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July 31, 2008



Yet he thought himself compelling enough to write not one, but two autobiographies.

Rick Ballard

McCain has repeatedly displayed his ability to sell out the right work across the aisle.

And he'll sell 'em out again whenever it appears expedient. Which makes his 91% support level among Republican conservatives a thing of beauty.

The lesser weevil wins the race.

hit and run

On offshore drilling - sure, McCain opposed it with oil at $40/barrel. But why can't the "right answer" balancing the value of the oil against the environmental trade-offs change with improved, cleaner recovery methods and a tripling in oil price?

Thank you for the new thread, my big chance for a clean link.

Dems object to offshore drilling, even if gas is at $10/gallon


Great clip, looks like a total set-up and yet...

Ya just got to laugh

Patrick R. Sullivan

This seems to be a new argument for a President Obama, he'll always have Paris (in the biblical sense).



If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.

How clever TM

Buford Gooch

Obama: "And my humility is my most outstanding characteristic."


Yesterday's RCP had an article by Brian Montopoli of CBS saying that the McCain campaign has seized on energy as the winning issue. You could hear it in the Andrea Mitchell interview with his campaign manager. I think it's a winner, too, especially as skepticism about global warming builds in the next few months.

I remember wishing that Fred Thompson's climate advisers would get with McCain. Thompson was the only one of twenty original candidates who knew what an over-rated fraud this AGW business is. I'll also predict that McCain just might grow more skeptical as the campaign goes on, and may end up not if favor of cap and trade schemes.

Vinod K. Dar had an excellent article about a month and a half ago in Right Side News explaining some of the economic realities of why carbon is not going to be encumbered by developing nations. Even Pachauri, head of the IPCC has wondered if 'someone got their sums wrong' about AGW and has recently said that the developing nations haven't the same duty to limit carbon as the developed ones.

As they say.....developing.

And, as I say: We are cooling, folks. For how long, even kim doesn't know.


Ahem, but who said this back on June 24:

Being opposed to offshore drilling when oil is at $20/barrel is not inconsistent with favoring it when oil is $140/barrel.

Or, to quote Keynes: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?"

Danube of Thought

The Dems are not going to submit a budget, but instead will present Bush with a continuing resolution, which will include an extension of the offshore drilling ban. He must either sign it or shut the government down. I think I know what all of us here wish he would do, but I think we also know which course Bush will take.

It's a pity, because I think the time is right to put this potato right on the Democrats's fork, and nothing would concentrate the voters' minds as we head for the election more than a government shutdown based on the Dems' refusal to allow a vote on drilling.

My congresswoman, Susan Davis, asks on her website whether one favors or opposes offshore drilling. Eight percent favor it. But not Davis.


You know, Dot I bet the Dems back off..Remember what happened when Newt shut down the govt?


Great minds jimmyk, great minds


Bad, not only did he feel compelled to write two autobiographies. Some publisher felt that doing nothing was such an achievement that they reportedly paid him to write down how he did nothing. IMO, publishers don't normally do that. Did some deep pockets political supporter help? Didn't they just have a trial in Chicago where people who have been associated with Obama were shown to spend an awful lot on money on things that make no sense.

We have reports of someone paying him $8000 per month at one time, no info on what a lawyer who apparently never lawyered did to earn that type of money. LUN

What does a person who has read a book about a person who has done nothing see between those words that convinces them to vote for the do-nothinger for President? Don't we already have enough politicians doing nothing?



Don't let him make you bitter and cynical.


"I don't think I have a place in history yet. I got elected to the U.S. Senate. I haven't done anything yet."

That would make a great TV ad for McCain....15 seconds and cheap....just have a picture of Obama, run the quote, and have a background voice say "and what have you done since, Senator"?

I'll also predict that McCain just might grow more skeptical as the campaign goes on, and may end up not if favor of cap and trade schemes.
Well, there is a graceful and logical way out. Something like: It now appears that the politics got ahead of the science on the whole carbon/warming thing, but these legal and regulatory systems like cap and trade are very important tools when it comes to real pollution.

Pelosi's book is back up to 926 on Amazon from a low of 1,054 earlier today. I wonder if she has opened her pocket book to purchase them herself?


You know, Dot I bet the Dems back off..Remember what happened when Newt shut down the govt?

Supposedly the reason the dems won't bring it to a vote is they don't want to force Obama to vote on it.

hit and run

Good morning, Jane!


Wow, Obama’s Iraq Position Opposed By 80% Of America


Some stocking stuffers for the BDS-crowd, but not in the Obama home.


Okay, I will admit to having cocktails, but still I have this question even when sober...

Over and over we are told by pundits, know it alls, the media, whomever, that the Democrats have THE policy when it comes to domestic issues, and Republicans when it comes to security policies.

Please, someone tell me what the Dims do for us domestically that isn't blatant socialism.

I really don't think they have a single issue that a majority of Americans are on board for.


