With regard to tonight's debate and Ms. Ifill acting as "moderator," I think that she is being allowed to remain in that role is emblematic of the GOP in general and the W/ administration in particular, in its unwillingness to take on the Dems and their MSM confederates directly and forcefully.
Calumny, lies, distortions, omissions, and distractions are a regular feature of the news and media apparatus.
"Guess that Party" is a favorite of mine.
This is something that I have been writing about here and elsewhere for some time (ranting is more like it.)
Well the official word is that Obama is unhappy that MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. are all in the tank for McCain and therefore he needs to have his own TV channel to counterbalance this rightwing media conspiracy.
Ifill and her publisher stand to lose a bundle if BHO loses.
What if Ed Hochuli had been scheduled to referee the Super Bowl between the Giants and the Patriots, and had just signed a book deal titled "19-0: Patriots FTW"?
Of course, Hochuli never wrote such a book, and nobody remembers the schmuck(s) that did.
But Ms. Ifill? Could she be slipping her fat thumb on the scale? Let's have Corsi, Freddoso, or Limbaugh "moderate" a debate.
Disclaimer: Ifill's audience is roughly that of Olberdunce's, Hochuli is an excellent official (ask the Chargers), and the Pats would never do anything dishonest. Really.
I just have a question: How is it that the Republicans allow themselves to be duped into a framework in which all of these debate "moderators" are from the left-biased MSM? Brokaw is the guy, who, after all cited Donna Brazile's quote that “Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor” to confront Giuliani. And there are many other examples of his bias. And now this. Lehrer and Schieffer could plausibly be viewed as less partisan, but hardly balance out Ifill and Brokaw. Why not Britt Hume, for example? When will the Republicans learn that "non-partisan" groups like the CPD and League of Women Voters invariable fall back on the same old MSMers that lack all credibility for "moderation."
emblematic of the GOP in general and the W/ administration in particular, in its unwillingness to take on the Dems and their MSM confederates directly and forcefully.
ISTM the problem is worse than you imagine. Government professionals, the bureaucrats, administraters and legal eagles are are just as lopsided against the GOP as the mainstream media, Hollywood, academia and teacher's unions. The GOP manages to win elections because the people are more evenly divided with real jobs that promote a different POV than teacher's unions, Hollywood ... etc. As I've written before, Republicans having political power is like the Mongols running China.
It may have reached a tipping point with this election.
I just have a question: How is it that the Republicans allow themselves to be duped into a framework in which all of these debate "moderators" are from the left-biased MSM?
See the NRO link above.
In short, the GOP for reasons known and unknown has "turned the other cheek."
Not that it has done them any good.
Can you imagine if the GOP candidates stated, "We will not debate each other on CNN?" (ala the Dems on Fox.)
After Barack Hussein Obama II has been inaugurated as our nation's First (and Only) Dear Leader, watch for the press to intensify its attacks against the GOP and Israel (read: the Jews.)
It's a diabolic Rep strategy and it's working.
The public is growing increasingly fed up with the MSM and discounts what it says --to a point. I don't care much for Luntz' shtick but I watched last night as independents viewed two takes from that putrid nonsense The View and each time the view showed its obvious bias, the independents showed their displeasure.
OTOH I look at the front page of macaca Post this morning and front page was a poll the media commissioned to tell us --after they've been beating the drum for weeks--that the public is beginning to believe Palin is unqualified.
Sarah! Knock that poseur big mouth Biden for a giant loop today and take Ifill tiwh him. I'm begging you.
Reinforcing my garbage in-garbage out opinion of the polls:
Take a look at this from Newsbusters. This phony poll id# sample may just blow up into a real news story. In the whole article he reveals how the AP poll changed:
“Somehow,” the sample make-up changed from 33-31 Democrat to 40-29 Democrat from the earlier to the latter poll — a shift of nine points.
“Somehow,” the Strong-Dem vs. Strong-GOP difference went from nothing to eight points.
“Somehow,” the Strong-GOP vs. Moderate-GOP mix went from +3 to -3, a swing of six points”
How much proof do folks have to have that these pollsters, most likely because of money and the ability to get contracts are in the tank for Barak Obama? Or are just doing whatever, blowing in the wind?
Tradesports has gone from 60-40 McCain-Obama to 35-65 odds.
As I told you all before, not only did McCain do the wrong thing for the nation by not going anti-bailout, by being pro-bailout/anti free market, but HE ALSO shot himself and the whole Republican party in the foot politically. We lack a clear ethic. And we are on the wrong side of popular opinion.
I heard a lot of chatter from you folks that we needed to be pussalanimous and try to avoid the "Hoover tag". But it's actually worked out worse for us politically, by acting like socialists instead of free marketers.
I hope you are happy that your cowardice was thus served. I think it very fitting.
Government professionals, the bureaucrats, administraters and legal eagles are are just as lopsided against the GOP as the mainstream media, Hollywood, academia and teacher's unions
bio mom: I personally believe that the polls are a tool in the liberal toolbox, mainly used for psychological effect and impact. They play with their numbers to get their result...
And, then, suddenly, days and hours before the actual voting they rein them back into line so that their "track record" is more reflective of actual votes. It is the same game played every election cycle.
Gwen Ifill is an idiot. She did such a poor job as moderator in the 2004 vice-pres debate that she should've been disqualified for this one. Personally, I would like Barbara Lee as moderator. Barbara Lee is intelligent and wise. She'd be disqualified because she endorses the Democrats, of course.
Loads of TV journalists have more competence than Ifill has for the role.
where is all this money coming from? This is absurd. Buying channels, digital or otherwise is expensive, and this guy just seems to have unlimited funding. Did ugo Chavez show up with a briefcase full of $100 bills in Miami? Enquiring minds want to know!
As I said a day or two ago - Ifill comes into this now with OBAMA SUPPORTER tatooed on her forehead. Any substitution would only be another Obama supporter covering up their tatoo with pancake makeup.
I think leaving Ifill in place is the wisest thing to do now. She is who she is - without integrity or ethics (for not telling the debate commission about her book) for all the world to see.
GOV. SARAH PALIN (R-AK): Here's a little newsflash for those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion, I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this great country.
MS. IFILL: Wow, was she talking about us, or just changing the subject? Sarah Palin under the microscope. Democrats under attack.
MS. IFILL: And Todd, it also felt a little bit like we were moving to culture wars again. Sarah Palin, if we know anything about her, it's what her beliefs are, what her family is about, not so much about other policy choices.
