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August 01, 2008


Danube of Thought

Obama's campaign has been slicker than boiled okra up to this point, but I think this stuff about looking different and having a funny name is going to do him no good at all, and can only hurt him. If there is one thing off-putting to mainstream America, it is hypersensitivy about race--the charge of racism when people with common sense know that the charge is false.


Smart politics all around from the McCain campaign. Did I just say that?

Of course, it's more than politics when defending oneself from a scurrilous and completely unfounded allegation.


Today Obama is shifting to his soak the oil companies for the next "economic stimulus" meme.

Given Exxon/Mobil made $11 billion on the quarter while paying $34 billion in taxes .. this looks like Obama is trying to use that the old phony IRS form that states ..

What Did You Make ? ......
Send It In .....

Bring a new reality to an old joke isn't exactly the kind of change anybody was expecting.

Thomas Collins

It's all in slicing and dicing in the key electoral vote states. If Dollar Barack gains more votes in Cuyahoga County in Ohio among African-Americans and guilty upper middle class liberals of pallor by this approach than he loses in votes among Cuyahoga County clingers, it's a gain for Dollar Barack. And say what one will about Dollar Barack, in the Democratic nominating contest, his campaign


Mr. Obama’s campaign, which has tried to keep him from being pigeonholed or defined by race
I'm glad I have the Times to tell me these things. Otherwise I'd have to rely on all of Obama's statements where he brings up his race, and I might have wrong thoughts.

Mr. Obama has been more explicit about the role of race in attacks against him in the past, but he is rarely specific about who is behind them. “We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run,” he said in June.
Huh. Obama was worried about a campaign against him, after he clinched* the nomination.
Yeah, that could mean anybody. The Bulgarians, maybe? An association of retired minor league general managers? One thing I know it's not is an accusation against McCain's people. The Times told me so.

*And when I say 'clinched', I'm not denying I'm rooting for all kinds of fun in Denver.

Thomas Collins

exhibited excellent slice and dice skills (making up delegate deficiencies in big states by picking up delegates in caucus states).

[Sorry for the split post. I clicked Post when I meant to click Preview.]


True, Thomas Collins, but the risk is that McCain may gain among clingers in southern and eastern Ohio, and in the exurbs, because of same tactics by BO. Jay Cost has an extensive Ohio analysis here and here, and I think Barone has touched on this, too.


It's all in slicing and dicing in the key electoral vote states

They need to leave the arrogance behind to properly poll and interpret poll numbers in order for "slice and dice"to work. Not this campaign's strong suit. Tricky stuff..


Either way--O wins, O loses--the country is the big loser from O's constant race baiting.



Have I told you lately how nice it is to have you around more frequently?


Well, Gallup's 3 day rolling average has the race with Obama up just 1 point. And given that he has been trending down, and McCain trending up for the last 3 days, we may see a McCain lead for the first time by next monday. If that happens, I imagine that this will be a big part of why. McCain's response was perfectly toned to reach both independents and Clintonistas. The independents hear the baseless attack against McCain and see "politics as usual" from Obama. The Clintonistas have that old scab ripped off from the primaries that had just started to heal.

Watch for the real panic to start among the superdelegates next week as they get home and get an earful from voters about more drilling and watch Obama's poll number stagnate in a statistical tie with McCain.


Thanks Jane!! You and JOM educate. It is uplifting.



I see Rasmussen has Obama +1 today (down from +2 yesterday) but Gallup still seems to have yesterday's numbers up (Obama +1). The trendlines certainly do favor McCain and I've also been wondering if he will take the lead in the next few days.

Maybe Gallup will have them tied today?

FWIW Kerry led Bush through July; in August Bush started to make some gains and by September he had more or less a permanent (though slim) lead.

Danube of Thought

And then there's the Bradley effect...


Speaking of race, LUN

Patrick R. Sullivan

As this from Obama's 1998 Con Law exam shows, he knows how to play the Jesse Jackson Race/Extortion Card:

Recently, the economy of New Prosperity has been on the rebound.... A major symbol of that economic resurgence is the New Prosperity Mall....

To jump start the development, the city purchased the site five years ago and made it development-ready through the issuance of a general obligation bond, to be paid back out of the city’s tax revenues over twenty-five years.

...the city entered into an agreement with Mogul Development Corporation, whereby ... Mogul would construct the mall for a hefty development fee ... exercise an exclusive option to buy the mall from the city
for a pre-determined price.

