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May 06, 2008


who, me?

If I ever saw Michelle O. bearing down on my front porch rocker to "share stories," I'd find an urgent work project ("sorry, hon, I'm *real* busy today!") at warp speed.

The woman's a menace. Please, please, keep her away from me. And my children agree, with absolutely no prompting.


Is there no one advising Michelle on her stump speeches?

She is so awful, she is almost a parody. I guess if you're swooning over her hubby, you aren't even listening to what she has to say?


She projects, inauthentically.


Call me sexist, but I realy do prefer first ladies to be figureheads making pleasent photo ops, not speechmakers or full partners in running the country. I don't want to see Michelle or Bill running for President some day figuring they have a right to the job because they were married to the President.

I can't imagine not voting for someone because of the opinions of the president's spouse. But that is the world we have, thanks to Hillary.

Rick Ballard

"She is so awful, she is almost a parody."

Put Babs Boxer to her right and Patty Murray to her left and she fits right in. None of them are parodies - they're all the gen-u-ine real thing. Proof positive that lack of intelligence is no bar to success in politics.


Is it just me but she sounds like she is using some form of post cold war commie newspeak. I smell a hidden marxist message in there.

Curly Smith

If I understand the Obama Economic Plan and the Magnanimous Michelle, people are struggling to make ends meet, sometimes working two or three jobs, so to help them we're going to raise taxes and take more of their income away? It's easy to see the rotten fruit that their plan will yield and it's a bit ironic to hear Michelle talk about fear, when fear is the only reason that Democrats get votes. Imagine... the Party of Fear speaking against fear.


So how does she explain the (apparent) fear that is driving black kids to kill black kids right in The Messiah's hometown?
Maybe she should hang out in the 'hood some night and chat with the "neighbors".

The sad thing is - some people are just not hearing her - they see a black couple reaching the top, and they truly believe this couple is going to "change" their lives once the get in the WH. Imagine how scared they will be when they realize that the Obama's are politics as usual.


Call me sexist, but I realy do prefer first ladies to be figureheads making pleasent photo ops, not speechmakers or full partners in running the country.

I agree that it is, at the very least, safer for the candidate.
How weird that we would want a full partnership, anyway. I've yet to be called by my husband's clients to answer questions on his behalf. Surely everyone in his office would think I was crazy if I showed up one day and started telling them about his vision for the company.
It should be the same with politicians. Show up and smile, make some small talk, and otherwise stay out of the way.


Call me sexist, but I realy do prefer first ladies to be figureheads making pleasent photo ops, not speechmakers or full partners in running the country.

Ugh to all of you. Unless you are just talking about the first lady, and not women as president. Imagine Clarice kicking ass as president. And I'd lace up her boot!

Danube of Thought

This woman is simply awful. Can she do anything but complain? And of course, like leftists everywhere, she honestly believes that the solution to he problems she perceives is the government, and in particular the president.

I hope she gets loads of airtime.


Thank you, Jane.
I'm riffing off Hitchens' analysis of her Princeton thesis:She's dumb. Too dumb to even know she's dumb.


I think I've seen enough to know that she does not care about Johnny-welfare boy, living in the projects, domestic abuse victim, his older brothers dead from black on black violence, drug addicts, pimps, ho's, homeless littering his street as he walks to the store for smokes for Dad.

I'd like to hear what her plan is for Johnny. I'm tired of hearing her day-to-day struggles to fit into the millionaire club.

Call me sexist, but I realy do prefer first ladies to be figureheads making pleasent photo ops, not speechmakers or full partners in running the country.
Well, if you expand that to a preference about "first ladies/laddies" then I would have no trouble agreeing with that. And you can't be called sexist, either.

Jane- yes, first ladies (or gents). The sentence even says first ladies!



I am fine with a woman president. I just don't want the spouse to have any role in public affairs, since he/she is essentially an unelected and unimpeachable loose cannon with few lines of authority controlling him/her.

