)

or Clarice Feldman for President!

or some Mark Twain:

I'd rather have a sound judgement than a talent.
Mark Twain
(On the back: Justoneminute.typepad.com)

In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then, it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Mark Twain
(On the back: Justoneminute.typepad.com)


"Mr Ballard, SCAM Unlimited is still trying to live down polluting the Antarctic by having our eco-tourist boat sink there."

The SCAM Titanic Re-enactment Cruises,(Single Tickets only)are proving very popular with those wishing to donate their carbon to Gaia.
An added attraction is our "Feed the Polar Bears" tours.
We have already sold the film rights and Eco-Doom Productions is as I write casting.

(EDP is a solely owned subsidiary of SCAM -MultiMedia Corporation)


clarice-You go girl. Your effort to stop smoking will add years to your life.


maryrose..well, that'd be fine, if it were a package deal which included liposuction and botox.

PUK,I don't know how the fates manage to join you, Rick, Hit and me in these ventures--and, for goodness sake, don't tell Interpol or the feds when they inevitably come asking.


If we're cooling, the contrarian plays are huge. Don't tell Interpol when they ask.


Interpol is handled by our people at InterScam,we also have our own EU Commissioner..
The thing to keep under wraps is the little detail that the ship hit an iceberg.Our PR department is spreading the story that the ship was scuttled.


Ah, Puk, I am in utter awe.........


If you had bothered to read the ENTIRE article you would find that regardless of age, sex, gender, income, church attendance, etc. etc. Republicans came out ahead!!! The reality is Democrats are always so worried about killing the world, saving the world, etc. etc. They don't know how to be thankful or how to be grateful for the wonderful country in which they live! I would be depressed too if I were a Democrat because I would believe in all the garbage they try to shove down people's throats!!!

Like it or not, Democrats are part Socialist, part Facist and that is not the key to happiness.


"Our PR department is spreading the story that the ship was scuttled."

To cover the back story that it was sunk by a nuclear submarine keeping prying eyes away from the melting ice caps.


Watch the conspiracy theories proliferate if the public's consciousness has to warp into global cooling.

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