....Mogul exercised its option to buy, has owned and operated the mall free and clear (and very profitably)....The city has recouped its development costs.... Everybody seems just thrilled with this win-win situation.

Well, almost everybody. Six month ago, a community organization called Hardsville Neighbors United filed suit in United States District Court, alleging that the city, in concert with Mogul, has engaged in a pattern of racial discrimination against black residents of Hardsville in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth

...the complaint alleges that in designing the mall, the city, in concert with Mogul, deliberately failed to provide any safe and convenient access route for Hardsville
residents who seek to travel by bus to the mall, and that the city and Mogul did so because they wanted to limit the number of blacks generally, and poor blacks in particular, who would patronize the mall. In support of this allegation, plaintiffs point outthat the bus for passengers coming from Hardsville heading east stops on the south side of Division Parkway - that is, on the side away from the mall. There is no pedestrian overpass leading from the bus-stop directly to the mall, and the only cross-walk across the highway is located two full blocks away from the bus stop; from there, it is the equivalent of another two city blocks, across a large parking lot, to the mall’s main entrance.

....statistics show that blacks in Hardsville are eight times more likely to travel by bus than are whites, and that the city was aware of these statistics when it and Mogul designed the mall as they did.

The complaint’s second, related count alleges that since the mall opened, the city, in concert with Mogul and its sub-lessees, has systematically harassed and intimidated black shoppers so as to discourage their presence in the mall. More specifically, the complaint alleges that, both before and after the city’s sale of the Mall to Mogul, a) mall security guards hired by Mogul have been under instructions to stand near any congregation of black teenagers (but not white teenagers) in an effort to intimidate them and “move them along;” b) with the knowledge and encouragement of Mogul, undercover security guards and electronic surveillance operators employed by a number of individual stores in the mall systematically monitor and follow black customers as they shop, but do not subject white shoppers to similar treatment; c) on at least five occasions since the sale of the mall to Mogul, and on at least five occasion during the period that the city still owned the mall, black shoppers (but no white shoppers) have been falsely detained by Mogul security guards for shoplifting; and d) such discriminatory activity has occurred with the city’s knowledge and encouragement.

That's a nice shopping mall you've got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it. Say, gangs of surly, black teens started hangin' there.

African American protestors holding a banner reading "What about the black community Obama?" heckled Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama in Florida on Friday.

This is the first I've heard of African americans protesting Obama. Did they feel "talked down to" before Jesse told them they were?



While at the previous Breitbart site be sure to click on the Edwards/Hunter link. This thing is hitting the fan.


LOL, per Gallup, Americans now think even less of Obama's ability to handle foreign policy/be a good CiC than they did before his trip.

New daily numbers still not up.


Porchlight, is that one of the funniest things ever, or what?


I didn't see those numbers until this morning, so I misinterpreted them as today's numbers from overnight last night. If they are tied today, that will really send the Dems into a funk for the weekend.

I have the feeling that pulling the race card was Obama's desperate effort to reverse the rapid slide in the polls and at the same time forstall McCain from using the 'c-word' line of attack against Obama's 75,000 seat acceptance "event."



Nice find - that does seem to be a new wrinkle. Love Obama's condescending response:

"Sit down. You'll have a chance to ask your questions, but you don't want to disrupt the whole meeting. Just be courteous," he said, before going back to his prepared remarks.


Yes, it is delicious. I just keep thinking of all that money and time spent, only to fall further behind. He could have stayed in the country and hit McCain on any number of issues. Opportunity costs are a bitch.



I think you're right - the whole race card thing smacks of desperation. The internal polls must be looking even worse.


About the birth certificate. Edward's aide, Andy Young, married father of two young kids, publicly took the fall last year though no one believed him but idiots.
In Calif. the father's name of the child of an unmarried woman will not go on the certificate without an affidavit from the father admitting paternity. Apparently spineless Andy was not willing to commit perjury for his boss.


The poor and the black community is figuring out that unnecessarily elevated energy costs hurt them more than the prosperous. It's a marvelous wedge issue.


Read a piece out of N.C. last night but didn't save the link. The jist was that Edward's extracurriculars are old news.

That said, does he have any judgement at all to be "active" without benefit of a vasectomy? Dudes with money are a target.

bio mom

No matter who wins, race relations in the country will be set back 50 years.


Anyone else notice the use of the term "African community" referring to blacks? Not African-American community, but African community. How about that Obama? They took to your black liberation theology better than you did.


