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August 21, 2008



Now I have no reason to vote against him except that he's a naive arrogant far-left terrorist- and felon-befriending race-baiting socialist married to the most unpleasant woman in politics who is embarrassed by me, my plane trips to visit my parents, and my electric bill, and would sacrifice millions of people in hard-won budding democracies in the Middle East to the worst criminals on the face of the earth so that the French will pretend to like him.


This birth certificate issue -- whether McCain or Obama is truly, truly inane. If there is anything that more clearly demonstrates true hackery, its obsession with idiotic technicalities. Obviously both sides have been guilty on this end.


Neo had a post on the other thread (Ad to Air On Ayers and Obama) about:

A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.


I don't know what to make of that! Any ideas?

Danube of Thought

The lawsuit is a non-starter and the issue is a nullity.


I just want to know how they scanned the COLB without any creases showing up. I can't seem to do that at work and it makes me nuts to have a document with a line across it where it had been folded. Someone tell me how it was scanned and the creases disappeared.


No one has done more to disqualify his opponents on "idiotic technicalities" than Barak challenge every nominating petition signature Obama.


Thanks, DoT.

And if you noticed..mum's the word on the games tonight!!! Unless, you want me too? ;)


Long form birth certificate or he didn't register for Selective Service and shouldn't be in Congress.


It still doesn't explain why his campaign waited 10 weeks to settle the issue. I'm gonna ask them at TexasDarlin' what they think of this FactCheck.


I still want to know why they gave it to Kos first. They had space for it on their new website's template when they showed it off to Karen Tumulty the night before.

I've kind of wondered if someone from Kos was running that stupid fightthesmears website.


Well, she's way ahead. She thinks he was born in Hawai'i, but thinks he still has issues with Indonesian citizenship. Commenters are suspicious of the timing of this release, and suspicious of an Annenberg connection to Fact Check and suspicious that no other media outlet has had a gander at it.

All pretty reasonable to me. Some of the skeptics over there point out that many predicted Obama would come back from Hawai'i with documentation in hand.


I don't like the fact that TechDude, the first to find his sister's name on the 'forged' COLB disappeared in a cloud of smoke and vituperation.

Bill in AZ

This won't stop Scary Larry. There will be 70 linear feet of COLB's in the CAC library files once all of the real docs disappear - with yellow sticky's and arrows so Scary's sockpuppet - techdood - will know what to look for.

Ann - just let us know if we should stay up late for something.


Some of the skeptics over there point out that many predicted Obama would come back from Hawai'i with documentation in hand.
I'm not sure if I understand this use of the term "skeptic". It suggests doubt which is immune to disproof. "Look, he has evidence of innocence - just what you'd expect from a guilty man."


Bill in AZ,

YES, and I can safely say that because it is not over yet and I don't know who won, but it is great!! :)


Mike G in Corvallis

At this point it should be obvious that the document is genuine. But what is "the document"?

The document is a "certification of birth," also known as a short-form birth certificate. The long form is drawn up by the hospital and includes additional information such as birth weight and parents' hometowns. The short form is printed by the state and draws from a database with fewer details. The Hawaii Department of Health's birth record request form does not give the option to request a photocopy of your long-form birth certificate, but their short form has enough information to be acceptable to the State Department. We tried to ask the Hawaii DOH why they only offer the short form, among other questions, but they have not given a response.

The "Certification of Live Birth" (COLB) does indeed establish that Obama was born when and where he claims.

But there's one problem: States allow the COLB to be amendedafter the fact, to take such things as establishment of paternity and changes of name into account. (For example: my mother was unhappy with her given name; as a teenager she changed it to one she liked. I have her original birth certificate, from the hospital, and a later COLB. Guess what! The names are different.)

My conjecture is that Obama won't release the original birth certificate because his name was recorded at birth as "Barry" rather than "Barack" ... It might even be that his surname was recorded as Dunham, depending on the state of his parents' marriage at the time. We do know that after his mother married Lolo Soetoro, the adopted boy's name was listed in Indonesian records as "Barry Soetoro," and he was known as "Barry" until he finished high school and applied to college. Being "Barack Hussein Obama II" would help establish his claim for a legacy admission, since his father went to Harvard, too ... and besides, it's a way cooler name.

