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September 13, 2008



shorter Herbert

we're losing so Americans must be dumb


I stopped reading Bob Herbert's columns a long time ago. He belongs back at the Daily News.


It is possible to put a pen in the hands of the pig ignorant but you cannot make them think.
Perhaps it is about time to establish that the mere ability to scribble in no way endows these miserable scriveners with intelligence.


Herbert is a good read anytime one is in need of laugh therapy.


"My goodness, does Bob Herbert not know that, despite their near-total absence there on 9/11, Al Qaeda is so well represented in Iraq that today they call themselves (in a breach of security) Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia? Does he not realize that US troops still fight them in Iraq? "

Why no, no he doesn't. Thus the accurate flagging of his dimwittedness.



TM wrestles paraplegics again.


Go easy on Bob--he's still getting over confusing the Washington Monument with the Tower of Pisa.


Come to think of it, I'm sure Bob thinks Saddam's living in the Tower of Pisa.

Danube of Thought

Affirmative action in action.


In reading the fairly unanimous opinions expressed by the MSM regarding Gov Palin lack of qualifications to be Vice-president, one can conclude either that the MSM is comprised of very dishonest people or very stupid ones. Although faintly possible to conclude that stupidity is the likely explanation for their behaviour, it seems to me that dishonesty is a much simpler and plausible explanation. Therefore, any rational attempt to make them change course is more than likely to fail.

Captain Hate

Herbert used to be barely readable; that was a long time ago.....

Danube of Thought

Just had the pleasure of sending the fool an e-mail. Google "contact Bob Herbert" and you'll get a bio of some kind that allows you to e-mail him.


I think it's too kind to question his intelligence in this instance. Rather, I think he purposely furthers what he knows to be lies, in the hopes that the the investment of his integrity will produce offsetting returns. Considering the smallness of the investment, he's probably making a good trade.

Many on the left are making this same calculation lately.

(So Bob... Can you explain whether or not you thought John Edwards was qualified to be VP last time around, or why you think Obama is qualified to be President? Please post here under your own name. Thanks.)


Since Herbert is a putz unworthy of discussion let's get back to business. Steve Diamond has a post up at Global Labor discussing Ayers and Klonsky and their efforts to bully teachers and principles via CAC funding.

[One widely known Chicago teachers' union activist and editor of Substance, George Schmidt, says the LSC's were engaged in "teacher bashing." The CAC used so-called "external partners" - like the SSW - as grant recipients who in turn partnered with schools to push reforms. About these, Schmidt has written: "At best, they are irrelevant wanderers. At worst, they are teacher bashers and ideologues pushing a political line while collecting political patronage."]



Hey, thanks, DoT. I think I will.


I think it''s pointless to write Herbert, but useful to write the ombudsman to suggest that some columnists could us an editor as a fact-checker.

Cite that while everyone is entitled to an opinion, you don't have to know anything to have one. And invoke Pat Moynihan's observation that he may be entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.


He's convinced dimwittedness is widespread because he has a readership.

Nonetheless, and this is the disturbing part, he, and his are convinced they can spread a false meme because they are so successful at it. Just look at WMD and Plame.


How long before another McCain post, Maguire?

After all, McCaine is the Presidential Candidate, Isn't he?

His longevity aside, the presumptive Veep Palin will be a postscript until she is Raptured, or inherits McCain's slot.

Meanwhile, the big worry is that declining testosterone will exacerbate his cranky, and mean disposition.

We don't want someone who views collected, and thoughtful evaluation as a disqualification for Prez.

"Bomb, bomb, bomb........Iran"




Why waste pixels on McCain? He is sailing towards the presidency.

It seems Palin and Obama are fighting to see who is more qualified to be vice-president.



Why waste pixels on McCain? He is sailing towards the presidency.

It seems Palin and Obama are fighting to see who is more qualified to be vice-president.


""Bomb, bomb, bomb........Iran"

"Invade Pakistan", Barraq Hussein Obama.

Danube of Thought

Good idea, SBW--I just did it.

Cleo, why don't you spin us a few yarns about your imaginary son in the Marine Corps? I understand he's six feet tall, wears a rabbit suit, and no one else can see him or hear him. Tell us what he has to say about Iraq--we're on pins an needles.


