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April 29, 2008



Somehow TM, I am guessing you are unrepentant for the remark even to this minute!

Black & Gold Brad

Seems to this bitter PA voter that Hades will be unleashed on the Dems whichever candidate eventually falls backwards into the nomination.

If Obama, he'll lose a lot of the 'Reagan Democrats' - a lot

If Clinton, she'll lose a huge portion of the black vote


Somehow, I think the Ayers thing, at best, will bomb. At worst, it will blow up in those who push the issue as neo-McCarthyism.

Plus, I sure the vast left-wing conspiracy will be looking at Republican candidates who are happy for Ollie North's support.


Obama was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox this Sunday and he was definitely not shocked and appalled by Rev. Wright. Does Obama really think that people are going to buy the argument that Wright changed in two days? Or since the Philadelphia speech? Perhaps Obama's most ardent fans will ignore facts, but most of America are going to remember Wright's statements on Sunday and Monday, for what they are -- authentic utterances from a black liberation radical.


There are those who cling bitterly to their manifestoes and bombs.


Ollie North for president, I say!

Thomas Collins

B_O has lots of money, so he has no need to drop out. HRC won't drop out now that she is winning regularly (which will keep enough $$$ flowing to her to keep her campaign afloat). My prediction is that HRC comes close to winning North Carolina on Tuesday and wins Indiana by Pennsylvania/Ohio proportions. Of the remaining primaries, B_O narrowly wins Oregon and Montana and South Dakota, and HRC wins the rest. The battle goes to the convention. Hillary wins the nomination, and B_O takes the Vice-Presidency. Helped along by mainstream media, who will brutally savage McCain (they have already started), HRC and B_O lose the popular vote but win the Electoral College. MSM suddenly discovers all that is good in the Electoral College. B_O hires Ayres to "off" Bill Clinton before the inauguration (I'm kidding about the last sentence, but serious about everything else).

Danube of Thought

Ollie North delivered arms to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages, and accepted the gift of a security fence. Bill Ayers set off bombs at American buildings, and is proud of it--and hateful of his country--to this day. The majority of Americans can draw a sharp distinction between the two. Some cannot, but their number is not sufficient to decide an election.

Obama will not be denied the nomination because of his relationship with Wright, nor because of his relationship with Ayers--he will in fact be the nominee. He will be denied the presidency because of his twenty-year voluntary association with Wright's viper's nest, and his relationship with Ayers will be mere window dressing.



Does Obama really think that people are going to buy the argument that Wright changed in two days? Or since the Philadelphia speech?

Yep. I think he does.

Danube of Thought

TCollins, your scenario about her getting the nomination and BO being number two is plausible to me, on the basis that I imagined on another thread: Wright continues to erupt, it becomes clear even to Obama that he can't win the general election, and he agrees to a brokered deal whereby he lets HRC have it and takes the VP position. But without his having accepted the inevitability that he can't win in November, he wouldn't agree to such a deal, and if the supers don't get his agreement in advance there is no way they would risk the consequences of giving it to HRC.


If someone could take off Michelle Obama's muzzle, I'd like to hear her take on it.



I think you have a good chance in being right in your predictions with respect to Obama. You just need to convince the Tom in charge of this thing of that.

(I am going to withhold judgement on how Obama did until I see a transcript of wha he said, or run the video. But, every time he claims that he never heard stuff like this over the past 20 years, the longer life he gives this issue. Some reporter will dig something up.)

Patrick R. Sullivan

Obama is shocked!...shocked!...to find racist moonbattery going on in the casino...er...black church.

Danube of Thought

Wow: Survey USA now has Obama leading by five in NC. If he loses that one--can he?--this thing is going to be wild and wonderful.



Your Armbinder link goes to Sullivan. I was looking for reporting and got a big wet sloppy love note instead...

Please fix the link.


If the super delegates deny Obama the nomination they risk blowing the party up (recreate '68 indeed) for another generation.

If they deny Clinton the nomination they risk losing the White House for another four (eight?) years.

Not even a close call.

Danube of Thought

That dude Childers, the Mississippi Dem running for congress who was targeted by the GOP ad featuring Obama, has just distanced himself from the Messiah.


