In the course of poking around on something else (OK, arugula), I found myself back in the Obama lapel-pin "controversy" and was struck by Obama's follow-up amplification of why he stopped wearing a flag pin (emphasis added):
“Somebody noticed I wasn’t wearing a flag lapel pin and I told folks, well you know what? I haven’t probably worn that pin in a very long time. I wore it right after 9/11. But after a while, you start noticing people wearing a lapel pin, but not acting very patriotic. Not voting to provide veterans with resources that they need. Not voting to make sure that disability payments were coming out on time.
“My attitude is that I’m less concerned about what you’re wearing on your lapel than what’s in your heart. And you show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans, especially those who served. You show your patriotism by being true to our values and our ideals and that’s what we have to lead with is our values and our ideals.”
Apparently it is OK for Obama to pass judgment on other people's patriotism based on his assessment of their policy differences. In a symmetrical world, that would mean that questions about his patriotism based on policy differences would be acceptable.
It's a purely hypothetical issue of course, since I don't recall any questioning of his patriotism [but who could forget this?], but apparently such questioning would in bounds, which is interesting.
MORE: ARUGULA, ANYONE? The "Obama out of touch" balloon was launched last summer in Iowa and revived by MoDo today - here is the Times Caucus blog:
Again, the crowd applauded and laughed. One line that landed a little flat, though, was when Mr. Obama sympathetically noted that farmers have not seen an increase in prices for their crops, despite a rise in prices at the supermarket.
“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?” the senator said. “I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.”
The state of Iowa, for all of its vast food production, does not have a Whole Foods, a leading natural and organic foods market. The closest? Omaha, Minneapolis or Kansas City.
Mr. Obama, perhaps sensing a lack of reaction from the crowd, moved along to the next topic. After all, he never claimed to be a farming expert.
A few days later Obama returned to the topic:
The point the Illinois Democrat and presidential candidate was trying to make then, he said Thursday, was that farm subsidies should not just go to traditional commodities like corn and cotton.
"Eating habits are changing," he said.
Then, he explained that he had been "teased" for previously mentioning arugula.
"All the national press, they said, 'Oh, look at Obama. He's talking about arugula in Iowa. People in Iowa don't know what arugula is,'" he said. "People in Iowa know what arugula is. They may not eat it, but you know what it is."
Well, maybe.
A highly unscientific survey of three Iowans who listened to Obama's speech suggested at least some in the crowd were a little confused by the leafy green.
"I've heard of it, but I don't know what it is," said Richard Newton, a laborer and volunteer firefighter from Independence. "But I understood what he was talking about."
Kay Hoffman, a hospital clinic assistant from nearby Aurora, Iowa, said she had never heard of it before, suspecting it might have something to do with Obama's Hawaiian upbringing.
"I don't know what it is," she said. "Maybe it's a Hawaiian thing."
James Sink, a retired manufacturing worker from Cedar Falls, Iowa, said he had no clue. "I had no idea what it is," he said.
Obama also mentioned almonds as a growing cash crop. Those come from inside candy bars, right?
So what did MoDo make of this:
What turns off voters is the detached egghead quality that they tend to equate with a wimpiness, wordiness and a lack of action — the same quality that got the professorial and superior Adlai Stevenson mocked by critics as Adelaide. The new attack line for Obama rivals is that he’s gone from J.F.K. to Dukakis. (Just as Dukakis chatted about Belgian endive, Obama chatted about Whole Foods arugula in Iowa.)
And what caught my eye was this imaginative defense of Obama by Digby at Hullabaloo:
Also, see Molly Ivors who gives MoDo the usual thrashing. This whole "Obama talks to Iowans about arugula, heh" meme has come right out of the fever swamps, and nobody bothers to mention that he was talking to arugula farmers, which is just one of the splendid points Molly I. makes...
