Steve Diamond continues to plug away at the Obama cover-up swirling around Obama's association with Bill Ayers and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
One issue is this - how did Barack Obama, a young lawyer with no background in education, become chairman of the highly visible (and highly funded) Chicago Annenberg Challenge? Even the Times coverage noted raised eyebrows:
Several board members, including two university presidents, far outranked Mr. Obama in education experience.
“Let me say the room had no shortage of egos, including my own,” said Stanley O. Ikenberry, a board member who at the time was president of the University of Illinois. “It was unusual: here you had a person trained in the law chairing a board on school reform.” Still, he said, Mr. Obama won his colleagues’ respect.
The obvious answer, suggested by Steve Diamond (and seconded by yours truly), is that Bill Ayers, who had led the founding of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, lobbied on Barack's behalf. And why would Bill Ayers do that? There was an earlier effort at school reform in Chicago in 1988; one major player was the ABCs Coalition coordinated by Bill Ayers. One member of the coalition was Barack Obama's Developing Communities Project, so it is entirely possible that these two met in 1988 and were simply resuming their collaboration in 1995.
The Obama campaign denies that:
Ayers had nothing to do with Obama’s recruitment to the Board. Barack Obama was encouraged to run for Chair by Deborah Leff, with whom he served on another board, recommended by Pat Graham, and elected by the bipartisan founding board members: Susan Crown, Pat Graham, Stanley Ikenberry, Ray Romero, Arnold Weber, and Wanda White.
But Steve Diamond has unearthed correspondence prior to the formation of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge documenting some key points:
1. Bill Ayers was instrumental in founding the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
2. Unsurprisingly, the question of how the Chicago Annenberg Challenge would be governed was raised prior to the grant being approved. Bill Ayers was involved in resolving that.
3. The governing structure, including the board of roughly eight Chicagoans, was discussed with Bill Ayers.
The Obama campaign would like people to believe that, although Bill Ayers was involved at every important step, no one asked for this thoughts on the selection of a chairman. Uh huh.
Steve Diamond points out another oddity of the Obama camp's current explanation - Deborah Leff claims to have encouraged Obama to run for the chairmanship. In that vision Ms. Leff would have met Barack in Nov 1994 on the board of the Joyce Foundation, then pushed him towards the Chicago Annenberg Challenge chairmanship four months later. That gives short shrift to the fact that the Joyce Foundation, and especially Ms. Leff, had a longstanding and ongoing relationship with Bill Ayers, whom Ms. Leff considered to be in charge of developing the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. In filling the chairmanship did she really execute an end-run around Ayers in order to promote a guy she scarcely knew? Is that the Chicago Way?
No journalist will pick this up, of course, so the Obama cover-up will continue for a while. Eventually the history will out. But before it does, think how many people can request favors of their old friend Barack, and think how many people Barack needs to stay friendly with, lest their inconvenient memories embarrass him.
I dunno, TM, while the whole rest of the whole stinking pile of CAC turd smells to high heaven, I'm not so sure about the chairman question. I can't tell you how many people I know (like me!) who've ended up in charge of things simply because they screwed up and didn't duck at the right moment.
(Speaking of which, come March I'll have a living room piled to the ceiling with girl scout cookies...)
Posted by: cathyf | October 02, 2008 at 01:45 PM
I'll take the mint ones.
Posted by: Jane | October 02, 2008 at 01:48 PM
People are too busy watching their 401k's to worry about this stuff.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 01:52 PM
I don't see what's new in this report. I think Ayers wanted to run this but wanted to keep a lower profile re Annenberg so he picked Obama for whom this would have seemed a political stepping stone while Ayers headed the operating arm--ie., the actual show.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 01:57 PM
In my estimation, the most likely reason is that Senator Obama was being groomed because his ethnicity makes him the compelling capstone candidate for the left's balkanization strategy.
The second most likely explanation is that Senator Obama is crooked as a three-dollar bill, and he gravitated toward education for the same reason that Willie Sutton robbed banks: Because that's where the money is. Only Senator Obama is much more clever than Sutton because banks, unlike education, usually task somebody with minding the store.
