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September 07, 2008


Sara (Pal2Pal)

There are a lot of Army, military bases there.

The Army is the first service I always think of when I think of Hawaii. NOT. Sheesh! When Barack was living there it was wall-to-wall Navy and Marines. Wonder if he has ever heard of Pearl Harbor?

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Pearl Harbor the huge Navy base and where every outbound and inbound WestPac ship has a port of call.


My first thought is doesn't he understand how obviously dishonest he sounds. Then I realize he isn't talking to any of us that are able to see through his BS. He is trying to give cover to some who claim to be pro-military but want an excuse to vote for the Dems.

I will defend him a little on the selective service misremembering the dates. When the selective service registration was reinstated no one seriously thought the draft was going to be started back up. So, it would be easy to forget when you filled out some form at the post office. Especially if you were stoned on coke all the time.

Also, I'm his age and I never registered. Then again I was active duty Navy for a couple years already when they started it.


There are at least two Army bases in Hawaii (I lived at both of them in my youth) Schofield Barracks and Ft. Shafter. So there is some defense of the Army comment, but I don't believe for a moment that he ever considered joining the Army. He went to Punahoe (sp), the most prestigious private High School in Hawaii, not many (any) Military Brats went there, for sure.


Obama explains that if there had been a war going on at the time, if Vietnam had still been in the picture, then he would have joined.

But why waste his talents in the military if he doesn't think he'll be able to demonstrate his superiority in battle?

The guy's history is endlessly fascinating.


Hey Sara!

What about Schofield Barracks? The 25th ID is still there. Yes there are lots of Navy and Marines, but plenty of Army too. As to The One, I really doubt he gave it more than a moment's thought....

baked alaska

The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters.

The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.


M. Simon

I guess ∅bama has a new meme. he is going from "I always said..." to "I remember thinking...". Harder to fact check.

M. Simon

I guess ∅bama has a new meme. he is going from "I always said..." to "I remember thinking...". Harder to fact check.

Soylent Red

Those who Obamessiah(PBUH) seeks to move with this prevarication will know enough not to be moved by it at all.

He has no idea how stupid he sounds.

Danube of Thought

Two months before a presidential election, and for the first time in a lifetime spent largely talking and writing about himself, Barack Obama mentions for the first time that he thought about enlisting 29 years ago. Wow.


I retired from Hawaii as a Naval Officer. I'd cut Sen. Obama a little slack if he lived near Ft. Shafter (Army), or if he lived/commuted where he could look up on the hill that Tripler Army hospital stands... and it really stood out until fairly recently... If he lived downtown, there is Ft. DeRussy (now a museum) and the Hale Koa military resort. For someone NOT attuned to the military and those haze gray objects arriving and departing from Pearl Harbor... perhaps the museum and hospital made him think Army.


Obama is trying to counter McCain by appealing to military voters.

Obama didn't have the opportunity to become a prisoner of war like McCain. If there had been a war going on, then Obama would have enlisted, and then he could have been captured and proven his stuff. Obama was cheated, when you get down to it.


What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla.

And we [Harry Reid] certainly don't want [Nancy Pelosi] any people [Joe Biden] who might [Steny Hoyer] get us into a mess. [You get the drift.]

M. Simon


When I was inbound we went straight to Long Beach at 30 knots. We were going in for a reactor change so burning up the fuel didn't make a difference. We bypassed Hawaii and went from Yankee Station to Long Beach in about 10 days. Of course oil burners running at a more economical speed would stop at Hawaii to give the crew a break on the way home.


Danube, you'll recall that Hillary wanted to join the military too. But unlike Obama, she actually went to the recruiting station, where they told her that they didn't need no prissy girls. I think I'm remembering the story more or less correctly.


It would be interesting if the Selective Service could show that no such registration ever came from Obama. I'm not saying that he never signed up, but it's too strange that he doesn't mention it in his books.

M. Simon

I know why he remembers the Army better. They had snappier uniforms in those days. Or maybe he saw Marines and thought Army. Maybe military nuance is lost on ∅bama. I'm sure Marxist studies were way more interesting.

JM Hanes

1979 vs. 1980 looks like a gratuitous quibble to me. If I say, "After college, I moved to New York," what is the officially acceptable spread between the day I got my diploma and the day I picked up the keys to my apartment in Manhattan? This paragraph seem both more on point and more telling:

You know, it means, running for office and being a politician, I guess. Or serving in the military. I mean, those are the two options that I think they've talked about. I think there are a whole lot of people — young people, in particular — who are teaching in underserved schools or working in a hospital in need, you know, volunteering for their community, that think that's part of the change that we need. That's part of the energy that we've been able to mobilize in this campaign.
Almost sounds like he's saying the change we need is less people running for office and joining the military, and more people choosing other options, they way he did, no? Or maybe not. After a well-intentioned run at community organizing, he could hardly wait to run for office, and is now seeking an entry level job as CIC.