Right out of the fever swamps of the NY Times, the WaPo, the Chi Trib, Newsweek - got it. And come again - he was talking to arugula farmers? Why would he be talking to arugula farmers about the importance of moving away from basic crops - bit of preaching to the choir, yes? Why did he fail to mention that in his own defense, and why did Media Matters (as well as every other journalist I've read) fail to note that?
Maybe we could lobby for a switch from "Reality-based" to "Google-based".
But to question his patriotism would be racist. And wouldn't be hopey-changey.
Posted by: Buford Gooch | April 16, 2008 at 05:34 PM
No need to question. We know the answer.
Posted by: MarkO | April 16, 2008 at 05:39 PM
You are a trouble maker,TM.
Posted by: clarice | April 16, 2008 at 05:39 PM
Question Obama? What are you, one of those white supremacist blobs of DNA? Only racists would question Obama.
Posted by: Sara | April 16, 2008 at 05:41 PM
I think it depends, in Obama's formulation, how you define patriotism. Obama's patriotism seems to be making sure the VA is funded.
Obama is pretty good at the art of counterpunch and rapid response. My guess is that he has no real problem with having his patriotism questioned. He figures he'll be able to respond to it.
Posted by: Appalled | April 16, 2008 at 05:49 PM
Ask Obama what he would do if he had to deploy troops against Kenya.
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 05:51 PM
I think he'd call Hillary at 3am and ask her what to do.
Posted by: Appalled | April 16, 2008 at 05:56 PM
Obama is offering to lead Americans along a path toward "a perfect union". In his race speech he said the Declaration of Independence was "stained by this nation's original sin of slavery", and the Constitution was deficient:
"What would be needed were Americans in successive generations who were willing to do their part - through protests and struggle, on the streets and in the courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience and always at great risk - to narrow that gap between the promise of our ideals and the reality of their time. This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign - to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America"
I think he values what America may one day become, but not what it now is or ever has been ... which is very similar to Rev. Wright's view.
Posted by: DebinNC | April 16, 2008 at 05:59 PM
Maybe he'd deploy Hillary.
After all she knows how to shoot and has seen combat action before.
Oh wait...
Posted by: Soylent Red | April 16, 2008 at 06:00 PM
Hillary has coven at 3 am.Broom practice Tuesdays and Wednesdays,weather permitting.Barry has to sort this out himself.
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 06:01 PM
Hillary has coven at 3 am.Broom practice Tuesdays and Wednesdays,weather permitting.Barry has to sort this out himself.
LOL. There goes another keyboard.
Posted by: Sara | April 16, 2008 at 06:05 PM
"a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America"
Some of these are mutually conflicting.Equality can be unjust if imposed,likewise reduces freedom.As for equality and prosperity,one or the other brother.
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 06:06 PM
“My attitude is that I’m less concerned about what you’re wearing on your lapel than what’s in your heart."
Is this where the Obamascope comes in,or is it up the step pyramid again?
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 06:15 PM
There he goes again. If you disagree with his beliefs, actions or policies, it's because there's something wrong with you.
I'm beginning to loathe this creature.
Posted by: Syl | April 16, 2008 at 06:21 PM
Patriotism! Hah, we're into questioning his sanity.
Posted by: Patrick R. Sullivan | April 16, 2008 at 06:24 PM
"I think he values what America may one day become, but not what it now is or ever has been ... "
Yeah, but I don't want to live in the People's Republic of Urscrewedistan. Oddly enough, neither do the majority of Americans.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | April 16, 2008 at 06:36 PM
There he goes again. If you disagree with his beliefs, actions or policies, it's because there's something wrong with you.
... which is one short step from believing something must be done to cure you.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) | April 16, 2008 at 06:36 PM
"I'm beginning to loathe this creature."
Agree. He and Michelle do not wear well at all. Actually, I think he is even starting to sound a little obnoxious in his town hall meetings. Pundits say he is showing he can take a punch and give one back. I think he's arrogant and obnoxious.
Posted by: centralcal | April 16, 2008 at 06:39 PM
I think he's arrogant and obnoxious.