So is there a Grand Conspiracy here? I just think it's plausible that Obama changed his name because he was re-inventing himself and didn't want people to think of him as "Barry" -- doesn't "Barack" sound more authentically Black? (Heh. Consider Gary Hartpence and Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, both of whom changed their names for political purposes.) Nothing wrong with that.

But would the American public accept someone who played so fast and loose with his personal history? And then tried to conceal it?

I'm not saying I think this conjecture is either true or false ... but I do believe it's worth investigating.


But would the American public accept someone who played so fast and loose with his personal history? And then tried to conceal it?

The ol' "cross in the dirt" gambit. I wouldn't put anything past ol' Barry.


I guess the fat lady hasn't sung just yet:

A PUMA is suing to stop Obama's nomination:

In the lawsuit, Berg states that Sen. Obama was born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii as the senator maintains. Before giving birth, according to the lawsuit, Obama's mother traveled to Kenya with his father but was prevented from flying back to Hawaii because of the late stage of her pregnancy, "apparently a normal restriction to avoid births during a flight." As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham--Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth.

Berg cites inconsistent accounts of Sen. Obama's birth, including reports that he was born at two separate hospitals--Kapiolani Hospital and Queens Hospital--in Honolulu, as well a profound lack of birthing records for Stanley Ann Dunham, though simple "registry of birth" records for Barack Obama are available in a Hawaiian public records office.


It was a suit associated with the Democrats of Pumatra, a story for which the world is not yet prepared.

JM Hanes

I, for one, of course, am not surprised. I mean he's had more than two months to find a better forger.... :-)

JM Hanes


If you're around, are you watching the men's volleyball, or is that over out in California?

JM Hanes

Just so you know, I'm watching the US/Russia game on the late night rerun here, and don't know how it turns out myself.

JM Hanes

I must say that I'm enjoying the fact that the Russian coach does not look pleased. Hope it lasts.


Well they might have gotten the flying while pregnant part right. I was refused boarding in 1965 when I was 7 1/2 mo. pregnant.


JMH: It hasn't even started yet.


How long did it take them to lay this to rest? Would have been the easiest thing in the world to simply release the original to the press the first time the question was raised, instead of letting it drag on this long.


IOC: No Proof China's Gymnastics Team Cheated


Just so you know, I'm watching the US/Russia game on the late night rerun here, and don't know how it turns out myself.

US wins.

Greatest hockey match ever. (Gotcha! I don't even know what sport you're talking about.)


Believe me when I say I'd love to find evidence that the posted Obama COLB was a forgery; but I've looked at it fairly carefully and haven't found any good objective evidence that it is. Sure there are some weird things, like the border. But if someone were forging a new COLB based on another person's COLB, the border would be about the easiest thing to get right.

TechDude's claims about stray marks revealing the original text seem to me like seeing shapes in clouds. Also, with an image editor like PhotoShop, it'd be a simple matter to remove the original text completely and leave no telltale marks.

Just pointing to oddness in the image isn't enough. A (presumably) real COLB from a woman named Michelle was posted for comparison, and under FATHER'S RACE, the word CAUCASIAN is in the same size font as the heading. In all other cases, the entry that appears below the heading is in a larger font then the heading. Very odd, but I doubt that Michelle's COLB is phony.

BTW, there is a visible crease that passes slightly below the middle of the state seal.

I'm not vouching for the document (I think it's be fairly easy to generate a difficult to detect fake), just saying I'm unconvinced that it isn't real.


From the above lawsuit:

"As Sen. Obama's own paternal grandmother, half-brother and half-sister have also claimed, Berg maintains that Stanley Ann Dunham--Obama's mother--gave birth to little Barack in Kenya and subsequently flew to Hawaii to register the birth."

