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January 31, 2008



question of duel dynasties

Is that a Freudian slip or a pun?

Pistols at 10 paces!


Bill confirmed that the Bush economy is doing great!

Then we read that Obama wants to have an Islam summit.

Then we have Howard Dean hiring a Muslim jihadist for his DNC convention committee.

Wow! Is this country capitulating to Shari'ah law?


Why is MSM trying to bring down Hill and Bill, and promote Obama?

Elementary, my dear Watson.

The Republic nominee is becoming clearer. They know Obama has a stronger chance against Big Mac than Hill does.

Tom Maguire

Is that a Freudian slip or a pun?

A Freudian pun, I guess.

Rick Ballard

SCAB - The Hillary Story At Walmart.

Per Clarice, of course.


"Clinton would not agree to be interviewed on the subject but now says she no longer shares Wal-Mart's values and believes unions "have been essential to our nation's success."

She should have used the piano defense also the videotapes seem conclusive evidence whe wasn't upstairs tickling theivories when the Company plotted against labor unions.

Bill in AZ

Wow! Is this country capitulating to Shari'ah law?

Just wait until they roll out the bipartisan McCain-Kennedy Jizya Tax...


Wow! Is this country capitulating to Shari'ah law?

Just wait until they roll out the bipartisan McCain-Kennedy Jizya Tax...

Final chapter of Liberal Fascism...in real life?

Bill in AZ

You'll get your pamphlet "Dhimmi for Dummies" or "Sharia for Dummies" in the mail depending on which way you fill out the Jizya tax form.

Jim Miller

Well, I would say that Obama's idea of a summit with all the Muslim nations should be just as big a basher as the Clinton stories, but Reuters only gave it a few paragraphs.

Sometimes I can't decide whether I would rather think that a politician is lying to me or lying to themselves. In this Muslim summit case, I really, really hope that Obama is lying to the voters. But I fear that he actually believes that would be a good idea.


I think the MSM may need a 12th man, so this seems an appropriate thread for the debate.


Hey Elliott - it's gonna be a smackdown - I hope.


Oh good, Wolf starts with identity politics. Should be a good foreshadowing.


Someone should tell Hill that Brown is not a power color.

Rick Ballard

Will Wolf ask her about her pianer playin' at Uncle Sam's place? Or will he focus on Rezko's Iraqi connection?


Wolf Blitzer welcomes us from the Kodak Theater. Last Dem debate before Super Tues, etc. First Clinton-Obama debate. Woman and African-American.

They are doing the photo-op thing again. Hillary is wearing a brown suit with turquoise necklace and earrings. Obama has donned a dark suit with silverish tie.

CNN's pundit are having their say as the photogs leave and the candidate take their seats.


That woman has the biggest nose I have ever seen. Okay, that's just mean. ooooh Obama held hillary's chair for her. And we have the LA Times and Politico asking questions. How democrat of them.

First an opening statement. Gee, the republicans didn't get that. I wonder why.


Obama held the chair out for Hillary. Bet the women in that audience hated that.


They both look at second graders at those desks.

hit and run

Setting the scene for the debate:

Serenity LATER!

Now it is time for the airing of grievances. I gotta lotta of problems with you people!


Oooh Hillary sets the agenda. She is planning to lead that black man in her brown suit.


Wolf introduces the questioners from Politico and LA Times. You can still vote for questions at Politico.

There are no rules (Hillary cackles).

90 second statement.

Obama: I want to acknowledge Edwards. He did a great job. He'll be a voice for party and country for many years. Down to two candidates after 17 debates. Testimony to party to country that one of us will be next Pres. I'm friends with Hillary and always will be. We're competitive because we love this country. Nation at war, planet in peril. Health care costs, foreclosures. New direction. Solve problems, move beyond division. Not about black, white, etc. Past vs. future. Both Dems, we want change from Bush, but that change must be honest and push aside special interests.

Clinton: Jan. 20, 2009 inauguration. I hope you are looking at next Pres on this stage. Stack of problems when goes into office. War in Iraq. Economy that is only good for wealthy. Insufficient health care. Energy crisis, global warming. Problems known and unknown. President must be able to tackle problems, seize opportunities. 37 million below poverty line (Edwards tribute). Problem solver needed. Americans ready to know we can do anything.

Rick Ballard

Unfortunately and tragically plotting against us? Ahhhh... poor widdle jihadis.


Those two and that huge yammering crowd are scary.

Elliott, I am so glad you joined us tonight.

hit and run

Americans ready to know we can do anything.

And there's not a damn thing you poor sheeple can do to stop us!


Oooooh healthcare is a "right". Show us where you found that in the constitution. I demand botox, and a face lift, and free sunglasses. I demand they stop aging.

Obama drinks like a girl. More subsidies, more regulation, less Iraq. Oh and he thinks carrots and sticks will change the terrorists.


LAT: Campaigning for over a year, different life experience. What's your biggest policy difference?

Clinton: Difference between us small compared to those between us and Repubs. I believe in universal healthcare. Moral responsibility and right. My plan is like Edwards. Moratorium on foreclosures, freeze interest rates for 5 years. Realistic and optimistic approach to foreign policy. There are real threats. Diplomatic changes, but shouldn't meet with the dictators Obama will meet with. Repubs equal more of the same. We're not, as you can see just by looking at us.

Obama: We do have differences. Health care plans 95% similar. We want people with preexisting coverage to be able to get coverage. Prevention important. I believe people don't have health care because they can't afford so I want to reduce costs. People will buy it. Clinton thinks people need to be forced to buy health insurance. Mandates require enforcement. That's wouldn't be helpful. Need to keep people in their homes. I have a 10 billion dollar fund. Interest rate freeze will lead to rise in mortgage interest rates. Could hurt the people we're trying to help. Mortgage mess Bush's fault. Lobbyists fought for predatory lenders. Need to cut down on influence of special interests. I passed ethics reforms. Opposed Iraq from the start. That shows my judgment. Need to use military power wisely. Diplomacy can keep us safe. I would meet with Iran because it will make them more likely to change their behavior.


Moving to debate thread.


Rick, have you noticed how Hillary is glaring at Obama while smiling? Is that a hex?


Hey Elliott, TM has a new thread.

Rick Ballard

"Oh and he thinks carrots and sticks will change the terrorists."

I dunno, Jane. I think poisoned carrots and Louisville Sluggers could be at least tried. Not against well armed jihadis, maybe...

Rick Ballard

"Is that a hex?"

I think the hex was cast last night. Do you notice that little hitch in his delivery? Hama is offstage with a hatpin and a BHO doll. I admire his composure and don't grudge him the little jumps.


I have some sympathy for Mr. Tapper.

Here again is the "smart" solution for Global Warming from Bill Clinton:

"The only way we can do this is if we get back in the world’s fight against global warming and prove it is good economics that we will create more jobs to build a sustainable economy that saves the planet for our children and grandchildren."

What the hell is Clinton saying? Can someone parse this for me?


The greenies would like to see lots of dead people. Bill is trying to triangulate that, but is going senile.

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