Posted by: MikeO | October 02, 2008 at 02:05 PM
Well, MikeO, I still think we have to give fair consideration to option 3, which is that Obama was the only person on the board without a full-time job, so he had the time to spare to be chairman...
(...although I had a full time job when I volunteered to be cookie chair -- what's my excuse?!???)
Posted by: cathyf | October 02, 2008 at 02:12 PM
There are two new drinking opportunities during the debate tonight.
The first is if Gwen Ifill asks, "What can be done to improve the quality of education in the country."
[She won't.] If she doesn't ask, she's in the tank.
If she does ask, the second drinking opportunity is when Sarah answers, "Well, we're sure not going to do what Obama, Ayers, and the rest of his special friends did with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Obama chaired when millions were siphoned off to what was reported as absolutely no improvement in the quality of education. That kind of undercover scheme is his style and the press needs to report on it."
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 02:18 PM
I don't see what's new in this report. I think Ayers wanted to run this but wanted to keep a lower profile re Annenberg so he picked Obama for whom this would have seemed a political stepping stone while Ayers headed the operating arm--ie., the actual show.
Well, I am not surprised and you are not surprised but if the Obama campaign could be busted in yet another lie about this Ayers thing... hmm, who does care?
Posted by: Tom Maguire | October 02, 2008 at 02:22 PM
" Eventually the history will out. "
I hope it doesn't out for another four years, when Hillary brings it up in her fight against Obama to be Dem standard-bearer vs President McCain.
Posted by: hrtshpdbox | October 02, 2008 at 02:27 PM
If thatCAC q and a should come up, I'll crack out a bottle of champagne and share it with whoever's at JOM at the time,sbw.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 02:32 PM
Good one, cathyf, about his being the only one without a real day job! My VRWC blinders shielded the obvious from me. I am somewhat ashamed since I long ago learned never to attribute to design anything that lies along the path of least resistance.
Thanks to everyone else for reminding me that I need to hit the ABC before the debate starts. My cupboard is nearly bare (and my head slightly throbbing) since I wanted to put a bunch of bottles out with this week's recycling. Knucklehead that I am, I forgot until my wife reminded me that it goes out on Friday mornings now. My liver is a little vexed with her for not mentioning it earlier in the evening.
Posted by: MikeO | October 02, 2008 at 02:43 PM
From Ayers and Hallet to Gregorian:
The Board and the Collaborative will reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of Chicago."
Geez, Obama was an AA hire.
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 02:46 PM
Knucklehead that I am, I forgot until my wife reminded me that it goes out on Friday mornings now. My liver is a little vexed with her for not mentioning it earlier in the evening.
Knucklehead? That's genius.
Vexed? 'If it doesn't kill you it will only make you stronger'. At least what all those well intentioned self help types keep tellng me.
They wouldn't steer me wrong, would they?
Posted by: hit and run | October 02, 2008 at 03:12 PM
Clearly Ayers was tight with Obama, I mean look at all the money he donated to his campaigns. Umm what, $200?
Ok well certainly it'll be bad that Obama associated with a former felon. Wait, Ayers was never prosecuted or served time for anything?
No doubt Obama's spent a lot of time with Ayers, traveled with him, given him lots of access. Huh, just being in the same room and being at the same board meeting?
Ok, but beyond anything Obama had to have had some involvement in all this guys horrible actions. Uhh, so Obama was only 8 years old at the time all that was going on?
Hmmn, so these ties still have to be way stronger than McCain's to Charles Keating right? Let's see,
donations: Ayers to Obama $200, Keating to McCain $112,000
convictions and jail time: Ayers 0, Keating 73 counts of wire and bankruptcy fraud and over four years in Federal prision
association: Ayers and Obama brief contact in professional, public setting, McCain 9 trips at Keating's expense, 3 to Keating's Bahamas retreat, oh and Keating let McCain's wife and father in law in on a strip mall investment for $359,000 then they sold it for $15,000,000.
participation in defining actions: Obama 0, McCain twice met with federal regulators on Keating's behalf, reprimanded by Senate Ethics committee
Yeah, now if only the American public would wake up and realize that being tangentially connected to someone is WAY more serious than having deep ties and being actively involved.