Do you read this that his grandmother is also claiming her grandson was born in Kenya?


Also, I don't recall seeing anything about two hospitals before.

The COLB is a distraction I think. Perhaps to ward off inquiry in other areas.

Odd there are not medical records for Stanley Ann Dunham.

Everyone has been saying that if there was anything to the COLB story, Hillary would have used it. Perhaps, they've had this waiting in the wings all along.

JM Hanes

Hey MJW! It's been quite awhile -- nice to see you!

Thanks Sara. I figured that the 12:30 show here seemed like a logical start time for the West Coast version. I'll resist the temptation to share, and go into radio silence mode -- right after I send this letter off to bgates and get the white powder residue cleaned off my desk.



I was referring to the Men's Beach Volleyball above. The Mens Volleyball Team is still on here and I am still saying: Go USA!!!

Why is the USA Team in RED and the Russia Team in BLUE..It is so confusing. :)

JM Hanes

I know what you mean. I remember when our guides in the media decided to make Republican states red and Democrats blue. I'm so used to it now that I can't remember why I ever conceived otherwise, but I remember finding it counterintuitive and confusing for some reason at first. Maybe I just associated red with political lefties.

What I really mixed up here were the coaches. I was so pleased that the Russian coach looked unhappy, and then found out I was looking at the American coach. Ouch. I guess I didn't expect him to be dressed in black, which what looks like a shaved head.

Don't worry, Sara, that mistake doesn't give anything away, just in case you thought it might.


Hi JM Hanes! Though I haven't posted here very often lately, I still lurk in the bushes, enjoying reading your, and other JOM regular's, comments.


I should add, also enjoying reading our host Tom's insightful posts.


Beach volley ball, West Coast:

USA wins first set. Yea!


I know some get upset to know ahead of time, but it doesn't bother me. I still enjoy watching the best of the best play just because they are the best of the best. Well that and I'm a total Olympics junkie. I even liked the badminton and ping pong. Not so much the BMX, but that's because every bump made my back hurt in sympathy pain. And soccer bores me, so I don't watch it.


Tonight I'm so full and now sleepy I feel almost sick. It was my son's birthday and I ate too much BBQ and way too much cake and ice cream.


I wish they would run events live in the middle of the night, and rerun during prime time.
Besides race walking.

It must be really frustrating to be at the back of the pack in racewalking, and think, "I could win if I could break into a light jog."


You've made this argument before, but your 'less distant possibility' postulates a level of sophistication that is I think is anachronistic.

Everyone knows the 'not without my daughter' type story now. But in the early 60's? I would think that a middle class couple from Kansas would not be thinking of the possibility, so literally foreign to their worldview and experience. If anything, they would be worried about what actually happened, that their new no-account playboy son-in-law would abandon his wife and child.

And anyways, wasn't Sally Field's character SOL even with objective undisputed proof of American citizenship because those required legal protections - that nobody really worried about before - did not come into effect until quite recently, many in our current decade? A cursory google says that the primary convention for international family law is something called 'the international covenant on political and civil rights' which was ratified in 1976 - and the parental child abduction stuff is 1980.


Okay, I'm celebrating!!!!! Double Gold, never been done before. Our guys and gals rock!


Good Morning to All!
Sara, the born at two different hospitals story has been around since the whole COLB thing started, I think. I remember reading it had something to do with
Wikipedia entries, but I can't find the link right now.

Cecil Turner

. . . which neither surprises me nor prompts a reassessment of any official editorial positions.

Concur. "Annenberg Political FactCheck" is an oxymoron, and its conclusions are just as reassuring as the Boston Globe's review of Kerry's records.

However, absent clear evidence indicating BHO wasn't born in Hawaii, this is a loser. And I've seen nothing that even comes close, so far (even if the COLB were proved a forgery, there are simpler explanations). I'd avoid this one.

M. Simon


Proper spelling is sceptic. Ask Peter UK.

I mean first it starts with bad spelling then comes the Revolution.

