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May 06, 2008



So Hillary was aspiring to be under sniper fire?


self-serving exaggeration can be nearly impossible to detect, experts say

A point that should have applied to Libby.


TM, Hillary would say that guys like you are "in what we call the reality-based community," which she'd define as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore, We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Patrick R. Sullivan

Or, perhaps it's just a matter of incentives. Such as this, from Dartmouth:

Often it seems as though American higher education exists only to provide gag material for the outside world. The latest spectacle is an Ivy League professor threatening to sue her students because, she claims, their "anti-intellectualism" violated her civil rights.

Priya Venkatesan taught English at Dartmouth College. She maintains that some of her students were so unreceptive of "French narrative theory" that it amounted to a hostile working environment. She is also readying lawsuits against her superiors, who she says papered over the harassment, as well as a confessional exposé, which she promises will "name names."

....Ms. Venkatesan lectured in freshman composition, intended to introduce undergraduates to the rigors of expository argument. "My students were very bully-ish, very aggressive, and very disrespectful," she told Tyler Brace of the Dartmouth Review. "They'd argue with your ideas." This caused "subversiveness," a principle English professors usually favor.

Ms. Venkatesan's scholarly specialty is "science studies," which, as she wrote in a journal article last year, "teaches that scientific knowledge has suspect access to truth." She continues: "Scientific facts do not correspond to a natural reality but conform to a social construct."

The agenda of Ms. Venkatesan's seminar, then, was to "problematize" technology and the life sciences. Students told me that most of the "problems" owed to her impenetrable lectures and various eruptions when students indicated skepticism of literary theory. She counters that such skepticism was "intolerant of ideas" and "questioned my knowledge in very inappropriate ways." Ms. Venkatesan, who is of South Asian descent, also alleges that critics were motivated by racism, though it is unclear why.

After a winter of discontent, the snapping point came while Ms. Venkatesan was lecturing on "ecofeminism," which holds, in part, that scientific advancements benefit the patriarchy but leave women out. One student took issue, and reasonably so – actually, empirically so. But "these weren't thoughtful statements," Ms. Venkatesan protests. "They were irrational." The class thought otherwise. Following what she calls the student's "diatribe," several of his classmates applauded.

Ms. Venkatesan informed her pupils that their behavior was "fascist demagoguery." Then, after consulting a physician about "intellectual distress," she cancelled classes for a week. Thus the pending litigation.


No qualifyer here regarding the aspiration regrads obtainability or value.

Is she fibbing about aspirations that can be actualized?

Does aspiring to take actual (or imagined) sniper fire reflect a healthy aspiration or view of the world? I prefer grade fibs.


What a crock!
And this from the same folks who think relying on the world intel consensus of Saddam's WMDs was proof Bush lied.

French narratives and B.S. shrinks --PHEH to them all.

...the 34 hours in labor without painkillers...
Nah, the first 34 hours were easy. That was the point I was sitting in our favorite restaurant waiting for takeout. (53 hours of labor, but I managed to miss only one meal!)

It was another 6 hours before I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Things got kind of grueling after that, but I was delirious, so I missed most of it. (Poor hubby wasn't so lucky, though...)

Tom Maguire

Does aspiring to take actual (or imagined) sniper fire reflect a healthy aspiration or view of the world? I prefer grade fibs.

Well, I presume she aspires to be calm and collected under fire, as do we all.


Where is everybody?

Fox has called North Carolina for Obama and it looks like I made a mistake using the Clinton camp's turnout model for my predictions.


Hi, Elliott

Obama wins North Carolina. Hillary looks like she is going to win Indiana by double digits (Operation Chaos) Now What?


Now What?

West Virginia and the Obamassacre.


This is not good for Obama. Once again he wins only due to the black vote (NC).

I am so glad I am not a Democrat, nor a *super* delegate.


I'd be a super delegate and do really bad things. Maybe I'd sell my vote, to both sides, for cash. Maybe I'd demand a rules change, and that seat Florida and Michigan, then strip them of their power. I'd demand to speak at the convention. It would be really fun.


Hi Cent,

Considering who we are stuck with, I am not so sure we can be glad to be Republicans. :(


It would be really fun.

Yes, it would, especially if you kept us up to date on all the intrigues.