I don't really think so, bio mom. Race relations in this country have already transcended Obama's view of them. Too much time in that stupid church. This is really one of his big problems with the white community; he's appealing to liberals who can't survive without racial guilt. The rest of us think Obama is an anachronism.

Appealing to white liberal guilt was a good strategy to get the nomination; it is fatal in the general.


Gallup has it tied at 44.


Ooh, PL, that's registered, too. Likely generally favor McCain more than registered.

Can I call it now? Heh. What's the chance that McCain will commit a major gaffe now compared to Obama. Oh please keep him through the convention. I hear the far-off whistle of a supersonic superdelegate broom.


Last night, Rove stated something like: "in the last 100 years only one person has won the presidential race who led on the last day of July. So I've been holding my breath, but it looks like we made it.


Rich Lowery is claiming that Edwards was the first to level the accusation of "celebrity," referring to Clinton and Obama as "the celebrity candidates."

Will NYT claim Edwards is racist?


And that must have been Clinton, '96. He also had pre-empted Dole by selling out to the Chinese.


I can see the headlines:

John Edwards uses the "C" word.


There is something the matter with that Jane. What about Roosevelt '36? What about Johnson '64?



It's becoming a running joke except it's not that funny. For the seventh time, mechanical failures are holding up former President Clinton's tour of Africa.

Hmmm... Hillary or Obama?


The idea that people won't vote for a skinny guy is stupid. "He needs to put some meat on his bones" criticism is about Obama's lack of portfolio, not his physical size.

At least in my mind....

M. Simon

If the Supers pick Clinton I'm predicting riots in Denver. Bigger than those already planned.

If we get riots across the country Obama is going down and taking a lot of Ds with him.

A good time to be alive.


The Dems are stuck with him--Hillary took her name out of the running because she wants him to go down (along with Dean )without her.


I'm sure she is just being a team player, Unity and all that...


Yeah, Hillary's first choice, Hillary Clinton is the incumbant in 2012. Her second choice is that McCain is the incumbant and Obama is just another former-rock-star senator


She, nor Bill, are campaigning for Obama. God knows what they are saying to the supers.


Probably 'Keep your powder dry' and 'Look at these polls'.




"Al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri is rumored to have been killed in a July 28 U.S. airstrike in Pakistan"

And where's that chubby Calif kid Adnan ?

Thomas Collins

I don't think that Dollar Barack is going to be denied the nomination. However, Hillary's deciding not to have her name placed in nomination doesn't preclude Friends of Bill and Friends of Hill continuing to whisper in the Supers' ears that Dollar Barack is well on his way to becoming Penny Barack. If DB stumbles before Denver, Hill will allowed her name to be placed in nomination "for the good of the party."


That mean old McCain!! Quoting Obama like that...


And where's that chubby Calif kid Adnan ?

He was rumoured to be in the right place at the wrong time 6 or 8 weeks ago.


Ayman! AMF! I hope the 72 are fat ugly and whine neverending into eternity.



"And where's that chubby Calif kid Adnan ?"

Hopefully at room temperature, along with al-Zawahiri.

I wished you "bon voyage" two days too early (on another thread) - have a wonderful trip.


Pelosi adjourned, turned out the lights and republicans are still there, to the cheering of the visitors, giving speeches, etc. Hot Air has it.


Clinton asks not to be nominated at


Gmax, the Hell of it is that the virgins remain so for eternity.


Republicans have always performed better as the minority party.

Around 12:30 p.m., the bright TV lights in the chamber were turned off, as Chief Deputy Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va., was speaking.

Cantor didn’t miss a beat, declaring, “Turn off the lights, turn off the mikes, kick out the press because they [the Democrats]don’t want to deal with this important issue.”


Danube of Thought

Great Scott--that new McCain ad is going to get Barack and the NYTimes in a swivet. The man is simply too full of himself to withstand mockery, and I think the McCain campaign has figured that out.


OT: I went with my d-i-l to the nail salon a couple of weeks ago while she got a manicure and pedicure before the family wedding. A woman in full burkha came in while we were there and got a manicure and a pedicure. She had clear polish put on her fingernails, but bright red on her toenails, which she then covered with socks and shoes.

When she left, everyone in the shop, customers and employees alike, commented they thought it was weird.

My thought, you can force a woman to cover herself from head to toe, but you can't take her desire to be attractive away, even if she is the only one who knows.


Sue, that is just incredible. I think it may turn the election. Energy is a powerful theme this year, and the symbolism of the Republican move is historic. Hooray for whoever thought to do it.


