Howard Kurtz has a column telling us that Obama's team does not woo the press and that the candidate himself "remains a remote figure to those covering him".
Weird, say I, and so says Kevin Drum. But let me add two thoughts:
- the press has been loving Obama so far, but that may change if they have one of their "What have we wrought? have we been sufficiently critical or caught up in the magic" moments of intropsection;
- McCain, who may be Obama;s fall opponent, is famously accessible. Eventually, this disparity will be noted, to Obama's disadvantage. I can read the coverage now - "What is Obama afraid of? Does he lack substance, or is it substance abuse?"
Full Disclosure - this Bold Prediction that Obama would endure a media backlash while Hillary was promoted as the Comeback Queen was not exactly vindicated by the events in South Carolina (I blame Bill Clinton, but I have been blaming him for every personal setback of the last fifteen years.) But I am undaunted! So let's make this an Undated Bold Prediction - the seeds have been sown for an Obama media backlash, but when will we see the harvest?
MORE: Scott Helman, Boston Globe reporters endorses Kurtz on their blog:
Finally, The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz has a terrific piece today on Obama's relationship with the media. Read it here.
Looks like the Clinton Machine is in working order. That smell, pizza, can Fitz be far behind...
Posted by: RichatUF | January 28, 2008 at 12:36 PM
I dunna, TM--How long did it take for the Clinton backlash to develop or the Carter one? The media was complicit in that they were remarkably incurious about those wunderkinds when they ran for president as I recall.
Posted by: Clarice | January 28, 2008 at 12:52 PM
I would say the Clinton media backlash didn't begin until the blue dress was found. Even then, there remained the premise that he was a brilliant politician and the world loved him.
Posted by: MayBee | January 28, 2008 at 01:23 PM
I await Prof. Jay Rosen's thesis on Obama's press rollback.
Posted by: MayBee | January 28, 2008 at 02:13 PM
You know Bill thinks the press has been flaying him alive since Gennifer Flowers appeared. They duly reported the chaos of 1993, but failed to see that Clinton's indecisive and dishonest character could not be fixed and would lead to a train wreck eventually.
Posted by: Ralph L | January 28, 2008 at 03:04 PM