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May 11, 2008



The connection to Chavez and the Colombian opposition is ugly, too. There was a lot on that computer.

L. Wieseltier

Some among Obama's many supporters will find nothing amiss with these "associations," and in fact, will complain that far worse associations by McCain are being ignored by the media.

For examplke, one semi-deranged blogger has written an odious post in which he characterizes McCain's endorsement by controversial minister Rod Parsley as more troubling than the twenty year intimate relationship between Obama and the Reverend Wright. Fatuous and shallow, the article was written by Andrew Sullivan. But I repeat myself.

In contrast to Obama's shameful behavior over two decades, McCain was of course never a a parishioner in Parsley's church, nor was he married by the minister, nor were any of his children baptized by the minister. Parsley certainly never served as McCain's spiritual mentor and adviser. And McCain never took the title of a campaign manifesto from a Parsley sermon.

In short, Sullivan once more demonstrates his intellectual vacuity in his unique and nasty fashion.


Did he "walk away " from a career on Wall Street? It is not uncommon for big WS firms to hire dozens of associates, work them very heard and never offer them partnerships. Normally, the decision to offer partnerships comes in the 7-8th year of this apprenticeship.

When did Obama leave?
Was he ever offered a partnership?
Did he have any reasonable expectation such an offer would be forthcoming?
We know Michelle not only left the firm she worked at (where O was a summer associate), but she took the almost unheard of step of letting her law license lapse.
Looks to me like she had reaon to believe she was not cut out for a legal career.
Was the situation the same for O?


This (the Times' article) would have been a decent, albeit soft, piece about a year ago. But events have overtaken much of the narrative. I guess the Google machine at the Times is broken?

I'm puzzled as to how a "pragmatist" can be hailed as the most profound agent of change to come along in American politics since Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt (among others). Revolutionaries seldom hold back.

And is this the real Leon Wieseltier who posted above? Or someone playing a game?



A bit I read a while back was that Miner, Barnhill & Galland had their eyes on BHO during his Sidney internship.

I also thought the name of the firm-at the time BHO worked for it-was Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. This leads to this interesting character Allison Davis and into the fitzworld of Rezko, Blago, Daley et al. Seems that "photo-editing" isn't just a Soviet talent...

ALSO SOMEONE GET A DICTIONARY: Shouldn't it be "capital" instead of "capitol" when Becker and Drew refer to Springfield


I trust that John McCain would never take Hamas at their word, but keeping diplomacy to a minimum would be a good idea just in case. Better that dialogues of political reconciliation be accomplished the old-fashioned way: by exacting a price.

Laughing All The Way

I really hope the Republicans fixate on this stuff. They'll turn what is currently looking like a 52% victory into a 56% victory, and add another four or five Senate seats and maybe 20 more House seats.

Please, folks, make my day! Keep fighting the battles of the 1960s! It will fit so well with my side's themes of a old, doddering McBush, hopelessly out of touch with what Americans actually care about.

Oh, is this ever going to be a fun election.


turn what is currently looking like a 52% victory into a 56% victory

Yeah for McCain. The group this stuff doesn't matter to were never going to vote R anyway. Actually seems to bother the moderates and independents more than the rock rib conservatives. That's not good for Beau Bama.


I agree - about the fun election part. I still haven't met a democrat in MA who will vote for Obama, altho they are all turned off by different things. Most started out thinking he was so refreshing, and now they just think he is arrogant and inexperienced. That whole "judgment" meme has pretty much come back to bite him in the ass too.

Cecil Turner

Better that dialogues of political reconciliation be accomplished . . .

Are you seriously suggesting we should open negotiations with Mideastern terrorist groups?


LATW, thanks for "contributing" to my edification. It must really make your day to realize you'll be remembered for all internet history as being so... so... small.


Walked away from Wall Street

"Barack Obama (D)
Top Contributors

Just another Politician taking money anywhere he can get it, and then telling the public he doesn't do that.

Donna V.

Three die-hard dems in my family have all told me they will vote for McCain before they'll vote for Obama.

Anything can happen before November, but I have a feeling "laughing all the way" might not be laughing so hard when the debates roll.

The Chi-town Yuppie delivers a great speech. When it comes to speaking off the cuff, Mr. 57 States ain't so good.

Mike G in Corvallis

Tom, you left out the best part! As you pointed out a few days ago, Obama was put in charge of the $50 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge project, and the money was essentially wasted -- the project was a failure. So much for Obama's judgment and administrative ability! Too bad the New York Times couldn't find room to fit that in.


Laughing All The Way-

I really hope the Republicans fixate on this stuff.

What stuff-soft focus pieces of The Light and The Way, Obamesiah (pbuh), or the ever so slight air brushing each time they get recycled through the NYT?


"Oh, is this ever going to be a fun election."