/get the story out!
Posted by: dwightkschrute | October 02, 2008 at 03:23 PM
Send better trolls! Send better trolls!
Posted by: DrJ | October 02, 2008 at 03:25 PM
Hmmm. Trolls tend to come out thicker and faster the closer one gets to a nerve. I think we've got a live one!
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 03:38 PM
I don't know if I kept up with this issue as perhaps I didn't read all the links. Was Obama a board member when he became chairman of the board? If so, how long was he a board member for? What was he doing directly before became a board member?
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 03:49 PM
Mason Dixon hot off the press
Virginia McCain 48 Obama 45
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 03:54 PM
If the smoking gun showed up, proof beyond a shadow of doubt that Obama and Ayers were more closely tied than what you think they are now, would it change your opinion of Obama?
Posted by: Sue | October 02, 2008 at 03:56 PM
December 1, 1994, Ayers and Anne Hallett (who co-chaired the CSRC with Ayers) wrote to Gregorian.
Smoke... Palpable, visble, indisputable smoke.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 03:57 PM
Did you know that convicted felon Tony Rezko bought the lot adjacent to poverty pimp Obama's mansion in Chicago as payback for Obama's help in stacking the corrupt boards which Gov. Blagojevich appointed? And that Obama's wife got a $200,000 raise on the basis of an earmark that the thief Obama stuck in a bill?
Have you heard the tape of Obama's pastor and spritual mentor, The Right Racist Reverend Wright's God Damn America Sermon? Did you know that Obama's 20 year association with that racist church allowed him to steer millions in Federal grants to supporting its race based programs?
Barack Obama's friends and associates are terrorists, racists and felons. You can look it up.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | October 02, 2008 at 03:59 PM
At the end of the day, all people care right now about the financial crisis. Show Obama was working on a committee with Franklin Raines and you might have something.
Posted by: Appalled | October 02, 2008 at 03:59 PM
Barack Obama's friends and associates are terrorists, racists and felons. You can look it up.
Actually, I think they know and don't care.
Posted by: Sue | October 02, 2008 at 04:01 PM
This from the NYT article:
"and the city added $98 million in matching funds for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a philanthropic campaign that financed enrichment projects "
As Ayers "wrote the proposal" for the Challenge", ie started it, where did Ayers get the 98 milion dollars from?
"Mr. Obama was nominated to the Challenge board and was elected chairman in 1995"
Now see that in the NYT gives short shrift to the issue of how long Obama was on the board before he got nominated. Acording to TM excerpt "Ms. Leff would have met Barack in Nov 1994 on the board of the Joyce Foundation, then pushed him towards the Chicago Annenberg Challenge chairmanship four months later".
So it seems that Obama went straight to chairman and bypassed the board?
It seems to me Obama was handpicked by associated of Ayers. Probably they looked around and were impressed by his racial makeup and that he was a good speaker etc, and propped him up.
Now the real smoking gun - did Ayers get any of the 98 million from any dubious soures? For instance Chavez - and Chavez's love of education causes for the poor. (Was Chavez in power back then? I must look it up to be sure...)
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 04:03 PM
Show Obama was working on a committee with Franklin Raines and you might have something.
How about putting Jim Johnson (Franklin Delano Raines' predecessor) in charge of the VP search?
Posted by: bgates | October 02, 2008 at 04:06 PM
Show Obama was working on a committee with Franklin Raines and you might have something.
Ask, and ye shall receive. Well, next best thing. Rather than Fannie Mae CEO Raines, I give you Fannie Mae CEO MUDD -- and Michelle Obama, too.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 04:07 PM
Chavez wasn't in power until 2000. So, no Chavez start for the Annenburg. If it was a leftist scandal, it had to be Castro then.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 04:09 PM
The info you seek is found on page 37 and 38 of the pdf file LUN.
The public funds are monies already dedicated to the schools, reclassified to "The Annenberg Way."
