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August 20, 2008



The Ghosts in the Machine.

Michael Kennedy

Well, we have to give the Chicago Annenberg Challenge some credit for alleviating poverty. After all, "Professor" Klonsky was driving a taxi when Ayres provided him that grant of $175,000. Now, there is a rare success of an anti-poverty program !

Danube of Thought

This poor dope Obama is finished. Some of those around him probably know it by now (and it fills my heart with joy to imagine the state of their morale), but I'm not sure he knows it. He's been talking his way up the ladder for too long without ever being challenged, and now that he's actually in a contest he probably can't yet realize that he's melting down before our very eyes.


Michael Klonsky still has a blog:



I posted this link at the end of the other thread, but it seems better over here.

Who is withholding the Obama-Ayers docs?


Exactly,DoT. The press cannot sit on this forever--just as they couldn't sit on Christmas in Cambodia and Kerry's tall tales of Genghis Khan like predations of US servicemen forever.
The gig is up.


The lying MSM can't ignore it if McCain pushes it. They can try to run interference, but they can't ignore it.


Oh Goody!

Another Obama/Ayers post............



Well, given that Obama lost the only really contested race he ever ran in, I think he may be getting that sinking feeling. He can't deal with real presure... and it is starting to build.

All gown up and no place to go
Psych 1, Psych 2, what do you know,
All your life is Time Magazine,
Channel 13, what does it mean

Rick Ballard

I just wish these Night of the Living Dead flashbacks would stop. I've had to oil every hinge in the house - every time I hear a squeak I have a vision of a coffin lid slowly lifting...


I'll be happier once we get thru the convention. I'm hoping it will be paradise since I'm charged with watching - '68 on steroids with some Cindy Sheehan thrown in for laughs -


Will this be the thing that tips the superdelegates back to Mrs Clinton? That thought makes me queasy indeed.


Rick, consider that it is 'Dawn of the Dead' and the mall being savaged is the Democratic Party.


Earlier this evening, I had a minute or two and I posed the question to the CAClers here if they thought that McCain bringing up the Ayers/Annenberg Challenge might stir the mighty mouse MSM.

I guess you all are answering me now.

Also, is anyone watching Suzahnnnnnn Malvooooh doing her level best to resurrect the One in her docudrama on CNN?

Oh brother, it is dripping with (fill in the blank). Pheh.

I do so love Clarice because she gives me these lovely utterances (i.e., pheh).

Rick Ballard


It would be kinda against the rules - like Lautenberg being substituted for Torricelli.

These are Democrats - rules are for fools and everyone should be queasy.


"every time I hear a squeak I have a vision of a coffin lid slowly lifting..."

I know what you mean. I think Maguire is actually dead and his bots are writing this stream of unconsciousness.


My ideal situation is that they call the roll call vote. The numbers start slipping for Barry, and they halt the voting half way through on national TV... Pandemonium in the hall... Obama is still declared the winner, but everyone knows he would have lost in an honest roll call vote.

Hey, it could happen.


This might add fuel to the finishing.

"Why is Barack Obama spending nearly $1,000,000 on a business housed here?

According to Federal Election Commission (FEC) financial disclosure reports filed by the campaign earlier this year, between February 25th and May 17th Obama paid $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc. (CSI), one of the nearly seventy Not-for-Profit companies registered at the ACORN New Orleans headquarters on 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue [SEE IMAGE OF THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS of CSI as well as 20 other businesses.]. CSI now also shares an office with ACORN in Chicago at 209 W. Jackson St., home of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union)."



All THREE Clintons are getting key speaking slots which should certainly make Obama look ridiculous. And then Wexler speaks--I hope the man without a residence makes his stand on the "stolen election" of 2000.

It's better than The Christmas Carol with all those ghosts of elections past.

Foo Bar

As I've pointed out previously, Klonsky was
not a Weatherman and not a terrorist.

Cmon, TM, you're better than this.


pagar--that's an interesting story--I wonder if these were payoffs to the indicted ACORN officials to guarantee they'd keep their mouths shut. NQ of course is not the most reliable source of info..But if this is true the suggestion that they should initiate an FEC investigation ignores that the Dems deliberately prevented the seating of replavcement FEC commissioners and without a quorum the FEC cannot act.

Charlie (Colorado)

That will make it harder for the media to ignore this.

Want to bet on the "McCain goes *really* negative" spin?

