Here is a headline sure to worry Dems:
Campaigning for another lets Kerry be Kerry
Oh, boy - the Tall, Dour One is hitting the stumps for Obama, offering wisdom gleaned from his 2004 experience:
Derided for suggesting in a 2004 debate that American policy should be measured against a "global test," Kerry today tells voters of the encouragement he received for Obama's candidacy from foreign heads of state on his recent trips through Asia and Africa.
"They're fascinated by the potential that he brings to our country to put forward a different face," Kerry said.
Say it with Abe - if the party had a different face, John, would they have nominated yours? Ah, well, I can see the photo now - "Halp Me, Jon Cary, I Am Stuck With This Glowbl Tast". Gosh, didn't we have fun with that global test? I know I did!
I may as well ask the same question now I did then:
The Reps should, in the appropriate venues, tie Kerry's comment to America's support for Israel. Clearly, the UN and the world community will never endorse a US effort to aid the Zionist imperialists. Would Kerry support Israel despite its inability to pass the global test? You bet he might! But watching him explain that will annoy Kerry's Left, which is no admirer of Israel.
Kerry also delivered some good material on news management:
Kerry was the first party elder to back Obama and has sent 25 million e-mail messages to his supporter list to raise money for Obama and to defend him against Internet rumors claiming that Obama was a Muslim.
Such attacks were "personal for me," Kerry wrote, because of his experience defending his Vietnam War record against the independent Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Kerry emerged as a self-styled expert on the nature of viral campaigns and the need for rapid response.
"The lesson of it is you have to be super-aware of exactly where they are, what they're saying, and what they're spending," said Kerry. "The Obama people have shown great dexterity in that - they did a very good job early on the Internet stuff - on the Muslim thing and the religion thing, and I think they've done a very good job on the Rev. Wright thing."
Hmm, surely Obama is helped by the fact that he is *not* a Muslim, even if his pastor was at one time? I would have thought that an important lesson from the Swift Boat experience was to get the facts right, and get the facts out. Kerry sat on his military records, sat on his personal diary, and left even his supporters wondering what other shoes might drop out of his copious closet.
WAVES OF NOSTALGIA: Following my own link, I am reminded of this puzzle held over from 2004 - it was a huge deal when the secret bombing of Cambodia was discovered in 1973. Yet Kerry testified to the Senate in 1970 and was not shy about hurling accusations against the conduct of Nixon and the army of Ghengis Khan. So why did he not mention his famous 1968 Christmas incursion into Cambodia back then? I have no idea if this question was answered, or even generated buzz.
Law Review Veterans for Truth doesn't have the same ring, does it. But Obama is a fabulist too. It'll come.
Posted by: kim | April 09, 2008 at 07:50 AM
"So why did he not mention his famous 1968 Christmas incursion into Cambodia back then?"
Something to do with the magic hat, I bet.
Posted by: JB | April 09, 2008 at 08:50 AM
Will Kerry's acid trip ever wear off? And how many more Obama "things" will we need to endure in this election cycle?
Posted by: in_awe | April 09, 2008 at 11:16 AM
Someone (Clarice?) correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we established back in 2004 that the first time Kerry ever said he'd gone into Cambodia was in October, 1979 when he was asked to write a review of Apocalypse Now:
"On more than one occasion, I like Martin Sheen in 'Apocalypse Now,' took my patrol boat into Cambodia. In fact I remember spending Christmas Eve of 1968 five miles across the Cambodian border being shot at by our South Vietnamese allies who were drunk and celebrating Christmas. The absurdity of almost being killed by our own allies in a country in which President Nixon claimed there were no American troops was very real."
In "To Set the Record Straight," Kerry's colleague LTJG Larry Thurlow is quoted as follows (concerning the Bay Hap River incident): "He takes every situation and story he was a party to or heard about, and eventually it becomes his story."
Posted by: Danube of Thought | April 09, 2008 at 11:41 AM
I think that's right D(ot). There's a psychological disorder called Mythomania and our boy JFK has it in spades. (Along with Hillary). In his case it was obvious from boyhood. Perhaps he came by it honestly because it appears at least his father didn't care much for him. (I suspect his mother didn't either if her last words to him really were, as he reported,"integrity, integrity,integrity.")
Posted by: clarice | April 09, 2008 at 12:22 PM
You bet he might!
Thanks for that memory, that made me laugh pretty darn hard.
Since you made me laugh, let me make you laugh, since I know how you feel about the Yankees, please don't ban me.
The NY Post had a list of the top 50 jokes of last year, it was a lame list except for maybe two or three.
Here's one of the good ones.
Alex Rodriguez never gets clutch hits in October, yet his fans insist on comparing him to Babe Ruth. So A-Rod tries to get as close as he can to Ruth-type achievements. Before the playoffs last year, A-Rod went to a hospital and promised a dying kid that he'd ground out to second Base for him. And I was at the game, people, it's true - A-Rod pointed to second Base.
Posted by: Veeshir | April 09, 2008 at 12:28 PM
"So why did he not mention his famous 1968 Christmas incursion into Cambodia back then?"
Easy, he hadn't made it up yet. It took a movie to plant that idea.
Posted by: Barry | April 09, 2008 at 12:38 PM
He never did release his DD-214, did he?
Posted by: Gideon7 | April 09, 2008 at 02:51 PM
Actually, he did release it (or at least he released "a" DD-214). That was the document that indicated he had been awarded a "Silver Star with Combat 'V'," which has never happened and is not authorized by law.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | April 09, 2008 at 03:34 PM
HILLARYous. Kerry couldn't influence Mass. for Obama, but now he's got the magic touch in Penn?
Posted by: liontooth | April 10, 2008 at 04:47 AM
His own allies shot him. Yep. That was the Kerry '04 campaign.
And why is Obama having Kerry front for him? He needs the advice of an experienced loser. No amateurs for him.
Posted by: M. Simon | April 10, 2008 at 04:53 AM