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December 18, 2007



Who's deleting posts? It's probably not Tom, but he turned the blog over to one of the commentors.

All's I said was the real answers to the last two days. Why be afraid of an opinion truth? Tom, we need to check things..........


When I read the origninal post, the hoax played on Jim Henley (/sarcasm off) came to mind, so that was funny to see "Moe Lane" made the connection.

I'm still laughing that Niewert and T-rex think this whole hate crime hoax thing, predominantly by "effete" leftists, is a new phenomenon.

Jason McClain

While I do not support calling someone an idiot--it distracts from the substantive issues and gives the idiot a valid point as calling them an idiot is ad hominen attack--the web update time stamp is also evident in your "before" screen shot. Just not as the first story in the column. In the second story listed is says "web update Dec 15th" in your "before" screencap. So the technology widget they speak of is in play on both screen shots.

Although, I am both an idiot and need a new prescription from the optometrist, so view my observations with a filter of skewness.


While I do not support calling someone an idiot--it distracts from the substantive issues and gives the idiot a valid point as calling them an idiot is ad hominen attack

OK, they're just dumb. That work?


HAH - Blackwater killed our obnoxious dog befre Iraqi's who hat dogs had it for dinner

Blackwater spokeswoman Anne Tyrrell said the dog had attacked one of Blackwater’s bomb-sniffer dogs while a security team was sweeping the compound for explosives.

“The K-9 handler made several unsuccessful attempts to get the dog to retreat, including placing himself between the dogs. When those efforts failed, the K-9 handler unfortunately was forced to use a pistol to protect the company’s K-9 and himself,” she said in an e-mail to Reuters…

What kinda pussies work for the NYT's exactly, that they would make a story out of this? The kind that never leaves the pussified perch of the vodka zone, it seems.

Evan Cowart

If it bleeds it leads, guess they are a bit desperate for a bit of blood and guts to write about, had to settle for the dog.


Evan Cowart

If it bleeds it leads, guess they are a bit desperate for a bit of blood and guts to write about, had to settle for the dog.



Google didn't miss the timestamps. It's pretty obvious that news that day is marked with the hour and then changed to the day when it's no longer breaking news. Probably not even en editor, but software that did it.


There is an interesting assymetry to the political hate, which explains that it is always leftists crying wolf. We see it on the net.


Oh, missed a step; it's projection.


Putin is Time mag's man of the year.

What a bunch of fools.


"What a bunch of fools."

Well, yeah! Published by fools. Written by fools.

"We are our choices, made and not made. Our choices define us." Certainly exemplified in the choice Time has made.

If it bleeds it leads, guess they are a bit desperate for a bit of blood and guts to write about, had to settle for the dog.
Well, to be fair, it's kinda like the canonical "man bites dog" story, right?

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