I'll be happier once we get thru the convention. I'm hoping it will be paradise since I'm charged with watching - '68 on steroids with some Cindy Sheehan thrown in for laughs -

Let me just put in my periodic reminder that my mother lives about 2 miles away and I'm going to be in the middle of it. And being the sort of damn fool I am, if there *is* trouble I'm going to be running to the sound of the firehoses.

I'd just as well they not burn down anything significant....

Charlie (Colorado)

All THREE Clintons...

Oh good, the young one is kinda hot.


Right, Foo Bar, as I've pointed out previously, as a Maoist Klonsky should be described more as a horrorist than a terrorist.

These memes, I'm tellin' you. You guys are out to lunch.


PAGAR knows how to push my buttons with the ACORN bombs.


No no -- an Instalaunch. Get ready for even more trolls.


I still believe that Obama's links to ACORN somehow benefited him in Dem Caucas votes.

hit and run

And being the sort of damn fool I am, if there *is* trouble I'm going to be running to the sound of the firehoses.

You will have a video camera, right?



Will this be the thing that tips the superdelegates back to Mrs Clinton? That thought makes me queasy indeed.

And the Dem's risk an open revolt of their most reliable voting block. Also at this point, people's futures are on the line-

You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
The Red Witch is coming to town
She's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty
The Red Witch is coming to town
She knows who you're sleeping with
She knows which drugs you take
She knows who greased your palm
So be a lacky for The Witch's sake!
O! You better watch out!
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
The Red Witch is coming to town
[Fire up Broom One...to Denver]
The Red Witch is coming to town


From Mayor Daley's statement:

"People keep trying to align him (Ayers) with Barack Obama. It's really unfortunate. They're friends."

When did Ayers go from a guy down the street to Obama's friend?

OOOOOHHHH!!! Is Obama gonna call Mayor Daley

A. a liar
B. a misspeaker
C. an over-heated rhetoricizer


It is interesting that those 1960's denouncers of the "establishment" find themselves sufficiently entrenched to siphon off millions of dollars from your ordinary taxpayer.

Toby Petzold

Eagleton-Obama, '08!


Eagleton-Obama, '08!

I think Eagleton died last year, so yes, he would be the perfect running mate for the One.


It is interesting that those 1960's denouncers of the "establishment" find themselves sufficiently entrenched to siphon off millions of dollars from your ordinary taxpayer.

Posted by: Chants | August 20, 2008 at 11:10 PM

Well, you must understand, that it is very difficult to engineer the transformation of the relationship between labor and the means of production unless you are living a comfortable upper-middleclass lifestyle payed for by the labor of others.


I also heard that Obama has supporters that were involved in the Savings and Loan scandal, that his wife stole drugs from her own charity, and he gets advice from George Clooney. When this gets out, the left is going to go crazy!


The cool thing is, the longer Obama's camp sits on the documents, the longer they'll have to remove particularly incriminating stuff. Which means everyone else will know that's why Obama's folks kept the stuff as long as they did/will, meaning the other folks will have to assume the worst.

-- chicopanther

glenda waggoner

Wexler is going to speak at Denver? Really?
The dems are dim! Do you think the media
will report he doesn't actually reside in
Florida? He reminds me of Chris Matthews.
All spit, no facts!

Rick Ballard


My understanding of her strategy was that she wasn't relying on the black vote much at all. That said, the Dems won't split the party even if the polling is much worse than it looks. They would risk losing the Senate if they swapped out now.

This polling sag happened to Kerry at precisely this point in '04. He rebounded slightly after the convention and then sagged badly again until October. I don't think CAC is enough to put Obama away and I'm unsure that hisBorn Alive vote will do it either.

OTOH - if goes the babelfish route in even one debate, he's through, and I don't believe that he knows any other way to go.


And my personal favorite educational reform - "No Weatherman Left Behind":


Talk about cronyism. Can we rework that Abramoff ad?


Clarice, I know that NQ is not the most reliable source of info, but they are really in not liking Obama. With the MSM doing every thing they can to paint Obama as some kind of "chosen one" NQ, IMO, is seriously helping to get the word out to people that maybe he is not the best person to have run the US for the next four or ten years.

Surprising how many of their comments read like here.
comment at 21:11:19 in the link I posted.

"and isn’t it just ironic that ACORN just happens to be an organization in trouble with authorities for ELECTION/VOTER FRAUD?? Hmm, sounds like the Obama campaign was paying them to steal the election for him."