Posted by: bad | October 02, 2008 at 04:23 PM
"The Annenberg Foundation today announced a five-year grant totaling $49.2 million to support Chicago school reform...The grant, part of the half-billion-dollar Annenberg Challenge.. will be matched two-to-one by $100 million in local private and public dollars.
Adele Simmons, president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, expressed confidence that the city's philanthropic community would meet the challenge of providing $50 million in matching funds over the next five years.... Foundation support for Chicago reform has increased dramatically since 1985 and currently exceeds $10 million per year."
Hmmm. Interesting. So 50 mill from Annenburg, 50 million from private sources, where did the other 50 mill come from... city revenue? And by the way, who gave the 10 mil a year? Just as an fyi, I'd gamble that Oprah gave some for one.
Also this:
"The Chicago Annenberg proposal was developed through discussions among a broad-based coalition of local school council members, teachers, principals, school reform groups, union representatives and central office staff, convened by Anne Hallett of the Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform, William Ayers of the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Warren Chapman of the Joyce Foundation."
So Warren Chapman of the Joyce Foundation helped start it, apparently Obama was a board member of the Joyce Foundation beforehand, where he was encouraged by Ms. Leff to go to the Annenburg. Just trying to get the history down here.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 04:26 PM
'Ok well certainly it'll be bad that Obama associated with a former felon. Wait, Ayers was never prosecuted or served time for anything?'
Forget former felon, I will settle for unrepentant terrorist bomber.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 04:26 PM
the problem seems to be that no cares...the trends are in the Democrats favor, and the negative press on Palin continues. Today, there were articles in both the LA Times and Washington Post about how Palin's popularity is fading.
I e mailed the authors of both articles and suggested that perhaps the relentless negative coverage had something to do with it. No replies, nor do I expect one.
Posted by: matt | October 02, 2008 at 04:30 PM
Ayers was prosecuted, but the case was thrown out...
Posted by: matt | October 02, 2008 at 04:31 PM
And the "professional, public setting" includes Ayers's home.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | October 02, 2008 at 04:41 PM
"Forget former felon, I will settle for unrepentant terrorist bomber."
Now if you make that "unrepentant" attempted mass murderer I would agree.Ayers is no terrorist anymore than Ted Bundy was,Ayers is a psychopath.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 04:43 PM
"Forget former felon"
We really mustn't forget Uncle Tony. No one has claimed that the terrorist Ayers was a convicted felon. That's just pixie dust. Tony Rezko (who rented Obama on an as needed basis) really is a convicted felon. Like Kwame Kilpatrick is today and William Jefferson will be after his trial. With just a little luck Charlie Rangel could join the group soon as could Conyer's wife in Detroit.
It doesn't appear that Jeremiah Wright has been accused of anything illegal yet, so he's just a racist rather than a terrorist or felon.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | October 02, 2008 at 04:45 PM
Ayers was never
prosecuted orserved time for anything"Guilty as hell, free as a bird" is how Ayers described himself. Obama associates with an admitted terrorist.
Posted by: bgates | October 02, 2008 at 04:46 PM
Ayers was prosecuted, but the case was thrown out..."
Are you questioning the fact he is an unrepentant terrorist bomber? He himself states that he is, if you don't agree take it up with him.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 04:51 PM
Please! You short Ayer's prime skill as a bomb designer! He was going to blow up real people at the USO dance.
Oh. Wait. His bomb blew up prematurely killing his girl friend and two others.
Now, what was it you were trying to say about Obama's long term association with this, ah, gentleman? You know, the one he lied to the American people about only having a passing acquaintance?
Ooh! New campaign slogan: Once a liar, always a liar.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 04:52 PM
Thanks Bad, read it over. So apparently Annenburg gave a certain amount to the Chicago Public Education Fund, in which the grants were terminated in 1999 and then the grants given to the Annenburg Foundation instead? And that's where the public money came from? Not sure how that worked actually.
Saw the list of donors, seemed like of lot of money for corporations to give to one foundation, seems a little shady to me somehow, but maybe that's how it's done in charity land.
