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April 22, 2008


Thomas Collins

Has the NY Times ever published an article analyzing in such detail B_O's ties to Ayres, Rezko and Wright?

Paul Zrimsek

I'm afraid this time my bitterness is tempered by McCain's own history of seeing corruption wherever money exists when it comes to anyone other than his noble self.



An typo above:

Nahh, that sort of thing is for the Senate Majority Leader to do

Should read:

Nahh, that sort of thing is for the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader to do
Mikey NTH

An army base is a small city (maybe a big one). There may be on-base housing, but there are also plenty of industrial sites where machinery was stored, repaired, disposed of. Lots of fuel, solvents, and other fluids were spilled and in some places, dumped. Ranges are full of pieces of metal, including heavy metals.

Getting into one of these as a re-developer can be very, very messy.

David Walser

I'm glad the Times ran this story. Will we be favored, next, by an expose of the big newspaper in NYC and the political strings it pulled to get its new building? I forget the name of the paper, but I'm sure it couldn't have gotten its new building without using political clout. /snark

In all seriousness, the greater the control government has over the economy, the greater the incentive there will be to try and influence government. If the Times is concerned with influence peddling, it should start advocating a smaller, less intrusive, government.


The Times is conflating two separate transactions here; the property Diamond bought for $250,000 is not the property he sold for $30 million, although the way the article is worded doesn't make that clear.


If this is the caliber of what the Times and its ilk are going to be going after McCain with, he will most assuredly be our next President.


Late 70's, seven buds and I played Spyglass Hill Friday and Bayonet Saturday. At the time, Spyglass was rated #2 course in Ca and you all know it's one of the four courses the big proam is played on. Bayonet was just as tough, maybe because it was tighter, but not as picturesque. Not certain, but I think Bayonet was considered better than Blackhorse. Anyway, the golf courses involved ain't chopped liver, probably worth tens of millions on their own.


Well, "on their own" would be the operative phrase there... How much are the golf courses worth if they are intertwined with liability for a superfund-sized toxic waste cleanup project?


Generally, military golf courses are situated on remote parts of bases, away from the industrial-type ops. That's my vague recollection of Ft. Ord, too. Also, Ord was primarily language school in its latter incarnation, so industry wasn't as intense there, at least not for many years. I may have misunderstood, but aren't the courses a separate transaction? (For which I saw no evaluation at the link.)

M. Simon

If the Times is concerned with influence peddling, it should start advocating a smaller, less intrusive, government newspaper.

There. Fixed. Although I must say it seems the smaller paper is already in the works.

real estate

There is a word that can be closely related to what is happening to the world in the twenty first century: corruption. corruption is a process of decay, decomposition, destruction of a body, any body existing on earth.

Cort Moore

Let me get this straight, McCain smoothed the way for his finance advisor/consultant to buy gov't acreage in a way-prime California region for 250,000!.... in 1994? I would've liked to have had a piece of that! Is Gov't property usually dealt selectively to millionaire minions of polticos? The guy "flipped" 20 million on a deal greased by McCain. It was sweet deal but it smells really funky.
-Cort Moore


that! Is Gov't property usually dealt selectively to millionaire minions of polticos? The guy "flipped" 20 million on a deal greased by McCain. It was sweet deal but it smells really funky.
-Cort Moore


Welcome to our game world, my friend asks me to buy runescape .

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