MS. IFILL: I've been struck by how much they've been spending time - everyone's been spending on biography. Lots of talk about, what, gutting caribou or whatever you - I shouldn't say it this way - gutting caribou in Alaska, which I'm sure is a fine, fine thing to do. (Laughter.) What I'm just saying, we heard a lot more about what Sarah Palin did for sport or what she did as a mother or what she did - than what she did as a governor actually, the actual policy decisions. Is that something - a conscious decision that the campaigns make, Todd, that that's what you do?
MS. IFILL: Speaking of fired up, ready to go, right? Okay, since we are representatives of the eastern media elite - (laughter) - we have to address the question - speak for myself, yes - we have to address the question that was raised at this convention and was used with great effect by not only Sarah Palin, but many of the other speakers, which is we're at fault essentially. I was on the floor the other night during Sarah Palin's speech and people were shaking their fists at me, if you can believe such a thing - (laughter). My feelings were so hurt. But there was a genuine grievance underneath all of that, this idea that she had been a victim and a victim of sexism and a victim of media bias. Just jump in anywhere you like.
This place is getting a little weird.
It's starting to sound a little like the paranoid gloom of a left wing nut house around here.
Despite the demonstrable fact that the credit markets are already nearly frozen many here refuse to believe a catastrophic financial meltdown will occur if nothing is done.
But, despite having survived pretty healthily the execrable Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Jimmy Carter and the intensely corrupt Clintons many here do believe that somehow this banatamweight poseur, this rail thin fop of a limousine radical is going to bring the nation to its knees and begin a reign of socialist dictatorial clones?
Give me a break. This is precisely the same gloom and doom we heard when it bacame clear Clinton was going to win and have a Dem congress to boot in 92. Two years later they were swamped.
Whatever happens, financially or politically, we'll survive and prosper because Americans are still pretty sensible. Conservatives were ascendant for 25+ years because of optimism, pragmatism and principles.
I'm seeing a little of the last a smattering of the second and nearly none of the first. Life goes on and pendulums swing. Doesn't mean the capitalists are going to be hanging from lamp posts by next spring.
Instapundit has a link up to the WSJ collection of quotes regarding FM/FM. I read it earleir, but he picked the best one:
"Rep. Frank: I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."
When Biden says this was all about lack of regulation tonight, Palin should beat him over the head with this admission by Frank. It was a lack of regulation, with a specific goal. Dems rolled the dice for America, and America lost.
Ifill bizarrely claimed that her situation was somehow comparable to Reagan biographer - not debate moderator - "Lou Cannon (who is white)". I'm as tired of that kind of talk as I am of the phrase "playing the race card", which I despise purely as a linguistic construct.
The fact that she has a subject for her book proves it's not a big deal anymore. No surprise to me - I've voted against a white candidate in every presidential election since I turned 18.
By the way, the credit markets are not "frozen". Commercial banks are making all kinds of loans. What is frozen is loans to Wall Street trading houses that are still trying to deny the reality that they took some leveraged bets and lost. Let the hedge funds go under. Normal credit is just fine. The spreads are no different from 4-5 years ago.
Those agitating about "crunch" and "crisis" present no data for their case, have a record of being wrong on the market, and are arguing AGAINST common sense economics from Adam Smith to Brealey and Myers. Let the Paulson buddies take their haircuts! Don't steal from savers to pay those losers.
Whatever happens, financially or politically, we'll survive and prosper because Americans are still pretty sensible. Conservatives were ascendant for 25+ years because of optimism, pragmatism and principles.
Barney, I think you're right.
However. You knew there was gonna be a but!
After the win of McCaskill in 06, it's a little dispiriting. McCaskill came out with the "Bush let people die in Katrina because they were poor and because they were black" and she still won. Jay Nixon, the State Attorney General, has done NOTHING about the allegedly 250,000 fradulent votes by ACORN in that election, which was approximately her margin of victory. Sensible folks were talking about the "debacle in Iraq." and the MSM has only ramped it up since then. It's kind of easy to be dispirited.
Now, I gotta go be prductive, see you folks later on.
Thanks, Barney--I think you're right but I don't want to take that chance.
I surely don't want to take it either. And if the revolution comes I've got plenty of guns and ammo to pass out to the JOM brigades (or battalions, if you're in the Biden division).
But some people here are talking precisely as many were in 1992-93; it was fait accompli that there would soon be blood in the streets, incipient bolshevism and jackboots about to descend on our necks.
If that misplaced, beach-bum, twerp from Ha-vaii can get together with the horse-apple-dumpling-gang running congress to effect the great red tide then my name isn't Barney Frank.
Richard Mitchell poked fun about a hypothetical worm in the brain -- the one that makes people unknowingly begin speaking in the passive: "I called a meeting..." becomes "A meeting was called...".
If McCaskill can spew crap and earn votes for it, the fog IS descending. If barney Frank can be quoted ad infinitum by a press that does not deign to recall the he got us into this mess, the fog is almost to the ground.
So, hey, all is not lost... but what leverage is left to recognize there IS a fog, much less energy to disperse it?
As I told you all before, not only did McCain do the wrong thing for the nation by not going anti-bailout . . .
Was that before or after you claimed to be a conservative but rooted against the surge, or tried to blame the failure of the bill you putatively opposed on the GOP and pretend it was a "bad thing"™? Hey, how is that "surge" thing going now, and is the Obamessiah getting full credit yet?
Pity it isn't a bit more effective. Old version: " . . . for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." Updated: "Oh, for Pete's sake, somebody put a harpoon in it already."
Craig Ferguson had a really funny skit last night where he dreamed he was the moderator for the vice presidential debate.
Ferguson is sitting at a desk and dressed in a glitter jacket. He flirts with Gov. Sarah Palin and she flirts right back and even shows more cleavage for him and her black bra. Sen. Biden is completely ignored; he isn't even introduced. After a lot of back and forth between Ferguson and Palin, Biden complains that he hasn't even been asked a question.
Ferguson responds, "OK. Will you referee a pillow fight between me and Gov. Palin?" as he pulls out two pillows.
The pillow fight starts and Biden complains again. Ferguson, recalling this is a dream, says, "You can be in my dream. I never dream about guys!"
Biden responds, "Oh yeah!? Then why am I wearing a thong?" He steps out from behind the podium and reveals that he is wearing a thong.
"Oh, for Pete's sake, somebody put a harpoon in it already."