Posted by: bgates | April 16, 2008 at 06:44 PM
Ohmigawd, I just read Rick Ballards comment on the other thread about the "four flag pins" and whistling Yankee Doodle Dandy! I am at work laughing hysterically - my coworkers will think I've cracked at the end of tax season!
Posted by: centralcal | April 16, 2008 at 06:47 PM
"four flag pins" and whistling Yankee Doodle Dandy! - If he would only salute and say "Reporting for Duty" I think it would pretty much cement his Messiah-ism....
Posted by: Enlightened | April 16, 2008 at 06:51 PM
Rick is always witty. I try not to show my full appreciation for hiw work, because I fear it will just spur him on to greater efforts and as it is, I can barely get anything accomplished.
Posted by: clarice | April 16, 2008 at 06:58 PM
"There he goes again. If you disagree with his beliefs, actions or policies, it's because there's something wrong with you."
That is the authentic voice of the liberal left.Get ready to take your medication.
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 07:00 PM
I know I hardly ever give people the praise they deserve for making me laugh. It is a flaw I have, but you all do make me laugh.
Posted by: MayBee | April 16, 2008 at 07:04 PM
'Member how the 80's lefties all said Reagan was out of touch and didn't listen to anybody, the cold harsh Reagan Republicans and all that shit...
That wasn't true.
But it is true of Barry and his harpie loudmouth wife. They both don't give a crap about anybody, save for their career expectations.
Yuppie trash.
Posted by: E Buzz Miller, Rev Dr | April 16, 2008 at 07:04 PM
[Unpatriotic behavior is] "... Not voting to provide veterans with resources that they need. Not voting to make sure that disability payments were coming out on time."
It's telling that he says nothing about troops in battle, just the ones who came home.
As for this "more caring" crap, I get really steamed when I get scolded by some nanny-statist that we're all supposed to "get together" and be caring. Screw you. I live my life, you live yours, and we agree on a mutual set of rules for resolving disagreements.
Posted by: qrstuv | April 16, 2008 at 07:18 PM
My guess is there probably aren't any Arugula farmers in Iowa.
Not voting to provide veterans with resources that they need. Not voting to make sure that disability payments were coming out on time.
Wouldn't that be what Barbara boxers committee was supposed to be doing?
Posted by: Pofarmer | April 16, 2008 at 07:35 PM
I did the same thing-
I went off googling-arugula.
Interesting that the "google" order has changed-one of the first definions included a blurb-
most people find it "bitter" [quelle surprise.]
Then a commenter here was saying in a thread about the 50 states that at least arugula isn't a state...
I was about to respond-
Arugula it's a state of mind!
But be damned the craziest thing it's a book-
The United States of Arugula
Even more ironic here is a review of it from Publisher's Weekly:
Kamp, a writer and editor for Vanity Fair and GQ, details the development of fine dining in the U.S. and proves healthy, even exotic food movements are having an effect on our diet. He highlights the great divide between a population that relies on McDonald's and those who savor gourmet cooking. Historically, the rich always had high-end restaurants; the rest contented themselves with recipes in the ladies' sections of newspapers and magazines. But thanks to "the Big Three"—James Beard, Julia Child and Craig Claiborne—America had an eating revolution. Kamp supplies an engaging account of their careers; Claiborne has a particularly spicy life story. While The Joy of Cooking focused on helping housewives keep "one eye on the family purse and the other on the bathroom scale," says Kamp, quoting Irma Rombauer, Beard saw cooking as a passion. During the 1960s, restaurant reviews became respectable journalism and dining out a status symbol. As rebellion turned to affluence, "eating, cooking and food-shopping were symbols for those who considered themselves upwardly mobile." This cultural history makes for an engrossing read...
Here we go again with the "Two Americas".
To Sod off Swampy maybe we could add-
Get outta my face Arugula Breath!
Maybe now we'll know 'em when we smell 'em like Reid claims he knows the visitors are at the Capitol-because he can smell "them".