Oh, I think that the Republicans have all sorts of procedural manuvering that they can do when it comes to the oil ban. Keep introducing amendments to remove the drilling ban from the budget. Bring a procedural objection that a drilling ban is inappropriate in a spending bill because it's not spending. Then when the chair rules them out of order, they appeal the decision of the chair. Of course they lose every one of the votes, but of course in order for them to lose the votes, the blue dogs have to vote against drilling. Over and over again.

And that's all before you even get to the government shutdown stage...


Exactly, cathy. And the Reps have shown no small degree of creativity when necessary--


Wow Hit, I can't decide if you are late or early.

So Jerome Corsi has a new book out about Obama and he's on H&C talking about it.


Obama is mystified that his poll numbers didn't surge following the Self-Worship Tour.


Wow, in Obama's mothers wedding pix she looks like a man.


"Obama's politics are at their core about the redistribution of wealth."

Rick Ballard


Who needs Santa when you've got Uncle Tony...


The Democrats opposed the Iraq surge because they said, among other things, it wouldn't bring the Iraqi's together so they would pass a budget or an oil law.

The Democrats are now refusing to pass a budget or an oil law here.

I'm confused. Is Queen Pelosi getting political pointers from Muqtada al-Sadr?


Wow, in Obama's mothers wedding pix she looks like a man.


She was an unusual looking woman. She looked a lot like her dad and Obama looks a lot like her.

I sort of have a soft spot for Stanley Ann because she resembles an old friend of mine who, coincidentally, moved to Hawaii and sort of dropped off the grid. I haven't heard from her in years...but she probably supports Obama. Sigh.


I have mixed feelings about the do-nothing Congress. I live in Chicago, and have to deal with all the Nanny-statism ordinances they are constantly enacting, so a little less legislative activity is not such a bad thing (except the whole oil drilling/refining thing - but that is actually a plus as its a winning issue that the democrats lose on). So win-win for Republicans if they play their cards right. Oh! that's not racist reference is it? ;-)


Hi everyone. I think the lefties shut down by site via Google. What do I do?

hit and run

See the headline over there on the memeorandum link?

Paris Hilton's family fuming at McCain campaign

I'm quite sympathetic.

Imagine if someone said you were like Obama?


::that's hot::


sorry...my site

hit and run

Bob, your site comes up -- but there's a strike through everything.


Thats what I mean


It looks to me like some kind of programming error, not a google shutdown, bob.


good....and thanks...I sent an EM to my host.


I thought someone shut down my site because I linked Clarice too much...tehehehehe






Don't we already have enough politicians doing nothing?
Posted by: Pagar | July 31, 2008 at 09:04 PM

We'd be better off if they all did nothing.


You know you liked it


Loved the video you posted, Hit. We use to go to alot of auctions, so I was very amused at the auction like atmoshphere of the Senate and Mitch McConnell as auctioneer. That video should be great this fall! ::that's hot LOL::

BobS, I pulled up your site and it's fine now.


Actually, Bad, I did. I love all the right wing hotties......Ann Coulter, Carol Platt Liebau, Sarah, Ann, Clarice, etc


Thanks, Ann....my host is always at his computer at this time of night. He's a sportswriter who's a big McCain fan


bad, You are incredibly funny. Reading through the threads, I busted out laughing at your jimmy tom remarks again:

"Ain't ya fergettin ole jimmy tom? He war a rite kantankrus cuss kinda lakin in lojik and manners and such."

I don't know why, maybe it's because I lived in the south as a young girl and visit Richmond, VA alot, but you have a talent. Keep me laughing daily, I want a jimmy tom post every morning.
Please :)


At Powerline, John H seems to feel that Swing Vote is a must see. Good enought for me. Like all Y'all I'm a political junkie and even loved West Wing.



I'm amazed at how well she misspells the words but makes them look correct. That is talent.


My husband and I went to see Dark Knight last night. I loved it. My husband liked it. I've seen several mixed reviews about it, and had heard Heath Ledger's performance was Oscar worthy, and it was, but I liked Christian Bale better. Or maybe they complimented each other. If you like fantasy that has good/evil clearly defined, you'll probably like it, or like me, love it.


Thanks Ann and Sue, hope I can make a career out of it. Think Simon and Schuster would be interested?


Posted by: hit and run | July 31, 2008 at 09:21 PM

This must be brought to the attention of the Pontificatrix Adjudicatrix.


I should really leave all this to the pros, I'm always taken by Florida poll numbers. I live in the Fla Panhandle and know our tendencies. In 2000, I watched the returns on Fox with my family and were shocked when the the network gave our state to Gore almost an hour and a half before precincts closed in our (Central Time) part of the state. In 2004, 60% on the vote went to President Bush from the panhandle counties and will do the same for McCain. These are under represented in poll numbers now. I feel that McCain leads in Florida now by 4 to 5 pts. Not what the polls indicate now.


Do you think we could get bad to do a daily "lakin in lojik" post on Obama. OK, probably not. They would start calling us racists, like that has never happen.

I am getting really tired of Obama's superiority and looking down his nose calling us names. I bet I am not the only one. And I'll say it again, his smile gets creepier by the day. It's his mask.


Sue: I have heard that too - It was the best of the Batman movies and that Ledger was special. I cant wait to see it as I have a hard time imagining anyone can make me forget Jack Nicholsen as the original Joker.


