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March 30, 2008



Geez, don't make me start out this season praising the Yankees. That's dirty pool TM.

Danube of Thought

I didn't leave the Yankees. They left me--when Mantle left, and then when Steinbrenner arrived.


Bill James on 60 Minutes tonight. The undercard is Al Gore calling we skeptics flat earthers and moon landing deniers.

Did you know Al Gore claims a 300 million dollar environmental awareness fund he's about to start spending? Did you know Richard Scaife is kissing up to Hillary? Basra makes better sense than this.



We will always have the Pats. (Do you know no one has talked about that game since the day it was played? Not a word. To this day, there isn't a New Englander alive who can speak about it.)

Danube of Thought

I'm not surprised, Jane. I'm a nominal Chargers fan, but even I was badly jolted by that game. And given that the ones who did the Pats in were the Giants, of all teams, it's still harder to take. I think the Pats' mojo may be permanently broken. Like when SC lost to Vince Young.


I think the Pats' mojo may be permanently broken.

No, no, no, no, Nooooooooooooooo.


The one good thing about this is that it once again shows that Jeter has class. I remember a parade a couple of years ago where he was the Grand Marshal and he picked his parents to ride with him because they were responsible for his success. A real class act.


Jeter makes it hard to hate the Yankees.
I manage it somehow, but I just can't hate Jeter.


Now, about this Rod fellow...
Oh, and let Clemens be remembered as a Yankee. And, and, and - less Hal, more Hank!!
OK - now I can grudgingly admit that Jeter is a good guy (but he has gotten "extra" Gold Gloves for that as well).


The one good thing about this is that it once again shows that Jeter has class.

Jeter has so much class that he graciously changed positions so that the best SS on the roster could play SS. ... wait ...


It not Mickey Mantle - its the pinstripes, they cant stop looking at the pinstripes.


You go, Captain Intangibles. Now if only you weren't so bloody awful as a fielding shortstop.

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