BobS, I think there is a whole more ACORN involved in the Democrat caucus fraud, than anyone knows right now. IMO, just like the Ayers connection, if it comes out, it will be brought out by bloggers, not the MSM.


I don't see why people are so excited about this. I would wager most Obama supporters have politics similar to Bill Ayers, and indeed, that's why they support Obama, they think he's one of their own. Heck, they are the same ones that are upset that Obama seems to be moving to the center somewhat.

Similarly, the people who don't like Ayers won't be voting for Obama anyway.

The people who are undecided, I'm sure have no idea who Ayers is, or don't care.


Hey, "Ralph". I loved that video you did with the guy in the spacesuit.

FooBar is right. Unlike Obama's associate Ayers, who was a leftist radical terrorist who worked towards the immediate violent overthrow of the US government in the 60s, Mike Klonsky (who got a 6-figure grant from an educational fund run by Obama and Ayers) was a leftist radical who thought conditions were not yet ripe for the violent overthrow of the US government in the 60s.

It's important people understand exactly when each of Obama's associates, and people he gave money to, planned to carry out the violent overthrow of the United States government.


Since O'Reilly exposed him, Wexler has rented himself a Florida apt. No word, however, on whether or not he bothered to furnish it.


babelfish - doesn't that translate to pyscho-babble?


The people who are undecided, I'm sure have no idea who Ayers is, or don't care.

Anyone around in the late '60s and '70s knows who Ayers/SDS/Weatherman are. And guess what, we still vote in big numbers.


The people who are undecided, I'm sure have no idea who Ayers is
We should tell them then.
I would wager most Obama supporters have politics similar to Bill Ayers
You mean most Obama supporters would be in favor of the immediate violent overthrow of the US government, like Obama's associate Bill Ayers? I find that hard to believe.


I think this whole idea certain dem. factions have of recreating '68 is looney tunes. They've romanticized a time they know nothing about, while those of us who remember '68 in real time watched in horror. It was just a terrible time for this country and no sane person would want to repeat it.

JM Hanes


Your unflagging flogging has finally paid off.


I think Obama and Bernie and Bill and Michelle sat around the Ayer's house smoking weed and telling each other how they gonna pay back The Man....

....lookee here, If I can just get myself set up with the Daly machine and go down to Springfield for a while, then I could go to Washington and be on the inside and feed you guys all sorts of secret stuff...hey, as Elwood told Jake "we're getting the band back together, man!"

....or was it "it's not lying, it's bullsh*t"?

Buford Gooch

Pardon my ignorance, but what is LUN?

Soylent Red


Obamessiah is an unknown to most undecideds, so any little pieces that fill in the gaps of his non-existent career become hugely important in their understanding of who he is and what he stands for.

Hanging around communists, terrorists, and communist-terrorists is probably not the most electable thing you could fill in those gaps with.

That's why the Prom King has spent so much time covering it up and lying about it.



Link Under Name

Jim Addison

chicopanther ~ Well, the library's research facillitator forwarded Kurtz the full index to the files, so if an expurgiated version is released he may be able to deduce what files are missing.

Obama is interesting, all right. Law Review Editor and ConLaw Prof for 12 years, with NO published articles. No list of clients he personally worked for. Virtually any records of interest - down to his thesis and his wife's - just can't be found.

I'm beginning to wonder if he really exists at all, or is just a computer simulation - sort of a modern day Max Headroom . . .


Pardon my ignorance, but what is LUN?

I had to ask the same thing...LINK under Name

Click name for link, in otherwords.


LUN = Link Under Name



The people who are undecided, I'm sure have no idea who Ayers is, or don't care.

Isn't that why we have campaigns?


An interesting little circumstantial nugget at FR today:

Interesting.......The phone number for for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (logically the donors of the organization minutes) is listed as 312-413-5869.

The "Small Schools Workshop" at UIC has a staff page for Bill Ayers. Guess what his phone number is....same number.

Highly likely that the records were illegally sealed this week by none other than Bill Ayers. Time to lawyer up?


Word is that the phone number is now disconnected. Hmmmm. We report...you decide?


JeremyR, you gave it away there when you admit that most Obama supporters are not in the middle. Did you know that a big chunk of Hillary's supporters are in the middle.

You've picked a loser, again. But why did you set up a race between two who would lose. Remember Hillary's negatives? Obama is now approaching them.

