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December 06, 2007



Ah, a clever demagogue.


A southern governor--same thing. Is it something in the water? Everytime they open their mouths I hear the sheriff in The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas .

Appalled Moderate

Of course, the New York Times has significant influence in the Republican primaries...Just like y'all would be dying to know who I would support in the GOP primaries.


Are you no longer laying claim to being a moderate, AM? Are you now simply Appalled?

Other Tom

Strange New Respect.

Rick Ballard

Very nice work, Clarice.

He's definitely on a sand rather than a sound foundation.


I hope RUSH reads that on the radio, today!

Appalled Moderate


Moderate = GOP? Not right now, I don't think. I suspect I would feel equally at home in the Democratic party as I do with the GOP, for reasons other than the ones I tend to air here.

I'll keep my name.


Thnx,Rick and Ann.

Bill in AZ

NYT continues blowing the headwind in Huck's favor, in spite of his un-electablility, er... wait, BECAUSE of his un-electability. They're afraid of everyone else, especially he who must not be named (Fred Thompson).


All of the media seems to be pushing Huck - even Fox. AND I DON'T LIKE IT!

hit and run

Huckabee hasn't gotten any closer to the nomination than Dean in 2004.

I'm not too concerned.


But yeah, I agree, I don't like it (though I have so little contact with "the media" that I am basing my dislike on your description.


Jim Geraghty has this bit from a campaign Q&A:

STUDENT: Recent polls show you surging... What do you attribute this surge to?

HUCKABEE: There's only one explanation for it, and it's not a human one. It's the same power that helped a little boy with two fish and five loaves feed a crowd of five thousand people.

Does this explain the skepticism of Huckabee many of us commenters have expressed? Lucifer does get mentioned a lot down here.

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