Ideally, the spouse would not be a lawyer or politician. the spouse -- instead -- would simply have another job that had nothing to do with running the country. (A doctor or engineer would be ideal.)


Don't know what possessed me but I actually clicked through to MO's Princeton thesis on how awful she felt being black at Princeton even though everyone was nice to her. I managed about ten pages -- not a lot considered she had two paragraphs on each page with very wide margins -- and concluded: self absorbed drivel.


How does she, an Ivy League law school grad, $300,000+/year salaried, mansion-living woman get away with saying such things?
Is she using a kind of reverse racism? Is it because she is black that people assume she really is having a tough life financially? Or is it enough that she is talking to Democrats?


Ideally, the spouse would not be a lawyer or politician. the spouse -- instead -- would simply have another job that had nothing to do with running the country. (A doctor or engineer would be ideal.)

How about a beer heiress?


(A doctor or engineer would be ideal.)



How about a beer heiress?

Well, if you are asking me and Hit & Run, I bet you'd know the answer.

Danube of Thought

Denis Thatcher was absolutely perfect.


Mr. Merkel seems to do a good job, too.


There are two young men, somewhere out there in the world, who are in for a dreadful ordeal.

Someday the Daughters Obama will be wives, and Mrs. Obama won't have to pretend to be likable anymore, she'll be a Mother-in-law.


Oh, man -- can you imagine having to go home to That Woman every night for a call-down? shudder

After he loses the nomination or the general? whimper

Or, worse yet, four years of America's Mother-in-Law shouting out of our TV screens: "Barack won't LET you be complacent! Barack will MOVE you to act! TAKE out the trash! FIX the garbage disposal! Are the ROOFERS done yet?

Jeebus wept -- our Long National Nightmare may have just begun.

And the diction, puh-lease..."Gonna", "upbringin'", "Lookin'" -- Princeton and Harvard, a white-shoe law firm, $312K a year for a no-show job, and still she talks like a guttersnipe.

"Simply awful" -- Danube. Indeed...furious


This is a must read: Michelle Obama Says ‘Amen’

America’s angriest would-be First Lady wows ‘em in Charlotte.

Danube of Thought

Those two prospective sons-in-law are, sight unseen, not exactly my kind of men. But at least they will marry into a very wealthy family.

JM Hanes

Apparently "they" lowered that bar for Obama in NC.

hit and run

How about a beer heiress?

Well, if you are asking me and Hit & Run, I bet you'd know the answer.

For the record...

I wouldn't marry MichelleO if she were a beer heiress.

There. I said it. And I mean it.

JM Hanes

Listening to Hillary's Indiana victory speech, I think she knows the game is up. The words are largely the same (plus a plug for pulling together), but her demeanor has changed. Looks to me like she might have had a good long cry, before she stepped out on the stage and maybe isn't that far from welling up on the podium.

JM Hanes

Chelsea clearly knows it too.


Well shoot. What do I do with all that popcorn I purchased?


I tried to understand Tailgunner Michelle's comments about powerful forces conspiring to raise the bars. But I'm really not over Cinco de Mayo yet.

Ernie K-Doe


Well, one thing we've learned - actually have concrete evidence of , if Joe Wilson wants to endorse and shill for you? Run far, far away.

He's like a campaign kiss of death.


Every time one of the two is looking better, I think the other is easier to beat. I wish I believed in McCain. Give me strength.

I used to tell the story that my Mother had never voted for a winning Presidential candidate; only last year did I learn it was because she refused to vote for President at all, not wanting to feel responsible for the result. Last year, with twenty candidates still in the running, was the first time she'd ever been interested in a Presidential campaign.

Soylent Red

I wouldn't marry MichelleO if she were a beer heiress.

If I was married to Bulldoggy I'd simply drink Canada Dry.

Then the rest of North America.

JM Hanes

LOL, Soylent!

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