Thomas Collins

Bad asked:

"OOOOOHHHH!!! Is Obama gonna call Mayor Daley

A. a liar
B. a misspeaker
C. an over-heated rhetoricizer"

My answer is "D. a typical person of pallor"

If there is no "smoking O gun" in these papers, the donor may be doing McCain a favor by adding to the "machine hack" aura that is enveloping His Oneness.

Coverup of the papers. Hill and Bill monopolizing the convention (with their supporters steaming and scheming). O's "pay grade" remark making its way around swing voters. What more could be asked for? Just one thing-Nancy Pelosi giving a prime time interview in which she affirms that His Oneness was sent by God to help her Save The Planet!


what is LUN?

"Link Under Name." It is an easy way to provide a link -- just click on the name below the post and you will be redirected to the post.

There have been other suggestions on what it might mean...

Buford Gooch

Thanks, all.


I hate to say it, but everyone in Chicago kows that Da Mayer is probably the greatest Midwestern word mangler of the early 21st century. There may even be a book out there with his Yogi-isms.....


Da Mayer is probably the greatest Midwestern word mangler of the early 21st century.

Takes after his father, it seems.

Soylent Red

What more could be asked for?

Obama-Sheehan '08



Did anyone watch the Beach Volleyball? The USA just beat China!
Go Bush! I mean Go Misty May Treanor and Kerry Walsh. :)

They just thanked the President for his inspiration! :)


There was a major study done of all the issues with the caucus system this time around and how it was stacked in Obama's favor

2008 Caucus Report

It may be coming from a left side blog that did the story about it but the file has a lot of compelling data.



::grin:: It was great!


Beach Volleyball? The USA just beat China!

It is just starting West Coast, but great news, now I won't be on pins and needles.


Obama has been full negative for at least a month. This stuff just makes him look like every other politician.



My understanding of her strategy was that she wasn't relying on the black vote much at all. That said, the Dems won't split the party even if the polling is much worse than it looks...

Suppose I was a bit too nuanced in my previous. If Clinton is waiting for '12, and making the party stick with Cap't Zero, she's going to have to punish the party first-Obama's campaign staff, some key DNC supporting organizations, and the DNC (Howard Dean) all have to be worried. The level of betrayal in not selecting the Red Witch requires a purge to make sure they don't do it again, and an election disaster would provide her the necessary cover.


Check out the bottom of page 18 and top of page 19 at LUN.

Mayor Daley (1996} is saying he wants access to the CAC funds.

Danube of Thought

I think FooBar is actually some clever fellow who enjoys passing himself off as a caricature of David Gergen. No principled person really thinks the way his posts would suggest he does; he's just pulling our chain.


Your unflagging flogging has finally paid off.Posted by: JM Hanes | August 20, 2008 at 11:39 PM

The alliteration of the thread, but then a little alliteration never hurt anyone.


Yes, bad, interestingly enough the Challenge was working against the Chicago Public School system for control. The politics of this one may get very interesting because Daley was against the machinations of the Challenge, at least at first.


Oops, sorry Sara! :(

TM, has a new thread and it looks like there is documentation that busts the myth that gold medal gymnast He Kexin is eligible for these Olympics. She is 14.


Oh I don't care Ann. I love beach volley ball and May and Walsh, so I'll watch, only without the butterflies.

JM Hanes

Da Mayor is scheduled to speak at the Convention. How AbFAb is that?


"I think this whole idea certain dem. factions have of recreating '68 is looney tunes."
OTOH, could anything be more appropriate for a Friend of Ayers?


"I still believe that Obama's links to ACORN somehow benefited him in Dem Caucas votes."
The benefits began long before that! Obama's only known accomplishment as a community organizer in Chicago was a successful voter registration drive.

That kind of money may be a blockbuster, pagar. I do not know why Obama and ACORN, & ACORN itself have been given a total pass. Or more accurately, I didn't understand it, before I understood it.


"No no -- an Instalaunch. Get ready for even more trolls."
In line with a comment you made the other day, I've decided that there's a dedicated complement of trolls-in-training assigned to scour the links at Instapundit for likely blog threads to disrupt. We do seem to get the worst collection of puerile drive-bys whenever TM is cited, but it got easier when I began to think of suffering such trolls gladly in the interest of TM's traffic.