You can't beat this for unadulterated Obama though:

“You know, this whole résumé contest that's been going back and forth is not what the American people are looking for.”

M. Simon

“You know, this whole résumé contest that's been going back and forth is not what the American people are looking for.”

What a dolt. Bringing up his inexperience. And why keep reminding people of the stuff that is his opponent's strong point. ∅bama can't even remember to stay on message.


BTW if you copy ∅bama to your clip board it renders as ∅bama.


Yes, he registered...during the Iranian Hostage Crisis...like voting "present."


Obama wanted a waiver for Selective Service in non military jobs? I think he was with the NPCA/Peace Corps lobby to waive the Selective Service requirement and have it 'lapsed.' Maybe the legislation is saying the Obamasiah had it waived because he forgot?

His speech is for the ServiceNation lobby in New York on 9/11. He wants Selective Service waived for his ServiceNation?

Maybe he wants the NSC to change the requirements based on the fact that it says Universal Military Training and Service Act. He could say it's military selective service and not an executive selective service. The problem might be the civilian part is considered the same as the military part in considerations of national security.

What does effective date mean? Where is the amendment for the lapse?

Danube of Thought

"What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla."

I guess her approval rating among Alaskans might be, say, 85% instead of a mere 80, if only Wasilla weren't so plagued.

Sara (Pal2Pal)

Hey, I was not trying to dismiss the Army in Hawaii. I just think that when you grow up in an apt. in downtown Honolulu, the Navy/Marines would be more what you would see on the streets, even if you never bothered to drive past the large Navy port called Pearl Harbor.

Even in San Diego, when a 5000 man (okay man and woman) carrier hits port there is a major difference in the number of uniforms you see on the downtown streets. Long Beach and Bremerton, WA the same way. In Hawaii the ships are coming and going on a regular basis and my experience there was that there were sailors everywhere partying hearty while they had the chance.


Yes--it really made the citizens think poorly of her.


baked alaska: you aren't quite done yet. I think you need to go back into the oven for awhile.

Roy Mustang

Why would Obama sign up and fight for the United States of AmeriKKKa?

Well, in Obama's defense, this was before he signed up for the cult of Black Liberation.


I remember going to the downtown St. Louis post office to register with a buddy of mine (we both registered, though I didn't have to given my pre-1960 birthday) in the summer of 1980. The Revolutionary Communist Party scumbags were demonstrating in a little park across Market Street, shouting slogans and such. My buddy and I went over to watch, and one of the beret-clad guys came over to offer me his newspaper, The Red Flag or some such thing. I took it, opened it up, spat in it, and gave it back.

Soylent Red


How could I have been so stupid. It was 1978. Of course Barry wanted to join the Army


half-baked alaska

Carl Pham

I dunno about this everything looked peaceful as heck argument. As I recall -- and I was one of those who had to register, then, in 1981 when I turned 18 -- the world actually looked pretty dangerous, as if it was in a pre-Vietnam phase. There were the Iranians with their hostages, and the renewal of registration itself happened because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979.

I didn't consider it that unlikely that I might've been called up. Why else reinstitute registration, unless you anticipate the possibility of a quick call-up? No one suggested it through some misty sense of social justice or service. It was suggested because there were thoughts that we might need men in arms pretty quick, if things got too strange in Iran or Afghanistan.

So for me, someone who is very close to Obama's age, his musings sound like bullshit. If you considered signing up in '79 or '80, you certainly did not do so thinking it was all peacetimey and there was no possibility of being sent to a Vietnam-style war. Quite the contrary, there were several clear and obvious possibilities for being called to actual warfare. I think Obama is talking to people too young to remember the 1980s, who think the US had no thought of military conflict abroad between 1975 and 1991.


But keep in mind that I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end.

I have this vivd memory of the Viet Nam War ending in 1975 (or at least before I graduated college in 1976)


The last person I want to give support to is Obama, but I also graduated HS in '79 and until I read this my memory was that I went to the post office in fall of '79 to register. I do not associate either Tehran or Afghanistan in that memory although I clearly remember both events. They just don't seem to be connected with registration for the draft. I did go to the Air Force recruiters office around '80 and '81 but they didn't want me as I was 20lbs over acceptable weight. I don't associate Iran or Afghanistan with that memory either. There are a lot of things to object to with Obama, but after 27-28 years the memory can play tricks with a person.