"Here is what some longtime Dems have to say about this:"

"Mr. O wants to do away with ALL independent progressive groups that can not march in lockstep with his “movement”. This means that groups ranging from Media Matters to Women’s Voices Women’s Votes to EMILY’s List to the Sierra Club to Democratic Party orgs themselves are threatened by Mr. O telling his donors NOT to donate to anything other than “official Barack Obama” outfits."

" Mr. O is setting up parallel party infrastructure to not only compete with the current Democratic Party, but ultimately OVERTAKE IT. He’s not just looking for control, but he wants to weed out EVERYONE who still has ties to Bill & Hillary Clinton. So say bye-bye to everyone
currently working in some capacity on Hillary’s campaign… We’re not welcome any more! …"

"I can’t believe this comes to mind, but this is what this takeover reminds me of: In 1969, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) had a big convention in Chicago (ahem) in which those who advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government took over — and threw out — those who persisted in believing in the Martin Luther King legacy of non-violent protest. The non-violent groups were no longer welcome. They were cast-offs. It was made VERY clear that they were not to be trusted by the new violent leaders in charge." Article

We're going to get to hear about Obama and his terrorist friends,his Chicago politician friends, his contributor friends and they all tie Together

"Follow the Money: Obama contributor sues Rezko over $18 million debt"

"Based on testimony from the federal corruption trial of indicted political fixer—and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)'s friend and personal real estate fairy—Antoin "Tony" Rezko, Rezko's neighbor, Semir Sirazi, filed May 8, 2008, to "force Rezko’s bankruptcy over his failure to repay more than $18 million" owed to him and two of his corporations, Ray Gibson reported in the Chicago Tribune."

What's going to happen when Obama is asked to give back all those campaign contributions to the backruptcy court?

Laughing All The Way

I still haven't met a democrat in MA who will vote for Obama

I really wish I knew you personally, so we could arrange for each of us to deposit $1,000 with a neutral third party as a bet on who will take Massachusetts if Obama is the nominee. Since you're a Republican, I wouldn't even feel guilty about such an easy win.

Three die-hard dems in my family have all told me they will vote for McCain before they'll vote for Obama.

I'd love to meet your family. What institution do they inhabit?

I have a feeling "laughing all the way" might not be laughing so hard when the debates roll.

I hope they'll do them late in the evening, and make sure they last three hours each. I want to see old man McBush after a couple hours. And I hope Obama will find a way to needle him into blowing his stack. One way or the other, Codger McDodger is going to look like Admiral Stockdale (remember him?) before this is all over.

The group this stuff doesn't matter to were never going to vote R anyway. Actually seems to bother the moderates and independents more than the rock rib conservatives.

Keep telling yourself that. Look, kids, I was there when the Democrats nominated some real losers. You know, Mondale and Dukakis? I voted for 'em but I knew what was going to happen. Everyone on my side did.

This year, the Republicans will be creamed from top to bottom. It's going to be the American equivalent of when Blair threw out the Conservatives in the U.K. in the 1990s. Voters in that election went out of their way to punish the Conservatives.

What do you think the voters are doing this year? Hastert's seat is lost. The Republican in Louisiana lost. The Democrats are going to win in Mississippi next week, for God's sake!

Do you people have any clue in the world as to just how thoroughly you're going to be beaten this year? There's not a lot your candidates can do about it, but if you really keep on this course of fighting about Wright and Ayers, you'll manage to do what my side has done pretty reliably over the past 30 years or so: make a bad situation into a terrible situation.

I really wish I could make money bets against you people. You're so far out to lunch it's (almost) pitiful. Oh, is this going to be a fun year.

Laughing All The Way

By the way, here's a prediction: On the night of November 4, when Obama kicks McBush up one side of America and back down the other, you're going to see hundreds of thousands of people literally dancing in the streets in a dozens of cities. Church bells will be ringing, horns will be honking, and the whole country will be celebrating.

You people just don't get how hated you and your stinking president and his party are. But you will. Oh, you will. Just wait.


You people just don't get how hated you and your stinking president and his party are. But you will. Oh, you will. Just wait

This election, like the past handful, will be determined by that 5-7% of the electorate who today don't know whether Obama is a Democrat or a Republican and who know more about American Idol than they do about this presidential race.

That you can today tell us with absolute certainty who that slice of the electorate will vote for is indicative of something wrong with the brain chemistry in your head.

I'd have that checked out if I were you.

Although my guess is, as that old joke goes, the examination will show nothing.


You people just don't get how hated you and your stinking president and his party are.

What were those approval ratings again of the Democratic Congress?

Pelois and Reid only dream of doubling the ratings to match Bush's.

Sure, Bush is disliked. But I wouldn't go around crowing about how popular your party is.

The public is soured on both.