Posted by: Anon | April 16, 2008 at 07:43 PM
Context on the Senate Majority Leader- via Hugh Hewitt-
Sen. Harry Reid:“Mr. President, someone wanting to visit the Capitol today, there is no place for them to gather. They gather -it used to be out on the East Front - now they gather on the West Front. And the people who work here joke about you can always tell when it's summertime because you can smell the visitors. And what we mean by that Mr. President [-ed. blah, blah ,blah.]
Posted by: Anon | April 16, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Obama doesn't care about you and he never will. He got money and power and he has no idea what to do; He cant money himself. He's a scam.
I'm going to bend and maybe do something with the cartilage and he'll figure out what's going one with the money.
Remember the eating thing? She' real old and it's not her fault.............
Posted by: SJ | April 16, 2008 at 07:50 PM
I'm going to the "over thirty' thread. I'll meet you there.
Posted by: Jane | April 16, 2008 at 08:01 PM
Good point about all the veterans' benefit talk. I'm all for veterans' benfits, but why doesn't this guy ever say, "patriotsim is making sure our guys have the hottest fighter planes, the most reliable night vision goggles, and the most terrifying, ass-kicking cluster bomb units on this planet?" Just once.
Posted by: Danube of Thought | April 16, 2008 at 08:01 PM
Dave, I'm betting is an Obama fan; from his piece back in '94, when he cracked wise against Bob Dole, in the upcoming "age of Nixon" in G.Q. They and Esquire, who once employed Sydney Blumenthal's punditry which included such gems as "Leonard Bernstein, was due to overexertion due to the depressing circumstances of 1990-91 (the recession & the Gulf War)They collectively talk up the illegitimacy of military tribunals, the crime of Iraq, Rudy Guiliani is a big doo doo head, Romney's a robot. They do kind of have a soft spot for McCain,
due to McCain/Feingold, anti Gitmo, pro Kyoto stands. How long that will last; is anybody's guest
Posted by: narciso | April 16, 2008 at 08:07 PM
Rise up, defend the common man, I say I'm just like you, I feel your bitter hearts, your bitter economic woes:
Obama reports total income of $4.2 million in 2007 tax return...
Posted by: Sara | April 16, 2008 at 08:09 PM
Hope you Bush lackies are loving his little global warming cave in. What a moron. He's not even capable of thinking about the issue one way or another. I hope you all are having fun smoking his pole while he rapes your babies.
Posted by: TCO | April 16, 2008 at 08:14 PM
It's a purely hypothetical issue of course, since I don't recall any questioning of his patriotism
Oh grumble mrrrphfrhgthhtt arrghghtrrrhfphhht.
Remember this one?
Speaking Truth To, From, Or About Power
Which started with, Questions are raised
You're damn right I Questioned His Patriotism.
And you gave me the silent passive tense link of approval.
Grumblemrrphrrphtt harmrrmropppuhhphhh!!!
I bid you good day, sir!
Posted by: hit and run | April 16, 2008 at 08:24 PM
Sara, I just order keyboards by the pallet now.
OT - More bad news for NYT and the rest of the alphabet news agencies...
the stock market surged 2.3% after investor sentiment was lifted by positive earnings surprises [suprises to who? ed] from several major corporations.
A few days ago, Doug Limerick of ABC News (radio) was positively giddy that someone got Mr Andrea Mitchell to mutter the word "recession". I can sort of imagine the pillowtalk that led up to him saying that word.
Posted by: Bill in AZ | April 16, 2008 at 08:29 PM
"Obama is pretty good at the art of counterpunch and rapid response."
Wishful thinking with blinders...actually no, he hasn't been able to counterpunch out of the Wright and religion & guns debacles, maybe he will do better with arugula. And his "rapid response" usually involves several explanations before settling on the one that seems to go over best. Believe me, if Obamamessiah wants to define patriotism as funding the VA in the general election, well, good luck with that.
Posted by: ben | April 16, 2008 at 08:36 PM
TCO ,Terminally Cretinous Orifce? Bush got to be a two term president of your country,and you?