M. Simon


Fortunately we are avoiding it. A Democrat is leading the charge. By the time it is adjudicated the convention will be over and BHO will be on his way. To somewhere.

Everyone has been saying that if there was anything to the COLB story, Hillary would have used it. Perhaps, they've had this waiting in the wings all along.

Hillary is out for revenge on the Party not the nomination - this year. A lot of people (including moi) said they wouldn't go after BHO until it would destroy the party.

She will have some excuse for not accepting the nomination this year. "It is a shame that BHO is not an American (or whatever) but I cannot dishonor all the people who put their hopes in him."

Cecil Turner

A Democrat is leading the charge.

Yep, that lawsuit is great, whatever the outcome. "Fight amongst yourselves . . . " [chuckle]


Hey Everyone! I think it is fitting that the one day I oversleep is the day I expected to wake to the VP announcement. I've practically lost interest at this point. Obama is like an 8 year old who thinks he's so popular that he can tease his friends relentlessly and they will come back for more.

The man is a bore! Good Morning, TGIF and Happy Birthday to my favorite guy.


Good morning.

Happy Birthday . . . (whose day is it, Jane?)

I missed all the excitement last night - Soylent and Clarice had dinner. Cool.

Guess Obama has either picked Hillary for VP or decided he is so messianic that he really doesn't NEED a VP. yawn.

And, the birth certificate brouhaha is over (or, it's not).

Anyway - TGIF!


Cecil, I'm afraid you're right.
"By the time it is adjudicated the convention will be over and BHO will be on his way."

IMO, He will be nominated by a political party under a name that he may or may not be legally entitled to use. His nomination will be bolstered by caucus votes that are not (In any way)verifiable and judging by the reports very possibly could not be true, and it will all be adjudicated far to late to save America. I think we are watching the theft of a nation, and very few seem to care.


Nebraska was totally chaotic and each precinct location had a different way to do the caucus. In Nebraska, 18 precincts where crammed into one high school in Sarpy county. When I got there, it felt like I stepped into a Third World voting situation. They were trying to determine whether people could actually participate in the caucuses or not, and then it seemed like they just gave up on that and just let anyone participate. There was a gym at the high school where about 5 precincts met. A person was supposed to fill out their preference on a slip of paper and then turn it in. They tried to run it like a primary instead of a true caucus, just take out any semblance of order and guards against voter disenfranchisement that a normal primary would have. I found a pile of these preferences slips just sitting on a table where anyone could pick them up and fill them out."

LUN ====Link under Name

Charlie (Colorado)

Pagar, if you think the process etc is unusual compared to previous elections, you should read, eg, Robert Cato's biography of Lyndon Johnson.


I read that FactCheck.org has a conflict of interest. It is associated with the Annanberg foundation.

Also, a Clinton supporter has just filed in in federal court to have Obama excluded from the ballot on the grounds of natonality. Hat tip AtlasShrugs.


Pager, the first attempt at theft occurred during election 2000. The Dem's used a battle-ground state's friendly supreme court and their media friends to override Florida's elected Secretary of State's declaration.

As I recall the tawdry personal attacks on the Secretary's appearance, her make-up and her "discretion," I can't help noticing that the Party of "Gays, Women and Whatever" sure is quick to devour its own wards when the times get hard.

While studying Marine Biology in college, I learned that sharks will eat their own babies when times are tough, too. Food for thought?

Soylent Red

Wait a second...the Obamessiah isn't registered with Selective Service? Because unless he's got some sort of exemption, he's got problems.

FYI, from About.com...

Penalties for Failure to Register for the Draft

Men who do not register could be prosecuted and, if convicted, fined up to $250,000 and/or serve up to five years in prison. In addition, men who fail to register with Selective Service before turning age 26, even if not prosecuted, will become ineligible for:

Student Financial Aid - including Pell Grants, College Work Study, Guaranteed Student/Plus Loans, and National Direct Student Loans.

Barry might be liable to pay back all of those loans that got him through school that Bulldoggy bitches about all the time.