In reaction to Hezbollah's power grab in Lebanon, Obama issued the following statement (in part):

Hezbollah's power grab in Beirut has once more plunged that city into violence and chaos. This effort to undermine Lebanon's elected government needs to stop, and all those who have influence with Hezbollah must press them to stand down immediately. It's time to engage in diplomatic efforts to help build a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment.

For someone whose only tool is a diplomatic hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.

Yeah, that'll get Nasrallah's attention, won't it?



If in any other world or at any other time Barack Hussein Obama would be measured to be an empty, effete, and not altogether run-of-the-mill pol, with the exception of his association with what were once fringe and otherwise unsavory or disgusting characters.

But is not any other place or time, and Barry is The Hope and The Change, and The Believers are The Ones They have been waiting for.

My guess is that all of those Democrats who say they won't vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton equals those Republicans who say the won't vote for John Sidney McCain III.

I met Senator McCain once, spoke with him personally, heard him address the guests as the award ceremony in his honor, and found him then, as I do now, to be a man worthy of my respect and gratitude, but not someone I think I would otherwise choose as POTUS.

Perhaps it is time for The Believers to have their day. Their Moment. Let them run things. Choose the Justices. Levy taxes. Make abortion free and legal. Let them talk with our so-called "enemies." Make the world Green. Health care for all.

Because they know better.

Perhaps it is time for real change.

Or not.

And lastly, "McBush?"

Excuse me.

Your fucking joking, right?



Is that all you got?

Fuck you, then.


Just sayin'.



COme back and join us November 5th, if you dare.

BTW How's Deval Patrick working out for you? You see all that hopey changy thing making your life better in the Bay State?

But I bet you don't live here. As one of my democrat friends who is very politically connected tells me - Democrats in MA are racists.

Deal with it.


Strange formulation in the article referring to Ayers and Dohrn as "university faculty members" -- they are of course not faculty members of the University of Chicago, which is where Hyde Park is located, but Ayers is on faculty at University of Illinois at Chicago, and Dohrn was and is still part of the faculty at Northwestern. Why not refer to them as "college professors"?


Hating and Cussing All The Way....Yes, that would be the Democrat Party, today.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!

I spent 45 minutes in my basement with the dog because of a Tornado Warning. Family was out shopping. That was a real treat. :) :)

Rick Ballard
This election, like the past handful, will be determined by that 5-7% of the electorate who today don't know whether Obama is a Democrat or a Republican and who know more about American Idol than they do about this presidential race.

Yep. And from Labor Day to election day they're going to hear about Red Diaper BHO, Madrasa BHO, Dirty Chicago Pol BHO, Flag Stomper BHO, devout member of St. Karl's United Church of Christ Racist BHO and BHO the Henpecked Metrowimp.

And then they're going to give BHO the support he really deserves.

Oh, I forgot BHO the Babykiller, one of the very few areas in which BHO has votes other than "Present" recorded.



Maybe BHO ought to get a new advisor on Lebanon. This bit:

...a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment...

Difficult, confessionalism is the politics of Lebanon (everything is apportioned according to religious affiliation (as the marker of group identity): patronage, opportunities, employment), and BHO, as a believer in multi-culturalism, ought to embrace the end result of this sort of identity politics. Or maybe he already has.


(everything is apportioned according to religious affiliation (as the marker of group identity)

But as we've learned (once again), Hezbollah doesn't want to be integrated into such a spoils system.

Islamist groups - nations - simply won't accept such limits.

Maybe he'll convince them otherwise.

Triumph of hope (again) over experience.

JM Hanes

Laughing All The Way:

"You people just don't get how hated you and your stinking president and his party are."

You've got to be kidding. We figured that out years ago. I'd be curious to know which 5 Senate seats you're predicting we'll lose though. When a guy who can't figure out how to bet real money starts talking odds, I tend to doubt he'll be the last one laughing.


Laughing all the way
I think you have a flaw in your analysis.
The Dem party is as deeply fractured as i have ever seen this year..If you go to many opposing web sites you'll find that HRC supporters claim that it will be a cold day in hell before they vote for baby jesus obama and vice versa..The pundits today declared that the party will come together soon but my feeling is they won't.. many claiming to go GOP or indy..The bitterness is deep and damaging. Unfortunately for the Dem party they have perfected the art of shooting themselves in the foot. A year ago they couldn't lose on a bet, now It's probably 40-60 they will even vote as a party together. On the other hand McCain is viewed by much of america as an american hero and moderate ( maverick if you will )
I predict a tight hard fought race with experience probably winning the day for the GOP..Your gloating shows your lack of maturity and experience in following national elections..and as far as Congressional elections go..all politics are local..we are a republican state with a very very very popular Dem Senator. He is virtually unbeatable no matter what party is surging.. I have a feeling that many other states have popular Rep's and Senators who will be re-elected..I don't have the impression that this is 1994 all over again for either party..a few gains here or there but not a mandate..
This is just my humble opinion of the facts on the ground..
Reporting from the cornfields - The Hoopster


To All,

Sorry for the typos.