For the Hillary/Obama ticket to be plausible, Obama needs to acknowledge that he is damaged goods. Here are several reasons why he is unlikely to do so. 1) There aren't enough primaries left to turn the tide, 2) he is swimming in money, 3) he has convinced himself of inevitability. I believe that the Democrats are so afraid of losing black support and black congressional districts in the event that they go with RW, that they won't do it.

Behind the scenes Obama is probably telling Wright not to believe what he hears, since he's only a politician trying be get elected. Sure hope Wright doesn't buy it.

Thomas Collins

I agree with Danube of Thought that the Supers don't give HRC the nomination until B_O agrees to the Vice Presidency, and B_O doesn't agree until he sees that The Right Reverand has messed up his chances big time. But it's a deal that has to happen. B_O will see that Vice Presidents have a pretty good track record of becoming President or at least winning a major party's nomination eventually (Nixon, Johnson, Humphrey, Ford, Elder Bush, Mondale and Gore come to mind). HRC and Supers will see that an overwhelming AA vote for Dems in November happens only if B_O is on the ticket. HRC-B_O may seem like an odd couple, but no odder than FDR-Henry Wallace, JFK-LBJ, or Reagan-Elder Bush.


Does Obama really think that people are going to buy the argument that Wright changed in two days? Or since the Philadelphia speech?
Well, if Obama expects people to believe Rev. Wright suddenly went looney, then he has to assume people will believe the whole congregation at the Trinity United Church went crazy, too. I mean, watch the tapes as Wright spews his venom. The parishioners are cheering and jumping up while spouting hearty shouts of amen and hallelujah. Look closely and you can even spot the new pastor, Rev. Otis Moss III smiling gleefully as he slaps Wright on the back after a few of his more despicable comments. And we're supposed to believe this is all a big surprise to Obama. Yeah, right.


How do Democrats lose Majority Minority Districts? These districts for the most part are so packed with minorities, usually in the 80% range. The Republicans rarely even put up a candidate. The race is over at the primary ballot count.

Where it is possible for them to lose is in mixed districts with significant but not majority minorities. If they stay home in protest, guys like Martin Frost ( who already got beat previously but he is the poster boy for this type of elected Democrat ) get stomped. The other looming disaster is 50 or so Democrats in districts carried by Bush who must take the party id off their literature and never been seen in the same camera shot with the prog at the head of the national ticket. Those types could lose some latte liberal who stay home in protest as well, or vote for the greenies or Ralph.



Andy is spinning this as Wright doing Obama a favor

it's amazing how delusional the Obots are

take a look at the polls Andy

white in full flight


I don't buy the Hill/Obama ticket. Hillbilly wants to win, not just run. Her high negatives + obama's new high negatives = losing ticket. Hill's not that stupid. No, if it happens (a deal), it will involve some other prize for Obama.

Thomas Collins

LindaK, I think it will take some time for B_O to acknowledge that he is damaged goods, but solid HRC wins in Indiana, Ky., West Va., Guam and Puerto Rico will go a long way towards giving B_O the necessary reality check. He wouldn't have come out with his statement today unless his advisers had told him that the internal polls indicate that those "Clingers" who have stuck with him are now deserting him.


This entire Wright business is distracting to me. Now I can't remember whether it was Obama or Clinton who was originally against the war and then was for it and then was against it. Nor can I remember which one it is who wants mandates for free health care and which one doesn't. I remember one of them wants to bomb Pakistan and one of them wants to bomb Iran.

Patrick R. Sullivan

I think Andrew Sullivan's favorite song goes:

Each time we have a quarrel

It almost breaks my heart

'Cause I'm so afraid

That we will have to part

Each night I ask the stars up above....

Beto Ochoa
..it's amazing how delusional the Obots are.......... windansea 5:18pm
Old Texican proverb... Your friends don't need your reasons why and your enemies wont accept them.
Thomas Collins

PaulL, I too get confused about HRC's and B_O's positions. But I have simplified it for myself. B_O is the Store 24 store clerk who is good at making change, and HRC is the pizza delivery lady who takes that 3 am emergency call for a large anchovy and pepperoni pizza.

Barack Obama

Wait, you mean Jeremiah Wright?

Oh, yeah, that guy's nuts.

Cecil Turner

Here's that Armbinder link if anyone wants it. But by far the best roundup is Allahpundit's, who nails it with this:

The bottom line: After 20 years of friendship, if Obama didn’t know Wright held these beliefs he’s a moron and if he did know he’s a fraud.