The selective service lapse and reinstatement was based on date of birth, not the period of lapse. I never had to register because I was born in 1957 (Graduated HS in '76), but if you were born after 12/31/59, then you had to register when they started it back up.

BO was born in 1961, so he would have had to register regardless.

That said, the idea of him seriously entertaining a military career seems laughable. At least I was in JROTC in HS. LOL!


Obama with Steph:

What I intended to say is that, as a Christian, I have a lot of humility...

He has so much humility he often points it out in case you missed it.



I'm a million times as humble as thou art!!"

Weird Al - "Amish Paradise"


I have a much higher humbleness than you do.


baked alaska edits too finely -

"At the time, with the information she had, [Ms. Palin] made the right decision," Mr. Leonard [the former city finance chief] said. "But you know what? Litigation happens."


"All I can say about the sports complex is that it was done on time and under budget," said Donald Moore, a Palin ally who managed the construction. "It was done legally, and for someone else to say it could have been done differently in a better way, that's strictly their opinion."

same article referenced by ba - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122065537792905483.html


Obama the humble

"Obama is trying to pull a less-conventional trick: to turn his own person into a movement. "I'm not surprised you're having trouble categorizing him," one of his aides says. "I don't think he's wedded to any ideological frame." With Obama, there is only the man himself — his youth, his ease, his race, his claim on the new century. His candidacy is essentially a plea for voters to put their trust in his innate capacity for clarity and judgment. There is no Obama-ism, only Obama."


higher humbleness

I'll spot you higher if you'll grant me bigger.

Conserve Liberty

All I remember is, for many years I carried a draft card - I was classified 1H. I was born in July, 1955 and I graduated HS in June, 1973. I had a draft number - I think it was 363.

I have only a slight memory of where, or when (or even IF) I went somewhere to register - a faint glimmer that MAYBE I went to the local Post Office to fill out the form.

That Draft Card is in a box somewhere in my basement.


">http://www.bizzyblog.com/2008/07/14/the-100000-barack-obama-botanical-garden-gazebo/"> Obama public works project.


This certainly sounds familiar. I remember Hillary telling a similar story. She supposedly went so far as to walk into a Marine recruiting center where a recruiter discouraged her from enlisting.

Sure, it's possible both stories are true. There's no way to verify such personal accounts. But I just find it interesting that all candidates "think" of serving in the military at one time or another.

In the end, however, the voters give more credence to those who actually do serve.


All I remember is, for many years I carried a draft card - I was classified 1H. I was born in July, 1955 and I graduated HS in June, 1973. I had a draft number - I think it was 363.

I have only a slight memory of where, or when (or even IF) I went somewhere to register - a faint glimmer that MAYBE I went to the local Post Office to fill out the form.

You're right on the money, CL:

On March 25, 1975, Pres. Gerald Ford signed Proclamation 4360, Terminating Registration Procedures Under Military Selective Service Act, eliminating the registration requirement for all 18-25 year old male citizens. Then on July 2, 1980, President Jimmy Carter signed Proclamation 4771, Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act, retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18-26 year old male citizens born on or after January 1, 1960. Only men born between March 29, 1957, and December 31, 1959, were completely exempt from Selective Service registration.

I was one of those "notch babies," born on November 15, 1959.


I remember registering a couple years after graduating from high school ('78). So 1980 sounds right, and I remember it was during the summer because I went to the post office and did it during my lunch break at a summer job (I was still in college). I also do remember thinking that so soon after Vietnam and with Carter in office there was little chance we would go to war, the country and its leaders just didn't have the stomach for it at the time. I chose not to serve in the military then, and regretted it deeply years later. But I did complete two tours in Iraq working as a Police Advisor, so hopefully I made up somewhat for the poor decisions of youth.

Charlie (Colorado)

That's #6, Baked. Somehow she was re-elected afterwards. By about 8-2.

Charlie (Colorado)

Sort of along those lines, at my belated birthday this evening, my family came up with, among other things, my high school slide rule and my draft card.


This is a clear attempt by Obama to respond to the newest "wimp factor" national security poll (discussed by Frank James here).

This is so obvious and happens every four years. Dems are perceived as weak on national security (because they are). So their advisors tell them "go out and talk tough on national security." And it's never believable. This particular effort is especially transparent and half-hearted, however.


Sara wrote:

Wonder if he has ever heard of Pearl Harbor?

Sure he has. A month or so ago, Obama said "a bomb" was dropped there.

Just a bomb. A lone Japanese pilot had gotten lost, flew over Hawaii and in his confusion dropped a single bomb on Pearl Harbot. Coulda happened to anybody, but for some reason, the country had a friggin' cow over it.