And bad language.

Multitasking and ranting don't mix.

But come on, "McBush."

Dude, if you're gonna' be troll, be a clever troll.

Or something.


Me too, then.


Ann, Happy Mother's Day. Sorry you had to spend a chunk of it in the basement. Where do you live? I hope all is well and the evening is less threatening.



Hezbollah is a protection racket, but shia muslims in Lebanon are still part of the confessional system. They extort the system to their maximum advantage. Still looking for a link that had a chart of what types of jobs in and out of government that the various (there are many) factions were apportioned. Hezbollah even has seats in the Lebenese parliament.


Need coffee:



"Mr. Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” Mr. Obama said recently."

Just like that nice Mr Hilter who moved into number 27 in 1945.

JM Hanes

Via Lisa Schiffren over at The Corner, the best Obama bumper sticker evah!


Thanks Centralcal, Happy Mother's Day to you, too.

I live in Columbus, OH. The funny thing is my daughter called me on her cell phone knowing that I usually have on Fox News (Cable). She was yelling at me to turn on the local channel. They were miles away and heard it on the car radio. I would have never known there was a "Warning" unless she had called. Dumb!


Look at the bright side, Ann. You are not likely to forget this Mother's Day,are you?


Nope, I won't forget this Mother's Day! :) We all had a good laugh about my 24/7 Fox News addiction. Thank goodness they didn't realize they should of given me a weather radio for a gift.


You should get a weather radio regardless Ann. They are becoming essential in certain parts of the country these days.


Laughing all the way is sure making spirits bright on Mother's Day.

He is light on analysis and heavy on the smug certainty induced by a overdose of political Kool Aid.

Oh what fun it will be to ride and sing on November 5 when his excellent adventure is over and we can invite him out for a drink.


Oh, I plan on it. But, I sure don't want it as a gift.

My husband gave me a rowing machine and architectural drawings for our first Christmas together. Believe me he knows better now! I have even taught him how to pick out flowers. The florist constantly tells him what good taste he has when picking them up for me. :)

On the other hand, he still won't put toliet paper on the empty roll. LOL

E Buzz Miller-Booth

If Barry can't be bothered to know how to pronounce Massachusetts (Massatoosits), how can he be trusted to know the hundreds of foreign leader's names?

I mean, it was SO GODDAMN important back in 2000...SO SO IMPORTANT.

The looney left loves this chump, but he is everything they claim Bush is, vacuous, uninterested, a media creation, stupid, inexperienced, a business failure, a friend of shadowy foreign operators, and without a resume.

So, it is yet another example of liberal projection. They truly are incapable of self-knowledge.

McCain should win in a landslide.

What the fuck is a "community organizer" anyway? That sounds quite non-specific as a qualification to run the country...


I watched "The Kite Runner" over the weekend. It is still troubling me, yet I highly recommend it.

I wish someone would ask Mr. 57 state man how he would talk to these evil men the movie and book portrayed.

Laughing All The Way

But come on, "McBush."

Yup. That's what it'll be. By the end of the summer, no one will be able to tell the difference between the doddering old dirtbag from Arizona, and the lying war criminal from Texas with the 28% approval rating.


"thousands of people literally dancing in the streets in a dozens of cities..... horns will be honking, and the whole country will be celebrating."

Will you be passing out candy and shooting AK-47's into the air, too?


So the relationship with Ayers was not as close as that with Wright. But suppose someone else - call him Joe Blow - was applying for a security clearance for a job with the Dept. of Defense. And suppose Joe had launched his political career at the home of a known terrorist whose organization had as its goal the violent overthrow of the US government, and Joe had maintained a working relationship and friendship with said terrorist for many years. Would Joe be able to obtain a security clearance?


The looney left loves this chump, but he is everything they claim Bush is
You left out former cocaine user with daddy issues, close ties to the worst religious influences in his party, and no military record, who's perfectly willing to see a genocide in Iraq.

Heh. "War criminal". What you should do, is get Pelosi to impeach him for war crimes. Or give Mother Sheehan a prime slot at the convention to promise to indict the whole Bush administration if she wins Nancy's seat. (Sure, a Congressperson can't indict anybody, but she won't be talking to reasonable people with a clue about how the world works, she'll be talking to Democrats.)


So much for Obama's judgment and administrative ability!