Why waste time on a liar....?

Today's NYT;

"In recent days, Mr. McCain has been increasingly called out by news organizations, editorial boards and independent analysts like FactCheck.org. The group, which does not judge whether one candidate is more misleading than another, has cried foul on Mr. McCain more than twice as often since the start of the political conventions as it has on Mr. Obama.[...]

Mr. McCain came into the race promoting himself as a truth teller and has long publicly deplored the kinds of negative tactics that helped sink his candidacy in the Republican primaries in 2000. But his strategy now reflects a calculation advisers made this summer -- over the strenuous objections of some longtime hands who helped him build his "Straight Talk" image -- to shift the campaign more toward disqualifying Mr. Obama in the eyes of voters."


Stolen from Ace of Spades (who/which stole from The Anchoress, who/which was provided the gem by an "alert reader") comes a comparison of Chas. Gibson's grilling of the Jug-Eared Jesus vs. Sarah Palin:


Yes, a Hillary! site. As you might expect, Gibson's interview with BHO/PBUH was contentious, along the lines of "Which is more precious, kittens or baby bunnies."

But then, BHO/PBUH has already been vetted for leadership by Rev. Wright and Messrs. Ayres and Rezko, so no need for details.

Hope & Change!



"why don't you spin us a few yarns about your imaginary son in the Marine Corps?"

I have told the other neanderthals to leave my son out of their delusional mindsprings, and now I'm telling you. I don't give a flying fuck what you believe. Isn't that clear from my comments? If you have any decency left in that rotting skinsuit, you might want to consider it good advice.


let me clarify that for you, PUK:

"Bomb, bomb, bomb........Iran"
- McCain demonstrating his grown-up's dark sense of humor.

"Invade Pakistan."
- Barraq Hussein Obama, demonstrating his juvenile stupidity.


go fuck yourself, Leo. just because you're lucky enough to have a son that merits respect doesn't mean you do.

hit and run

Don't worry, semanticleo, I feel your pain.

::bites lip::

Elroy Jetson

It's incredible that the New York Times keeps publishing essays by the likes of Herbert that would receive no higher than a D+ if submitted to an English 101 class.


After see what was edited out fo the interview, it's pretty clear now why some of the answers seem stilted. ABC made them that way.


So maybe Bob Herbert thinks we need some really smart "Super Delegates" to protect the Presidential election process from being corrupted by the voters? Guys like Herbert said the same thing when Andy Jackson was carried to victory on the shoulders of regular Americans.

Steve Hayward
offers this:

The issue is not whether the establishment would let such a person as Palin cross the bar into the certified political class, but whether regular citizens of this republic have the skill and ability to control the levers of government without having first joined the certified political class. But this begs an even more troublesome question: If we implicitly think uncertified citizens are unfit for the highest offices, why do we trust those same citizens to select our highest officers through free elections?


This crap gets thrown every freakin' day...


McCain released three new ads with multiple false and misleading claims about Obama's tax proposals.

A TV spot claims Obama once voted for a tax increase "on people making just $42,000 a year." That's true for a single taxpayer, who would have seen a tax increase of $15 for the year – if the measure had been enacted. But the ad shows a woman with two children, and as a single mother, she would not have been affected unless she made more than $62,150. The increase that Obama once supported as part of a Democratic budget bill is not part of his current tax plan anyway.

A Spanish-language radio ad claims the measure Obama supported would have raised taxes on "families" making $42,000, which is simply false. Even a single mother with one child would have been able to make $58,650 without being affected. A family of four with income up to $90,000 would not have been affected.

The TV ad claims in a graphic that Obama would "raise taxes on middle class." In fact, Obama's plan promises cuts for middle-income taxpayers and would increase rates only for persons with family incomes above $250,000 or with individual incomes above $200,000.

The radio ad claims Obama would increase taxes "on the sale of your home." In fact, home-sale profits of up to $500,000 per couple would continue to be exempt from capital gains taxes. Very few sales would see an increase under Obama's proposal to raise the capital gains rate.



