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April 23, 2008


Thomas Collins

If B_O were willing to tell the Therapy State Police Nannies to go shove it when they complain about his cigarette habit, I would nominate him for a What Passes For A Strong Man Today award. However, he apparently is taking the same approach that Bubba Bill took with his love of McDonald's fries, namely, to be act like he is trying to quit the habit. So, on the Wimpy Wimpburger/Real Man continuum, I would have to place B_O on the left side of the divide (as is the case with his politics).

Danube of Thought




Obama believes he is talking about really important issues and we should just confine ourselves to those really important issues. I think he is a bit surprised that Hillary -- who he takes as a serious person -- would harp on nonsense.

Obama's contempt for the press is pretty ill-concelaed. I understand his contempt, but it's going to cause him trouble in the campaign.



Obama's no wimp. Chicago politics does not breed wimps.


I HOPE you can explain to us rubes what really important issues Obama has talked about. It would be nice for a CHANGE to hear him tells us where he stands on a whole host of issues.

Danube of Thought

Many people consider that his ong-time and ongoing associations with people who continue to express their loathing of this country right down to today are not nonsense at all, and bear some examining and some explaining. His explanations to date have been lame in the extreme, and in the case of Ayers affirmatively misleading.

As for his positons on the "really important issues," I doubt there is an interested sentient being who does know them by rote by now. He seemed to expect each debate to be a platform from which he could deliver his sound-bites yet again, without being "distracted" by questions he didn't like.

Altogether an unmanly fellow.

Barney Frank

Chicago politics does not breed wimps.

So how come they're always bubbering for their mama on the way to Leavenworth?


fwiw, Bill Ayers recently changed his name to Bill Ularu.

- cough -

little Australian humo(u)r there.



I don't buy the unmanly. I think you are underestimating. But the campaign will likely sort that one out..


OK, I should have used quote marks.

Of the personal issues, I find Ayers trivial -- on grounds that the contact was rather limited -- and Wright rather important.

Bitter/cling is something that will fade as a result of over-repetition. But the attitude it refects -- that the things that divide us are the result of economic oppression or simple hard times -- is a rather obnoxious way of looking at the world. That kind of economic determinism was supposed to have gone out with the Soviet Union.





You and I are of one mind on the issue of Obama (and McCain actually).


Why does Barry need,Hillary or Dowdy? He can get all that at home.


"I think he is a bit surprised that Hillary -- who he takes as a serious person -- would harp on nonsense.

"Obama's no wimp. Chicago politics does not breed wimps."

This doesn't compute,Barry learned nothing in Chicago politics? He was at Grade school during the Clinton presidency?
Has he never seem a praying mantis?


I think when the campaign got going, the first commandment was:

"Thou shalt not come across as an angry black man."

Now, with 33% white support, you'd think they'd chuck that plan.

My hint?
(also a nifty campaign slogan)



Obama is extremely easy to ridicule, and the McCain campaign would do well to use humor to get under his skin and cause more gaffes. He is a thin-skinned mama's boy who can't take the heat, but McCain must modulate his attacks appropriately.


Bitter/cling is something that will fade as a result of over-repetition.
Yeah, it shouldn't have any more staying power than "Bush lied, people died", "selected not elected", or "no blood for oil".


Chicago politics does not breed wimps.
No, it breeds bullies who are used to being fawned over, and completely unused to being challenged.



'I HOPE you can explain to us rubes what really important issues Obama has talked about.'

it's all about 'change' man.

we can dare to hope that we can effect the change we desire and transform the tired old ways of washington by transcending the partisan behavior that has unnecessarily divided us in the past and in so doing come together as the solution that will define our generaton by tackling those problems which should unite us for the common good.

don't be a squarehead.


"Chicago politics does not breed wimps."

Obama reminds me of a fast-track, grad degree corporate boy groomed by the bosses. Not necessarily an indicator of toughness as he has been coddled and sheltered his whole life.

They can't really help him in big bad America.


Obama's no wimp. Chicago politics does not breed wimps.