Man, the MSM really is in the tank for this guy:

Obama wanted steady, calm, focused leadership; he wanted to keep out the grandstanders and make sure the quiet dissenters spoke up. A good formula for running a campaign—or a presidency.
. . .
It was only after [Bush] became president that voters began to grasp Bush's failings as an executive—his disdain for expert opinion, his stubborn approach to policy or rivals, his fatal lack of follow-through. Obama, at least, seems to be more curious than the current president.
. . .
Presidential campaigns may be in some ways little more than glorified stress tests, not true measures of the potential for presidential greatness. Still, they do offer significant peeks into personal character. Obama "does not get rattled," says Bhowmik. "I've never seen it." He has "grace under fire." In the coming campaign, he will need it.

JM Hanes

Lesley: LOL!


I find it interesting that Bambi only met Ayers and Dornh at the "meet and greet" they held for him at their home. They had not met before they decided to hold a "meet and greet" for somebody they knew nothing about? Does not pass the smell test to me. I think they must have known him before that or they would never have opened their home up for him when he was not even known in the neighborhood.

And then for him to have to do all he could to get any opposition thrown off the ballot before he ran tells you that he is a ruthless individual, not one who will bring people together. In fact he is doing all he can to split them up.

When you couple all that with his running for president when he has not even fulfilled the job he was elected to the Senate to do and when in addition to that he has thus far not held even one meeting of the committee he is in charge of, Bambi should be thrown out of the Senate. As it stands the state of Illinois has had only one senator for the whole time Bambi has been there - and it is not Bambi. The state has been massively shortchanged.



You just noticed? Also noticed that it was from Evan "Mr. 15%" Thomas-must really sting that Sen. Kerry couldn't win the race with that sort of head start.

I'm waiting for the articles where BHO makes the blind see and makes the paralyzed walk...


I'm waiting for the articles where BHO makes the blind see and makes the paralyzed walk...

How about Iranians "obsessed with Barack Obama. If he goes to Iran, I’m sure he could fill Tehran’s Azadi Stadium, which has a capacity of 100,000. To a large extent this is because of the nature of Obama’s message about change and hope."

Or Nigerian rebels "seriously considering a temporary ceasefire appeal by Senator Barack Obama. Obama is someone we respect and hold in high esteem."

Laughing All The Way

Will you be passing out candy and shooting AK-47's into the air, too?

Those are assult rifles, and we'll ban them. So no. And candy is bad for you.

he is a ruthless individual, not one who will bring people together

Poor babies!

The state has been massively shortchanged.

Your floor-crawling drunk of a war criminal president has been on vacation 40% of his time in office. He does to Texas to have drinking binges. Talk about your short-changing. No wonder he has the highest disappoval rating of any president since political polling began.

Or Nigerian rebels "seriously considering a temporary ceasefire appeal by Senator Barack Obama. Obama is someone we respect and hold in high esteem."

Damn, we wouldn't want that to happen. If Nigeria calmed down, oil prices would decline and gun makers wouldn't have such a great customer. Where's the fun in that?

Bambi should be thrown out of the Senate. As it stands the state of Illinois has had only one senator for the whole time Bambi has been there - and it is not Bambi.

Yeah, that "Bambi" is one dangerous animal!

Bush is vacuous, uninterested, a media creation, stupid, inexperienced, a business failure, a friend of shadowy foreign operators, and without a resume

Couldn't have said it better myself. Welcome to the light!


The difference is hat the president really does not have a vacation. Even when he does go to his ranch in Texas, the duties of the president still hold and he still gets his briefings and he still is on call for the rest of his duties. He has state visitors come to the ranch and meet with him there.

Meanwhile Bambi is not doing any of the things he was elected to do. He has not held meetings of the committee he chairs - not one in the whole time he has been chairman. He votes "present" - not yea or nay - the few times he does show up at the Senate. That does not make him dangerous. What it does is make him totally inconsequential and of no use to his constituents. They were the ones who voted for him - once he arranged to have all the people who might have endangered his election kicked off the ballot - and they are the ones he should be responsible to. He has screwed them out of having a senator representing them - his explanation is that he is too busy on the campaign. Did the state of Illinois vote for him to have him run for president before he even did anything for the state at all? He is a waste of air, his wife is a waste of air, his minister is a waste of air - and we are supposed to vote for this POS? On what possible basis - that he wants to bring change? The only change he should bring is his salary back to the people of Illinois for his failure to represent them at all.


Are you seriously suggesting we should open negotiations with Mideastern terrorist groups?

We should sit them down and say, "Stop the bullshit."



It occurred to me today that "Obamam* amabo" does mean something in Latin, though I don't believe it is a sentiment you have much wish to express.**
*Accusative case, denoting the object of the sentence.
**I haven't figured out how to negate it without losing the palindrome.


There is a poll asking if Hillary should stay in the race, I said yes for laughing.


My mother in law has NEVER, EVER in her life voted for a republican...guess who she is voting for this year?