I sure would love it if TM would suggest some way for all of us who enjoy his generosity to return the favor from time to time.


it's official...the left is more Rovian than they think (or just project) Rove actually is

DNC hired propaganda minions

The reason for this is in the editing. Anyone can alter Wikipedia's entries, in most cases without even bothering to register for an account. What this means in practical terms is that people with enough determination to force their viewpoints on Wikipedia can do so.

Accomplishing this task can take up large amounts of time, up to 15 hours a week, according to Jonathan Schilling, a 50-something software developer from central New Jersey interviewed by the New Republic in April.

Mr. Schilling told the magazine that he spent several hours a day managing the Wikipedia article about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during the Democratic presidential primaries, all on his own initiative using the online name "Wasted Time R."


If you're curious about the "good General" Nagovitsyn, his bio at the Lenta Ru site which I ran through Babelfish; indicates he has no apparent experience in the Chechen & Afghan campaigns, that rent the Russian Army in the last generation, on the negative side, he seems to the Russian equivalent of Gen. Lemay or Powers, not the most reassuring person to have in such a crisis; a candidate for future strongman status:

Chairman of the military science committee of the General Staff of armed forces RF - deputy chief of the general staff Chairman of the military science committee of the General Staff of armed forces RF - deputy chief of general staff since July 2008. Are earlier - the deputy of [glavkoma] of Air Force (2002-2008), which commands of the 11th army VVS and PVO (Air Defense) (2000-2002), chief of staff - first deputy of the commander of the army VVS and PVO in Far East (1998-2000). Anatoliy Alekseyevich [Nogovitsyn] [9], [10] was born on April 29, 1952 in the mudflow Of [baryshevka] Of the [borodolikhinskogo] region of Semipalatinsk region of Kazakh SSR [16], [10]. In 1973 [Nogovitsyn] with the difference graduated from The [armavirskoe] high military air school of pilots, and 1980 [16] - the military command academy PVO of the name of Zhukov [13]. It served in Arkhangelsk in the 10th army PVO and in the Siberian military district [10] on the flying and command posts: it was pilot, craft commander, commander of air squadron, deputy of air squadron, squadron commander, deputy commander of regiment for flight training, regiment-commander, chief of the aviation of housing PVO, deputy commander of housing PVO) [7]. In 1994 [Nogovitsyn] finished the military academy of General Staff [VS], it was after which appointed as the commander of the corps of air defense. In 1995 it held the position of the first deputy of the commander of the 11th independent army PVO in Khabarovsk, in 1998, when were combined VVS and PVO, chief of staff - the first deputy of the commander of the army VVS and PVO in the Far East [16], [10]. In the fall of 2000 lieutenant general [Nogovitsyn] by President's Decree RF was appointed as the commander of the 11th army VVS and PVO [16]. It communicated that its predecessor at this post Of [uruzmag] Of [ogoev] was discharged in the reserve after the official investigation of " on the facts of the crude violations in the financial-economic activity and of abuse of the official of [polozheniem]" (officially - on reaching of the age limit of a stay on the military service [17], [9]. Soon after the designation Of [nogovitsyna] commanding several combat aircraft Su-24[MR] of the composition of the 11th army (according to others data, Russian fighters Su-24 and Su-27 [15]) knew how to complete the demonstrative circling of the American aircraft carrier Of kitty Of hawk in Sea of Japan [9]. After the month the representatives [Petagona] officially recognized the fact of " conditional of [unichtozheniya]" the American aircraft carrier: it communicated that on October 12,17 and on November 9 the Russian aircraft approached Kitty Of hawk, after flying in all in several hundred meters from the conning tower. Became known and the fact that through several weeks after last circling onboard Kitty Of hawk the alien electronic communication, in which were contained the photographs of the deck of aircraft carrier, supplied with commentaries in the Russian language. Other details did not communicate [by 15]. In January 2002 General [Nogovitsyn] was assigned the deputy of the commander-in-chief of the Air Force RF [13]. Some media outlets then carried it to the number of candidates by the post of [glavkoma] [of 11], [14]. According to some data, the transfer Of [nogovitsina] became possible because of the assistance of Victor Ivanov, who was being herself in that period the assistant of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, of the chairman of the board of directors of the concern PVO of " Diamond -[Antey]". By indirect confirmation of this version of " [Kommersant]" was called that the fact that precisely General [Nogovitsyn] presented VVS in the board of directors of the concern [of 11]. Already after an increase In [nogovitsyna], in April 2002, the audition comission of the Ministry of Defense RF revealed serious lack in the 11th army VVS and PVO, in particular, it was noted that " fuel consumption in this army grew into more than 15 [raz]" , for which to General was declared the severe reprimand [12]. In 2003 To [nogovitsynu] was appropriated the title of colonel general [10], [9]. In July 2008 [Nogovitsin] was appointed as the chairman of the military science committee of the General Staff of armed forces RF - deputy chief of general staff [7] Nikolai Makarov [8]. In August the same year of that of afterward declared by President Dmitriy Medvedev the beginnings of the operation of " on the compulsion to the peace in the zone of the Georgian- South-Ossetian of [konflikta]" [4] (subsequently media outlets spoke about " coercion to [miru]" [5], [6], [3]) [Nogovitsyn] repeatedly came out in the press with the commentaries apropos of the actions of Russian army in the region [1], [2]. [Nogovitsyn] - candidate of military sciences [16], the deserved military pilot RF. It is rewarded with the Orders of the Red Star and " For the servicemen of [zaslugi]" , by medals. It was noted that in the years of service they mastered more than 10 aircraft types, on which it flew on the whole more than 2800 hours [10]. The materials used [1] the substitute of the chief of Russian general staff Anatoliy [Nogovitsyn] refuted information about the fact that the General Vladimir [Shamanov] was assigned to the post of the commander of the group of the Russian troops in Abkhaziya. - Echo of Moscow, 12.08.2008 [2] the Russian troops did not seize the city of Gori. - KM.ru, 12.08.2008 [3] Natalia [Kostenko], Kir [Latukhina]. In Moscow on business, urgently. - Vedomosti, 11.08.2008. - №148 (2170) [4] Dmitriy Medvedevs met with Minister of Defense Anatoliy [Serdyukov] and chief of the General Staff Of the [vooruzhennykh] forces Nikolai Makarov. - The President of Russia, 09.08.2008 [5] Dmitriy Medvedev: Russia accomplishes an operation on the coercion to the peace in South Osetia. - [IA] REGNUM, 09.08.2008 [6] Russian peacemakers approached the operation on the coercion of Georgian side to the peace. - Interfax, 09.08.2008 [7] cadre designations. - The Red Star, 04.07.2008. - 115 [8] Nikolai Makarov replaced Yuri [Baluevskiy] at the post of the head of general staff. - RIA of the news, 03.06.2008 [9] I in pilots went… - The radios of Russia, 20.01.2006 [10] [Nogovitsyn] Anatoliy Alekseyevich. - Kommersant, 20.09.2005. - № 176 (3260) [11] Ivan Safronovs. By central board VVS on