DoT, I don't speak to Cleo by choice, but if he has a son in the military, I am not going to fashion a taunt using someone who deserves all my support. So, I shall stand in front of Cleo to deflect your remark.

And, except for occasionally mentioning that we wish all the best for the kid's health and well-being, why not join me in ignoring the emptiness of Cleo's other comments.

Danube of Thought

You're lying, Cleo--no one believes anything you say, least of all about Harvey the Invisible Marine. My advice to you is that you avoid having conversations with him when other people are around--you might find yourself being led gently away by the elbows.


Who needs a McCain post, Leo, when Obama seems content to run against Palin?


OODA loop analysis is catching on. Here's Michael Barone today:

McCain Flies His Campaign Past Obama

John McCain was trained as a fighter pilot. In his selection of Sarah Palin, and in his convention and campaigning since, he has shown that he learned an important lesson from his fighter pilot days: He has gotten inside Barack Obama's OODA loop.

Congrats M. Simon and Charlie for noting the OODA link so early and so convincingly.


Heh, Leo is here objecting to what he thinks are lies when he's been perfectly happy to promote lies here, because they work. Bitter pill, isn't it?


"So, I shall stand in front of Cleo to deflect your remark."

Thanks sbw;

I think the honest brokers exist know I wouldn't make that up, and I appreciate your support of my son and all the military who function admirably, in spite of their incompetent civilian leadership.


"to promote lies here,"


Please expand on that. Start by debunking the Leo lies on this thread, or STFU.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

to shift the campaign more toward disqualifying Mr. Obama in the eyes of voters."

Because Obama is not qualified and you can't avoid it. Just because the Obama campaign and its starry-eyed supporters think they can bully their way to the White House on meaningless rhetoric, doesn't mean that the American people or McCain are going to go for it. I've never seen a bigger bunch of babies and whiners than populate the Obama camp. It must come from all those years on padded playgrounds, no dodgeball and mommies and daddies ready to have 5 year olds arrested for sexual harassment.


I have never suggested that Cleo lies. His judgment is what is suspect. When he sees a cup of milk and a pint of water, the mechanism to covert units gets sloppy. If anything, we should be sympathetic.


That civilian leadership seems, in fact, to be doing a pretty good job. That shouldn't chagrin you, but it does. Why? Do you really think the Democrats are going to be better for the Armed Forces?


So factcheck.org has more McCain criticisms than Obama criticisms?

So what. For factcheck.org to work, it needs facts to check. You can't see a thumb on the scales when lofty rhetoric about hope and change weighs nothing.


You brought that bogus book banning list over here even when you knew it was baloney. You've previously justified your propaganda, knowing it was false, because it was 'pragmatic' and worked.

Is that decent? You who call for decency?

JM Hanes


Please expand on that. Now that's funny coming from you!


You've really go to look at the unedited transcript of the Gibson/Palin interview.

ABC is trash. Charlie Gibson should go to Candy Mountain.


"I have never suggested that Cleo lies. His judgment is what is suspect."

Is the fact that I don't lie the poor judgment you suspect me of?

We should all be like McCain?


"Now that's funny coming from you!"

The funny part would be when Kim answers a question.......for once.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Okay Leo, let's talk taxes. Do you or do you not think raising taxes on small businesses and corporations is the same as raiseing taxes for everyone and especially on the poorer of our population?


"I have told the other neanderthals to leave my son out of their delusional mindsprings, and now I'm telling you. I don't give a flying fuck what you believe."

Amazing how you can pillory Sarah Palin and her children but your kids are off limits.
What a scumbag you are,


"and her children....."

Now that's a McCain lie as told by a degenerate.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

If we implicitly think uncertified citizens are unfit for the highest offices, why do we trust those same citizens to select our highest officers through free elections?

Isn't this exactly what the purpose of the Obama/Ayers philosophy leads to? Isn't this the Obama view of the way it should be? The elite ruling over the uneducated masses to dumb to run their own lives or make decisions for themselves?


You've really got to go look at the unedited transcript of the Gibson/Palin interview.

ABC is trash. Charlie Gibson should go to Candy Mountain.




"because it was 'pragmatic' and worked."

Do you mean 'what's good for the goose is BAD for the gander?'


