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May 14, 2008



Sweet Home, Alabama.


The MSM says she "wins" WV. She crushed and trounced the Obamanable Showman!

5 votes to 2 is an overwhelming victory. But the silliness goes on in the electronic & print media that Obama has a chance. Maybe if she is VP. Otherwise?


Does the overall winner get to lip-sync "Born in the USA" with the Boss?


Second thoughts: Since the Canal Zone is no longer in the USA (Thanks, Jimmuh!), would McCain be eligible?

Patrick R. Sullivan

Not up on our Big Band standards: Jersey Bounce.

Patrick R. Sullivan

Here's the version by King of Swing.

Danube of Thought

Round on the ends and high in the middle, it's O-hi-O.

I Love L.A.

The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You.

My Old Kentucky Home.


I guess its not racist when 90-93% of a certain race votes for someone of their race, but it is when far lower numbers of another race vote for someone of their race.

I think its easy to see who the real racists are in this election. Too bad the media would never dare report it.


It'd be 'The Yellow Rose of Texas'.

Paul Zrimsek

West Virginia already has a perfectly good state song. What does it want with another one?


just because it bears rementioning -

Senator Byrd was not simply "a klansman" - Robert Byrd opened up a *new* chapter of the Klan in a thentofore part of West Virginia that had been Klan-less.

So Robert Byrd recruited people to join a local chapter that he, Robert Byrd, was forming, filled out the local Klan affiliate paperwork, and otherwise did all the administrative tasks to form up a local Klan chapter. Which included bringing the Grand Whateverthehelltheycallit to speak at the newly formed chapter.

Byrd didn't just happen to be invited by a friend and manage to show-up at a Klan function.


Georgia on my Mind is a great song, but it's not really a state song. (What are those other arms reaching out tenderly? Wierd mutant limbs from the great state of Delaware?)


Just a bit of trivia.

1 in 6 West Virginians are currently receiving food stamps. The highest ratio in the nation.

But they are hard working white people.


UHHH you can receive food stamps and still have a job. Dufus.


Yellow Rose of Texas, by far. And the original, too, not the bowdlerized version.


Davebo must think those on welfare shouldn't be able to vote. How egalitarian.


DAvebo is forgetting that those non 26%ers are all DEMOCRATS, without which the Democrat party can not elect anyone nationally. White working class whites are still the largest single group in the Democrat coalition, but folks like Davebo are doing their best to run them out of the Party. Faster, please Davebo.


Geez! I point out a simple fact and every decides they now what Davebo is really thinking!

Looks like the GOP meltdown has got the McGuirites a bit grumpy this morning.

Patrick R. Sullivan
What are those other arms reaching out tenderly?

Rivals to Georgia Carmichael; Hoagie's sister, who the lyricist was sweet on.


I can not believe they had Cheney campaigning in Mississippi. How stupid can they be? Never mind.

McSame should cancel Bush's speech at the convention, and not let Cheney into the building.

George Ditter

Can you have a twofer? Gladys Knight and the Pips - "Midnight Train to Georgia" California, well LA, proved too much for the man (subtext, but not too much for Gladys)so he leaving, leaving on a Midnight Train to Georgia (peaches, peanuts and J. Carter. Both states get to sneer at eachother.

Soylent Red

But they are hard working white people.

As has been mentioned, this is not a predictor of how "hard working" a population is, because you can receive food stamps while working a low paying job. Anecdotally for anyone who has traveled through WVa, that's probably the reality. Not to mention that the kind of low paying job available to the average WVirginian would probably make the average urban union scale job look like a day at the spa.

But what might be a better indicator is the number of welfare recipients per state.

Number of welfare caseloads by state.

As you can see, such glaring examples of backass countryness as California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Ohio are the league leaders.

Ah, but "Larger populations!" you cry. Wrongo. WVa isn't even in the top five.

Per capita welfare caseloads by state

So Davebo, when you "point out a simple fact", please remember that, traditionally, "facts" are true.


UHHH you can receive food stamps and still have a job. Dufus.

And you can get them while studying for a PHD - just ask mama Obama.


I point out a simple fact and every decides they now what Davebo is really thinking!