It's a pod of Mobys, Cecil. Not quite as obvious as the "as a lifelong Republican" jerks but Mobys nevertheless. JOM commenters are generally very open to newcomers, which is a good thing. From now until the election I would suggest just a bit more caution in appending "me too" comments to observations made by peoples whose arms may well be flukes.
Dissect them a little first. Second rate sophists are easily flensed and after the blubber is properly rendered we can all read by the soft light given off by whale oil lamps.
So Obama has spent 100 million more than McCain on media buys, and the entire MSM is already in his pocket and he still isn't running away with this? That's pretty stunning.
incipient bolshevism and jackboots about to descend on our necks
For one thing BJ rubbed some people the wrong way (as in despicable) but he was at least a competent grifter. Carter on the other hand was piously incompetent and the Middle East still bears the consequences of his ruinous bumbling. If nuke war breaks out between Israel and Iran, the ultimate onus is Jimmuh's.
Obumbler isn't another BJ, Obombus is the next Carter.
If that misplaced, beach-bum, twerp from Ha-vaii can get together with the horse-apple-dumpling-gang running congress to effect the great red tide then my name isn't Barney Frank.
Wait a minute, your name really is Barney Frank?
Palin: "I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this great country."
I don't care if she doesn't answer when asked what newspaper she reads or what Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with. It is not her job to be manipulated by the press or to second-guess the Supreme Court!
McCain and Palin are offering themselves as public servants. Obama is begging for power and glory (and Biden is just along for the ride). That is what I see and hear, despite the MSM attempts to confuse me.
The better choice is obvious. In any case, I'm confident the majority of us will get the government we deserve.
Q: What do you hope is said about this debate afterward?
A: Just that I was fair, I guess. Even that I can't hope for because people are so polarized.
Ifill isn't interested in furthering the discussion of candidate's positions on the issues. She is interested in furthering herself. And if that sells books....
i just love the start of that NOLA piece on ACORN: "Since Hurricane Katrina, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now has fought to make sure that displaced New Orleanians can vote, return home, tell their stories and have a place to live."
Something to look forward to....if you like bacon, better stock up now...a post at Instapundit:
"And so ends your degenerate, unholy Western Civilization. Your corrupt government is paralysed while your depraved and cowardly citizenry scrambles for the scraps that remain. Your usury based enconomy is in shambles and on the brink of total collapse.
Only the total replacement of your political and economic systems by Sharia can save what little remains. You must pray that President Obama will move quickly in this regard.
It is over for you. The chickens have indeed come home to roost and you will suffer the consequences of your oppression of Muslims throughout the world.
You must act quickly. Embrace Islam now and live in peace in submission to the will of Almighty Allah (swt) or perish and vanish forever from the Earth.
Via the corner... Federal prosecutors playing games in a high profile political case.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for Sen. Ted Stevens have asked a judge to declare a mistrial in his corruption case because they claim prosecutors withheld evidence that would help their defense.
The request interrupted testimony on Thursday and threatened to throw the trial into disarray.
Judge Emmet Sullivan lashed out at prosecutors, asking them, "Why shouldn't I dismiss the indictment?" He then ordered a recess.
Prosecutors said it was an honest mistake when they waited until late Wednesday night to turn over FBI reports about interviews with the government's star witness, oil pipeline contractor Bill Allen.
Allen was due to return to the witness stand on Thursday. He testified Wednesday that he never billed Stevens for renovations on the senator's cabin.
The Judge seems a little less pliable than in the Libby case though.
Isn't it odd how the story of NOLA/Katrina is still being told and the story of Ike is over? It really does depend on which group gets wiped out, the givers or the takers.
Ranger, the judge was furious on the first day, too--seems the govt called in a witness who apparently would have exonerated Stevens and the prosecution shipped him back to Alaska --By not interviewing him,the govt didn't have to turn over the exonerating info to Stevens. Govt claims they didn't question the guy because he was ill. Last I looked he was not reachable.
Under the "with friends like these" catagory... This is what is running on the front page of the BBC web site right now at the very top (complete with picture of sun setting behind the Statue of Liberty):
Is the sun setting on the United States?
The global financial crisis is hitting the US hard - striking at its financial systems, currency and borrowing power. In this time of crisis, how safe is its superpower status?
Feature: American supremacy under threat?
Video: US ideology knocked
Timeline: Financial crisis
"So Obama has spent 100 million more than McCain on media buys, and the entire MSM is already in his pocket and he still isn't running away with this? That's pretty stunning."
I guess even more stunning is that it's only bought him a 6 point lead.
Terribly OT--buy my husband just told me--do not know his news source because I didn't see it at Drudge-- the Steve Fawcett (?) aircraft has been discovered in the mountains of CA.
At this point, I don't really see a good option that would include trying to replace Ifill. And there are certainly ways in which Palin can use the situation to her advantage -- and doing so seems right up Palin's alley -- the subtle dig (or even not so subtle) with the charming smile and endearing demeanor.
But…it still stinks.
Gwen Ifill was asked to be the dealer in a high stakes poker game.
She’s been caught helping a player win a pot by dealing from the bottom of the deck.
Oh, but it's ok, she gets to continue dealing because now we know to watch her more closely on the next deal.
Oh and of course that player gets to continue playing – he can’t help what the dealer is doing.
Never mind the fact that Ifill has helped stake that player’s entry fee in the tournament. She stands to lose a lot of money if he loses. She stands to win a lot of money should he win.
Don’t worry, though. She’s a professional. She’ll be fair. She has to. We’ll be watching.
The global financial crisis is hitting the US hard - striking at its financial systems, currency and borrowing power. In this time of crisis, how safe is its superpower status?
Stuff like that will accrue to McCain's benefit. Obama is too new and inexperienced to risk this situation on. He wants to change the country, and the point should be made that we want to keep America the way it is.
I don't know that answer cathy. I had assumed since they received federal grants for that work, that is how they were compensated.
Since, however, they had the power to interfere with bank's abilities to expand and merge I would not be shocked if some of the ACORN leaders "got their beaks in".
I got an email from the RNC...it says I can donate up to $28500 from a personal account...I sent $50 but if I had $28500 I would sent it..Obama's presidency would cost us a hell of a lot more than that.....
OT:Today's front page (Wa"Macaca"Post) reports that NCLB is having substantial success in upping the performance of minority children in the Washington suburbs.