Oh, amen, Ann! Somewhere, today or yesterday, I read that we have 3 bad choices in this election. Oh - wait a minute - it came from a really surprising source - Danube of Thought! Our McCain cheerleader here at JOM.

What a bummer of an election year!


MSPMS is starting to put forth the story that "Operation Chaos" is the reason Hillary is winning in IND. Woo Hoo!!!!



I'd live blog it.


I'd be a super delegate

What would you wear? I mean, obviously by day you'd wear thick glasses and seem meek. But as Super Delegate....?


What would you wear?



Red, White, and Blue Capes with alot of pins.



You would be more like a Fabulous Delegate.



hit and run

If you're a super delegate, you should have the candidates mud wrestle for your vote.

Oh, wait. ::hhrrhfgggghhhh::

OK, audition candidate surrogates. Hot candidate surrogates.


Hit, We Miss You! XOXOXO

hit and run

::smooches:: all around


Well, alrighty then. It is looking more and more like we will have the pugnacious and uncharming Michelle to take the place of RW in hearts pretty soon.



Did you read the Byron York article today on MO. I posted it under the Sister Grim thread. I guess she has made me very cynical because I don't believe the little girl story (unless it was about her daughter).


I don't believe the little girl story

Are you talking about the story where the 10 year old was sobbing in fear? I heard Rush or Hannity talking about it and all I could think was MO probably scared the child to death with her gloom and doom talk.


Looks like Michelle has come more in saffron than in anger tonight.

hit and run

I don't believe the little girl story

I figured it was Che Che's daughter and thought the story rang true.


Ann, I didn't believe the little girl story either. It sounded like projection to me.

Excuse me, the Messiah is speaking to his followers right now.



I didn't hear Rush talk about it today, but it could be the same. MO scares me to death, I can't imagine what she did to to a 10 year old.

Elliott, She looks better than normal (She is even smiling)


the Messiah is speaking to his followers right now.

Let me know when it's over.


That should be considered child abuse in my book, Hit.

Of course, Obama speaking now about this great country should be considered voter abuse. There seems to be no prevention for either.


Hillary's lead in IN has shrunk to 4%.

hit and run

Elliott, She looks better than normal (She is even smiling)

Just wait until she realizes that "they" are going to "raise the bar" and actually force her and that man she's married to actually run in the general election against McCain.

She's gonna be pissed.


What happened to the lady with cojones? Will she cry tonight?

CBS called this so early for her that I would love to see them embarrassed, AGAIN!


"She's gonna be pissed."

I think she is way past that point, Hit. However, I am to polite to come up with a better word or phrase for that bulldog. :) :) :)

hit and run

CBS called this so early for her that I would love to see them embarrassed, AGAIN!

Well, keep up with Garrity at the Campaign Spot and this post. The contention being that the media is sick and tired of Dems beating up Dems and are ready to start going Dem on Repub...maybe CBS is being a little over eager in this vein...

[VIMH: "Garrity"?]
Subtle jab. Geraghty had posted "Tom McGuire" earlier this week and had to be corrected. But I don't fault him...I mean, it's not like everybody can keep up with the intricacies of Irish surnames...


Did you correct Geraghty on "McGuire," Hit? I noticed the error and the subsequent correction and wondered whose email he was responding to when he fixed it.

hit and run

Yeah, I couldn't pass up the dig with the Irish name joke.


Another pleased black woman:

http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=M2ZkYjlkZDM2YmE1YjMwMDQ3NzU0MmVmNmQ3YzY5N2E= ">Brazile vs. Begala

Oh no, she Di-int!!


Thanks for making the effort. I was going to send him something but I figured someone else would be quicker, and wittier, on the draw. Sounds like that was the case. :)

kepa poalima

"Brazile vs. Begala", sounds like a south american soccer match and considering the combatants, staying true to character, you'd expect tripping, kicking, holding, pulling shorts down, elbows to face, flops, acting and whining, leading to brawls and riots in the stands among the fans. wait, am i confusing that with the democrat nomination process?

kepa poalima

"Brazile vs. Begala", sounds like a south american soccer match and considering the combatants, staying true to character, you'd expect tripping, kicking, holding, pulling shorts down, elbows to face, flops, acting and whining, leading to brawls and riots in the stands among the fans. wait, am i confusing that with the democrat nomination process?

kepa poalima

sorry for duplicate


That's OK. I laughed hard both times.

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