Oh now he is a tough Chicago politics guy. Yesterday he was the gentle unity candidate. The problem with Obamabot sycophants like Appalled is that having decided he walks on water, they are left drowning when he steps into whirlpools. So we get ridiculous statements like "Bitter/cling is something that will fade as a result of over-repetition". Anyone really doubt that Obama has already been defined as more liberal, less patriotic, more arrogant, less trustworthy than he was 2 months ago?

Ralph L

DoT, do you mean "he's toast" or "let's toast his toastness?"

Thomas Collins

In fairness to B_O, on the toughness scale, HRC doesn't quite make the Annie Oakley grade (although my money would be on HRC in a mud wrestling contest or a bowl-off with B_O).



Yes, I am such an Obama syncophant that I just credited him with an essentially Marxist worldview. You need to read, my man. I just don't think Obama is a woosy little politician who will weep and wilt when hit by all the stuff that will come flying his way. That's wishful thinking, kiddies.


"Obama believes he is talking about really important issues and we should just confine ourselves to those really important issues."

Yeah, that doesn't at all sound condescending.

Important issues are what I say important issues are, you McClingyRubes.

Rick Ballard


My read on Appalled doesn't include "Obamabot". He's just appalled - wouldn't you be if your team was fielding BHO and Red Witch?

bgates has BHO in a nutshell - a cheap thug riding a wholly unearned, unwarranted and undeserved reputation. He'll put a knife in your back - if he's 98% certain you won't turn around and he has plenty of room to run.

Now Red Witch is a whole different story. She'll cut your heart out and eat it in front of you. Kinda like what she's doing to BHO.


"I just don't think Obama is a woosy little politician who will weep and wilt when hit by all the stuff that will come flying his way."

No, he'll just hide from reporters for a fortnight straight.


Surely a candidate's mental is better tested in adversity. As president Obama would spent most of his time in troubled waters,that is what the job entails.
It would be no use telling the Chinese he brings "hopey changey" they will only ask if he wants noodles with that.
The world is a cruel place,he hasn't got his granny to hide behind now.

JM Hanes

Speaking of macho men:

Attention Mud Wrestlers

If you buy something from SteynOnline before midnight tonight, he'll be donating half the purchase price to the Canadian bloggers currently taking fire from Richard Warman. Of particular interest to the ladies: if you buy a book, you can tell him what you'd like in the way of an inscription. I suggested that as one of the mudwrestling contingent over at JOM, I was prepared to swoon at anything he penned under the covers.

If you can persuade him to sign his T-Shirts too, I'll go back and outfit myself formally for the mud -- strictly as an adjudicatrix of course. I'll leave the really dirty work to Clarice & Jane. All in a good cause too. Ain't it grand?


My read on Appalled is his eyes are wide open on Obama. If we can get enough left leaning voters to take a close look, I like the chances of holding the WH and with it the power to appoint the judiciary, veto horrible legislation and rein in the bureaucracy. Perhaps man the bully pulpit too.

There will be trolls around in a moment. Save your arrows for the those who will not even listen.

Ralph L

I was prepared to swoon at anything he penned under the covers.
You won't look at your watch?


I already bought the book, I'll see if he'll sign something else.

JM Hanes

"Chicago politics does not breed wimps."

Sure it does. Power brokers need a steady stream of useful idiots. Obama beat two, yes, two opponents whose messy divorce records were mysteriously unsealed to public scrutiny at incredibly convenient moments, and then Alan Keyes parachuted in to entertain the troops. Obama's singular achievement has been avoiding votes that he might have to defend to potential supporters. We're about to find out just how far that undeniable skill set will take him.

JM Hanes

What, watch?


Effete. Impudent. Snob. Ooops, those have been used and in one sentence.

Big Pussy, toff, and the ever useful, chicken.

Danube of Thought

How about "playing on the Pink Team?" Or, "he drops anchor in Poo Harbor?"

Actually, what bothers me about the Ayers thing is that Obama was very far from forthcoming about it. He described him as just "an English professor who lives in my neghborhood" and suggested that Ayers had simply done something horrible when Obama was eight years old.