U.S. Citizenship - if the man first arrived in the U.S. before his 26th birthday.

Pretty good incentive right there for forging a COLB

Federal Jobs - men born after December 31, 1959 must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service.

Is POTUS still a Federal job in the Executive branch?


I'm not an immigration lawyer- don't play one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but my understanding was that if one of your parents is a US citizen that makes you one at birth. Could someone enlighten me? Thanks

PS- I'm not voting for the guy, regardless of citizenship.

Soylent Red



Somewhere a few weeks ago I saw the whole selective service registration. There appeared to be little doubt that he registered. Of course at this point I have no idea where, but you could google it.

Soylent Red

There conflicting stories Jane. Some claim he never registered. Some claim he registered after the suspense date, but then had it back dated to 1980.

When I did it back in 1987, they gave me a little card which I had to keep until I was officially over the (at the time) maximum age. If I remember that right it was 27.

Anyway, do they still do that? Where can I see Barry's?

Danube of Thought

Thanks for holding off, Ann. I was able to watch the back-to-back, men's and women's sprint relay flubs in a state of suspense. God, how awful--it seems to plague the US track team with regularity.

The thing with the lawsuit is, there's not a judge in the country who would issue a temporary restraining order between now and the convention, and once the convention is over there's not a judge in the country who would try to unscramble the eggs.

Is anybody else thinking that the one way for Barry to halt the slide and reinvigorate his campaign is to pick Hillary? That would sure shake things up...

M. Simon, I think you're right that PeterUK would go for "sceptic," but that's only because that's the spelling preferred by the Brits. Over hear, the predominant version is "skeptic." I think either one will do. It's of interest that the etymology is both Latin (scepticus) and Greek (skeptikos).

(I sure hope "etymology" isn't the one about bugs.)


Obama says he was born in the Kapiolani Medical Center on August 4, 1961. If so than records of his mother's admission should be available from this Hospital. That's because Hawaii has an Open Records Acts. Medical records are except. But entry into a medical facility or discharge are available to the public. You just have to file a request for public records with the proper government agency. If none exist around that time I'd have to wonder how what he says could be ture. But if they do exist then that would prove what he says.

Danube of Thought

Just thinking out loud, I believe this federal judge in Philadelphia may well conclude that the plaintiff doesn't have standing to sue; that the court lacks jurisdiction over the subject matter (a nomination by a political party); that the court lacks personal jurisdiction over the defendants (whoever they may be); that the lawsuit is barred by the doctrine of laches (meaning it was brought too late to allow for an equitable adjudication); that the papers filed by the plaintiff do not establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits if the matter were to go to trial; and I'm just getting warmed up.



DOT: "Is anybody else thinking that the one way for Barry to halt the slide and reinvigorate his campaign is to pick Hillary? That would sure shake things up..."

I have been saying for the past few days (here at JOM) that he will pick Hillary. He is tanking and no one else can save him. Of course, I wouldn't call Hillary (and Bill) saviours, exactly. heh.


Have you all seen this from Obama at Jake Tapper's place:

Barack's Salad Days

August 22, 2008 12:08 AM

in Chesapeake, Va., Obama recalled his more modest circumstances a few years ago....

"I have been truly blessed over the last few years – it hasn’t been a long time," Obama said. " I mean, before I wrote this book, or before this book started selling about four years ago, you know we were living in a condo. Myself, Michelle and our two girls.

"And we, you know, had two cars, but one of them was kind of beat up and we didn’t have a garage so you’d have to, in Chicago you gotta shovel your car out of the snow and scrape the ice," Obama continued. "And we didn’t know how we were going to afford college education for our kids ‘cause we had been paying down student loans for ten years between the two of us....

"Now we’re blessed," Obama said. "So the idea that I have to pay the same tax rate as the waitress over at Shoney’s who’s making maybe $16, 18, 20,000 a year – when the truth is that the extra 2% or 3% that I’m paying by rolling the Bush tax cuts – I won’t really notice, but for her, would allow to her get an extra $1,000 or $1500 or $2000 that would allow her to maybe buy a new coat for her kids or to get a new computer that they could work on."

