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August 09, 2008



Edwards lied again last night. It was simply too much to watch this unctuous slime tell the star-struck ABC team a tale that will soon unravel. Just this morning the mother’s family called on him to take the DNA test he offered last night. He feigned ignorance of the complex logistics surrounding his mate’s move first to Chapel Hill and then to a multimillion dollar home in Santa Barbara. She was closely followed by the poor sap with the felicitous name of Andrew Young, which reminds us of another accomplished liar, Bill Clinton. Can the illegal use of campaign funds (not including those used to pay the Unfortunate Miss Rielle) be ruled out? No, I say. Rule them in.
He is much of a trial lawyer when, confronted with pictures clearly from within the hotel room, he does not yet realize that someone with access to his unloved mistress is handing information to the National Enquirer. If Nixon taught us anything it was that a limited, modified hang-out was simply an invitation to further questions.

As to the MSM and their investigations of sexual wrongdoing, just remember this . . . a kiss is just a kiss if the kissor is a Democrat. The scandals involving these fellow travelers were all broken by the NE: Gary Hart, Jessie Jackson, Bill Clinton and John Boy Edwards. For an extra 10 points, find a connection between and among them and explain the relevance of Halifax.


"...what other secrets of likable Dems are they hiding?"

Excellent question. But they won't answer it. They have only one priority and that is to get a Dem - any Dem - in the White House. Whatever it takes they will do.


I like the "LUN" process --- Byron York has the Time's striking parts of their story



OT: But isn't it illegal to hold "dual citzenship" in the US? Apparently it is in Kenya.

Rocky Mountain News reported this morning on things you might not know about Obama, including this:

He Holds both American and Kenyan (since 1963) citizenship.



Jane- It isn't illegal anymore. You just have to pay your taxes to the US where ever you live as a citizen, and it's all good.


Seems fair to assume that the MSM was planning to delve into the details of McCain's divorce at some strategically-timed point, noting the adulterous start of his relationship with Cindy just to be thorough. One alternative to these lame attempts to explain their failure to cover the Edwards story (I think my favorite so far is the one from AP) is that it direcly impacts that strategy.


Rats. Put a "not" in there regarding my view of his trial lawyerness. Sorry.

glenda waggoner

The Association of Trial Lawyers includes a special section for coverups, payoffs, and voter fraud. It's members have secret decoder rings for the"big-time democrats".
It is also how they tell the difference between members and the dead people voting.

If this Hunter woman continues to be "unloved" she may decide to talk.

OT-how soon did O's mother travel to/from Kenya @his birth?


Hey! I'm a card carrying member of ATLA and they forgot to give me the decoder ring! First thing Monday I am going to demand one and then post the code right here!


It is also how they tell the difference between members and the dead people voting.
Posted by: glenda waggoner | August 09, 2008 at 02:54 PM Comment of tbe thread. LOL



Kenya makes dual nationals renounce their other citizenship by the age of 23 in order to retain Kenyan nationality.


So did he?


AP asks the tough question, "Is Edwards scandal worse for Obama or McCain?"

I think it's worse for the AP than for either of them.


Why on earth would the Edwards scandal be worse for McCain?


Hey, they managed to make the Lewinsky scandal worse for Gingrich.


A little inside baseball about the ABC interview. Edwards specifically requested Woodruff interview instead of Brian Ross who had actually done the leg work.

From the LUN is this priceless little snippet:

"According to multiple sources, Edwards was apoplectic that ABC News broke the story on its website and began promoting it early on Friday, giving the rest of the media a chance to play catch-up and site ABC News’ report."

Rick Ballard

I'm looking forward to reading the Clinton Campaign Internal Memos. I think they will be lots more fun than this Edwards affair.

Unifyingly so.


Oh...and thinking ahead to the debates, one of which will be moderated by Bob Schieffer, comes this additional snippet:

"Edwards subsequently made solicitous calls to multiple reporters including CBS News’ Bob Schieffer, who also talked to a distraught Elizabeth Edwards.

My, my, they're just all so cozy, doncha know.

Rick Ballard


They are all on the same team - one hurts, all cry.

Let's just make sure they're all crying in November.

Especially Captain Zero.


Let's hope so Rick!


Rick, I can't wait to read those memos. My, but the Clintons and Edwards seem to be surrounded by double dealers.
I am less and less sympathetic to Elizabeth with the passage of each day.

Rick Ballard

Maybe she and Mrs. Spitzer can form a club? They could call it the Anything For Love Of Power Club.


Now Hillary Clinton has been cheated by 2 men. First Bill Clinton and now John Edwards. He has caused her the most harm. Had he dropped out when charges were made on Oct 11th of last year, Hillary would have destroyed Barack Obama.