If historical precedent means anything remember that Peter renounced Jesus *three* times before the rooster crowed.

And we all know how that worked out.

Rick Ballard

"didn’t know Wright held these beliefs he’s a moron and if he did know he’s a fraud."

They aren't mutually exclusive, although BHO is far too intelligent to be considered a moron. I give him 100% on fraud but I would substitute very ignorant for moron. He's a hothouse marxist orchid, get him three feet away from the oppressor/oppressed paradigm with which he was indoctrinated at Columbia and he needs a map, compass and guide to find his own ass. I would offer his desire to raise the capital gain tax with the full knowledge that it will cut revenue as evidence of that assertion. Punishing the nasty capitalists is the most important thing.

He's reall very pathetic as a candidate for the Presidency but I'm positive that he's the very best the progs could find. They shoud have stuck with RW, she's just as far to the left and just as smart, plus she's a much "didn’t know Wright held these beliefs he’s a moron and if he did know he’s a fraud."

They aren't mutually exclusive, although BHO is far too intelligent to be considered a moron. I give him 100% on fraud but I would substitute very ignorant for moron. He's a hothouse marxist orchid, get him three feet away from the oppressor/oppressed paradigm with which he was indoctrinated at Columbia and he needs a map, compass and guide to find his own ass. I would offer his desire to raise the capital gain tax with the full knowledge that it will cut revenue as evidence of that assertion. Punishing the nasty capitalists is the most important thing.

He's reall very pathetic as a candidate for the Presidency but I'm positive that he's the very best the progs could find. They shoud have stuck with RW, she's just as far to the left and just as smart, plus she's a much more accomplished liar.

Rick Ballard

I wonder what I did to offend Typhus Pad? Perhaps I'd better offer a troll in sacrifice...


It's sad to see the candidate and the pastor end their friendship. At the same time, it's a relief knowing Reverend Wright won't be advising Obama about nuclear devices when those 3:00 AM phones calls come in.


Isn't it just a gift from the Gods that the Rev. Wright seemed to give Obama this great seconds chance to have that conversation on race.

What BS !!

Frankly, the whole thing felt fishy from the beginning. Making it worse was the effort to blame Clinton for setting up the Nation Press Club affair where Wright could oh so well re-self destruct. But, of course, it would be topped off by Obama's attempt at a Sister Soulja Moment.

Only a politcal novice would ever believe that this was a coincidence. Even Karl Rove isn't this obvious.

The whole thing is just too easy that it stinks to high heaven.

And, of course, it still doesn't explain why he sat in Trinity UCC for 20 years ?


"And, of course, it still doesn't explain why he sat in Trinity UCC for 20 years ?"

A Walkman then an iPod.


After reviewing a replay from his statement, I have concluded this is what he really said, albeit subliminally and without waggling his finger at us:

I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have [religious mentoring] with that [man, Rev. Wright]. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people [and get elected President].

Sounds sort of familiar to me.


Nah. Pastor is gonna tear Obama down. He's gonna bring him down because he can't stand it. Can't stand being ridiculed. Can't stand being spotlighted for the fool clown he is. The old bull is going to destroy the young bull, and be proud of it.

Truth be told, that church was really Obama's wife's church -where he goes to church if he wants to be married to her. She's pickled, fried and hogtied in the doctrine preached there. I see Obama as just another husband who tried to make the best of it.

The bigger question is how anybody can, for 20 years, listen to that Eleganza Theology from a egomaniacal pastor with a SuperFly complex and not go stark raving looney?

I take no pleasure in seeing Obama sabotaged by a racial racketeer, however Karmic it seems. This has been a problem in the AA community for a long time: hucksters run amok and pillage the vulnerable to enrich themselves, only to tear down any of "their own" who try to break away from that tragically dysfunctional make-believe tribe called "the community."

All this ruckus because people can't grow up and toss aside a 19th Century European ethnology that has been completely discredited by modern science.

Perhaps we'll see "Real Change" when the NAACP changes it's name to The National Association for the Advancement of the Content of our Character.

This thing called "Black Theology" is just Nihilism and self-loathing draped in proto-Stalinist rhetoric.

And Reverend Wright is giving us a lesson on how it really works.

who, me?