He's just making stuff up at this point.


Hi MJW!!


Or maybe we could get that waitress one of these neat $00k+ jobs at the Univ of Chicago hospital.




Geez, where did Obama learn his math skills? The last I knew 3% of 20,000 was $600, Where is he coming up with numbers like $1000, $1500, and $2000?????


FWIW, in every year for which Obama has released his tax returns, he has made over $200,000-- that's $207,647 in 2000.
That means he and Michelle have been discussing financial stress while they've been earning the money they now want to describe as 'rich'.

I don't know he's on about with the 'idea' that he and the waitress pay the same tax rate. That must be something he got from Warren Buffet, but misunderstood.


"Sara, the born at two different hospitals story has been around since the whole COLB thing started,"

They had segregated maternity hospitals?


DOT: Per Mike Allen . . . Hillary Gets Stiffed:

"“She’s waiting for the text message like everyone else.”



Is anybody else thinking that the one way for Barry to halt the slide and reinvigorate his campaign is to pick Hillary? That would sure shake things up...

Ras has the net favorable unfavorable for all the current suspects. Hill has a net negative rating and she has benefited by being out of the news recently. It would go up a few points once she started out again on an attack.

I dont think Obama is going to do harm, someone said Chet Edwards House member from Texas showed up in the rumor mill this AM. That would be a shock but he has more of a chance than Hill, in my opinion.

Obama thinks this is his BTW, so I would not believe anyone who says he thinks he "needs" Hill. He might, but he would never admit that. My support is that ridiculous Ego Tour of Europe.


The local talk show host announced that Chet Edwards was on the short list for Obama's VP. He's a congressman from Texas. West of where I live about 100 miles. Never heard of him. I looked him up and he is big into veteran's affairs. His district includes Fort Hood.


Yeah, GMax, the Chet Edwards rumor made the Drudge Report a while ago. Supposedly, Barry told Nancy (Pelosi) that she would really like his choice. whatever.

Rick Ballard

Will it be a racist like Wright?

A terrorist like Ayers?

A commie like Klonsky

Or a felon like Rezko?

The suspense is killing me.


Okay, thinking about this. Obama/Edwards. Anyone going to think Chet? Or will they automatically think John the wife cheater and babydaddy?

Barney Frank

"So the idea that I have to pay the same tax rate as the waitress over at Shoney’s who’s making maybe $16, 18, 20,000 a year –

Barry's been paying the same tax rate as someone making $16,000 per year?
He must drop his receipts off in a shoebox over at Tony Rezko's house every April.


Nancy Pelosi will really like his choice? It's Cindy Sheehan!


Actually, if you looked at Tereza Heinz-Kerry's tax return the year Kerry ran you would notice that she paid, if I am remembering correctly, about 15%, much lower than what I paid. The reason? She had municipal free bonds and the bulk of her "income" was not taxable. She actually paid a larger rate than I did on her "income" that was taxable, but the rich do not care how much income taxes are. They seldom have taxable income.


"Will it be a racist like Wright?

A terrorist like Ayers?

A commie like Klonsky

Or a felon like Rezko?"

Or Ma Barker?

Danube of Thought

Centralcal, you beat me to it--I was about to post an excerpt from that Politico piece. Guess the fork has been stuck in her.

Captain Hate

Geez, where did Obama learn his math skills? The last I knew 3% of 20,000 was $600, Where is he coming up with numbers like $1000, $1500, and $2000?????

Throughout this endless campaign I've seen no evidence of any intellectual ability by this empty suit. It's one thing to fall victim to an occasional gotcha question but I continually see this clown come up with unprompted howlers. After eight years of pointing out every Bush flub, you'd think that the MSM would want to call attention to some of these to deflect the justified opinion that they're totally in the tank for Odummy. Harvard must be so proud.