Clarice, you express my thoughts more clearly than I do. Thank you for your precision.



If you believe that an additional $1 Trillion in spending, which is what Obama proposes,can be offset with a couple of billion in tax increases, the math simply does not add up. The reality is that both sides are taking very narrow snapshots of the other and then taking them to the extreme.

Today, Obama's campaign press secretary called McCain's campaign the dirtiest he'd ever seen, which we all know is bushwa. It's a political play for even greater sympathy from the media, and a meme he hopes to have repeated endlessly by Obama partisans.

Calling Palin names, making snide innuendoes, or making fun of McCain because of his injuries is far lower, and to a great extent confirms the level of maturity of many of Obama's supporters.

Obama's campaign now seems to be shouting "fire" in the theater, which is political suicide.



Better start a new thread. Your troops are floundering...............


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Leo. Is that a beestung lip or a pouty one?


The Game of Semantics is played by one person, who is "It", and the rest of the world. The object of the game is for "It" never to be caught. Of course, the person who is "It" can never be caught, because caught depends on what the definition of "is" is. The game is over when other people cease to play.


"The game is over when other people cease to play."

The deafening sound of defeat is often 'silence'

Danube of Thought

Cleo, until I see a name and service number that I can verify with the Navy Department, I'll continue to assume that you're lying about the Mythical Marine just as you lied about the book-banning. You'll just have to learn to live with it.


That's a pretty sorry comment about your integrity, Leo. You know perfectly well you've brought dishonest stuff over here and laughed at the gambit. That's not decent, young man. Wouldn't want you in my foxhole.


"Better start a new thread. Your troops are floundering..............."

A Message from the Obama Bunker.

Sem Jr

I am posting this to let you know that I do exist. I am going out on an important patrol now in the Akabu province in Irak to kill some Gerrys and do other war stuff. I am a marine...E Pluribus Unum! 10-4, Over.


Has there been an Obama ad that wasnt a flat out distortion and/or a lie yet in this campaign?


Naw, too often, Leo, it's not defeat, but disgust with your tactics. You are bright enough to have an honest conversation, and there are people here willing to have one. Why the snark and cynicism?


"Wouldn't want you in my foxhole."

I am crushed that you would rather have a pint with McCain than you would me. Is it because you prefer his lies? I am shocked.


Has there been an Obama ad that wasnt a flat out distortion and/or a lie yet in this campaign?



You act all wounded when responded to, and then throw more barbs to get more attention.

I'm with DOT. You come across as a fraud.


"Why the snark and cynicism?"


Why the glib dismissal of anything which obscures your mindset?


The scary thing about Obama isnt that he tells lies. (Of course he does that every day on the campaign trail)

Its that he IS a lie.

Anyone catch the man of a million accents in VA the other day?

"Except for economix policUH, foriegn policUH, tax policUH, hes totally different then Bush!"

Americans will NOT elect a cartoon charicature as their leader


"I'm with DOT. You come across as a fraud."

Perhaps your tax question was a genuine request for information but it was phrased like the IRS equivalent of 'Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Be careful of the word, fraud. It could be projection.


State: Pennsylvania

Updated: 9/13/2008

McCain - 49.1%
Obama - 44.3%
Not Sure/Other - 6.6%

"This is a classic case of polling as a snapshot in time. We're turning Pennsylvania purple today, as McCain takes a small edge. But as in Ohio, we are watching this closely and things could change in this classically blue state."



From close observation, I get a lot more baloney from you than from McCain. Nonetheless, a beer wouldn't be a bad idea. I toast your son with my liquid bread.


Speaking of not answering questions. I saw that as projection right off the bat.



By quoting the NYT, you put your own arguments in jeopardy. The questioning of McCain's claims is at the scutiny level of the Spanish Inquisition while there is absolutely none of his opponent. The NYT has been in the tank for years and has lost all credibility outside of Manhattan, parts of Brooklyn and the 40% of Queens that speaks English as their first language.

This latest meme on the part of the Media and the Obama campaign, which are basically one and the same now, is hoped to catch on and become their secret weapon in discrediting McCain and Palin. let them cast the same light on Obama's speeches, or Biden's, and then compare the results.