Actually, his initial fund-raising event was hosted by Ayers and his unrepentant terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and the bile that comes out of their mouths to this day would be a kiss of death for any other politician. Recall the grief Bush got for a single appearance at Bob Jones University.

And yes, the association itself bothers me, too.

Ralph L

Nasty reference to the movie "Klute", when Jane Fonda stops moaning while entertaining a john to look at her wristwatch. You should have left the "s" off "covers."


The association with an avowed and unrepentant terrorist should bother you and any other reasonable person who expects his President to have a modicum of judgment about regular life. One of the many things this teaches us about the callow (add that) Obama is that he believes regular judgments do not apply to him. To suggest he is reckless with his associations and that such recklessness is a disqualification for high office, is, to him, trifles light as air.

So bright is his light, so narrow his way, so profound his judgment, so transcendent his mere countenance, so narcissistic his diagnosis, that the rules do not apply to him.

If he had gone to high school with me, I would have run his pants up the flagpole and beat him silly.

Did I say that? It’s just the bitter talkin’.


The scariest thing about Obama is his relative youth.

I mean, he's got a good 30-35 years as a former president to put Jimmah's track record to shame.

Rick Ballard

"I would have run his pants up the flagpole and beat him silly."

Sure, easy to say on the internet but what would you do if he got the rest of the second string on the chess team together and came after you? Your arms would get pretty tired running all their pants up the flag pole. That'd teach you.


I had friends. Bad friends. Unrepentant.

And, I would have deployed Petrov’s defence.

And, guns.

JM Hanes

"You should have left the 's' off 'covers.'"

No, that's how you would have written it. I like my little s as is.


"The scariest thing about Obama:

" An e-mail from a reader said that, while Hillary Clinton tells lies, Barack Obama is himself a lie. That is becoming painfully apparent with each new revelation of how drastically his carefully crafted image this election year contrasts with what he has actually been saying and doing for many years."

From Thomas Sowell at townhall.com

The scariest thing is that no matter how many people tell America what Obama is, there are still people voting for him.


Mr Ube,
"How about "playing on the Pink Team?" Or, "he drops anchor in Poo Harbor?"

Might I offer "Big Girls Blouse".

JM Hanes


Obama's disingenuous description bugs me too, but what bothers me most is an unrepentant bomber's apparent standing in the Chicago community in the first place.


"My read on Appalled doesn't include "Obamabot". He's just appalled - wouldn't you be if your team was fielding BHO and Red Witch?"

I would, and maybe Appalled did not start out as an Obamabot but anyone still sticking with him deserves the moniker. To prove my point here is another gem.

"I just don't think Obama is a woosy little politician who will weep and wilt when hit by all the stuff that will come flying his way."

No, faced with a tough question he will whine and beg to be left alone to eat his waffle.


JMH - how do I go about getting what I buy inscribed? Got a link?


Obama got elevated, probably much to his surprise after the 2004 convention. He got egged on by Durbin and thought his typical Chicago tactics would play country-wide.

Then he was anointed as the Messiah doing absolutely nothing but reading from a script. The "change-clingers" carried him along on their shoulders and the media adopted him as the prodigal son.

Of course he's a clueless lightweight. He's running on his lofty attitude and nothing else. While most Americans can appreciate his speechifying, and maybe after Bush relish the thought of a guy who talks pretty, that's simply not enough for anyone grounded in reality.

And for the exact same reasons he would be the worst president in history. He has absolutely no clue how to govern.


"unrepentant bomber's apparent standing in the Chicago community in the first place."

That's really the big problem we face. The Ayers, Ward Churchills and Rev. Wrights of the world need audiences to survive and they are getting them. At the moment they are sort of incubating in academia, inner city wards, black churches, etc. just waiting for a sympathetic tool like Obama to get into power so they can start spawning in the real world.

Charlie (Colorado)

Maureen Dowd is competing again for the quadrennial Lorena Bobbit Trophy, awarded to the columnist who most relentlessly feminizes and emasculates whichever hapless Dems are on offer.