I second that hooray, Kim!

And, DOT, The One is being "revealed" to the masses. Good for the McCain campaign!


MSM is ignoring it so far. How long can they? Republicans are bringing tourists onto the chamber floor to see the show. ::grin::



I hope the MSM in the chamber actually report on this. Truthfully..

hit and run

Did you see where Obama placed Hillary in the C-word ad?

Sorry to SSP the LUN but I'm at the airport and can't do multiple browser tabs ... And have no idea the URL of the original source.



I agree. I hope they man the place the entire recess. It's a small price to pay.



I agree. I hope they man the place the entire recess. It's a small price to pay.



Thanks for the link..priceless!!

God be with you and your family as you travel.


Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) was on a plane headed home. He got off, went back to the Capitol, and came back onto the floor with his luggage. Standing ovation.

Yeah! Democrats had this coming. They had to know with such a winning issue republicans were going to exploit it. Again I say YEAH!


I hope they man the place the entire recess.

Yeah baby


Where in the world is Rafah GA ??


I also don't think it was too smart for the Democrat aides to call the republicans "morons" and label this as a "temper tantrum"...unless the Democrats think an overwhelming majority of taxpayers are morons and are having a temper tantrum ....(<---- I know they do, but it was still not a shrewd reaction to get "quoted")

and this is great

He then said "I am a Democrat and here is my energy plan" and he held up a picture of an old VW Bug with a sail attached to it. He paraded around he house floor with the sign while the crowd cheered.

I also don't think it was too smart for the Democrat aides to call the republicans "morons" and label this as a "temper tantrum"...unless the Democrats think an overwhelming majority of taxpayers are morons and are having a temper tantrum ....(<---- I know they do, but it was still not a shrewd reaction to get "quoted")

and this is great

He then said "I am a Democrat and here is my energy plan" and he held up a picture of an old VW Bug with a sail attached to it. He paraded around he house floor with the sign while the crowd cheered.

wonder why I am automatic double post trouble today?

Jeff F.

Another reference to Obama being righteous..."The One"...

How is He being "revealed"? And by whom? Is He being attacked by neo-cons? No way! I could never believe that those who subscribe to such "high-moral values" could try to smear the name of someone they disagree with. Do you think that Mr. Rove and other neo-cons have taught their children about the virtues and benefits of slander? Impossible!


Axelrod dries uncle ...

When pressed to explain the comment, Axelrod told “GMA” it meant, “He’s not from central casting when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He’s new to Washington. Yes, he’s African-American.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) was on a plane headed home. He got off, went back to the Capitol, and came back onto the floor with his luggage. Standing ovation.



I am very much enjoying this Friday.


A boy in the visitors gallery asked, “When do you think you’re going to get this vote?’’

What a civics lesson this kid is getting. Truly something to tell your friends, anybody who will listen, your kids and your grandkids.


Very interesting, Neo! Keep us posted if any more strange donations turn up.

M. Simon

The Republicans after floundering for months have finally found their voice.

Yeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


I just emailed Brady to salute him and told him to KEEP IT UP!

M. Simon

Jeff F.,

You mean playing back Obama's own words are unfair?

A smear?

That has got to hurt. A lot!!!!!!!!!

Yeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

McCain in a landslide.


The man is simply too full of himself to withstand mockery...

You nailed it, DoT!! His own words and his own created image are his achilles heel.


I found this quote on Hotair with no link

We are not leaving the House floor - Cong Mike Pence points out this is a House filibuster

This is such good strategy, they will overshadow a bit of the presidential coverage and it will bring Obama down a notch or 2 - neutering is halo because he can't "solve this" situation because he's backed into a coner, he looks weak and meaningless and meanwhile McCain will coattail this little diddy because it speaks right to the people - not the dumbass reporters


I was wrong .. it wasn't 6 or 8 weeks but rather 5 months ago ..

Adam Gadahn rumored killed in North Waziristan strike


Right about now, Bush should be considering calling Congress back into session.

Yeeeehawwwwwww! Indeed!


Comment at Politico

I just called C-Span to complain and was told the Dems hsve complete control of the feed from the House. I was advised to call 202-224-3121 and ask for the House Democratic leadership. My call was answered live and I was told my message would be passed on. All taxpayers sould be outraged that C-Span can be silenced by one political party. CALL!
glenda waggoner

My oh my- the drive-bys cannot ignore what's
happening. We are taking it back! There's nothing like an underdog getting up, and start fighting..and win.
Can we hope for a turnaround in majority?
Poor Barak, the real overseas trip that will take the winner to the bank, is...Clarices'! by the time she gets home, the dems will be saying "Floor Vote"
But she's right @ McCain, he needs to limit his exposure, let these ads work for him.
Maybe, even, by the time Clarice crosses back the Atlantic, Bush's #'s will rise, as he will get his base back.
Hit--Remember to honk and wave in Houston!


