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April 07, 2008



You like that juice water,TM? For a small fee I'll water down all your food..

Again--why is any govt step to protect us against terrorism an outrageous expansion of the executive power, but when it comes to thie weather carp and nanny state health stuff, no executive can have enough power to immiserate us?
(I know your post is about Krugman. And, yes, it is a masterpiece of a shredding. But it's Krugman for pity sake--You get few points for wrestling with the likes of Krugman or andrew Sullivan. Way too easy a target.)

Appalled Moderate


I imagine you reading the NYT this morning, nodding your head up and down while reading Krugman's not all that bad column. Then, to your horror, you find yourself actually agreeing with the dreaded Paul. Well, this will not do! There is now a stain upon you, which even a hot shower with bleach will not cure.

So, paragraphs later, you have expiated your guilt. But, do you have strong feelings about ethanol? (And, if you are being critical, how about Klugman's claim that McCain is "terrible" on the issue. of all the folks on biofeuls, I thought he was the most willing to say the ethanol subsidy was crap?

Thought you would have torn after Krugmans inability to say nothing nice about a Republican. Instead, I am left to tear after your inability to say anything nice about Krugman!

P.S. Was that your long awaited global warming post in the second half of this thing? Hopefully not.


Well...every once in a while I read Rolling Stone - not sure why I get it in the mail - and they had a pretty interesting take on Ethanol also -



The Left will come apart over the issue of ethanol vs starvation.

The humanity helpers vs the oil company slayers.

Get out the popcorn.

Tom Maguire

Instead, I am left to tear after your inability to say anything nice about Krugman!

Well, if I hadn't linked to a better piece a day earlier or posted on the same topic a while back, I might have relented. But he is hardly ahead of the curve here.

P.S. Was that your long awaited global warming post in the second half of this thing? Hopefully not.

It's not.


It is far far easier for the left to back off and even demonize ethanol, than it is to admit its mistake and back true no impact energy like nuclear power plant.

One has the advantage of sticking it to the Man, somewhere somehow but the other can never be so styled. One is anarchistic the other is common sense. Of course anarchy will reign.

Appalled Moderate


As long as there is Sen Reid (D -- Yucca Mountain), there will be no Dem support for nuclear power. Unfortunate. It's one thing the French have over us.

Rick Ballard

I would wait until June to do an AGW piece. The Mauna Loa CO2 Motherlode is low on nuggets. Two more months like that and the IPCC just isn't going to be the gold standard on climate anymore. I'm just afraid that all the arm waving that will occur when the centerpiece disappears will anthropogenically exacerbate the possible cooling trend...


Reid is up for reelection in '10 - Daschle's lonely so it's up to Nevadans to give him some company.


Well, OT but still halfwit-nutroot related -

3 Protestors in SF have scaled the Golden Gate Bridge cables -

Seriously - no brains no headache apparently. How about that bridge security?


3 Protestors in SF have scaled the Golden Gate Bridge cables

Any hope of forecast for strong breezes?


I figure even Krugman has to visit reality occasionally, if only to go to the bathroom. Therefore, I expect to agree with him occasionally. OTOH, when he does visit reality (briefly) and immediately attempts to mitigate this by his usual ideological spewing and arm-waving I am comforted by the fact that our agreement is only accidental.

I dunno about Tom, but I'm kinda interested in trying to figure out why the Hell Krugman deigned to extricate his cranial cavity from his anal aperture long enough to notice the problem.


I've got it! Why not propose we store the nuclear waste on GITMO and then we can proceed with a nuclear energy program as we move the thugees to Reid's district. Everybody's happy.


I'm not concerned about the protesters on the bridge (though the point about bridge security is well taken). They're not smashing windows at a recruiting office nor are they the slightest bit violent. It will probably cost the taxpayer less money than, say, rescuing some hiker lost in the fog. Though it might be fun to watch authorities figure out how to get the banners down.

If more AGW advocates would join these protesters' cause, the world would be a much better place.

Hansen said that we've reached the tipping point with the level of CO2 in the air...not to worry, though, he said, it's not too late to do something.

I guess he just changed the definition of tipping point.


Green is the new GREEN! A nice little earner.

Soylent Red


The fact that you referred to them as Thugees makes me happy anyway.


If you can get your cars to run on Big Macs,you are on to a winner


Hopefully,your lunatics are not as crazy as our lunatics. Though this seems tailor made for Barrack Hussein and Hillary Rodham.


Well being in the SF Bay Area - there are many cars that run on corn oil, or some just utterly disgustingly smelly crap - maybe it's the Big Macs. It literally smells like 5 day old cooking grease, and it's smoky as hell.

Most of these people are missing their daily or even weekly showers, so I guess a smelly car won't bother them much.


My son's Berkley-educated young science teacher just taught them about the badness of biofuels. There is hope!


I had a job to photograph a bio-fuel plant in an area of the county that's not too highly populated for good reason. The place (bio-fuel) smelled like a MacDonald's and across the highway is a beef rendering plant. What a combination!

Charlie (Colorado)

So, in what alternative history would that have happened?

The one in which Krugman wasn't using the Times to plug for the Democrats?


Get out the popcorn.
Who can afford popcorn anymore? Didn't you read the article?


Devestataing fisk.

But don't get the big head. After all, it's Krugman.

M. Simon

I dunno about Tom, but I'm kinda interested in trying to figure out why the Hell Krugman deigned to extricate his cranial cavity from his anal aperture long enough to notice the problem.

Greenies have stopped buying ethanol laced gasoline in Seattle. It is starting to catch on.

Krugman can't afford to be out of step with his audience. It might affect his pay packet.

And Tom let me second that. I was busy with Obama and global warming today. You did a much better gutting than I would have done. Well done lad. (The very highest compliment a Navy man can give).

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