Somewhere I read ACORN's bragging about how they negotiated with banks in advance for how to get borrowers approved, and then worked with the borrowers to help them get their applications approved. Now of course this is not necessarily nefarious -- when you are working with people who don't have a lot of experience with the financial system, having someone acting as your advocate to explain the rules to you, help you understand what information the lender needs, etc., is performing a valuable service. This is what a mortgage broker is supposed to do, after all.
I was just wondering if ACORN received commissions on these applications where they "assisted" borrowers directly.
Armageddon is from the bible, which is about damned humans forced to see by lucifer, so biblical endings would be avoided because this is lucifer forcing someone to see. The ending is not long, it is, in fact instantaneous ceasing of all things, the blink of an eye is too slow.
I fill is a strange name. Maybe it means I fill humans with the dead. Maybe she is one of those people who traded she was 'made,' and this is what she does or did and quit when she got some cash like forcing people to see or assuming bodies, etc.
Well if Obama and Biden do win I just hope they don't try to institute Biden's misunderstanding of Baseballs Strike Zone. Remember him trying to explain that convoluted monstrosity to John Roberts during the Supreme Court Confirmation hearings? Ughh.
Me too, then!
Just a start.
Just sayin'.
Posted by: MeTooThen | October 02, 2008 at 09:56 AM
There is currently no confirmation of the rumor that Ifill is leaving PBS to join the Obama channel.
And there won't be. For now, that is.
Because that would be untoward.
But there is always post election...
Posted by: hit and run | October 02, 2008 at 09:59 AM
The Obama Channel?
An exercise in redundancy. Why spend so much when the MSM is totally in the tank for you? I question his judgment, but not his ego.
Posted by: Joan of Argghh! | October 02, 2008 at 10:04 AM
With regard to tonight's debate and Ms. Ifill acting as "moderator," I think that she is being allowed to remain in that role is emblematic of the GOP in general and the W/ administration in particular, in its unwillingness to take on the Dems and their MSM confederates directly and forcefully.
Calumny, lies, distortions, omissions, and distractions are a regular feature of the news and media apparatus.
"Guess that Party" is a favorite of mine.
This is something that I have been writing about here and elsewhere for some time (ranting is more like it.)
Read this, from NRO.
What he said.
Posted by: MeTooThen | October 02, 2008 at 10:06 AM
Well the official word is that Obama is unhappy that MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. are all in the tank for McCain and therefore he needs to have his own TV channel to counterbalance this rightwing media conspiracy.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 10:08 AM
Standard barackprop. MSNBC is probably worried, though.
Posted by: Elliott | October 02, 2008 at 10:09 AM
To request that Ifill step down as moderater would be to engage in racism.
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 10:10 AM
The difference is, the Obama Channel watches you.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) | October 02, 2008 at 10:12 AM
Ifill and her publisher stand to lose a bundle if BHO loses.
What if Ed Hochuli had been scheduled to referee the Super Bowl between the Giants and the Patriots, and had just signed a book deal titled "19-0: Patriots FTW"?
Of course, Hochuli never wrote such a book, and nobody remembers the schmuck(s) that did.
But Ms. Ifill? Could she be slipping her fat thumb on the scale? Let's have Corsi, Freddoso, or Limbaugh "moderate" a debate.
Disclaimer: Ifill's audience is roughly that of Olberdunce's, Hochuli is an excellent official (ask the Chargers), and the Pats would never do anything dishonest. Really.
Posted by: Mustang0302 | October 02, 2008 at 10:14 AM
I just have a question: How is it that the Republicans allow themselves to be duped into a framework in which all of these debate "moderators" are from the left-biased MSM? Brokaw is the guy, who, after all cited Donna Brazile's quote that “Jesus Christ was a community organizer. Pontius Pilate was a governor” to confront Giuliani. And there are many other examples of his bias. And now this. Lehrer and Schieffer could plausibly be viewed as less partisan, but hardly balance out Ifill and Brokaw. Why not Britt Hume, for example? When will the Republicans learn that "non-partisan" groups like the CPD and League of Women Voters invariable fall back on the same old MSMers that lack all credibility for "moderation."
Posted by: jimmyk | October 02, 2008 at 10:15 AM
Is Gwen Ifill running for vice president?
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 10:16 AM
I asked this in the other thread:
Does anyone have a link to Charlie's truth page on Palin?
It's on my other computer.
Posted by: Jane | October 02, 2008 at 10:17 AM
Re MeToThen's NRO link:
Why don't the Republicans fight back? What is the reason? What is wrong with them?
Posted by: joan | October 02, 2008 at 10:18 AM
Posted by: Pagar | October 02, 2008 at 10:20 AM
Jane -
Palin rumors.
Posted by: Mustang0302 | October 02, 2008 at 10:21 AM
emblematic of the GOP in general and the W/ administration in particular, in its unwillingness to take on the Dems and their MSM confederates directly and forcefully.
ISTM the problem is worse than you imagine. Government professionals, the bureaucrats, administraters and legal eagles are are just as lopsided against the GOP as the mainstream media, Hollywood, academia and teacher's unions. The GOP manages to win elections because the people are more evenly divided with real jobs that promote a different POV than teacher's unions, Hollywood ... etc. As I've written before, Republicans having political power is like the Mongols running China.
It may have reached a tipping point with this election.
Posted by: boris | October 02, 2008 at 10:21 AM
See the NRO link above.
In short, the GOP for reasons known and unknown has "turned the other cheek."
Not that it has done them any good.
Can you imagine if the GOP candidates stated, "We will not debate each other on CNN?" (ala the Dems on Fox.)
After Barack Hussein Obama II has been inaugurated as our nation's First (and Only) Dear Leader, watch for the press to intensify its attacks against the GOP and Israel (read: the Jews.)
All Your Channel Belongs to Us.
You read it here first.
Posted by: MeTooThen | October 02, 2008 at 10:22 AM
More on Ifill.
Posted by: jimmyk | October 02, 2008 at 10:23 AM
Lehrer and Schieffer could plausibly be viewed as less partisan
My first realization of media bias was Schieffer chearleading for Clinton on Election night in 1992. Not a good example.
Posted by: Pofarmer | October 02, 2008 at 10:27 AM
It's a diabolic Rep strategy and it's working.
The public is growing increasingly fed up with the MSM and discounts what it says --to a point. I don't care much for Luntz' shtick but I watched last night as independents viewed two takes from that putrid nonsense The View and each time the view showed its obvious bias, the independents showed their displeasure.
OTOH I look at the front page of macaca Post this morning and front page was a poll the media commissioned to tell us --after they've been beating the drum for weeks--that the public is beginning to believe Palin is unqualified.