The test of whether this is a put-up job, is whether Wright takes out after Obama publicly and persistently and demonizes him to the black constituency for betraying and abandoning him. If he's resigned and merely regretful, this was planned and agreed IMO.


I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have [religious mentoring] with that [man, Rev. Wright]. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people [and get elected President].

vnjagvet (boy that's hard to spell)

That's very funny.

Danube of Thought

I don't think there's any way that Obama can be convinced, by the time the decision must be made, that he has no chance of winning at the top of the ticket and therefore should accept the VP position. There is no poll between now and the convention that anyone pays any attention to--let history be your guide on that one--and no matter how bad things look for him, no real movement in public opinion polls is going to show up until Fall anyway.

Last time I knew the numbers (about forty years ago) one out of every three VP's had gone on to become president. This was before Nixon and then Bush I went on to do it, so the figures must be about the same. But that's a slender reed for which to abandon the big chance for it all right now.


And VERY true, Jane.


Hey,DOT, would YOU take Hill's word on any promises to you?


This will make your day!

Warren Ballentine, a black radio talk show host on XM satelite just told O'Reily that his callers will not vote for Hillary if this is stolen from O. They have a saying about what they will do:



Obama has at least 3 friends who would fit right in as villains in a Batman movie, the Bomber, the Condemner, and the Corrupter.

Worse it seems they and Obama all share the belief that the world would be a better place if not for that mean old America. They all, including Brocko, share the same bad judgment and, not just different but, deficient powers of discernment and discrimination.

I doubt any of that will cost him the nomination.

I do believe Obama will be denied the Presidency for a different reason. It's because all of his supporters believe he is magical. They support him BECAUSE they believe he can transcend, and overcome, and unify. They believe Obama can heal souls and change hearts.

He can't do any of that carp. He's a fraud.


"I don't think there's any way that Obama can be convinced, by the time the decision must be made, that he has no chance of winning at the top of the ticket and therefore should accept the VP position."

I agree. Obama thinks he's the Chosen One.

Narcissists do not accept the VP slot.

And psychology aside, becoming the first VP under a female president means never becoming president, as it permanently defines his as a beta male. It's bad enough he's got one female boss; add Hillary and his fate would be sealed.

Danube of Thought

First time I saw someone (Clarice?) use "carp," I thought it was a typo. But everybody uses it over and over now. Being from the old school, I fall back on the old reliable "crap." Are they the same thing?

Am I out of touch? (The truly genteel among you may forbear to answer.) What's up with this "carp?" I mean, I know about the Hiroshima Toyo Carp, but surely it can't be that...


Carp vs Crap?
I just find it easier to spell carp.



I believe it is a homage to Clarice's typos. That and it sounds nicer to say carp than crap.

OT, Hugh Hewitt just mentioned a nasty speech Michelle O gave on Friday night. Does anyone know what she said? I have wondered where she is and what she has to say about this Wright crap. :)


What about Otis Lee?

From my readings, Otis Lee is just as bad as Wright.

Time to start paying attention to Otis Lee...


Obama's Grandma has been hiding under the bus since Obama disowned Wright.


Beto Ochoa

buenas noches amigo



Apparently, I was not alone in my observation.


But I didn't steal it.


Attention-grabbing fact from Fred Siegal's must-read piece on Barack Obama in the dead tree edition: 90% of Obama's popular vote lead over Hillary Clinton was racked up in his home state of Illinois, and two-thirds of that 90% was accumulated in Cook County.

I'm from Illinois and I support this message

Danube of Thought

Clarice's typos are the most irresistably charming phenomenon of the whole JOM undertaking. If Clarice says it's carp, then it's carp. And if I say crap, it's a typo.


...two-thirds of that 90% was accumulated in Cook Crook County.

Helpin' ya out here windansea.


Obama is full of carp


I've now heard these sounds bites a trillion times. Obama says Wright took away from what "the American people are going through".

What exactly are we going thru?


I caught part of Dan Abrams tonight, featuring a livid Lawrence O'Donnell claiming Barbara Reynolds, NPC member and Hillary supporter, maliciously invited Wright to speak in order to sabotage BO. Here's her response. She didn't put the words in Wright's mouth or the snideness in his tone. And it seems foolish for Obama supporters to blame a black woman for what Wright said, while absolving Obama from everything Wright's said for over 20 years.