I sure would love it if TM would suggest some way for all of us who enjoy his generosity to return the favor from time to time.

Agreed. The trolls do get their richly-deserved battering, but they often do succeed in pulling a thread off its original topic. I'm fine when that happens naturally from the regulars (modulo some of anduril's adventures) but the trolls do seem to pull it all too easily.

I wonder if the ads on the site even pay for TM's bandwidth requirements.


Two sites that have really awful trolls are "Say Anything" and "Protein Wisdom."

Nasty, nasty trolls. Ours just seem especially dumb by comparison.


Speaking of ACORN and Veep picks...this blogger, on July 25th says

ACORN is connected to money laundering, misuse of taxpayer funds, voter fraud especially in the Presidential Primaries, Wage and Hour Issues among their employees, and even safety issues in their offices. They are interfering in gubernatorial races especially in the State of Indiana. Their interference in the political arena knows no bounds. ACORN is the umbrella company to at least 75 non-profits all operating out of 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, LA as verified by the Secretary of State in Louisiana. It is time to examine their fraud and expose it for what it is. So here is their dirty laundry list to dat

Indiana? Evan Bayh?

The whole link is very informative on ACORN


"I sure would love it if TM would suggest some way for all of us who enjoy his generosity to return the favor from time to time."

I agree JMH

Speaking of Gold, if you love dogs you have to watch this:

Late Night Laugh
If not, the same site has a great recap of Busted! The Cozy Relationship Between Barack Obama And Bill Ayers

JM Hanes


"I'll be happier once we get thru the convention."

I think Obama will be too! With the imminent VP rollout, I suspect he'll try to finesse the Annenberg issue till after the Convention. Perhaps the Trib article and the McCain campaign press release, etc. will be sufficient to put the UIC on notice that caution may be the better part of valor where sudden deaccessioning, under cloudy circumstances, is concerned.

