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April 27, 2008



You Know.

Harvard educated and all.


Just words!


Reposting from another thread---

From instapundit:
" Reviews from the Rightosphere aren't much better: "I supported Roberts when I opposed him." Plus this: "He called Wright a 'legitimate' campaign issue, which will seem rather shocking to the New York Times, the McCain campaign, and others who have demanded an end to the North Carolina GOP’s television ad.. . . . Obama sounded a lot less convincing when it came to responding to the William Ayers controversy."


Wallace sounds remarkably polite. No really tough questions.


You know what happens with Obama - he just drifts off with all this lofty rhetoric and Deval patrick spacing of his words and you stop listening. It's one heck of a tactic.


Jane nailed Obama's skilss pretty well (with the exception of his most recent debate performance). However, Michelle Obama and Rev. Wright also have their skills - which shows us other sides Mr. Smooth Talker.


skilss s/b skills


Yes, Jane--that's exactly it..there's only so much flufferdoodle any brain can hand;e.


Among the questions not asked:
Why did you start going to that church?

Did you ever talk to anyone in the congregation who passed on some of Wright's statements that you had not heard?

Did you ever confront Wright about the racist conspiracy theories he spread from the pulpit?

Could you compare the way you treated Imus and Wright?

You approvingly quote Wright talking about "white people's greed running a world in need". WTF?

Instead, we get "McCain says you will raise taxes. Respond."


When asked about his white voter problem, Obama pointed to his wins in Iowa, Colorado, Virginia, Idaho, and Wisconsin... but those were over by mid-Feb., before Wright and Bittergate. I wish Wallace had pointed that out. How many primaries would he have won outside the south if Dem voters knew then what they know now?


"How many primaries would he have won outside the south if Dem voters knew then what they know now?"

IMO, zero.

JM Hanes

I expect McCain will take umbrage over his putative flight of conscience, but aside from that I don't see much fodder for Republicans.

Although Obama is quite correct about the Commander in Chief defining the mission, I thought his acknowledgement that "Petraeus has done a good tactical job in Iraq' was a carefully worded outrage. Alas, it will hardly lose him any points with constituents on the left, and, of course, it's infinitely parsable should he be challenged for simultaneously belittling the General and the true dimensions of what he has achieved.

I really, really wish that reporters wouldn't confine their foreign policy questions to Iraq. Even those who, for political reasons, are willing to give Obama's willful disregard of cause and effect in that arena, might find his woeful ignorance of international dynamics disturbing if anyone actually pushed him into foreign policy specifics.

The more I think about, the less I think of Wallace's performance. I can't believe he never even mentioned NAFTA and Colombia! Forget the Republican ad in NC; watch the Obama ads and you'll see him beating the protectionist drum from start to finish. He is the ultimate anti-globalization candidate and it's high time someone connected those dots and pointed it out.

We got a bland, unenlightening chat when Wallace could have delivered the pivotal interview of the primary season, if not the campaign. Lord, how I wish Tony Snow had been sitting in that chair.

Patrick R. Sullivan

I liked this:

WALLACE: But did he ever say anything about America or about white racism that troubled you?

OBAMA: Well, you know — well, I think that, you know...


It is really amazing to me that this man is running at all. If the presidency was his lifelong ambition why did he surround himself with all these shady characters? Was he naive enough to think all this would not come out? Or did he actually think they were acceptable to the electorate? He associated with these people because they were the backbone of Chicago politics and they were people who helped him get where he is now. Bill Clinton brought Arkansas politics to the national scene. Will Obama bring Chicago politics there also? Washington DC is crooked enought without this added fillup. And usually when someone wants that job they make sure their reputation is spotless but this guy is too arrogant for that. All these shady characters and politics show me that this man is not fit to be president. His judgement is terrible.

If the presidency was his lifelong ambition why did he surround himself with all these shady characters? Was he naive enough to think all this would not come out? Or did he actually think they were acceptable to the electorate?

BarbaraS, he's lived in a lefty bubble his entire life - literally cradle to present. The most charitable interpretation is that he simply doesn't know any better. And believe me, that is as charitable as I'm willing to get. Most times I think much less of him than that.

Jim in Chicago

I'm starting to wonder whether BHO hasn't been working for the Clintons all along.

After all, he's made the possibility of a Hillary Presidency palatable if the alternative is him.

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