JM Hanes

I suspect that Obama contemplated volunteering the same way Kerry did, except that Obama found out he wouldn't actually be drafted.

In all humility, my humility is so humble that you might not have noticed it, which I humbly suggest you do, with all due respect.

JM Hanes

When the bomb was dropped on Pearl Harbor....probably has it confused with Hiroshima, considering the direction his mentors all seemed to be taking him.



Do you have to go to a studio for your moment of fame tomorrow?

And on your belated b-day too!

JM Hanes

Now that's funny, Donna!


Sounds more like BHO's evolving narrative is positioning for an effective dodge after having just being served with the Philip Berg lawsuit that claims BHO did not reaffirm his US citizenship, as was allegedly required by federal statute at the time, after losing it to become an Indonesian citizen upon his mother's conversion to Indonesian citizenship and marriage to Soeoto.

Go figure. Two autobiographical books positioning for an eventual run for the presidency and no mention of prospective military service?

How about that for evolution. Soon we may hear his middle name was actually "Darwin."


Happy belated b-day, Chaco--All this and FNC tomorrow morning..Go easy now...

Charlie (Colorado)

by the way, baked, if you'd leave those rumors as comments over at Explorations it would be easier to add them to the list.


Obama going duck hunting -- yeah, right. I can see Sen. Obama trying to track a duck with a shotgun. Remind me to be no closer than the next county.


Obama going duck hunting -- yeah, right. I can see Sen. Obama trying to track a duck with a shotgun. Remind me to be no closer than the next county.

Charlie (Colorado)

Thanks, all --- it's the same old birthday we talked about before the DNC, my mother just had the party this weekend because I've been a little busy....

(I made pork medallions with mushrooms and a basil glaze....)


Did I forget to mention that I seriously considered playing center field for the Yankees? No. I really did. I mean, the Mick could not last forever and I was, well, ready.


Charlie, with this new power of yours, I'm counting on you to get us tickets to Cameron Indoor this year. You're the best.


Oh, and I turned down that one gig with the Stones. Had to study.


Not to be left out, there is also a chance that one might see an Air Force uniform from time to time on Hawaii, since Hickam AFB is there.


It sounds like Obama waited. Maybe he got an extension? You can claim things for why you didn't register.

Selective Service isn't an affirmation of citizenship. All resident aliens are required to sign up too. They also have SSNs.


Maybe it's because I did enlist in the military, but the "I thought about joining the military" line annoys me to no end. Yeah, I "thought" about mocing to CA and becoming a mopvie star, but didn;t actually take step one towards trying to make that happen. For some reason, if I' debating someone where military experience might be pertinent, that line often gets thrown at me as a way to nullify my actual experience.

I don't claim any superior moral standing or knowledge of sweeping geopolitical issues because of my single term of service, BTW. I just find it fascinating that some people need to invoke this "I thought of it" silliness to somehow gain some legitimacy. What's the quote about every man thinking a bit less of himself for having never been a soldier?...


No way in h*ll, Frank Marshall Davis would ever let his protege serve the "imperial pigs" of America against the beloved Soviet Union or Obama's hippie marxist mother would allow Obama join the "capitalist swine".

Obama lying again.

Chris Thorne

What's the MOS for "community organizer"?



Olbermann/Matthews OUT as MSNBC Anchors. Gregory In starting with debates.Can't wait to read Howard Kurtz.


"What's the MOS for "community organizer"?"

- 1968/wannabe


The ratings which indicated just how many Democrats were watching Fox had to play some role. But didn't some of the adults just get tired of these two spoiled brats? Matthews used to be apartisan, yet serious journalist until he became attached to the leftist shrill Olbermann. It was sad to witness what happened to Matthews when he got his own show and had editorial control.

Soylent Red

"What's the MOS for "community organizer"?"

I can't remember for sure but it's either





Olby & Tweety out? Bathtub Boy was just on during the half at Bears v. Colts...I wonder if anybody told him yet?

Odds on one/both quitting in rage?


What a great blog! So many right wing thinkers in one spot. Hey guys, why are you so hell bent on projecting BO as a communist, marxist, sexist, idiot, elist ad nauseum. When did a military career become the only way to serve ones' country. Maybe some of you could teach this less enlightened soul how I can be as patriotic as you who bleed the red, the white and the blue.


... When the evidence indicated Obama was communist, marxist, sexist, idiot, elist ad nauseum.


Maybe some of you could teach this less enlightened soul how I can be as patriotic as you who bleed the red, the white and the blue.



Hey guys, why are you so hell bent on projecting BO as a communist, marxist, sexist, idiot, elist..