I'm just doing the job that you won't do.

Danube of Thought

At any given time there are a number of active-duty members of the armed forces who are receiving food stamps. I neither know nor care what Davebo is "really thinking," but if he didn't intend to be making a snide remark he sure had me fooled.

Danube of Thought

If you look at the scope of Obama's loss in WVa (The Campaign Spot has a nice breakdown), and recall how he did in PA and Ohio, and look at how he's polling in Kentucky, you might wonder: If he's doing so poorly with that demographic, how is he polling slightly ahead of McCain nationally?

Are a bunch of those people who reject him so overwhelmingly when he's matched against Hillary going to vote for him against McCain? Or does he more than make up for those voters with his support elsewhere?

Something seems not quite to compute with these polls...


Are they publishing the internals of these polls?

If not, I'd take them with a grain of salt.

If yes, it would be interesting to investigate the discrepancies...

Soylent Red

OT, in order to lend gravitas to the ticket, I think I have found a possible Obamessiah running mate.

Rick Ballard

"how is he polling slightly ahead of McCain nationally?"

Gallup and Ras are showing a 1% spread. That's well within MOE so "slightly ahead" could go either way.

Do you think that the entire Muddle has a clear "picture" of Prince Hope&Change at mid-May? I don't. I think they have a clear picture of Pandergrenadier First Class McCain and he is doing well enough with them to offset the 3% (VEP) or so on the right who swear (at the moment) that they will never buy a Maverick.

I believe your predictions re November to still be very valid. BHO hit apogee on 2/21 but there is no second stage and he didn't make it to escape velocity.


I looked at the Rassmussen Daily Tracking, and what jumped out at me was that Obama's ceiling against McCain (at least since 2/7) has been 47, while McCain's has been 51.

This may be significant. There seems to be a majority of HopeyChangey skeptics at this point. The fall season isn't going to help: Rev. Wright, the debates, 527s.

Fingers crossed...


Just wanted to point out that Gallup is doing Registered voting polls and Ras says he is doing likely voters polls. Now historically, the Rs do better with likely voters than with just registered voters ( and even better than just with Adults ). Its also interesting and can be documented that polling seems to have a built in bias against the Republican candidate even with Likely voter screens. Republicans usually do about 1 - 1.5% or more better than the poll averages, so keep all that in mind.

I think Ras has bought into the Dems indentification being 10% higher than Republicans and is jigging his polls to adjust for that. Its so abnormally high, that there is no real precedent for that. If it comes back down to normal expect immediate significant improvement for McCain.


Heard BO blathering in WV about the need to move our troops from Iraq to Afghanistan because there aren't enough NATO troops there. Limbaugh made fun of him because he didn't know that Afghanis don't speak Arabic, but isn't the real criticism that BO's Subcommittee on Europe has NATO oversight and it hasn't met. Even RW pointed this out in a debate, but the MSM of course hasn't run with it.


Harper's has an electoral map on how votes should be allocated.


And some bad news for the coal mining industry in WV-seems that polar bears will now have vetoes on energy policy. I can't believe that this happened during a republican administration. Maybe they should have calld it the environmentalist lawyers protection act-


but isn't the real criticism that BO's Subcommittee on Europe has NATO oversight and it hasn't met

I think that's called avoiding answers you don't want to hear. If he actually had to hear from the NATO commanders it would really screw up the storyline.

Danube of Thought

No, I don't by any means think that Obama has had anything like the scrutiny he will begin to receive after Labor Day, and I really don't think that scrutiny will be helpful to him at all.

And there's always the Bradley factor...

Danube of Thought

It borders on the bizarre the way the Dems and the near-Left have got onto this gig about needing to move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. While there has been some criticism from US officials, e.g. Gates, about NATO's unwillingness (and sheer inability, after 60 years of free-loading) to step up to the plate, I know of no US commander in Afghanistan who has suggested that a relocation would be in order.

The only explanation that makes sense to me is that they are simply bound and determined to see the enterprise in Iraq fail, and it they can aid in that outcome by sending resources to the "good" war, then by all means let's do so whether it's militarily necessary or not.


