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December 03, 2007



It must be the prgressive gene, yeah thats it its the DNA. Progs dont know how to have a good fight, so they drudge up stuff from third grade and it buttress that they add kindegarten too! If they want America to think of them as tough on ( fill in the day's blank) maybe they could start acting like more than a bunch of morons.


As Bill Jempty on Wizbang Politics says, how many kindergartners say they want to grow up to be sarcastic bloggers?


I've always believed that too much money and too many staffers is well, too much, and leads to ridiculous excess. No one's proved me wrong yet.

She's used to being insulated from criticism. From having to do more than mouth platitudes, And has gotten away over the years with the most preporterous lies--like the cattle futures deal, the missing billing records, the make believe VRWC--She should fasten her seatbelt, it's going to be a rocky ride to next November.


How many of us were writing essays in kindegarten? Finger painting, check. Graham crackers and milk snacks, check and check. Rug naps check again. 500 hundred word essays on what I want to be when I grow up? Sorry the big fat pencils and larged lined paper plus marginal ability to write at this point made this a damn near improbability for 99% of us, including a bunch of future Mensa members.

Patrick R. Sullivan

To write an essay when he was five would make him the most precocious kindergartener of all time.

Vote for the Boy Genius 2008

hit and run

sorry i can't post much. i've managed to get inside hillary campaign. must cover tracks. can't believe i got in. will try putting out more press releases like this later. ideas welcome. what else you want her campaign to put out. i'm thining i'll wait on a huma one. don't tell anyone i'm here. crap, someone's coming gotta go.




GMax - too funny and very true.

Hey - did your daughter win? I know she won the on-line vote, but did she win overall?

Rick Ballard

Let's see:

Hussein Il Jong has a tiny lead in Iowa but the Red Witch is up a bit in New Hampshire and quite a bit in Michigan, Nevada, Florida with the race closer in South Carolina.

My sense is that this is a stutter step to set up the Comeback Krud story after Iowa. The Red Witch will have to fire a few of the inner circle jerks before I'll buy "Stuck On Stupid" as the campaign motto.


"the make believe VRWC" So where are my cheques coming from?


"sorry i can't post much. i've managed to get inside hillary campaign. must cover tracks. can't believe i got in."
Thanks for wearing a dress so we don't have to.


The Lowe's folks are keeping it close to the vest. Anoouncement sometime this weekend. Once I know, you all will know.


It's hard to tell what is more ridiculous--Hillary's charges about Obama's kindergarten essay and "character" or the very thought of taking any NIE seriously. To me it looks like Hit has infiltrated everything and is cranking it out.


and H&R,you know what you are like with sharp objects,keep away from her tongue.


The Lowe's folks are keeping it close to the vest. Anoouncement sometime this weekend. Once I know, you all will know.


Thanks, GMax - still have fingers crossed.

Clarice: ha, ha, ha - could it be H&R "Oppo Man" to the rescue (or ruin)?


Can't wait to hear the news. It was a lot of fun to support her!
Hil is now officially in free-fall. just remember ;the bigger they are {or think they are} the harder they fall. Hil's single mistake- telling Couric that"It will be me" It sounded both presumptuous and desperate.


TM that is one of the most delightful posts I've ever read. I don't know why, but it put this big fat grin on my face. The really funny part is how true it is.


I miss voting for JMax! Looking forward to the announcement.

hit and run

ok. there's more from the inside. tho i probably won't get as much play from this as kindergarten did...

Clinton Campaign Launches 'Buddy' Program

ah dang it! it got intercepted. someone caught it and rewrote it. it was supposed go out as a program to discreetly get rid of unwanted pets. they may be on to me. going dark.

Other Tom

And at Tradesports she's down to 67.5...


Heh. Surely they could have come up with something better than "buddy," with its attendant associations? It doesn't pay to be a buddy of the Clintons - or rather, it can pay quite well, depending on how useful you are, but you run the risk of getting run over at any minute.

Rick Ballard

H & R,

Could you pass along a suggestion that they adopt On the Road Again as the theme song for the Buddy Campaign?


That gal can really multitask! The kindergarten business, the buddy program and a call for a moratorium on mortgage forclosures all in one day. (I've not seen so much good work since a friend ran for high school class president telling everyone their acne had much improved.)

Soylent Red

Is it just me or does anyone else perceive Hillary Clinton delivering sermons decrying the evil of naked ambition as a bit...surreal?


It's definitely just YOU, darling..HEH


I've now seen a report that John Edwards said when he was four that he wanted to be a "cowboy" and "Superman".

So, there it is. Proof positive that Edwards wants to be a "cowboy".

When was the last "cowboy" President ?
Reagan (pronounced "Ray Gun").

Now a "cowboy" President with visions of being "Superman". Damn .. even Reagan didn't go that far; a Bonzo maybe, but no Superman.


The horror .. the horror

-She should fasten her seatbelt, it's going to be a rocky ride to next November.

Au contraire, the fun has just begun for her. ::grin::


She'd just gotten her preordered copy of Halo III delivered to her the day before it was to be officially released.

Nerdiness knows no color barriers.


I will thank for my friends bringing me in this world. I am not regret to buy habbo gold .

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