Sarah! Knock that poseur big mouth Biden for a giant loop today and take Ifill tiwh him. I'm begging you.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 10:28 AM
Reinforcing my garbage in-garbage out opinion of the polls:
Take a look at this from Newsbusters. This phony poll id# sample may just blow up into a real news story. In the whole article he reveals how the AP poll changed:
“Somehow,” the sample make-up changed from 33-31 Democrat to 40-29 Democrat from the earlier to the latter poll — a shift of nine points.
“Somehow,” the Strong-Dem vs. Strong-GOP difference went from nothing to eight points.
“Somehow,” the Strong-GOP vs. Moderate-GOP mix went from +3 to -3, a swing of six points”
How much proof do folks have to have that these pollsters, most likely because of money and the ability to get contracts are in the tank for Barak Obama? Or are just doing whatever, blowing in the wind?
Posted by: bio mom | October 02, 2008 at 10:31 AM
Tradesports has gone from 60-40 McCain-Obama to 35-65 odds.
As I told you all before, not only did McCain do the wrong thing for the nation by not going anti-bailout, by being pro-bailout/anti free market, but HE ALSO shot himself and the whole Republican party in the foot politically. We lack a clear ethic. And we are on the wrong side of popular opinion.
I heard a lot of chatter from you folks that we needed to be pussalanimous and try to avoid the "Hoover tag". But it's actually worked out worse for us politically, by acting like socialists instead of free marketers.
I hope you are happy that your cowardice was thus served. I think it very fitting.
Posted by: TCOisbanned | October 02, 2008 at 10:32 AM
Here, here, Clarice!
Posted by: centralcal | October 02, 2008 at 10:32 AM
Government professionals, the bureaucrats, administraters and legal eagles are are just as lopsided against the GOP as the mainstream media, Hollywood, academia and teacher's unions
ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!!!
Posted by: Pofarmer | October 02, 2008 at 10:34 AM
bio mom: I personally believe that the polls are a tool in the liberal toolbox, mainly used for psychological effect and impact. They play with their numbers to get their result...
And, then, suddenly, days and hours before the actual voting they rein them back into line so that their "track record" is more reflective of actual votes. It is the same game played every election cycle.
Posted by: centralcal | October 02, 2008 at 10:36 AM
Gwen Ifill is an idiot. She did such a poor job as moderator in the 2004 vice-pres debate that she should've been disqualified for this one. Personally, I would like Barbara Lee as moderator. Barbara Lee is intelligent and wise. She'd be disqualified because she endorses the Democrats, of course.
Loads of TV journalists have more competence than Ifill has for the role.
Posted by: phineas | October 02, 2008 at 10:36 AM
where is all this money coming from? This is absurd. Buying channels, digital or otherwise is expensive, and this guy just seems to have unlimited funding. Did ugo Chavez show up with a briefcase full of $100 bills in Miami? Enquiring minds want to know!
Posted by: matt | October 02, 2008 at 10:41 AM
As I said a day or two ago - Ifill comes into this now with OBAMA SUPPORTER tatooed on her forehead. Any substitution would only be another Obama supporter covering up their tatoo with pancake makeup.
I think leaving Ifill in place is the wisest thing to do now. She is who she is - without integrity or ethics (for not telling the debate commission about her book) for all the world to see.
Posted by: centralcal | October 02, 2008 at 10:42 AM
Media expenditures of Obama v. McCain:
Obama - $152.31M
McCain - $53.63M
Posted by: DebinNC | October 02, 2008 at 10:47 AM
Emailed to me from a mysterious stranger:
GOV. SARAH PALIN (R-AK): Here's a little newsflash for those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion, I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this great country.
MS. IFILL: Wow, was she talking about us, or just changing the subject? Sarah Palin under the microscope. Democrats under attack.
MS. IFILL: And Todd, it also felt a little bit like we were moving to culture wars again. Sarah Palin, if we know anything about her, it's what her beliefs are, what her family is about, not so much about other policy choices.
MS. IFILL: I've been struck by how much they've been spending time - everyone's been spending on biography. Lots of talk about, what, gutting caribou or whatever you - I shouldn't say it this way - gutting caribou in Alaska, which I'm sure is a fine, fine thing to do. (Laughter.) What I'm just saying, we heard a lot more about what Sarah Palin did for sport or what she did as a mother or what she did - than what she did as a governor actually, the actual policy decisions. Is that something - a conscious decision that the campaigns make, Todd, that that's what you do?
MS. IFILL: Speaking of fired up, ready to go, right? Okay, since we are representatives of the eastern media elite - (laughter) - we have to address the question - speak for myself, yes - we have to address the question that was raised at this convention and was used with great effect by not only Sarah Palin, but many of the other speakers, which is we're at fault essentially. I was on the floor the other night during Sarah Palin's speech and people were shaking their fists at me, if you can believe such a thing - (laughter). My feelings were so hurt. But there was a genuine grievance underneath all of that, this idea that she had been a victim and a victim of sexism and a victim of media bias. Just jump in anywhere you like.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 10:52 AM
http://www.pbs.org/weta/washingtonweek/transcripts/transcript090508.html>Mysterious stranger
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 10:53 AM
This place is getting a little weird.
It's starting to sound a little like the paranoid gloom of a left wing nut house around here.
Despite the demonstrable fact that the credit markets are already nearly frozen many here refuse to believe a catastrophic financial meltdown will occur if nothing is done.
But, despite having survived pretty healthily the execrable Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Nixon, Jimmy Carter and the intensely corrupt Clintons many here do believe that somehow this banatamweight poseur, this rail thin fop of a limousine radical is going to bring the nation to its knees and begin a reign of socialist dictatorial clones?
Give me a break. This is precisely the same gloom and doom we heard when it bacame clear Clinton was going to win and have a Dem congress to boot in 92. Two years later they were swamped.
Whatever happens, financially or politically, we'll survive and prosper because Americans are still pretty sensible. Conservatives were ascendant for 25+ years because of optimism, pragmatism and principles.
I'm seeing a little of the last a smattering of the second and nearly none of the first. Life goes on and pendulums swing. Doesn't mean the capitalists are going to be hanging from lamp posts by next spring.
Posted by: Barney Frank | October 02, 2008 at 10:58 AM
Instapundit has a link up to the WSJ collection of quotes regarding FM/FM. I read it earleir, but he picked the best one:
"Rep. Frank: I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."