And she wonders why she can't get a date.

Rick Ballard


I think maybe Appalled was saying that BHO came out of a rough political atmosphere, which "toughened" him. I disagree - I think Ayers et al annointed a cream puff who still has bumper pads up in his crib. I believe BHO to be a very smart, very sly, backstabber without much in the way of a backbone. RW is the same, with the exception that she has always had to have a double strength backbone because Bubba came without one. BHO and Bubba are similiar in that respect - MO has the backbone in BHO's family. That's as clear as a bell.


As my son says, "The advantage of marrying a strong willed woman, is that you never again have to be bothered with making a significant decision ."

Soylent Red


Clinton and Obamessiah share the same kind of grifter charm. People seem more inclined to trust these guys for some reason, and they take full advantage of it. I don't know if it was cultivated or if they were just somehow endowed with it.

That being said, I would fear Bubba much more in a political knifefight. Bubba and RW both are capable of fighting very dirty and taking things right to the wall. Obamessiah seems more like a cheap shot sucker puncher who then runs away. I don't qualify anything he's done to date as a political "fight" and it's showing.

Old Man McCain is gonna crush him.

Soylent Red

need audiences to survive

Ah Ben, I disagree. Maybe they need likeminded hothouse atmospheres to survive, but once these people are exposed to the culture in general, they are pulled like weeds.


Any doubts about Obama's manliness were dispelled when we went bowling.


"The advantage of marrying a strong willed woman, is that you never again have to be bothered with making a significant decision ."

Just one: when you leave.


From Redstate, it looks like Obama is expanding his "doesn't need votes from" list, adding the white working class to religious people and gun owners". Hillary, jump on this right away!!

"But this is a new one even for the Obama campaign: his chief strategist now says that Obama doesn't need those people because, nationally, FDR's old Forgotten Man is a Republican anyway:

"The white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even to the Clinton years. This is not new that Democratic candidates don't rely solely on those votes"

M. Simon

If the Big O is so manly how come he is scared by questions from the press?

He is in the process of being pussified. So far he has not stood up well to the effort. If he does not man up it will only get worse.

I might add that I first saw the Wimp issue brought up here in the comments at JOM.

He has a way out. Go back to the Bomb Pakistan theme.

Burnt toast.


Greg Mitchell's temper tantrum issurprisngly
immature, because he wrote about a similar campaign; the Sinclair/Olson race in Depression era!! California, which turned out pretty much this one may turn out.

The point about Obama's radical affiliation,
and the environment he moves in that sanctions these connections in on point. You have the failed bomber, Cointelpro provocateur Ayers, the black nationalist
liberationist Wright, the ELF founder Mike
Rozell;(Kaczynski was one man after all) The
PLO spokesman Khalidi, the Colombian FARC, Hamas, it goes on and on.

M. Simon

Chicago politics = the fix is in.

When the fix is not in they are at sea without a boat, paddle, or life jacket.


"Ah Ben, I disagree. Maybe they need likeminded hothouse atmospheres to survive, but once these people are exposed to the culture in general, they are pulled like weeds."

Soylent, I hope you are right, but with Obama I think the weeds would have plenty of fertilizer and sunshine.


Obama could take a page from John Kerry's "Handbook For The Ruggedly Masculine Candidate." Of course, that would require Obama to dress up like Elmer Fudd and go buy a huntin' license.

Soylent Red


He's not in the process of being pussified. His whole life to date did that.

He in the process of being exposed for the pussy he's allowed himself to become.


Lord Shockley, a commenter at Redstate, puts the Presidential race in a different perspective...

"Hmmmmm...who to vote for this fall....well on one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer....
on the other side, you have a war hero married to a total babe who owns a beer
distributorship....where I come from that is known as a 'no brainer'."


I'm offended whenever anyone claims that a question that goes to the candidates judgment is irrelevant. I would have to admit though that questions about a candidates manliness are irrelevant.

That being said, Obama is MILK toast!