Via a commenter at Hot Air: "Hoekstra just said Pelosi is gonna send in the goon squads–they are going to use police to shut them down. 4:30 Eastern, I guess."


hilarity at MyDD

I know they think this is a winning issue but honestly, the problem with our addiction to foreign oil isn't that it's foreign...it's that it's oil. And by the way, once oil companies drill that American oil, will it stay in America? Of course not, it will be sold on the world market. You want to trumpet American oil, fine, make sure it stays in America. They'd never do that, of course, because their buddies in big oil won't let them.

A letter has been sent to the White House:

The President The White House Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President,

The House of Representatives has not taken a vote since January 2007 that would expand domestic energy production. All the while, Americans are hurting. Every time they go to fill up their cars, trucks or tractors they feel the pain at the pump. High gas prices are harming the vitality of our families, the elderly, small businesses, and family farms. Each and every American is affected.

Today the Democrat controlled Congress adjourned for a five-week vacation without taking a vote on bipartisan measures that would lessen our dependence on foreign oil by allowing more domestic drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf. In fact, they adjourned without even allowing time for debate on the subject of drilling.

On July 14, 2008, you took the strong action of lifting the executive order that had banned offshore drilling. In so doing, you said that allowing offshore oil drilling is “one of the most important steps we can take” to reduce the burden of high gas prices. Now, all it would take is an act of Congress for that drilling to begin.

Since Speaker Pelosi has decided not to keep the House in session to allow this vote to take place, we urge you to use the power vested in you by the Constitution to convene an immediate energy special session of Congress. Under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, you have the power ‘on extraordinary occasions’ to convene the Congress.

We believe that the energy emergency that has increased the pain felt by Americans when they purchase $4 per gallon gasoline is an extraordinary occasion. We urge you to immediately bring the Congress back into session to do its job and give the bipartisan, pro-drilling majority a vote.

Thank you for your consideration of our request.



From the Financial Times, Dems panicking over Obama's narrow lead and inability to connect with blue-collar voters:

Democrats anxious for Obama to widen lead

Lots of decent advice for Obama here - hope he takes none of it.

Danube of Thought

Ain't it grand to see the House GOP caucus actually doing something bold and imaginitive? I'd love to be a fly on Pelosi's wall right now. (Unless she's doing her makeup.)


One report I saw said that visitors are being escorted into the gallery and ALSO to the House floor to sit in empty dem. seats.

They are blocking any private cameras from entering. They not being Republicans. Capitol police are attempting to keep press out.

If they stick with this, it could be HUGE, GIGANTIC, EARTH SHATTERING and very effective, even though there can be no vote.

The PR is priceless. Maybe more so for not allowing press/photo access. The People do not like to be blocked from seeing the People's House.


Congressman Roger came back and spoke in shorts!


Mike Rogers (Mi). Speaking in shorts. Heard what we were doing. Came back. He wanted to be a part of it. 19 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

Congressman Roger came back and spoke in shorts!


Mike Rogers (Mi). Speaking in shorts. Heard what we were doing. Came back. He wanted to be a part of it. 19 minutes ago from TwitterBerry

Just called the number, house democratic leadership refused to answer questions, gave a rote response of "the house is out of session." I asked for C-span to be turned back on. Was told it is SOP to turn it off when out of session. Asked politely of course that it be turned back on due to reported historic activity in the house. Was told that is contolled by the speaker's office. Asked to speak to them and was connected to voice message system of Pelosi. I. LEFT. A. MESSAGE.



Hell yeah! I hope the president is receptive today. It would be a good time to call them back into session.



"I'd love to be a fly on Pelosi's GULF STREAM wall right now."


Oh my, oh my, oh my, have you all seen the new anti-Obama ad, "The One?"


The One

The scene of Moses smiting the waters at the end nearly knocked me out of my chair.


You Go BADass!


I think it's actually more exciting without cameras. 99% of the population typically clicks right past C-SPAN. In contrast, this is like stories told round a campfire, or huddling around a battery-powered radio in a blackout. It is much more compelling than the usual boring numbers crunching from the Hill.

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