HAH -- i just went to memorandum and this is the top story

Democratic country keeps its distance from Obama — Like most people in Mingo County, West Virginia, Leonard Simpson is a lifelong Democrat. But given a choice between Barack Obama and John McCain in November, the 67-year-old retired coalminer would vote Republican.

Laughing All The Way

Meanwhile Bambi is not doing any of the things he was elected to do. He has not held meetings of the committee he chairs - not one in the whole time he has been chairman. He votes "present" - not yea or nay - the few times he does show up at the Senate. That does not make him dangerous. What it does is make him totally inconsequential and of no use to his constituents.

Unlike Sen. Arizona Asshole, right? What makes him special? The adult diapers?

Mike G in Corvallis

In one of my all-time favorite editorial cartoons, an American man is explaining our political system to a fellow from Eastern Europe. "Well sure," he says, "the government lies. And the newspapers lie. But in a democracy they aren't the same lies."

I think that if Obama gets in. we'll see what things are like when they are the same lies. And it won't be pretty.

Mike G in Corvallis

Unlike Sen. Arizona Asshole, right? What makes him special? The adult diapers?

Ah, reasoned discourse from the Left! I commend you, sir, your sparkling rhetoric is showing us all the error of our ways!

Laughing All The Way

Ah, reasoned discourse from the Left! I commend you, sir, your sparkling rhetoric is showing us all the error of our ways!

Oh, you mean like Donna V, who called Obama "the Chi-town yuppie?" Or Pagar, who mentioned "Obama and his terrorist friends?" Or RichatUF, who calls him "Obamesiah (pbuh)"?

Then there is E Buzz Miller-Booth who asks, "What the fuck is a "community organizer" anyway?" And dick, who called Obama a "POS" when not calling him "Bambi."

So, wingnut fuckwads, my rhetoric sparkles the same as yours. You pussies can dish it out but you can't take it? If you think it's bad now, just wait. Poor babies!

kepa poalima


do you also believe in algore's global warming gambit? you probably also think that socialism is a viable economic system, no?
and indulge me in this curiosity, what are your favorite bands and/or genres of music?


"But come on, "McBush."

So Laughing is predicting two terms for McCain?

The extraordinary flaw in the theories of a pond life like Laughing, is he thinks being a gobshite is attractive to the majority of voters.
Keep it up sunbeam,it really reflects well on your candidate.


The dog that did not bark: Obama's converstion from Islam to Christianity. (see NY Times editorial today). I would like to see more discussion on this issue. If he did convert why the silence in the Islamic world? AND, should we elect a president who, under Islamic law, should be killed on sight by devoute muslims?



ok, i'm watching Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. chris matthews gets mad at joe crawford and accuses him of 'being in the tank for hillary'.

i was gonna call my brother and tell him but i'm still speechless, so i'm dumping it on you guys...


Hey laughing, I've got issues with McCain too, but will you explain why the Democrats can't do any better than ask us to choose between a vicious autocrat like Hillary and a tyro tyrant like Obama? These are your best?


paladin2; Without doubt Obama recited the 'words' of affirmation about Allah and Mohammed while a child in Muslim school. The question I can't get answered is just how Islam looks at the choice of an adult. Anabaptists only accept adult baptism. Just how does Islam approach the issue of the age at which affirmation binds? I doubt the Koran is silent on the issue, but I've not been able to find an answer.

By the way, Obama's religiosity is a pose, too. I've little doubt that in his heart, he's agnostic as are most with his age and cast of mind. Christianity eventually will be something else for him to hope we can change about. It's an opiate, after all.


We know Michelle not only left the firm she worked at (where O was a summer associate), but she took the almost unheard of step of letting her law license lapse.

This sounds like real fertile ground to look for why Michelle is so bitter. Imagine racking up a huge debt of school loans in a career that it sounds like she abandoned. This must have been a real low point for her, and I bet there is a real interesting story on the other end.

And nobody in the media has any interest in why ?

It's about thing the media stops alternating their thumbs from their mouth to their dairiair.


I'll admit Davenport and Goodyear, are a problem. The seeds of this week's cataclysm
were set 8 years ago, in a case that
determined the future of sanctions legislations, Natsios (now AID chief)v. Massachussetts Free Trade Industry Council.
I recall this case because it was the subject of a paper for an international economics and law class. It concerned a Massachussetts law that sanctioned Myanmar
for numerous human rights abuses. It was judged too broad and subsequently undermined
the entire sanctions regime; including Helms/Burton and the collapsing Iraqi sanctions already eroded by the Oil for Food
sinecures (Pasqua, Primakov,Wyatt, et al)and Albright's glib remarks; "If it takes 500,000 dead Iraqis. . ." The future doves in the Bush sub cabinet; Haas and his
protege O'Sullivan argued for 'targeted sanctions'. their articles were one of the sources for my paper. Regime change was the only other punitive measure, realistically on the table. It was out of the question in Myanmar, much as it is N. Korea; because of China's role in the region.