"Except for FBI surveillance PolicUH, Taxing the rich PolicUH, Accepting public campaign funding PolicUH, Pulling the troops out of Iraq PolicUH, an Non stop gutter smear politics PolicUH, Obama Hussein is the candidate of CHANGE!!"


Leo must have gotten an early peek at Pennsylvania's Zogby results. It would explain the sullen demeanour. Leo, it's gonna get worse.


If Obama has to fight in PA, hes _________


Perhaps your tax question was a genuine request for information

I didn't ask you a tax question - I can see you are all flustered. Time for a nap perhaps?


My dad is a moderate republican, hates BushnCheney, isnt fond of McCain and thinks Palin was a terrible choice for VP.

He thinks the election wont even be close.

McCain by a significant margin

Lets say 53 to 45, just for poops and giggles


"I saw that as projection right off the bat."

'He who smelled it dealt it'

Danube of Thought

If The One loses PA, this is going to be an even bigger rout than I am anticipating. But no one places much stock in Zogby anymore.


Hey Charlie,

Michael Barone mentions you in his latest. LUN

Now that is cool!


"I didn't ask you a tax question - I can see you are all flustered. Time for a nap perhaps?"

Okay Leo, let's talk taxes. Do you or do you not think raising taxes on small businesses and corporations is the same as raiseing taxes for everyone and especially on the poorer of our population?

Posted by: Sara (Pal2Pal) | September 13, 2008 at 04:16 PM

Is it sexist to call a woman an idiot?


HEres a good ad suggestion for playing to Reagan Dems:

Show some clips from speeches by Ronnie, followed by a few by McCain, echoing eachothers basic sentiments

(of course, it goes w/out saying there is only one candidate in this horserace with Reagan-like ideals)

Then show some Jimmuh comments, followed by Obamuh.

"Sometimes, history does repeat itself"

Danube of Thought

In March I said (it's in print somewhere) McCain would win the two-oarty vote, 53-47. No reason to change that assessment.

Of course, I didn't know that I was going to benefit from divine intervention in the form of Sarah, but what the hell...

Danube of Thought


JM Hanes


"The funny part would be when Kim answers a question.......for once."

LOL! That may actually be the funniest thing you've said to date. Indeed, when you first showed up, lo these many years ago, our very first extended exchange revolved around your refusal to answer a moral question which you, yourself posed to others here -- after they had paid you the courtesy of responding in full. The only real difference between then and now is that you've finally abandonned the passive in passive-aggressive.


"The funny part would be when Kim answers a question.......for once."

"LOL! That may actually be the funniest thing you've said to date."

Funny, I don't hear Kim laughing.


seman- you seem to be quoting jane, then saying "your" about Sara.

Sem Jr.

Come on dad, take a chill pill. Tempura Fry!


You better be a little less confused about with whom you are speaking before you call a woman an idiot. You are wrong, here; care to admit and apologize? You know, like someone with integrity? Worthy of sending off to defend our country? Sorry if that was a little low, but I've already introduced the foxhole motif.


"Okay Leo, let's talk taxes. Do you or do you not think raising taxes on small businesses and corporations is the same as raiseing taxes for everyone and especially on the poorer of our population?

Posted by: Sara (Pal2Pal) | September 13, 2008 at 04:16 PM"

"I didn't ask you a tax question - I can see you are all flustered. Time for a nap perhaps?

Posted by: Jane | September 13, 2008 at 04:45 PM "

You replied to the wrong post,you're losing it?


You missed the snickering while you were wiping your bloody, swollen lip, sucker.


Thanks Maybee.

Apologies to both sara and jane.

Guess I am flustered as I fend off the parrys and thrusts of the King's Men.


Getting careless, Leo. Jane specifically said she hadn't asked you a tax question. If you didn't double check that one, you've got poor fire discipline. I know someone else who might not want you in his foxhole.


"but I've already introduced the foxhole motif."

Yeah. I've seen your nastiness before. It's why I like you so much, Black Knight.


Sir Galahad.


Well, hallelujah. Hoists one high for Leo.

OK, I'll get out of the gutter now that Leo's elevated himself.

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