Hell, Jane, Hell. And it won't be over until BHO, our Personal Savior takes the oath he is busy writing as we blog.


A month ago, O and Wright were both on an Easter break together in the Virgin Islands:

Connections in Virgin Islands

Who is the hardline black nationalist that O stayed with and why are they both vacationing in the Virgin Islands?

Maybe this was staged.

Barry Dauphin

If Obama would like to make a post racial statement, he could ask Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to resign for the good of the city. Looting city treasury is a colorblind activity.


Clarice's typos are the most irresistably charming phenomenon of the whole JOM undertaking. If Clarice says it's carp, then it's carp. And if I say crap, it's a typo.



"Somehow, I think the Ayers thing, at best, will bomb. At worst, it will blow up in those who push the issue as neo-McCarthyism."

Yes, but Ayers' history indicates he is more likely to blow up his friends than his enemies.


"Obama is full of carp"

Well, he does know his way around a fish story...


watching Obama's denuciation clips

he comes off flat and unconvincing, the CNN pundits like Gergin are trying to say he is angry but no sale, he's just going through the motions

game over


I know that the YP is “smart,” whatever that means. After all, Fitz was the “smartest man in the room,” but mostly at night, alone. Does smart in this context mean he was in the 95% on the LSAT? Because, what I see in all of this is a huge blind spot regarding the reasonable and likely consequences of his actions. The alliances and friendships he has made in his personal and political life demonstrate a willingness to accumulate immediate benefit without regard to the exposures created by those actions. Hence, the Rev, the terrorist, the slumlord-gangster. All of these were politically motivated to increase his influence in the Black community so that he would not be subjected to the Oreo label given to any Black politician on the Republican side. He was willing to align himself with the fringe to give himself a political boost. Now, follow my cadence here, those chickens have come home to roost.

I know Bill Clinton was widely considered to be a genius, but he was a poor law school student. He was and is remarkably glib and charming. Better than Leno, for sure. Now, I recall this about Hillary, from Dick Morris.

The true facts are: She flunked the DC bar exam and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had no job offers in Arkansas and only got hired by the University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville because Bill was already teaching there. She only joined the prestigious Rose Law Firm after Bill became Attorney General and made partner only after he was elected Governor.

Thoughts? Especially from our resident expert on all things law school and ivy, DOT.

Rick Ballard

"Because, what I see in all of this is a huge blind spot regarding the reasonable and likely consequences of his actions."

Absent father, flit mother, lefty grandpa, Punahou, Columbia, Harvard Law, ACORN organizer - the perfect prog. I don't doubt that he has a reasonably high IQ. I sincerely doubt that his "life experience" comports closely with what is commonly known as "reality". The "huge blind spot" is a vast and deep pool of ignorance from which we will see him draw time after time after time as his descent continues.

I really didn't think that the progs coud find a candidate worse than Kerry. I have sorely misunderestimated their lack of intelligence.



Thanks, Ann, but "carp" is deliberate, a response from an AT reader who noted reading something I wrote here and chiding me for the use of scatological terms.
(Just in case anyone is studying the effect of statins and chantix..please note how much better my typing is now that I'm off chantix and cut my statins in half. Just saying.)



Are you still not smoking?


"If Obama would like to make a post racial statement, he could ask Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to resign for the good of the city. Looting city treasury is a colorblind activity."

If Obama would like to make a statement he could explain why so many lawyers in Illinois seem to be tied in knots; trying to keep his name out of the Rezko trial

"Rezko trial: Obama's name kept hush


"This morning at the Tony Rezko trial, before jurors entered the courtroom, lawyers discuss the expected testimony of Elie Maloof. Though Maloof is accused of making a straw donation to Barack Obama's campaign, lawyers and the judge this morning tiptoed around Obama's name, never mentioning it."


Still not smoking--though I occasionally still dream I am.



Congratulations. You are an inspiration to those of us who want to quit.



I went off Lipator in January, and I'm pleased as punch.


I'm getting tested in mid-May to see how it's going and if it's not extreme, I'm staying at half dose or no dose at all. It is so gradual a diminution ot your physical energy and mental abilities it takes a while to realize what's happening, but frankly when my doc upped the dose I got what was going on and realized it was not age but meds..

M. Simon

Obama VP?

Watch for "Back of the Bus" screams.

M. Simon

Doctors have been poisoning people in the name of health for millennia.

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