The Dems are not going to submit a budget

What a bunch of Frauds and Cowards.

My wife and I went to see Dark Knight last Friday night. We enjoyed it very much. We watched the first one again after. Much, much more intense than the first movie,and much less cartoonish.


I wonder if I can make a comment without mispelling anything......Something tells me to not worry about it as it gives my My lefty commenters something to focus on.


The thing that really makes you appreciate Ledger's performance is when you imagine what the 5-word line he delivered might have looked like on paper. He really put an interesting twist on his character that someone else might not have done.

Kind of like what Johnny Depp did with Captain Jack Sparrow.


Did anyone see President Bush stop his limo to wish a happy birthday to a 91yo woman today in Ohio?


Geeez, what a sap I am


It was cool BobS!!!


I did BobS and I thought it was super nice. He seemed to be enjoying himself too.


Is it possible I could be the only person in America who has never seen a Star Wars, Star Trek or Batman movie?


TY, Bad.....I'm so sorry. I have a really soft in my heart for lovely ladies like Mrs. Harris


Poor Kirsten Powers is trying to take on Newt Gingrich on OReilly.


She was lovely wasn't she? And what a birthday memory. I could go for that.


I loved it, bad.


I loved it, bad.


Gingrich is so much of an overmatch for Powers.....


How about the pump up your tires idea?


I don't know if they still do it, but under Reagan, you could request a birthday message from the president for anyone turning 80 or older. I had one sent to my Mom for her 80th birthday and she was thrilled and had the message framed. It was a printed White House card with the seal and then a personal note from the Pres.


"I have a really soft in heart for lovely ladies like Mrs. Harris"
How old are you BobS? (Only kidding!!!)

I am in good company, since I just realized I said "like that has never happen" :) ..... **happened**

And you are not the only sap. I believe I will be crying when Bush and Cheney leave office. Nite.


That should have read "under Reagan and Bush 41"


I'll be 50 in a few months.



My Grandmother, a yellow dog democrat, received one for her 80th (I think it was 80) and just about died of embarrassment, worried that the mailman would tell someone she was corresponding with a repubican.




(watching O'Reilly) Why is it that Dem talking heads have to give a segway that includes a lie before any statement?


Geez, bad...my 81 yo mom would be willing to goes toes up if Bush or Cheney had stopped to say hello at her birthday party!


Cheney leave office.

Never happen. Just ask Jane's friend.

::checks clock; consults JOM commenters rule book::

Good morning, Jane and Pagar.

BobS i

Oh, horrors. John McCain is going NEGATIVE on Obama. Its so AWFUL...........Er,isnt he gaining in the polls now?


Obama campaign: John McCain is not gaining in the polls. Shut down your get out the vote operation immediately. Look at the Obamacons. All your base are belong to us!


Good morning? Wow, Elliott. Is JOM a 24/7/full revolution site?


"Pay no attention to the left wing loon in the super model body"

Foo Bar

Obama can't pronounce "nuclear"

This is wrong. He may not support it as vigorously as McCain, but he was more open to it than either Clinton or Edwards when asked at a CNN debate (See what he says at about 1:15 in the video).

He also reiterated more recently that nuclear power is worth investigating.


Oh, chit.......Foo Bar, its a southern thing. Neither Bush now Carter could pronounce it.


He also reiterated more recently that nuclear power is worth investigating.

In hopes of charging it with what?


I am watching an NGC special on how they built the aquatic center for the Beijing Olympics. It is the most amazing building.


Rove can't either. I heard him the other night and he said it just like Bush.


All these "nucular" guys probably ride the same "esculator" my husband did. 32 years and I still wasn't able to get him to say it right..


errr, nurklear...poor Texas bastards. God love em.


All these "nucular" guys probably ride the same "esculator" my husband did.

Sounds like they're "simular."


Carter pronounced it nucular. It's an accepted regional variant.


Well, BobS beat me to it. It's almost always an error to post without reading the whole thread.


(From Huff Po poster)SEE, SEE, they're illiterate neanderthals! I'll bet not one of them can spell.........ummmmmmm




NP, Kim. Love ya...mean it!

Elroy Jetson

I just love how this election is going. The Pelosi/Reid faction just did McCain a solid by not offering a vote on drilling. Bad news for you guys, we're pissed. And we are going to be more so when oil goes up to $150/bbl. because of a non-commitment to generating new supplies. Oh, and wait until school reopens- every district will have to confront $4.50/gal gas to bus the kiddies to school. Not good for those who are paying high property taxes for education as it is.
Obama has committed to speak at Mile High Stadium during the convention instead of the Pepsi Center (a safe indoor arena). Hussein thinks its going to be Berlin II. May the stadium be half-empty and a chilly wind be blowing from the northeast.
The audacity, the snobbery, the hubris, the stupidity of the Obama democrats.
Damn the torpedoes, pass the popcorn!!


Dahling. Doesn't the recent comments column look cool?


May the stadium be half-empty...

It won't be, they'll ship 'em in one way or another.

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