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 08:43 PM
He's not even capable of thinking about the issue one way or another.
Good. Like we need another bleeding heart with a "let's all build windmills" plan. (Or, even better, Fat Al's 300 million dollar ad campaign. Here, let me help with a slogan: "fight global warming . . . with hot air!") When ya'all get done hand-wringing and come up with an actual proposal, float it on by. Until then, as a propeller-beanie crowd litmus test guide to moral fitness to govern, this is worse than useless: it's counterproductive.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | April 16, 2008 at 08:44 PM
Or a slogan that is scientifically sound FOAD.Guaranteed to reduce your personal footprint.
Posted by: PeterUK | April 16, 2008 at 08:57 PM
"Hope you Bush lackies are loving his little global warming cave in."
What was the cave-in exactly, or is "little" the operative word here. If you read what he said you will see that he basically proposes reasonable and feasible steps rather than Al Gore's politically motivated hysteria and pseudoscience. The cave-in of the day, btw, was Obamamessiah's return to a flag lapel-pin.
Posted by: ben | April 16, 2008 at 09:16 PM
Just flipped the debate on and heard Hillary Clinton say that if she had been President there never would have been a sub-prime mortgage problem.
I guess she would have pulled out her six-shooter, put it to Greenspan's head and forced the Fed to pull the plug on the mortgages.
Man, she is just without any remorse.
Posted by: SteveMG | April 16, 2008 at 09:21 PM
Posted by: TCO | April 16, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Abusive and incoherent, that's a new combo for you, T.C. Actually it's not. Liberal arrogance is how you come to the idea that man is more powerful than nature. A few hours of Pinatubo, in 1991 sent more C02 into the air than a year's worth of industry
.A hurricane packs a force,equal to several hundred or thousands of nuclear weapons. We've had climate cycles, before, there's a reason why they called it Greenland the Vikings called it Vinland. Tens ofthousands of years ago, there was massive flooding on the U.S continent, back during the neolithic
period. There have been similar cycles on Mars and other planets who don't even have appreciable atmosphere. The fact that the conditions for life, are so particular; argues against the randomness suggested by evolution. The hurricane cycle is no help there, there have been monster storms in the 20s and 30s; the '26 storm was so severe, it popped the real estate bubble, three years before the Depression.
In addition, there's a deeply anti-human taint to much of environmentalapocalypticism
; "The Word WithOut Us" genre of books and History Channel shows utter contempt for humanity. That is also the premise behind the idea of CO2 as a pollutant. Most extreme environmentalist are ZPG or at least fanatical birth control proponents; in the Sanger view. Ted Turner, is just the most recent case in point; Lovelace the proponent of the "Gaia hypothesis" which considers the Earth as an organism, and us
"as the virus" was the forerunner.Nowadays. even "Soylent Green" could probably not be filmed, because this foodstuff has too high a carbon footprint. Of course, like the eugenic oligarchy in GATTACA; they reserve the right not to abide by such strict rules, themselves. It's ironic how the most
fervent evolutionist are against us using the most natural stuff on us; petroleum, which is nothing but liquified dinosaur. They're also more often than not, against nuclear power, the product of the original
"Manhattan Project" and wind power with 10 miles of Cape Cod.
Posted by: narciso | April 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM
"... Hillary Clinton say that if she had been President there never would have been a sub-prime mortgage problem."
Right, she would have issued a decree prohibiting lower income people and minorities from buying homes. They would all be given government subsidized housing instead.
Posted by: ben | April 16, 2008 at 10:09 PM
OT: I've been watching inside the compound on CNN.
( scorecard: On the debates: I think Hillary won )
But besides that the story everybody is talking about is this compound of the LDS.
So the other morning I come downstairs for my cup of Joe and everybody was around the Island and I brought up the compound thing. You know the women in those spots acted so hurt..
aaahhhh.. mrs. hoopster being very aggitated brought up the fact tht these women allowed thier 11 to 13 year old daughters get married and become child brides...