From Amanda Carpenter at Townhall (re Chet Edwards):

"On the off chance it's more than that, here's some interesting factiods sure to drive the libs crazy. For example, Edwards studied economics under Phill Gramm at Texas A&M. Edwards has also voted for drilling in ANWR, a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and to ban partial birth abortion.

In other words, there's no way Obama is going to pick him. This rumor sounds like hooey, but I'd welcome the lefty fury if Obama does go this route."

Rick Ballard

SBW will be able to confirm it - I'm sure that he can hear the shrieking from Chapaqua there in Rome.


Chet Edwards is basically a surviving dinosaur. A Democrat in a conservative district, he survives by bringing home the bacon to his district and is way more conservative than the national Democrat party on a ton of issues. He would set off alarm bells at Koslandia.

But it would likely mean he would give up the seat so a pick up for the Rs in the House almost without breaking a sweat.


DOT: I am not so sure about that "fork in her," yet.


He's doing his famous O Dither again. He should have named his pick at least a week ago. In the meantime he's lost momentum.

The convention looks to be a disaster--lead off speaker Jimmy (the worst president in my lifetime), then at some point all three Clintons, James (mad man Wexler)...and at some point O . How will he enter the stadium--he can't use the tugboat, Kerry did that last time. I've got it he sky dives in! (Frankly, IMO, that's his only chance of getting anyone to watch.

Rick Ballard


A pick of Edwards would make me wonder how many people turned down Captain Zero's offer of a ride on the Titanic.


He will fly in on the wings of angels of course.


Oh, this is too funny . . .

Screaming red headline at Drudge:


Gawd, I'm lovin it! This should whip the PUMA's up into a foaming at the mouth frenzy right before the convention (is Hillary isn't the surprise VP pick)!


How in the world does a loser nobody like Wexler get a spot of the podium? Surely you are wrong about this one Clarice? Wont the residency thing and Democrats skirting the election rules come up if he is in primetime? What kind of leverage does Wexler have, except that he is as far left as Obama?


is = if


I'm not wrong,GMax. I can't imagine why they picked him as a speaker--unless they are running on a we wuz robbed in 2000 campaign.



Its a honor for you to call and I am flattered of course, but my work is not done here in ( fill in the blank ) and I told my constituents that I would get somethings accomplished in the ( House/Senate/Governors Mansion ) and I am not about to start making a liar out of myself. You are the one we have been waiting for, but I am not worthy of such a ticket. Good luck, I gotta run that constituent thing you know.

Did it sound about like that and left on voice mail? Maybe it will get shortened to a text? No thx!


Actually, if you looked at Tereza Heinz-Kerry's tax return the year Kerry ran you would notice that she paid, if I am remembering correctly, about 15%, much lower than what I paid

Yeah, and Warren Buffet has made the same argument- that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That's because he's been able to manipulate what his taxable income is via his investments.

I suspect Buffet talked to Obama about this, and Obama didn't really grasp the gist of it.


Wexler delivered the Florida fake delegate number for Obama at the DNC rules committee hearing. It's Democratic democracy in action, folks.


How will he enter the stadium--he can't use the tugboat, No other way.

Rick Ballard

Kurtz on Bulldoggy

The Obamas provide the best primer I've seen on Gramscian affinity hiring tied to Alinskyite tactical maneuvers.

Danube of Thought

I think in Buffet's case it's because his income is all in the form of capital gains, which are taxed at 15%, whereas ordinary income is taxed at graduated levels going up to something like 39%. But I don't know what the hell Obama is talking about with the waitress, and he doesn't either.


Rick: SBW will be able to confirm it - I'm sure that he can hear the shrieking from Chapaqua there in Rome.

No shrieking... just a distant cackle.

bio mom

This Edwards fellow they are talking about now could give Obama some cover on the infanticide problem he faces (HUGE problem in my opinion). That combined with his respect on defense issues makes some rationale for choosing him. But it also will lead inevitably to questions about which side of these issues Obama is actually on. Or else their campaign is so delusional they are going after Texas?!

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