Now Parse, you do know the difference between a group which wants forces to be be removed from it's territory; although wanted hegemony over other factions like Gerry Adams IRA. And Hamas, a local offshoot of the Egyptian Islamist Brotherhood imported by Al Azhari graduates like the late Sheikh Yassin dedicated to the annihilation of a state. Now to be fair; Fatah, has a similar charter, they've just focused on the phased part of the liquidation.


"The two men were involved in efforts to reform the city’s education system"?

Also missing here was that this was a $50 million failure. Obama often talks about education reform like he has had some success in this area. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the vehicle of Obama and Ayers, was a failure and there is plenty of documentation online to prove this point.

While many education experiments produce less than hoped for results, Obama (with or without Mr. Ayers) doesn't have an successful record to live on, but to hear him talk, you'd expect a few dozen Rhodes scholars to thank him personally.


I started to wish everyone a "good morning" today when a tree fell in front of the police station and knocked our power both at my home and my office. So a belated good morning everyone. It might be the proper time to start ignoring the troll.


Good grief, Jane..and I'm just dealing with the kind of downer one gets with the fourth nonstop rain and grey skies day.


Eh, it's just a tree, making it impossible for me to work. I'll live. No sweat!


What this Clarice needs is a good 5 Cent cigar.


Right n; the Middle Empire is the elephant in the East Room.

Rick Ballard


I've read nothing which indicates that islam regards adherents any differently than it does land which has had the misfortune to fall under the bloody sword of perfidious conquest. BHO might escape the fate dictated for apostates by a clever argument involving taqiyeh. In fact, it needn't be that clever, he would only have to point out that he has never specifically repudiated islam, only seemed to embrace what islam regards as a minor prophet.

It would be a different matter if the great Disowner actually repudiated the words of affirmation but we don't expect to hear him do that, do we? Until he does, I regard him in the same manner that an ayatollah judging him under sharia would - he's an adherent who works for Mohammad using duplicity as his sword.


Rick, I do think it is entirely possible that Obama is operating under Taquiyah. He seems almost a bionic Stalinist creation.

In response to their disgust at Bush's ownership of core beliefs, they promote a man without any? And this is 'Progressive'?


The New York Times takes the same approach to Obama as Bob Guccione (of "Penthouse Magazine" notoriety) did to photographing his "Pets": copious quantities of Vaseline smeared on the lens to get that "soft focus."

I call it "Obama-porn."

Dave in SoCal

Unlike Sen. Arizona Asshole, right? What makes him special? The adult diapers?

And instead of responding to the point that the Obamessiah has accomplished nothing in his extremely short political, you fling a few feces. Typical classy liberal move. I'm underwhelmed.

How about the $50 million failure known as the the Chicago Annenberg Challenge that Obama oversaw and led?

So, wingnut fuckwads, my rhetoric sparkles the same as yours. You pussies can dish it out but you can't take it? If you think it's bad now, just wait. Poor babies!

You stopped taking your meds again, didn't you?


Mr. Ayers’s book on the subject won a rave review in The Chicago Tribune by Mr. Obama, who called it “a searing and timely account

this is kinda new isn't it? Me, I'm always writing book reviews for "people who live in my neighborhood"

I'm looking forward to the 1000 page dossier the GOP has built on Obama's Chicago hijinks

Rick Ballard


Stalinist in the sense that "history began at sunrise", perhaps. Otherwise, Alinskyite fits more closely. Alinskyism is primarily tactical in nature, rather than strategic while Stalinism was always coherently strategical. IOW - BHO can play checkers OK but he won't do well at chess.

His biggest problem is not that the propaganda organs of the Democrats are unwilling to provide him the cover necessary to change shape but that the organs themselves have shriveled to the point where they are ineffective. Evan Thomas' bragadoccio about firing a 15% cannon in '04 while delivering only 5% is illustrative of the point. I will be surprised if the propaganda organs deliver even 3% in '08.

Oprah won't replace the loss - BHO would have to win on American Idol and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in order to hit the demographic he needs.


All signs are that the RW is going to walk all over O in West Virginia. Everyone start practicing the O spinaroo on that one..assuming there is even any media coverage aside from portraying W Va as a banjo dueling state (insta[undit notes the actual site of Deliverance and the banjo scene was in states O won.)


this is kinda new isn't it? Me, I'm always writing book reviews for "people who live in my neighborhood"

Good point, windansea.
Has anyone seen this review?


They're also the elephant in Sudan, Iran, etc. In other news, Larry Rohter, the fellow who they gave the thankless job of
refuting Hamas's endorsement of Barry the Sumatran prince. Can you imagine that editorial meaning.