When Biden says this was all about lack of regulation tonight, Palin should beat him over the head with this admission by Frank. It was a lack of regulation, with a specific goal. Dems rolled the dice for America, and America lost.
Posted by: Ranger | October 02, 2008 at 11:02 AM
Thanks, Barney--I think you're right but I don't want to take that chance.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 11:04 AM
Ifill bizarrely claimed that her situation was somehow comparable to Reagan biographer - not debate moderator - "Lou Cannon (who is white)". I'm as tired of that kind of talk as I am of the phrase "playing the race card", which I despise purely as a linguistic construct.
The fact that she has a subject for her book proves it's not a big deal anymore. No surprise to me - I've voted against a white candidate in every presidential election since I turned 18.
Posted by: bgates | October 02, 2008 at 11:04 AM
By the way, the credit markets are not "frozen". Commercial banks are making all kinds of loans. What is frozen is loans to Wall Street trading houses that are still trying to deny the reality that they took some leveraged bets and lost. Let the hedge funds go under. Normal credit is just fine. The spreads are no different from 4-5 years ago.
Those agitating about "crunch" and "crisis" present no data for their case, have a record of being wrong on the market, and are arguing AGAINST common sense economics from Adam Smith to Brealey and Myers. Let the Paulson buddies take their haircuts! Don't steal from savers to pay those losers.
Posted by: TCOisbanned | October 02, 2008 at 11:11 AM
Whatever happens, financially or politically, we'll survive and prosper because Americans are still pretty sensible. Conservatives were ascendant for 25+ years because of optimism, pragmatism and principles.
Barney, I think you're right.
However. You knew there was gonna be a but!
After the win of McCaskill in 06, it's a little dispiriting. McCaskill came out with the "Bush let people die in Katrina because they were poor and because they were black" and she still won. Jay Nixon, the State Attorney General, has done NOTHING about the allegedly 250,000 fradulent votes by ACORN in that election, which was approximately her margin of victory. Sensible folks were talking about the "debacle in Iraq." and the MSM has only ramped it up since then. It's kind of easy to be dispirited.
Now, I gotta go be prductive, see you folks later on.
Posted by: Pofarmer | October 02, 2008 at 11:13 AM
Thanks, Barney--I think you're right but I don't want to take that chance.
I surely don't want to take it either. And if the revolution comes I've got plenty of guns and ammo to pass out to the JOM brigades (or battalions, if you're in the Biden division).
But some people here are talking precisely as many were in 1992-93; it was fait accompli that there would soon be blood in the streets, incipient bolshevism and jackboots about to descend on our necks.
If that misplaced, beach-bum, twerp from Ha-vaii can get together with the horse-apple-dumpling-gang running congress to effect the great red tide then my name isn't Barney Frank.
Posted by: Barney Frank | October 02, 2008 at 11:16 AM
Clarice, it's important to note that Ifill's strange comments were excerpted one at a time from throughout the Washington Week show...
... and it is also important to note that Ifill, in her capacity as an entertainer, was doing her best Maureen Dowd snappy punditry interpretation.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 11:16 AM
Perhaps--but I do think it demonstrates a certain animus--even if it is par for the media course type animus, doesn't it?
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 11:21 AM
Richard Mitchell poked fun about a hypothetical worm in the brain -- the one that makes people unknowingly begin speaking in the passive: "I called a meeting..." becomes "A meeting was called...".
If McCaskill can spew crap and earn votes for it, the fog IS descending. If barney Frank can be quoted ad infinitum by a press that does not deign to recall the he got us into this mess, the fog is almost to the ground.
So, hey, all is not lost... but what leverage is left to recognize there IS a fog, much less energy to disperse it?
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 11:24 AM
As I told you all before, not only did McCain do the wrong thing for the nation by not going anti-bailout . . .
Was that before or after you claimed to be a conservative but rooted against the surge, or tried to blame the failure of the bill you putatively opposed on the GOP and pretend it was a "bad thing"™? Hey, how is that "surge" thing going now, and is the Obamessiah getting full credit yet?
Pity it isn't a bit more effective. Old version: " . . . for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." Updated: "Oh, for Pete's sake, somebody put a harpoon in it already."
Posted by: Cecil Turner | October 02, 2008 at 11:27 AM
ACORN $1M embezzlement news from NOLA.
Posted by: DebinNC | October 02, 2008 at 11:30 AM
Cecil, don't play with your food.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 11:31 AM
They're all Obama channels now.
This is war, people.
Please do not self-destruct.
Posted by: Syl | October 02, 2008 at 11:33 AM
If you're reading this thread, TCOisbanned is the real TCO.
Emotional breakdown and DIE! DIE! DIE! thunderclap to commence in 3....2....1....
Posted by: Barney Frank | October 02, 2008 at 11:33 AM
Craig Ferguson had a really funny skit last night where he dreamed he was the moderator for the vice presidential debate.
Ferguson is sitting at a desk and dressed in a glitter jacket. He flirts with Gov. Sarah Palin and she flirts right back and even shows more cleavage for him and her black bra. Sen. Biden is completely ignored; he isn't even introduced. After a lot of back and forth between Ferguson and Palin, Biden complains that he hasn't even been asked a question.
Ferguson responds, "OK. Will you referee a pillow fight between me and Gov. Palin?" as he pulls out two pillows.
The pillow fight starts and Biden complains again. Ferguson, recalling this is a dream, says, "You can be in my dream. I never dream about guys!"
Biden responds, "Oh yeah!? Then why am I wearing a thong?" He steps out from behind the podium and reveals that he is wearing a thong.
Too funny.
Posted by: George | October 02, 2008 at 11:36 AM
I understand everyone watching the Obama channel gets an extra $400,000 if he wins the election.
Posted by: richard mcenroe | October 02, 2008 at 11:37 AM
HEY! HEY! I have a channel too! Over here!
Posted by: Al Gore | October 02, 2008 at 11:38 AM
Correction: "You can be in my dream" should be "You can't be in my dream."
Posted by: George | October 02, 2008 at 11:38 AM
"Oh, for Pete's sake, somebody put a harpoon in it already."
It's a pod of Mobys, Cecil. Not quite as obvious as the "as a lifelong Republican" jerks but Mobys nevertheless. JOM commenters are generally very open to newcomers, which is a good thing. From now until the election I would suggest just a bit more caution in appending "me too" comments to observations made by peoples whose arms may well be flukes.
