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March 16, 2008



Ooch ak ook ook?


Why do I think of 'Rosemary's Baby'?


I'm proud to say I found the Swifties site in May of '04, and ashamed to say I roundly ignored them until the Guns of August.

Patrick R. Sullivan

Ouch, this, from Mark Steyn, had to hurt:

The song the Rev. Wright won't sing is by Irving Berlin, a contemporary of Cole Porter, Ira Gershwin and Lorenz Hart, all the sophisticated rhymesters. But only Berlin could have written without embarrassment "God Bless America." He said it directly, unaffectedly, unashamedly – in seven words:

"God Bless America

Land that I love."

Berlin was a Jew, and he suffered slights: He grew up in the poverty of New York's Lower East Side. When he made his name and fortune, his marriage to a Park Avenue heiress resulted in her expulsion from the Social Register. In the Thirties, her sister moved in with a Nazi diplomat and proudly flaunted her diamond swastika to Irving. But Berlin spent his infancy in Temun, Siberia (until the Cossacks rode in and razed his village), and he understood the great gift he'd been given:

"God Bless America

Land that I love."

The Rev. Wright can't say those words. His shtick is:

"God damn America

Land that I loathe."

I understand the Ellis Island experience of Russian Jews was denied to blacks. But not to Obama. His experience surely isn't so different to Berlin's – except that Barack got to go to Harvard. Obama's father was a Kenyan, he spent his childhood in Indonesia, and he ought to thank his lucky stars that he's running for office in Washington rather than Nairobi or Jakarta.

Instead, his whiny wife, Michelle, says that her husband's election as president would be the first reason to have "pride" in America, and complains that this country is "downright mean" and that she's having difficulty finding money for their daughters' piano lessons and summer camp. Between them, Mr. and Mrs. Obama earn $480,000 a year (not including book royalties from "The Audacity Of Hype," but they're whining about how tough they have it to couples who earn 48 grand – or less. Yes, we can. But not on a lousy half-million bucks a year.

God has blessed America, and blessed the Obamas in America, and even blessed the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose bashing of his own country would be far less lucrative anywhere else on the planet.


I keep seeing "Samurai Night Fever" and Tony's brother (OJ) .. "I don't want to be black anymore .. it was cool in the 60's ..."

Obama keeps switching his "blackness" on and off like a light switch.

We'll know it's really bad when Obama starts talking about how he hangs around with (former ? KKK member) Robert Byrd.


I've always been more partial to "goo goo goo joob."

Nuff Said McGreavey

I don't agree with either but how was Wright's post 9/11 sermon any different than Robertson & Falwell remarks on 9/11? All 3 were using 9/11 to push their own agenda. I think they are all wrong but to be outraged at Wright and not at Falwell & Robertson is just pure hypocrisy. When the wingnuts disavow the religious right, then I'll listen to their opinions on what's un-American.

Comments from the Thursday, September 13, 2001 edition of the '700 Club.'

JERRY FALWELL: The ACLU's got to take a lot of blame for this.


JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way--all of them who have tried to secularize America--I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."


Good round up. Hanson and Irving Berlin. Love it.

Here's what I got from the liberals defending Obama/Wright today:

The Reverend's pregnant-with-content sermons are rhetoric. Don't take them seriously.

BTW, BHO's speeches (devoid of content) should be taken very seriously. Hope, baby!


Good round up. Hanson and Irving Berlin. Love it.

Here's what I got from the liberals defending Obama/Wright today:

The Reverend's pregnant-with-content sermons are rhetoric. Don't take them seriously.

BTW, BHO's speeches (devoid of content) should be taken very seriously. Hope, baby!


Don't worry, I'll fix it.


Mr. Right raised the same issue you do. Ask yourself what the democrats would do to a candidate who called Falwell his spiritual mentor.


I guess I didn't fix it.

Cecil Turner

When the wingnuts disavow the religious right, then I'll listen to their opinions on what's un-American.

The next time a GOP candidate donates thousands of dollars to Falwell, this'll be a cogent comparison. It'll still be a tu quoque fallacy, though.


What we have learned this week is that the Democrats intend to nominate a racist black supremacist feminist who loves to read radical poems for policy ideas???



I think you're getting your walruses mixed up with your Mrs. Robinsons.


Cecil, it's not even tu quoque, it's tu quamquam minor (You, but not as much.) Comparing Wright to Falwell is like defending Obama's Marxist ties by pointing out McCain has admitted to living in a Communist country for 5 1/2 years.

...how was Wright's post 9/11 sermon any different than Robertson & Falwell remarks on 9/11?
Actually, as I remember it, the person whose post-9/11 sermonizing most resembled Robertson & Falwell was...

...William Jefferson Clinton.

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