Rohter; you mean Hamas actually endorsed him, on WABC Radio of all things, how are we going to ignore that;

Rosenthal; look find a way, that's our job,
you always do;

Rohter; Really when,

Rosenthal; when you paired up with that Fidel groupie Bardach, insinuating an assasination plot against Chavez, which provoked that indictment that caused the defendants to be acquitted. When you said on the day of the Brothers to the Rescue shootdown that day was Carnival, not the anniversary of the Cuban equivalent to Paul Revere's ride.

Rohter; What are you some crazy right winger. I got it we have no answer and it's
mean of McCain to point out the truth. I'll
do it, but you owe me next time.


Did anyone else hear BHO calling N. Carolina a "swing state" in his victory speech? He must be sensitive to the argument that RW has one most of the key states (OH,PA,TX, etc.). But NC has not gone to the Dems since the 1960s. So once again he wins in a state that the Dems have little chance of carrying in the general election.


So once again he wins in a state that the Dems have little chance of carrying in the general election.

here is a nice analysis by Jeralyn

Hillary has won 17 state primary/caucuses. Of them,

3 are Republican
5 are Democratic
9 up for grabs
Obama has won 21 states. Of them,

12 are Republican
9 are Democratic
6 are up for grabs
The 9 battleground states Hillary has won have 116 EV. The 6 battleground states Obama has won have 54 EV.

If Hillary wins the 15 Dem states and her 9 battleground states, she's at 312 EV.

If Obama wins the 15 Dem states and his 6 battleground states, he's at 250 EV.

Electoral Map

many Obots think Operation Chaos was because we'd rather face Hillary in the GE



I'm beginning to think, it was to discredit Hillary and steer the Democrats onto the great ship Ti-Obama; much like Segretti's operation for CREEP did for McGovern.


many Obots think Operation Chaos was because we'd rather face Hillary in the GE

This couldn't be further from the truth .. Operation Chaos was there to make them fight it out rather that having the Republican (McCain et al) stage a fight.

Think of Operation Chaos as making them both, Obama and Clinton, surrogates of the Republican Party. Obama hurts Clinton and Clinton hurts Obama.


The problem with Mac's campaign is this: I'm coming to the conclusion that they're incompetent. Two of his guys were improperly vetted-we find out only now, when the Paultards are planning a floor revolt in Minneapolis to force McCain to speak at 3 in the Morning, that his main Convention guy was a lobbyist for the Burmese Junta.

Nice going, Team Maverick! These are the clowns who were looking askance at Condi Rice? Now we're finding out that while Team Maverick was asleep at the switch, the Paultards and their agenda of Gold Standards and peddling The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are taking over Republican County and State convention committees, just enough to engage in a Floor Revolt at the Convention.

I was wondering why the Pioneers weren't giving this guy money. Now I know.

Meantime, the D's are measuring the drapes in the Oval Office. That's always a mistake. McCain may just win despite his campaign's utter incompetence and the electorate's exhaustion with Republicans.

Obama is being slowly peeled back for what he is; a left wing stooge and an appeaser for the Jihad. If there's something that we need no more of, it's an Islamist sympathizer in the White House.

Cecil Turner

We should sit them down and say, "Stop the bullshit."

Good plan. Maybe then we could sing hymns to Hamas or maybe send our advisors to talk to them . . . or even hold unconditional meetings with their sponsor. Only real question is whether your lad's a naif, or just on the other side.


Of course, this is always good for a laugh ..

Obama's Legislative Accomplishments

Barack Obama

Having some state Senator, whom I barely know, answer questions about my legislative accomplishments is just a distraction from the work I will eventually do to....I mean for the people of our 57 states.


Ann: I wish someone would ask Mr. 57 state man how he would talk to these evil men the movie and book portrayed.

Ann, you won't get through to Mr. 57 because people like him can't conceive of the possibility anyone might think differently than they do. They believe that to their core because THEY think the way they do and people are all the same.

And, BTW, Kite Runner is good. But 10,000 Suns is a very hard read for anyone that believes in civil society. I'd read three pages at a time and then come up for air, cleansing my thoughts with positive music. Many people deserve better lives than they are given on this planet. That's why I am a classical liberal who is dead-set against the lazy socialist control-freaks in rose-colored glasses, who dress in make-believe pseudo-liberal costumes and have hijacked the Democratic Party.


interesting interview with Obama on Zionism and Hamas by Jeffrey Goldberg...




Obama on Zionism and Hamas


More laughs ..


3. When she went to YearlyKos, the Kos Kids would scatter and hide under furniture like cockroaches.


The 57 state mystery has been solved by a blogger from Iran

"Where did he get number 57 from?? Have you wondered??"

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