Dissect them a little first. Second rate sophists are easily flensed and after the blubber is properly rendered we can all read by the soft light given off by whale oil lamps.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | October 02, 2008 at 11:39 AM
So, the sugar daddy who tried to repay the ACORN $1M and keep it out of the press was:
Tides Foundation.
Isn't that special.
We've heard that name before.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 11:40 AM
So Obama has spent 100 million more than McCain on media buys, and the entire MSM is already in his pocket and he still isn't running away with this? That's pretty stunning.
Posted by: Jane | October 02, 2008 at 11:43 AM
incipient bolshevism and jackboots about to descend on our necks
For one thing BJ rubbed some people the wrong way (as in despicable) but he was at least a competent grifter. Carter on the other hand was piously incompetent and the Middle East still bears the consequences of his ruinous bumbling. If nuke war breaks out between Israel and Iran, the ultimate onus is Jimmuh's.
Obumbler isn't another BJ, Obombus is the next Carter.
Posted by: boris | October 02, 2008 at 11:43 AM
Obombus is the next Carter.
Ha! And that is if we are lucky.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 11:50 AM
If that misplaced, beach-bum, twerp from Ha-vaii can get together with the horse-apple-dumpling-gang running congress to effect the great red tide then my name isn't Barney Frank.
Wait a minute, your name really is Barney Frank?
Posted by: bgates | October 02, 2008 at 11:51 AM
Obombus is the next Carter.
Who led directly to Ronaldus Magnus. I'll take that trade.
Posted by: Barney Frank | October 02, 2008 at 11:52 AM
It is stunning, Jane. And that's not counting the $1B the unions are kicking in.
Posted by: DebinNC | October 02, 2008 at 11:52 AM
Any truth to the rumor that the O! channel will be mandatory in gov. schools after November?
Posted by: Chris | October 02, 2008 at 11:52 AM
Palin: "I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this great country."
I don't care if she doesn't answer when asked what newspaper she reads or what Supreme Court decisions she disagrees with. It is not her job to be manipulated by the press or to second-guess the Supreme Court!
McCain and Palin are offering themselves as public servants. Obama is begging for power and glory (and Biden is just along for the ride). That is what I see and hear, despite the MSM attempts to confuse me.
The better choice is obvious. In any case, I'm confident the majority of us will get the government we deserve.
Posted by: LurkingMom | October 02, 2008 at 11:54 AM
More from the interview of Ifill:
Ifill isn't interested in furthering the discussion of candidate's positions on the issues. She is interested in furthering herself. And if that sells books....
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 11:55 AM
Wait a minute, your name really is Barney Frank?
Was wondering who, if anyone, would catch that.
Posted by: Barney Frank | October 02, 2008 at 11:56 AM
Hey, thanks to you guys for posting the link to Charlie's Rumor page. I appreciate it.
Posted by: Jane | October 02, 2008 at 11:56 AM
The channel plays his two-minute ad laying out his economic plan on a loop, over and over.
Is this emblematic of the Two Minutes Hate ?
Welcome to George Orwell's
OceaniaObamania.Posted by: Neo | October 02, 2008 at 11:58 AM
i just love the start of that NOLA piece on ACORN:
"Since Hurricane Katrina, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now has fought to make sure that displaced New Orleanians can vote, return home, tell their stories and have a place to live."
"Tell their stories"???
Posted by: ex-democrat | October 02, 2008 at 12:00 PM
Something to look forward to....if you like bacon, better stock up now...a post at Instapundit:
"And so ends your degenerate, unholy Western Civilization. Your corrupt government is paralysed while your depraved and cowardly citizenry scrambles for the scraps that remain. Your usury based enconomy is in shambles and on the brink of total collapse.
Only the total replacement of your political and economic systems by Sharia can save what little remains. You must pray that President Obama will move quickly in this regard.
It is over for you. The chickens have indeed come home to roost and you will suffer the consequences of your oppression of Muslims throughout the world.
You must act quickly. Embrace Islam now and live in peace in submission to the will of Almighty Allah (swt) or perish and vanish forever from the Earth.
Your grandchildren will be Muslim.
Allahu akbar!"
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Via the corner... Federal prosecutors playing games in a high profile political case.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for Sen. Ted Stevens have asked a judge to declare a mistrial in his corruption case because they claim prosecutors withheld evidence that would help their defense.
The request interrupted testimony on Thursday and threatened to throw the trial into disarray.
Judge Emmet Sullivan lashed out at prosecutors, asking them, "Why shouldn't I dismiss the indictment?" He then ordered a recess.
Prosecutors said it was an honest mistake when they waited until late Wednesday night to turn over FBI reports about interviews with the government's star witness, oil pipeline contractor Bill Allen.
Allen was due to return to the witness stand on Thursday. He testified Wednesday that he never billed Stevens for renovations on the senator's cabin.
The Judge seems a little less pliable than in the Libby case though.
Posted by: Ranger | October 02, 2008 at 12:02 PM
"Was wondering who, if anyone, would catch that."
Such a good cover, too.....
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 12:03 PM
Isn't it odd how the story of NOLA/Katrina is still being told and the story of Ike is over? It really does depend on which group gets wiped out, the givers or the takers.
Posted by: Sue | October 02, 2008 at 12:04 PM
Ranger, the judge was furious on the first day, too--seems the govt called in a witness who apparently would have exonerated Stevens and the prosecution shipped him back to Alaska --By not interviewing him,the govt didn't have to turn over the exonerating info to Stevens. Govt claims they didn't question the guy because he was ill. Last I looked he was not reachable.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 12:09 PM
Under the "with friends like these" catagory... This is what is running on the front page of the BBC web site right now at the very top (complete with picture of sun setting behind the Statue of Liberty):
Is the sun setting on the United States?
The global financial crisis is hitting the US hard - striking at its financial systems, currency and borrowing power. In this time of crisis, how safe is its superpower status?
Feature: American supremacy under threat?
Video: US ideology knocked
Timeline: Financial crisis
Posted by: Ranger | October 02, 2008 at 12:13 PM
I double dog dare any Muslim to bring sharia to my door.
Talk about stinking corpses.
Posted by: Enlightened | October 02, 2008 at 12:20 PM
"Is the sun setting on the United States?"
As opposed to the British Empire where it set long ago?
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 12:26 PM
With Gwen Ifill as the moderator, is there any assurance that Joe Biden will not have access to the questions prior to the debate tonight?
I guess we will only know that if he has a gaffeless performanace.