Well Mdme Rielle says "NO DNA TEST".

And now we know what went on in that late nite meeting.

"As long as you don't say I word, I will marry you as soon as the ball and chain croaks. It won't be long now."


Oh gawd,Jane. I think you are so right. And, Rielle (pronounced Riley????) is so waiting in the wings.


I certainly hope she didn't fall for that one.


Hi Clarice! Wow, have I missed you!

You know, I think she has "fall"en for that one, which tells me she is a woman in love! God bless her. Wait, until she realizes that she is being played like a coal miner's daughter. Ah, sheeze, it's gonna get ugly.

Rick Ballard

There's always the possibility that the Midnight Rendezvous was less tryst than final settlement. Ms. Rielle may be just living up to her end of a 'mutually beneficial' agreement which contained a rather strong forfeiture clause.

Or it could have been True Love and they will ride off into the sunset together.

On two of Captain Zero's unicorns.


centralcal, she doesn't have a lot of options:
(1) Keeping mum publicly has resulted in money for her and her baby ostensibly thru a supporter--but perhaps thru campaign funds;
(2) Talking about it, will probably make her the target of a lot of hateful stuff--Edwards might then pay her the money directly but he's unlikely to have to give her more than she's getting already.
Of course, she could always do a kiss and tell cheapo best seller but really it's hard to see how after a quick spurt of cash and publicity that would do her and the baby much good.

I suspect the guy who set up the meeting with Edwards at the hotel is himself growing fond of Rielle and certainly has been looking after her--if he's shrewd and a friend, he'll counsel the fist option.


You really wonderful Thank you http://www.roro44.com


You really wonderful Thank you http://www.roro44.com

JM Hanes


From your Clinton Memo link:

Of particular concern are nearly 200 internal memos that the author, Josh Green, obtained -- 130 or so of which he plans to scan in and post online.

Wasn't Josh Green the one who penned that article that Hillary muscled off the publication schedule by threatening to cut off access to Bill?

JM Hanes

Oops. Forgot to paste in the Memo URL.


nearly 200 internal memos that the author, Josh Green, obtained -- 130 or so of which he plans to scan in and post online
Darn the luck, they ran out of room on the internet before the last 70 memos could be posted.

Rick Ballard


I remember the threats but I don't know if it's the right guy. I've seen a few snips of the memos - the Clinton campaign staff has that same refined 'hooker just off the docks style' that the Clintons brought to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Jim Rhoads aka vnjagvet

From the ones I read, Rick, Mandy baby has a real fixation with the f word. Refined bish that she is.

Rick Ballard


It's really unsurprising. Why would the Clinton's ever want anyone around who possessed a higher character than they do?

We're heading back to "does not share my values" as the kicker in November. Captain Zero doesn't rise any higher than an Edwards or a Clinton.

As we'll see again shortly.

There's not gonna be a single sighted newt left in the US by the time the Dem convention starts.


from hunter's emails that HuffPo got

a trip she had taken to North Carolina to see the man whom she affectionately referred to as "my love lips."

um....icky....Love Lips? Super icky.



During the 2004 campaign, my sister would gross out anytime Edwards came on tv. I never noticed until she pointed it out to me, and then I couldn't help but notice, how he licks his lips all the time. They are always wet. Super icky, indeed.

JM Hanes

Yep. It was Josh Green. When the Hillary got his GQ profile killed, it looks like he found a more supportive niche at the Atlantic. Sounds like maybe he's produced that rarest of beasts: a sequel that's better than the original.

Jim Rhoads aka vnjagvet

They all deserve each other, don't they?

What a gang.



His weird caricature like lip PURSE/slight nose flair in combination with the lip lick just so icks me out.

It's like nails on a chalkboard.



His weird caricature like lip PURSE/slight nose flair in combination with the lip lick just so icks me out.

It's like nails on a chalkboard.


I'm so proud of America and Mark Phelps - Michelle Obama isn't though.


I'm so proud of America and Mark Phelps - Michelle Obama isn't though.


Make that MICHAEL Phelps - had Spitz on the brain


here is what Hunter said about Elizabeth (among other things)

...how the campaign hadn’t understood her, how they’d ruined the Webisodes, how they’d impeded her vision and how Edwards himself had failed to defend her. The chief villain in this saga was Elizabeth Edwards. “Someday,” Rielle said, “the truth about her is going to come out.”

You really wonderful Thank you


OT:M Simon gets an instalanch--reporting essentially what the consular officer told me in Paris--the European economies are heading into a recession---and we're not--http://www.classicalvalues.com/archives/2008/08/blazing_economi.html

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