Obama beat two, yes, two opponents whose messy divorce records were mysteriously unsealed to public scrutiny at incredibly convenient moments,

Yeah, that's why I always snicker when he says he doesn't want to talk about "distractions". I'd bet good money he didn't admonish those that wanted to talk about his opponents unseemly divorces.

but what bothers me most is an unrepentant bomber's apparent standing in the Chicago community in the first place.

Me too

M. Simon


Of course.


I just don't think Obama is a woosy little politician who will weep and wilt when hit by all the stuff that will come flying his way.
I guess we'll see at the North Carolina debate.

Danube of Thought

The current wisdom is that come June 3, the Four Horsepersons (them being Pelosi, Reid, Gore (!) and Dean) are gonna put the potato on the fork of the superdelegates and say, "tell us your votes now and end this madness," by which they will mean give it to Obama.

Maybe so. But from the way things are proceeding, by June 3 those folks are gonna be saying, "how the Christ did we get into this mess, and how are we gonna dump this oddball pussy?"

Coldn't happen to a finer bunch.


Heh, ben, that does put it in pretty good perspective.

Soylent Red

Oddball pussy. Heh.


M. Simon

Oh. Mama.

JM Hanes


Haven't read past your comment to see if anyone else answered, but just in case you're actually still up in time to place a last minute request, you can use the link I posted above to click through to an order page. When the book you want goes in your shopping cart, you get a little window where you can type in your druthers, before you complete the transaction.


Karl Rove: Is Obama ready for prime time?:

Mr. Obama has not been a leader on big causes in Congress. He has been manifestly unwilling to expend his political capital on urgent issues. He has been only an observer, watching the action from a distance, thinking wry and sardonic and cynical thoughts to himself about his colleagues, mildly amused at their too-ing and fro-ing. He has held his energy and talent in reserve for the more important task of advancing his own political career, which means running for president.

But something happened along the way. Voters saw in the Philadelphia debate the responses of a vitamin-deficient Stevenson act-a-like. And in the closing days of the Pennsylvania primary, they saw him alternate between whining about his treatment by Mrs. Clinton and the press, and attacking Sen. John McCain by exaggerating and twisting his words. No one likes a whiner, and his old-style attacks undermine his appeals for postpartisanship.

JM Hanes


"Just one: when you leave."

I suspect she'd be making that one for you too. Just guessing, of course.

Danube of Thought

A man very distinctly unworthy of our admiration. His unraveling in the coming months is going to be the stuff of tragedy, and when it is over people will be stunned that he rose so far so fast without any serious questions being raised until it was too late for his party to keep the nomination from him.

His defenders will find their task more and more difficult with each passing week. I will laugh uproariously at their efforts, and will gloat without mercy.

Soylent Red


Have we learned nothing, after, lo, these many years?

If Rove suggests something is true, the Left assumes that it must be false. Therefore, if Rove believes Obamessiah to be weak, cynical, grasping, etc. then the converse must be true.

Hence, Rove endows the greatest endorsement of Obamessiah the Left could ever get: his contempt.

I detect the presence of Rovian mind rays in all of this. And luciferians.



Thanks for the link. Here is the part I liked:

"The Democratic Party has two weakened candidates. Mrs. Clinton started as a deeply flawed candidate: the palpable and unpleasant sense of entitlement, the absence of a clear and optimistic message, the grating personality impatient to be done with the little people and overly eager for a return to power, real power, the phoniness and the exaggerations. These problems have not diminished over the long months of the contest. They have grown. She started out with the highest negatives of any major candidate in an open race for the presidency and things have only gotten worse."

I will read that again in the morning to start my day off with a smile.

JM Hanes

Why DOT, you're beginning to sound positively Homeric to me lately. I believe the Goddess should appoint you official JOM cult Oracle in recognition of your mad skilz!

JM Hanes

Deb: You've been posting some terrific links. Thanks!


This week's "song" is directed at "the ladies and gentleman of the press, those valiant seekers after truth"*:

If you're on deadline and don't want to file, if His loss has you in denial, open your laptop and look at the Page, you'll see things are going your way.