We are like so totally into accuracy.


poormomV, really, now. There are people here who are willing to answer legitimate questions about what they believe to be the case and why.

But the fascinating thing is, most people here are willing to be convinced that there is a better way.

Why don't you try again.

Soylent Red


Briefly consider "joining the Army" before going back to lines and bong hits.

That seems to be the patriotism threshold for your party.

Charlie (Colorado)

Charlie, with this new power of yours, I'm counting on you to get us tickets to Cameron Indoor this year. You're the best.

Dude, I'm not a miracle worker.

Maybe it's because I did enlist in the military, but the "I thought about joining the military" line annoys me to no end.

Yeah. I spent a year and a half trying to get a freaking medical waiver (eyes, knees). Sheeee-it.


I registered on my 18th birthday in 1982. I enlisted in the Marine Corps a few months later.

It is funny that he is almost crediting himself with serving in the military by saying he though about enlisting. Sort of like when Hillary tried to join the Marines.

Oh, poormomV: If you reak my comments here or elswhere, you will see I m=am hardly a "right wing thinker". Take a braoder view, sit back, and read the regulars posts.


Boy, they don't stay long do they?


Briefly consider "joining the Army" before going back to lines and bong hits.

The real army and not the red army...


poormomV, dissent is patriotic, right? I'm celebrating my diversity from the CW.

Danube of Thought

Did I mention that I damn near did it with Elle McPherson this morning? I woke up ready, willing and able, but she wasn't there...

Danube of Thought

"When did a military career become the only way to serve ones' country. Maybe some of you could teach this less enlightened soul how I can be as patriotic as you who bleed the red, the white and the blue."

To answer the question posed by the first sentence, probably around the time John Kerry launched his ridiculously fraudulent campaign against G. W. Bush.

As for the possibility raised by the second sentence, I have no doubt that we could. Stick around.


Elle was still with me, or so I intended.


Headline at Don Surber:

On a post about Democratic Sen. Barack Obama saying he once thought about joining the military, Harvey: “Whose military did Obama consider joining?”

JM Hanes

I thought about becoming Leontyne Price, but I didn't have the voice.


poormomV, why did you forget Muslim?


When I mentioned Obambi's comment to Mrs. BritAm, she reminded me of a PSA that has been running here in Colorado.

The scene is a small group of teenagers sitting on the hood of a car while the voice over says "Someone almost built a youth club for these young people ... Don't almost do something, volunteer!"

She suggested that quite a Youtube add could be made by working Obama's assertion into the middle of this PSA, for anyone who has the skill.

Cecil Turner

When did a military career become the only way to serve ones' country.

Well, apparently Barry thinks it's pertinent, cuz he brought it up. But I don't think that's the issue anyway. (Besides, Clinton already lowered that particular bar--as well as philandering--so low that a snake couldn't slither under it).

The point is that the young Senator is trying to puff up his resume by pandering to us bitter clingers . . . and he sucks at it.


I gave a brief thought to becoming a prima ballerina, does that mean I'd have had the talent and discipline to pull that off?


Clarice, I'll bet you've still got the legs for it.

Rick Ballard


We've noticed the waddle, heard the quack, seen the webbed feet and noted the clutch of duck eggs. We're pretty firm in our belief that we're not dealing with a California Condor in this instance.


I have good legs-- but certainly am a lazy klutz who never would have made it to the chorus line.

Ralph L

My best friend for many years, another Navy Junior, was in BhO's class at Punahou for 3 years but graduated from the prep school McCain went to before Episcopal HS.

If you'd asked me before today, I'd have said I'd registered in 1979, but it was actually 1980.


JMH your memory is right on--PM sought and got confirmation that O registered for the draft


Barney Frank

I enlisted in 1982. We may not have been in a hot war but we sure as hell were in a cold one. My service was nothing compared to those who served in combat but the idea that nothing worth his time was going on is insulting.

We weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point. And so, it's not an option that I ever decided to pursue.”

Don't know if anybody commented on this astonishing statement upthread but the false bravado of it is about as credible as the idea of him snoring through 20 years of 'the Wright stuff'.

If only he'd had a chance to jump out of a Huey with his M60 and Rambo bandana and off a division or two of those NVA commies he would have been down at the recruiter's office Monday morning. Sure he would have. Is there even an Obamabot anywhere on God's green earth who believes that ?


Maybe those who considered kerry a patriot, Barney, but no one with half a brain.


I am surprised that Obama didnt say he also considered Ranger and Airborne schools, and maybe the Green Berets or Navy Seals....when you tell a whopper like that you should go for broke and full effect....

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