"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" would seem a suitable song.


"polar bears will now have vetoes on energy policy."

Those white polar bears?


Those white polar bears?

Yea, the ones down at the south pole! What should have done is release about a dozen of them on the Interior building grounds to show em all how "cute and cuddly" they really are. Idiots.


BO and the rest of the Afghanistan war faction probably couldn't even find it on a map, that's how strategic it is. Didn't the Russians learn how futile conventional warfare was in the mountains of Afghanistan? Which brings back a fond memory of Dan Rather hanging out with the Afghani resistence wearing a native headdress and his official foreign correspondent quasi military get up. Geraldo without a sense of humor.

Soylent Red

White polar bears from the South Pole?

Probably exhibiting typical white polar bear behavior, clinging to ice floes in the face of change.


Apparently the Dept of the Interior didn't get the memo on this years sea ice extent. Greatest in like 50 years, or some such. Also today, the House voted with the Senate to stop filling our Strategic reserves, and, in another brillint move, are defying a bill sponsered by Republicans to allow both offshore drilling and drilling in Anwar saying "We can't drill our way out of this problem."

Well, shit, we could sure try!!!!!

I'm about convinced Congress is populated by doofus's. Has anybody done an IQ study?


I wonder if Dirk was looking at the studies that Demetris Koutsoyiannis is saying are junk when making that determination?

Link under my name.



White polar bears from the South Pole?

Maybe I should have included the /sarc tag? But I'm serious about releasing a bunch of them, hungry and mean, at the Interior building and we probably couldn't go wrong with some at Capitol Hill.


Ask yourself was it the class valedictorian who was elected president or the smarmy not so bright bulb who told everyone his acne was improving?

Rick Ballard


Isn't the window for planting corn getting a bit tight? Another week or two of rain and this year's prices will look cheap.

Polar Bear

Please make up your minds,is it getting warmer? If so we are turning brown gain and you know what that means?


John Edwards just endorsed O B A M A.


I should of added....SOOO WHAT!

Soylent Red


Nope. I got it. Just piling on.

In other non-polar bear related news, Sean Penn warns against Obamessiah while endorsing him.

It gets weirder and weirder.

Rick Ballard

"Please make up your minds,is it getting warmer?"

Dear Polar Bear,

I believe that the answer to your question may only be found bt a thorough search of the Cannon Office Building in Washington, DC. I suggest that you begin your search at room 235. Directions, maps and tickets will be provided upon request.

PS - Be sure you bring your appetite! The Cannon Office Building is brimming with opportunities to try a variety of different flavors! Try and get a bite at every office you visit - and plan on spending a few days on the search. Don't forget to bring Mama Bear and the cubs - if weaned.


OT but pretty big news

The Ohio AG a democrat who rode the culture of corruption wave into Office lambasting the Taft administration, has resigned. He was facing impeachment by Ohio legislators worried that the splatter might get onto them.

First Spitzer then Dann. Any other Dem AG going on the chopping block?

Polar Bear

Mr Ballard,
Thanks,can we have ice will that? Some of the guys have gone on a cruise,I'll let them know as soon as they swim back.

Danube of Thought

Seen the video of The Young Messiah addressing a female reporter as "sweetie?" She didn't like it a bit. Check Powerline.


Isn't the window for planting corn getting a bit tight? Another week or two of rain and this year's prices will look cheap.

Yes, they say every day after May 1 you lose a bushel "here". Lot's of acres not planted. Personally, I think the last USDA report overestimated acres. This could be a very interesting growing season.


The Young Messiah was also endorsed by the NARAL sisterhood, today. All those sweeties will now defend Obama like they defended Clinton.

It looks like Edwards might have a chance at V.P. if he can deliver Kentucky for O. Poor Hillary. Boo Hoo.


Now there would be a strong ticket. You think Edwards could lose his home state AGAIN???


Edwards: I'd forgotten about him. He won't be able to deliver Kentucky, or even help there.


Obama-Edwards '08: The Manly Man ticket.

LOL. Yeah, that doesn't exactly help The Bowler.


