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December 18, 2007


Peter England

"Because Democrats Can't Get Enough Of Bush"

Presumably Hilary will be sending Bill round the world in search of this?

Other Tom

How long can this guy continue to run his mouth like this? At least once a week he reminds the nation that he's not merely sloppy with the truth, he's absolutely reckless with it--or entirely indifferent to it. I defer to the guy's political acumen, but it's very hard for me to believe he's been a net positive for her in this campaign.

Charlie (Colorado)

Hav a look over at Roer Simon's blog, where he contemplates (and I abet him contemplating) the possibility that Bill is subconsciously sabotaging Hillary's candidacy.


I think CNN got the original quote from Bill wrong.

What he probably said was that Hillary planned to dispatch him to places around the world to tell them that the Lincoln Bedroom is open for business again.

Patrick R. Sullivan

I think Bill is jealous that Sarko's wife dumped him, and he's free to go to EuroDisney with his new">">new squeeze.


When I first heard what Bubba said, I laughed. It is ludicrous to think that Bush 41 would go around bad mouthing his son to support a President Hillary. I had only 2 questions: How long will it take for GHWB to issue a statement of denial and what did Barbara Bush throw at the TV screen when she heard?

I cannot believe that anyone would believe such nonsense.

Peter England

That girl Hillary is certainly an international uniter Tamil Tigers raise funds for Clinton New Jersey Campaign


Calling King Juan Carlos of Spain:

You told Hugo Chavez to shut up, can you PUH-LEEZE tell Bubba to do the same?

I, and many other Americans, will gratefully say, "Muchisimas gracias."


Calling King Juan Carlos of Spain:

You told Hugo Chavez to shut up, can you PUH-LEEZE tell Bubba to do the same?

I, and many other Americans, will gratefully say, "Muchisimas gracias."


Bush already issued the denial saying that the world was doing just fine, he never spoke to Bill or Hill and he was proud of what his son has accomplished.

No link, I think I heard it on Fox.

Elroy Jetson

What will it be tomorrow, Bill?
Hillary, please don't muzzle your husband, he's providing endless hours of entertainment in an otherwise boring campaign.
I didn't believe those who said that Bill was trying to sabotage her run for the White House a couple of months ago.


"...dispatch his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by the current president — Bush's son, George W. Bush."

That is rich. Where is Dana Carvey when you need him? "Not gonna do it! Wouldn't be prudent!"

Other Tom

OK, look: I'm sorry to keep posting Tradesports stuff. I know I vowed to do it at most once a week until after Labor Day next year. So sue me.

The Shrieking Banshee is now at 55.5 to get the nomination. Has her recent decline from 73 just a matter of weeks ago set some sort of world indoor record? Outdoor?

Wasn't she somewhere in the 58's just 48 hours ago?

And what does it all mean?


What does it mean? You should know; you're the one who pointed out it hadn't moved from 73 for weeks just before the slide started. Have OT and Bill Clinton been seen in the same place?

Other Tom

Kim, I don't know why the fact that I previously pointed out that it hadn't moved indicates that I should know, any more than the fact that I'm now pointing out that it has indeed moved. In both cases, I simply don't know.

In a technical, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is sense, I do know. But I've always been skeptical about the predictive value of these futures-trading numbers. It does seem that, when election eve rolls around, the numbers turn out to be pretty close to the final election numbers--as close as most of the opinion polls.

As far as I can tell, what it means at this moment is that people who have put a few bucks on her winning the nomination are now trying to hedge, and are cutting their losses. Some number of people who paid 73 cents for a contract that would pay a dollar should she win are now willing to take 55 cents to bail out.

But what does that all mean...?

Other Tom

Question for Senator Edwards, either at a debate, or from Tim Russert, or from whomever:

"Senator, you have of course denied that this woman is now carrying your child. If it should turn out that she delivers a baby whose DNA establishes that you are the father, would you immediately withdraw as a candidate on the ground that we are not entitled to believe what you say? A simple yes or no will suffice, Senator."


Peter England -

" 'Because Democrats Can't Get Enough Of Bush'

Presumably Hilary will be sending Bill round the world in search of this?"

I would think she'd prefer to do it herself.


We could spend the rest of the evening making up suggestions for further Bill pronouncements to help Hill.
PUK, take it away...Soylent.
OT, quit always looking for the deeper meaning in things, Work with PUK to figure out how we can cleanup on the Hill-a-copter of death.


I googled your Edwards query, OT. I hadn't heard about that new development. Very interesting.

Peter England

"Take it from me I'm her husband,Hillary is the best man for the job".


On the way home from Christmas shopping today, I heard that Hill shead a tear on the campaign trail today. Has anyone heard about this?

I don't believe that she actually has tears so I am fascinated if it happened and why. Has anyone heard anything about this?


Oops, I'm behind, I see the Edwards thing already appeared in another thread. Just when you think the campaign's getting a little boring...

Soylent Red

Clarice calls and like Lassie I come running...

Possible new Bubba campaign themes:

"Don't forget Black America: As your first African American President, my wife is running, but I'm still passing."

"Vote for Hillary. Because I'm worth it."

"Vote for eight more years of reasons to buy the National Enquirer."

"Hill and Bill: Bringing the class and grace of Arkansas to Washington and the world."


Bravo! You never let us down.
BTW yesterday was the anniversary of his impeachment.

edward cropper

The idea that Bubba is trying to sink Hillary is not totally unreasonable. This guys ego is so big he very likely hates the idea of Hill being President and him an old relic hanging on to her skirt.

edward cropper

The idea that Bubba is trying to sink Hillary is not totally unreasonable. This guys ego is so big he very likely hates the idea of Hill being President and him an old relic hanging on to her skirt.

Soylent Red

Hey all...

I'm about to go dark for Christmas travel. In case I don't come back online before...

Merry Generic Midwinter Holiday Celebrating the Deity, Deities, or Life Affirming Force of Your Choice.

And a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

I predict a lot of fun in the upcoming months...


Smooches to you, Soylent. I hope you are getting to spend Xmas with your family. If so, give your cute dad a hug from me, pls.


Hah, OT; just amused at your perspicacity at noting market breaks.

Peter England

"This guys ego is so big he very likely hates the idea of Hill being President and him an old relic hanging on to her skirt."

Plus the fact that he hates her guts,theirs was a marriage of conveyance.


This is an old story and possibly a canard, but my understanding is that he was leering at her across a room in the Yale Law Library, and she called his bluff. Amazingly explanatory, if true.

Peter England

Marriage seems an extreme sort of "bluff calling".



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


the poster formerly known as c

I agree, PUK..Maybe she's not much of a poker player.

Peter England

I'd like to tell the American people,as the husband of Hillary Clinton , former highly successful President in my own right,I will be behind her all the way.

Peter England

the poster formerly known as c,

But which one lost?


It's me PUK--had to change my moniker to post before.

Bill's Cigar

To quote W S Churchill.
A woman is just a woman,but a cigar is a good smoke.I'm sure voters can appreciate that.


To resemble AB, a marriage consists of a social arrangement with a master, a mistress and two slaves, consisting in all, two.

These two are inextricably and mortally bound to each other. They represent marvelous political acumen clasped to sociopathy; truly a folie a deux.

Bill's Cigar

Hey,don't forget about me.


More proof Hill thinks the voters are morons.>She's smiling because she thinks we're all so stupid


Hecck, the comments are crazy to get into - did TM crank up the firewall?

...and what did Barbara Bush throw at the TV screen when she heard?
This was the only part that I disagree with, Sara. I doubt Barbara gave the suggestion more dignity than rolling eyes and perhaps a derisive snort.

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