She pointedly brought up how i am with my 2 girls...oh lordy.. I am terribly protective of the girls much to much family humor and jokes..
And Thesesa asked me what I'd do if an older man trying to be with my girls..of course that's an unfair question before 2 sips of coffee.
But mrs, hoopster is right.. those mothers put thier most beautiful girls in danger and rape by thier belief.. deserve no tears..and give them no quarter..
I must agree here..I just can't fathom..
I'll admit.. The compound sure found good lawyers at the speed of light..I guess 'be prepared' is the codeword.
( Our kid, Jordan, is now in Ireland..Out of Iraq..the weight is off now..)
Posted by: HoosierHoops | April 16, 2008 at 11:12 PM
I am very happy for you and your family. I and my family thank Jordan for his service.Bless you all
Posted by: thelonereader | April 16, 2008 at 11:17 PM
Hoosier, I hope you party in a manner worthy of hit and run when Jordan makes it to SoCal. Your family and he especially deserves it.
God Bless You.
Posted by: hit and run | April 16, 2008 at 11:39 PM
Just flipped the debate on and heard Hillary Clinton say that if she had been President there never would have been a sub-prime mortgage problem.
That doesn't seem particularly credible, since it was, primarily, policies enacted during her husbands administration that caused it. What is she gonna do, something like VanDamme in "Time Cop"?
Posted by: Pofarmer | April 16, 2008 at 11:46 PM
"Aaron McComb in '08"
Posted by: narciso | April 17, 2008 at 12:07 AM
Hate to break the Bitter Bama Face bubble, but we don't grow arugula in Iowa. I've been a member in Iowa Fruit & Vegetable Growers Assn and other than some experimental personal growing, this is not a commercial crop in our state.
Telling us Obama was speaking to arugula growers in Iowa is just digging a deeper hole.
Posted by: redherkey | April 17, 2008 at 12:39 AM
They are not LDS, have nothing to do with the legitimate Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. These are wackos. Please don't denigrate the good LDS people thru careless reference.
Posted by: Sara | April 17, 2008 at 01:50 AM
It's roquette science. Excerpt:
Remember, it took LBJ to say, come lettuce reason together.
Posted by: Jim Hu | April 17, 2008 at 03:02 AM
[but who could forget this?]
Harrumph withdrawn.
Wish you were out here on the golf course with me today. Partner just went to get the beer. Let's is LATE...gotta shotgun the first three beers!
Posted by: hit and run | April 17, 2008 at 08:56 AM
"Just flipped the debate on and heard Hillary Clinton say that if she had been President there never would have been a sub-prime mortgage problem."
Nice technique,If I had been Prime Minister there would have been WWII.If I'd been around I would have prevented the Black Death,the Wars of the Roses and the hula hoop.Ooops,I was around for the latter,still no one is perfect
Posted by: PeterUK | April 17, 2008 at 10:37 AM
I still say if you make me King, I will make sure there is "free" cotton candy for everyone. You like cotton candy dont you? Sure you do. Come on vote for me.
SO, how stupid does she think Democrats are? I think we can infer that answer from this tidbit from her.
Posted by: GMax | April 17, 2008 at 10:41 AM
They are not LDS, have nothing to do with the legitimate Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
sorry.. i sure have typed the FDLS sect.
my bad.
Posted by: Hoosierhoops | April 17, 2008 at 11:08 AM
Wish you were out here on the golf course with me today. Partner just went to get the beer. Let's is LATE...gotta shotgun the first three beers!
Hit has been clinging to his golf clubs and beer.
that a boy hit.. drink a beer for me and hit'em straight.
Posted by: Hoosierhoops | April 17, 2008 at 11:11 AM
Wish you were out here on the golf course with me today. Partner just went to get the beer. Let's is LATE...gotta shotgun the first three beers!
Posted by: battery | December 30, 2008 at 02:26 AM
I do not know how to use the rs gold ; my friend tells me how to use.
Posted by: sophy | January 06, 2009 at 09:25 PM