Posted by: Publius | October 02, 2008 at 12:27 PM
"So Obama has spent 100 million more than McCain on media buys, and the entire MSM is already in his pocket and he still isn't running away with this? That's pretty stunning."
I guess even more stunning is that it's only bought him a 6 point lead.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 12:29 PM
Terribly OT--buy my husband just told me--do not know his news source because I didn't see it at Drudge-- the Steve Fawcett (?) aircraft has been discovered in the mountains of CA.
Posted by: glasater | October 02, 2008 at 12:30 PM
I guess we will only know that if he has a gaffeless performanace.
Slo Joe could have the questions two years in advance and still be unable to manage a gaffeless performance.
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 12:34 PM
Jim Geraghty:
Gee, what a shock. Who'd a thunk it?
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 12:36 PM
At this point, I don't really see a good option that would include trying to replace Ifill. And there are certainly ways in which Palin can use the situation to her advantage -- and doing so seems right up Palin's alley -- the subtle dig (or even not so subtle) with the charming smile and endearing demeanor.
But…it still stinks.
Gwen Ifill was asked to be the dealer in a high stakes poker game.
She’s been caught helping a player win a pot by dealing from the bottom of the deck.
Oh, but it's ok, she gets to continue dealing because now we know to watch her more closely on the next deal.
Oh and of course that player gets to continue playing – he can’t help what the dealer is doing.
Never mind the fact that Ifill has helped stake that player’s entry fee in the tournament. She stands to lose a lot of money if he loses. She stands to win a lot of money should he win.
Don’t worry, though. She’s a professional. She’ll be fair. She has to. We’ll be watching.
Posted by: hit and run | October 02, 2008 at 12:41 PM
Steve Fossett. Yes, they found his plane around Mammoth Lakes. Still haven't found a body.
Posted by: Sue | October 02, 2008 at 12:41 PM
Hit, Treacher claims he's got Ifill's questions:
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 12:46 PM
"Steve Fossett. Yes, they found his plane around Mammoth Lakes. Still haven't found a body."
They found cash and ID cards..guess mountain lions don't eat those....
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 12:53 PM
I gotta question... Anybody know the answer?
When ACORN "assisted" low-income, poor-credit buyers with their mortgage applications, how did they get paid?
-- Was it just the grants from the "foundations" (set up by Fannie Mae and the big banks) ?
-- Did they get any kind of commission for individual mortgage application? Just for successful applications?
Posted by: cathyf | October 02, 2008 at 12:59 PM
Do you know what one mountain lion said to another? "it's not every day a billionaire drops in for dinner"....
Ok, I admit I made that one up....
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 01:01 PM
It's a pod of Mobys, Cecil.
You're a bit behind the times I'm afraid.
The Community Organizer
Posted by: Syl | October 02, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Steny Hoyer: Good chance.
Bush: Best Chance.
They don't have the votes.
Posted by: M. Simon | October 02, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Is the sun setting on the United States?
The global financial crisis is hitting the US hard - striking at its financial systems, currency and borrowing power. In this time of crisis, how safe is its superpower status?
Stuff like that will accrue to McCain's benefit. Obama is too new and inexperienced to risk this situation on. He wants to change the country, and the point should be made that we want to keep America the way it is.
Posted by: Jane | October 02, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Market is down...is that because it wont pass, the market didn't like the package, or because Armageddon is truly here?
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 01:02 PM
Media expenditures of Obama v. McCain:
Obama - $152.31M
McCain - $53.63M
Any wonder why the MSM is in the tank for Obama ?
The MSM .. the best money can buy.
Posted by: Neo | October 02, 2008 at 01:02 PM
I don't know that answer cathy. I had assumed since they received federal grants for that work, that is how they were compensated.
Since, however, they had the power to interfere with bank's abilities to expand and merge I would not be shocked if some of the ACORN leaders "got their beaks in".
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 01:03 PM
I got an email from the RNC...it says I can donate up to $28500 from a personal account...I sent $50 but if I had $28500 I would sent it..Obama's presidency would cost us a hell of a lot more than that.....
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 01:06 PM
...Your usury based enconomy...
Is Osama bin Laden still whining about his Amex bill?
Steve Fossett. Yes, they found his plane around Mammoth Lakes. Still haven't found a body.
Bummer. I processed a plane crash in an impossibly rugged area once after a weeklong search.
Posted by: Bill in AZ | October 02, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Market is down...is that because it wont pass, the market didn't like the package, or because Armageddon is truly here?
If you look at the Market since last Friday, this is sideways trading.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were getting some kickbacks from the Morgage brokers.
Posted by: Pofarmer | October 02, 2008 at 01:10 PM
OT:Today's front page (Wa"Macaca"Post) reports that NCLB is having substantial success in upping the performance of minority children in the Washington suburbs.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 01:14 PM
I suppose that's a third way of getting paid...
Somewhere I read ACORN's bragging about how they negotiated with banks in advance for how to get borrowers approved, and then worked with the borrowers to help them get their applications approved. Now of course this is not necessarily nefarious -- when you are working with people who don't have a lot of experience with the financial system, having someone acting as your advocate to explain the rules to you, help you understand what information the lender needs, etc., is performing a valuable service. This is what a mortgage broker is supposed to do, after all.
I was just wondering if ACORN received commissions on these applications where they "assisted" borrowers directly.
Posted by: cathyf | October 02, 2008 at 01:16 PM
Armageddon is from the bible, which is about damned humans forced to see by lucifer, so biblical endings would be avoided because this is lucifer forcing someone to see. The ending is not long, it is, in fact instantaneous ceasing of all things, the blink of an eye is too slow.
I fill is a strange name. Maybe it means I fill humans with the dead. Maybe she is one of those people who traded she was 'made,' and this is what she does or did and quit when she got some cash like forcing people to see or assuming bodies, etc.
Enterprise weighs 700,000 tons.
Posted by: QueensChamber | October 02, 2008 at 01:16 PM
Trying to grok QueenChamber's points, above my pay grade.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 01:20 PM
Well if Obama and Biden do win I just hope they don't try to institute Biden's misunderstanding of Baseballs Strike Zone. Remember him trying to explain that convoluted monstrosity to John Roberts during the Supreme Court Confirmation hearings? Ughh.
Posted by: Daddy | October 02, 2008 at 01:21 PM
"Well if Obama and Biden do win I just hope they don't try to institute Biden's misunderstanding of Baseballs Strike Zone"
That will be the least of our problems, believe me. But let's add it to the long list.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 01:23 PM