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September 11, 2008


baked alaska

Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.



Print it out and take it to the party, TM. They won't believe you otherwise.


Why is national service debate at Columbia?

No one will say volunteers should be paid a median wage. Army pays good why shouldn't other federal programs - unless it's Obama's draft. Trillions in foreign aid and not a median wage for a domestic?


Make that Attack DIM.


Homer says "Duck and Cover!"


I'm buying the NHL 2K9!!


Believe South Park can handle the Russian navy?

Patrick R. Sullivan

I think you would be better advised to face the gin and tonic brigades by absorbing this mass of evidence of Sarah's stalwart opposition of the Bridge to Nowhere, provided by Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Tribune:

In December 2006, Governor Palin proposed her first budget for Alaska which included no state funding for the "Bridge to Nowhere." As she said at the time, "We have a limited pot of money, of course, and we need to make wise, sensible choices." In a report prepared by her transition team, the "Bridge to Nowhere" was criticized "as a severe drain on resources." Furthermore, the report concluded that the State's transportation plan relied too heavily on federal earmarks. The final 2007 budget contained no state funding for the "Bridge to Nowhere." In 2007, Governor Palin killed the bridge project.

....· Governor Palin ordered her administration to cut down on the number of federal earmark requests. In December 2007, Governor Palin order her administration to seek fewer congressional earmarks. Governor Palin did this recognizing that the state needed to improve its credibility after several scandalous earmarks such as the "Bridge to Nowhere." As Governor Palin's budget director said, "We really want to skinny it down." Governor Palin directed that earmark requests be made only out of compelling need and if they have a strong national purpose. As the Anchorage Daily News wrote at the time, Governor Palin's order is "appropriate and realistic" and "prudent."

Patrick R. Sullivan

I'm watching the 'Presidential Forum'. Is it just me, or is Barack's hair turning gray?

Patrick R. Sullivan

Hilarious; in a response to a question about the Dems dissing small town mayors, Barack essentially admitted they did, and that they are like community organizers with real responsibilities such as filling potholes and hauling trash.

Barry Dauphin

In the hands of Charlie Gibson, the "exact words" will be something like: So, Sarah Palin, didn't you say God would strike down anyone who taught evolution in schools and God should strike them down and if He's too busy that you would be glad to do it for Him. How could anyone anywhere ever vote for you? Sorry we don't have time for your answer. That's all for tonight.

Danube of Thought

One of Baked's many problems is that he is not only dishonest, he thinks he can roll in here with his dishonesty and no one will notice.

Her actual words were, "Pray for this country...that our leaders...are sending them on a task that is from God."

Liars don't fare well here at all, Baked. Pull your head out of your ass.


It's the Russyan Mob!!!


There are little better topics than evolution vs creationism to introduce the topic of theory of knowledge in science. I've had people admit that that is OK in philosophy class but not in biology class, but I don't get the distinction. It's about knowledge of science. It's a topic that can be understood by elementary as well as higher grades.

Because of the precept of separation of church and state, though, it is tough to get much support for its inclusion in public school curricula. This is a separate issue, in my opinion.


Palin's cutting off foreign aid money!!!


National Service. Hah!

Somewhere, somehow, someone needs to remind people that the way a free market economy works is that price instant messages to everyone who is interested what needs to be done and what it is worth to have it done. It works at lightening speed, much faster than a government bureaucracy works. Hell, it doesn't need the overhead of a government bureaucracy to work.

And if the price is high enough, the job gets done. If it doesn't, perhaps the majority doesn't need to steal money from someone else to do it now.

And if there are people without jobs, then they need to consider moving to where jobs are available, or training to do the jobs that are available.

Charlie (Colorado)

Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God.

No, you idiot. She said: 'She also told the group that her eldest child, Track, would soon be deployed by the Army to Iraq, and that they should pray “that our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God, that’s what we have to make sure we are praying for, that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.'

In other words, she's not saying the plan is from God, but rather that they should pray and hope that by making this decision they are doing what God would want.

See also her interview today.

"Pray not that God is on our side, ... but that we are on God's side." — Lincoln

Charlie (Colorado)

Tom, you're linking comment #186, which is cut&paste of a letter that Anne Kilkenny is passing around; it's got several points at which it doesn't seem to fairly represent what was reported contemporaneously.

You want rumor #23, which links the NYT article I've quoted above.

The new version, which I'll finish Real Soon Now, will be linkable at the individual question level.

Charlie (Colorado)

See also, re: BtN, Phil Kerpen's article at NRO Financial.


Amazingly fair review of Palin v. Gibson from Time.

Charlie (Colorado)

I think the media folks are beginning to realize their bluff has been called.

Plus they have competition now.

Danube of Thought

Baked Alaska got caught (easily) in a lie, and has skulked off to come up with a new name. Who can blame him for feeling humiliated?


I'm watching the 'Presidential Forum'. Is it just me, or is Barack's hair turning gray?

No, it's whitewash.


I'm watching the 'Presidential Forum'. Is it just me, or is Barack's hair turning gray?

Posted by: Patrick R. Sullivan | September 11, 2008 at 09:30 PM

Yep... at this rate it'll be white by inauguration day... :)

I think it's been helped along in the touch of gray department... so he doesn't look like a 14 yr old next to Biden. Or next to anyone for that matter.

And really doesn't it add about 10 yrs to him. At least a 'distinguished, man of the world' look? Instead of that of a fresh faced community organizer, applying for his first real job.


Sarah Palin wants creationism to be taught in schools.

Tom, I hate to quibble but 186 is one place where it shows up in the comments on Palin Rumors list. I didn't read all the comments so it quite possibly could show up in several.

On the list of 71, at this posting, it's at 48 & 49.


Sarah Palin wants creationism to be taught in schools.

Tom, I hate to quibble but 186 is one place where it shows up in the comments on Palin Rumors list. I didn't read all the comments so it quite possibly could show up in several.

On the list of 71, at this posting, it's at 48 & 49.


Sarah Palin wants creationism to be taught in schools.

Tom, I hate to quibble but 186 is one place where it shows up in the comments on Palin Rumors list. I didn't read all the comments so it quite possibly could show up in several.

On the list of 71, at this posting, it's at 48 & 49.


" "I won't have religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion on evolution or creationism," Palin said.

Seems innocuous enough, although there is plenty there for an Attack Dem."

Well then, let's see the list of books she would ban from public libraries, because you can't underestimate cravenness in a religious zealot.

The Scopes Trial is on the record.


Ban books? I wouldn't monkey around with that.


Hey, Leo, that plane you're flying is so far out of the OODA loop that the smoke from its crash has quit rising. Are you salving your conscience about your loss of integrity by trying to look bad?


Well then, let's see the list of books she would ban from public libraries

Let's see the list of books the Wasilla Librarian refused to put in them.


GIBSON: And you didn’t say to yourself, “Am I experienced enough?

No Charlie. If I used your standard for quotes, I would have to say that it was Jimi Hendrix.

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