Well, they do look absolutely Marvelous next to each other. The only problem would be uniting HOPE and CHANGE and YES WE CAN with TWO AMERICAS.


Wouldn't Silky hog up all the mirror time?

BHO must be beaming-he bagged a murder of feminists in a single day.

Mary Mapes

Gunga Dan!

Good times!


Rev. Obama ?

No wonder Wright is under the bus.

It's worth remembering that the majority of blacks still think O.J. Simpson is innocent. And, in times like these, when a black man is out front in the public eye, black people feel both proud and vulnerable and, as a result, scour the earth for evidence of racists plotting to bring him down, like an advance team ready to sound an alarm. Barack needed only a gesture, a quick sneer or nod in the direction of the Clintons' hidden racism to avail himself of the twisted love that rescued O.J. and others like him and to smooth his path to victory, and, therefore, to salvage his candidacy. After Donna Brazile and James Clyburn started to cry racism, Barack was repeatedly asked his thoughts. He declined to answer, allowing the charge to grow for days (in sharp contrast to how he leapt to Joe Biden's defense a month earlier). But, while he remained silent about the allegations of racism, he gave speeches across South Carolina that warned against being "hoodwinked" and "bamboozled" by the Clintons. His use of the phrase is resonant. It comes from a scene in Malcolm X, where Denzel Washington warns black people about the hidden evils of "the White Man" masquerading as a smiling politician: "Every election year, these politicians are sent up here to pacify us," he says. "You've been hoodwinked. Bamboozled."

By uttering this famous phrase, Obama told his black audience everything it needed to know. He was helping to convince blacks that the first two-term Democratic president in 50 years, a man referred to as the first black president, is in fact a secret racist. As soon as I heard that Obama had quoted from Malcolm X like this, I knew that Obama would win South Carolina by a massive margin.


If it was true in Indiana, why isn't it true in West Virginia ?

So is "Operation Chaos" a success or failure ?

Polar Bear

"Obama-Edwards '08: The Manly Man ticket."

The will look great on the catwalk and in the catalogue.


Adding new meaning to the term, 'Shrink to Fit'.

Rick Ballard


More on his apostasy.

Rick Ballard

H&R reflects upon the VIHH - Is that too much to ask -- I mean, why can't we be more like those Arabs?


Rick, a key question; at what age did he forsake the tenets of Islam. If past puberty, he may have a problem.

Heh, bet his granny took him to church when he was twelve once. Better not throw her under the bus, yet.





CryBaby Parsnip hopes for change.

Rick Ballard

"at what age did he forsake the tenets of Islam"

What makes you think he has? Was it ever politically expedient for him to do so?

If you examine Racist Wright's proclamations concerning his "every serpentine path leads to salvation" brand of "theology" you can only deduce that renunciation (or repentance, for that matter) isn't a TUCC strong point.

Decoding Wright isn't too tough ("America has never apologized for slavery" = Where's my check?") and BHO knew the code when he "joined".

There ain't no "deep mystery" to BHO - look for the expedient and cheap way out of any particular situation and you'll find BHO well down the trail.


McCain will wipe Israel from the page of time.


"is "Take Me Home, Country Roads" the best pick for state song of West Virginia?"

The Country Music Channel picked it as the best country song of all-time.

And let me second that very first comment: I hope Neil Young will remember, a sourthern man don't need him around, anyhow.


Parsnip, or catnip whatever

If you had the faint aquaitance with the Bible you would know that the final book of the New Testament is a one Called Revelations. Written by John, it reveals the end times and how that all transpires.

So even writing "McCain will wipe Israel for the page of time " is so far from what McCain policy is, and even what one religious endorser believes is revealed to him in Scripture, that I have to believe you are either deluded or hoping to deflect from the latest gaffe where Obama took offense to Bush 's sppech to the Knesset, when it was not even directed at him. Sorta like, well if the shoe fits, put it on and take stroll though.

Rick Ballard


The President's remark could just as easily have been interpreted as relating to Reid, Durbin, Rockefeller or... shoot, not enough pixels left to list every Copperhead in Congress.

I don't know why Neville Obama is so upset.


Barack Hände hoch Obama?


"Jersey Girl." Duh.

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