Don't stop giving it to Obama. Don't stop, the nomination's near. It'll be...better than Al Gore. Hillary's gone, Hillary's gone.

Why not think about the fall campaign, where He'll be up against John McCain. If your leg's been tingly, bash the Bush-McCain economy.

Don't stop giving it to Obama. Don't stop, the nomination's near. It'll be...better than Al Gore. Hillary's gone, Hillary's gone.

I'm quite happy to see you smile, all the way through the Rezko trial, 'cause as election night draws to a close, you'll be crying 'bout the exit polls.

Don't stop giving it to Obama. Don't stop, the nomination's near. It'll be...better than Al Gore. Hillary's gone, Hillary's gone.

Don't stop giving it to Obama. Don't stop, the nomination's near. It'll be...better than Al Gore. Hillary's gone, Hillary's gone.

Stand by Barack, stand by Barack.

*As Francis Urquhart put it.

M. Simon


I hang at the Lefy sites to get some recon on the enemy. They are so certain that Barry is going to deliver the Big O in Nov.

Here we are still four months from the convention and they don't even know that they are planning a big stinkeroo for themselves.

Some on the left center are trying to warn them. I have even seen PA being spun as a victory since initial polling had the Messiah as much as 20 points down.

Some think a decision will be made by the soopers in June following all the primaries. Others are saying the soopers will wait 'til the convention to extract the maximum in bribes and promises.

And then there is this ad war by the GOP in NC.

Let me give you the text that goes with the video:

John McCain says that the North Carolina GOP should pull the "offensive advertisement". Wonderful John. Are you so stupid about the Internet that you fail to realize that such a call will only draw more attention to it?


BTW it revives the Wright issue in the context of the Governor campaign. Heh indeed.


ben 8:35 yes. It's pod people as in pc, peas and carrots. No dessert until you eat every carrot and p on this plate.

M. Simon

Here is a nice poster advertising the upcoming festivities.

This one is for the RNC.


John McCain: "We asked them not to run it," McCain told reporters traveling with him in Kentucky. "I'm sending them an e-mail as we speak asking them to take it down..."I don't know why they do it. Obviously, I don't control them, but I'm making it very clear, as I have a couple of times in the past, that there's no place for that kind of campaigning, and the American people don't want it.." McCain, in an e-mail to Daves, said he will draw sharp contrasts with Democrats. "But we need not engage in political tactics that only seek to divide the American people."

RNC Chairman Mike Duncan: .."said he had left a voice mail message for state party chairwoman Linda Daves asking her to pull the ad."

Obama: "My understanding is that the Republican National Committee and John McCain have both said that the ad's inappropriate. I take them at their word, and I assume that if John McCain thinks that it's an inappropriate ad, that he can get them to pull it down since he's their nominee and standard-bearer."

Howard Dean: "If John McCain means what he says, he should call the North Carolina Republican Party chairwoman and tell her not to run this ad," Dean said. "Sending an e-mail and turning a blind eye as the state party ignores him is not leadership."

McCain's highmindedness is met with questions about his leadership from the candidate running to change "gotcha politics"?


'Commodification of Life'. That's a good one, Simon. In this cooling world we'll need a 'commodification capping' scheme.

M. Simon


A short snorter I wrote about the video:

John McCain says that the North Carolina GOP should pull the "offensive advertisement". Wonderful John. Are you so stupid about the Internet that you fail to realize that such a call will only draw more attention to it?


M. Simon

Durn. I let a couple of hours pass and I forget what I wrote.

I suppose a good story is worth repeating.


That is some poster innit? Reminds me of when I was young and stupid. The chicks are a lot uglier this time around. I don't know why the guys bother.


Ah Francis Urquart, the most satifying evil politico figure conjured by the mind of
the British. The modern Parliamentary form of Cromwell. Yes. He's was a war criminal; due to his early background in Cyprus, a seducer, a dirty trickster, underminer of a fopless king; not based at all on reality. Too bad the Tories don't have anyone of that category; otherwise, they wouldn't have beeen in the political wilderness for this last decade. I know he's a poisoner & a murderer; but hey nobody's perfect

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