TM has done an excellent job of laying out the sundry initiatives that were timed to reinforce my letter to the Chairman of UIC's Board of Trustees! So I think we can relax and just enjoy ourselves till McCain rolls out the Republican VP.:-)


Daley was against the machinations of the Challenge, at least at first.

What changed his mind?


Posted by: PaulL | August 20, 2008 at 10:35 PM

"The lying MSM can't ignore it if McCain pushes it. They can try to run interference, but they can't ignore it."

The trick is they'll do the story about Obama's reaction to 'the allegations' without ever going into 'the allegations' all the while sort of implying they're all bogus.

We’ve seen this media game plan several times before… no?

John Blake

Most important that D-rats complete nomination of BHO over MzBill. When the Banana's birth certificate then reveals he is not a natural-born citizen (regardless of Hawaiian origins), his designated Veep would head the ticket with MzBill (quite likely, the Madame herself would have leaked the killer-COLB). This would mollify the D-rats' 90% Black constituency plus reel in shoals of MzBill's frothing femmers.

After such a debacle, a Bayh-MzBill ticket would be cannon-fodder for comedians. Given that BHO will not (cannot?) release proof of citizenship (shades of Kerry's Form 180), not to mention hiding Ayers et al., this extreme scenario may not be that far-fetched. First, never turn your back upon a Clinton; second, a la Edwards, never grant finger-wagging D-rats any credibility whatever.

We happen not to like RINO senators, of whom McCain is one. But absent an impossibly foolish VP choice, he'll have to do.


Oh and on the "anonymous donor" angle...the ACORN Rathke brother embezzler is

Rathke’s family making $30,000 a year payments since 2001, for a total of $210,000 according to the New York Times with an anonymous donor pledging to pay the remaining balance.

Hmm. Interesting...lots of anonymous donor angels about silencing and fixing everything...sort of like the army of disinterested Edward's lawyer friends bundling enormous monetary gifts to a woman he had a brief "liaison" with years ago.


Is it possible for a group of foundations and charitable organizations to write grants to each other in a circular fashion so that the money appears to be disbursed but really isn't?


LUN to the 12:34 post


bad, I haven't any idea what changed his mind. The answers may be in the documents. The Chicago Public School system was initially threatened by the Annenberg Challenge. It may be that once the system found out it wasn't going change anything they quit worrying about it.

I'm not even sure he changed his mind. Once the money and influence was gone, and Obama rose to greater power, Daley was on board.


Sheesh! I'm near to starving, why can't I find one of those anonymous donors?

If you know of any, send them to the Donate button at Pal2Pal.

Thank you. :) :)


If Obama loses, Hillary's purge of the Democratic Party will not be pretty. Think Madame LaFarge knitting.


DeFarge, Madame DeFarge, knitting.


Winding down the night with a little humor.

Ann Coulter writing at Town Hall:

"This week, Barack Obama's challenge is to select a running mate who's young, hip, and whose accomplishments in life don't overshadow Obama's. Allow me to suggest Kevin Federline. "



Is it possible for a group of foundations and charitable organizations to write grants to each other in a circular fashion so that the money appears to be disbursed but really isn't?

in the comments of my LUN at 12:34

Honestly, I worked for ACORN and got to see how the people at the very top were paid well, while regular staff survived on $25,000 a year. It is sad to see the truth exposed, but ACORN claims to represent the poor, but its leadership does not reflect the community it serves. And with over 13 different organizations under the ACORN umbrella, (some of them C3) I personally saw a lot of money being solicited from foundations and used for c4 work. The chickens have come home to roost.
Danube of Thought

Out here on the left coast, we get our Olympics coverage on a three-hour delay from those on EDT. So while we try hard to avoid hearing results on the radio and tv, we'll have to avoid even coming to JOM if we're going to discover results here unexpectedly. We're loving the good results, and suffering with the bad ones, as much as everybody else, but please let us have a little suspense. Thanks.



Daley got the Ill State Law changed so that the Challenge funds were disbursed through the state, I think.

I will try and find the link.


Daley got the Ill State Law changed so that the Challenge funds were disbursed through the state.

That would surprise me. More fitting would be that the monies would be distributed through the Chicago government. Maybe Daley thought that he had enough influence over the State that it would work to his ends.



Did you see how to contact me for posting your video on the previous thread? If not, have a look. I can set it up and send you a link so that you can post your video.

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