One thing that sticks out to me now is what is the Joyce Foundation? I see that is where Obama got his start, and one of the biggest donators to the Annenburg. Just something to look up later I guess.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 05:01 PM
Y'know, the part of Barry's background that is hard to figure is his development from a basketball jones type at Punahou, to an undistinguished inactive student at Occidental (until he discovered SA divestment) to a political science type at Columbia graduating without honors, to all of a sudden being a standout legal scholar at Harvard. One of the things that happened in the Columbia-to-pre-Harvard interlude is that he lived very close to Ayers, and then happened to move to his home town for his community organizing, and worked on some convergent projects.
Listening to him speak, I have a hard time with BHO as a legal mastermind (because he sounds a bit dim, though very smoooth), and I wonder whether it's possible to get some assistance on all that reading and writing at HLS. And though I'd also think it's an awfully deep game for the Ayers types in the world to begin grooming a kid in college for a presidential run, but . . . as a Manchurian Candidate conspiracy theory, it has a certain charm.
We probably ought to start a disinformation campaign claiming it's all gospel . . . heck, might even turn out to be right. There's as much to go on as most of the various Palin rumors, and the MSM is running with those daily.
Posted by: Cecil Turner | October 02, 2008 at 05:04 PM
How close are Ayers and Obama? Just neighbor-like "howdy" close?
Ideologically close?
How long ago did Obama know Ayers?
What IS the truth and how does it compare with Obama's story? And if there is a discrepancy, why did Obama try to obscure the truth? Isn't he a 'new kind of politician?' What's he afraid of?
McCain has long ago 'fessed up to his relationship with Keating. He wore sackcloth and ashes about that for several years after it became public in 1988.
So, just who is this guy, Barack Obama, anyways? He could very well be the next President of the United States, and large parts of his life are just a cipher.
Doesn't that bother anyone, besides the usual paranoid wing nuts here?
Posted by: E. Nigma | October 02, 2008 at 05:10 PM
Cecil--that trajectory is unlikely. Someone has already theorized that Ayers wrote the "autobiographies". Whoever got him into HLS probably introduced him to his mentor there. Lawrence Tribe.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 05:13 PM
What I mean, Cecil is one does not go from a non-honors Columbia poli sci grad (really an impossibility unless you had a brain removal) to a star at HLS if there's any honest evaluation ..Impossible..
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 05:15 PM
The problem, as I see it, is that Obama's interaction with ACORN, the Woods Fund Chicago, and the CAC requires the public's attention beyond one or two easy sound bites. These relationships cannot be explained in, "Mr. Vice President, you've got ninety seconds."
The Obama campaign excels in pithy responses to complicated negative stories. All the muddled middle will remember is the (Obama was only eight years old, etc.) dismissive rejoinder, little comprehending the seriousness of the charge. Unfortunately.
Posted by: Lesley | October 02, 2008 at 05:16 PM
"Y'know, the part of Barry's background that is hard to figure is his development from a basketball jones type at Punahou, to an undistinguished inactive student at Occidental (until he discovered SA divestment) to a political science type at Columbia graduating without honors, to all of a sudden being a standout legal scholar at Harvard."
Because this is a different Obama?
Ideal subject, orphan,no proper birth certificate,no paper trail,no close friends with anecdotes.Now how many politicians can you think of who don't ram their entire lives down your throats.A couple of premature biographies which seem to be the script of Obama's life.
I said quite a while ago,"The Man Who Never Was".
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 05:17 PM
Because this is a different Obama? Ideal subject, orphan,no proper birth certificate,no paper trail,no close friends with anecdotes.
Bred in a Democratic bioweapons lab from classified genetic material extracted from MLK Jr, Jack Kennedy, FDR and Abraham Lincoln, he was unleashed upon the world to lay waste to the hegemonic Vast Right Wing Conspiracy using only the sword of Truth, Justice, and the American Way!!!
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 05:38 PM
Better get a towel and clean up that mess you just made on your rug, PUK. Looks like you had curry for supper, eh?
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 05:40 PM
Actually, I think they know and don't care
Actually, I think they know and support what the terrorists, racists and felons are doing. As long as they don't get caught or get away with it.
Posted by: RichatUF | October 02, 2008 at 05:48 PM
We probably ought to start a disinformation campaign claiming it's all gospel
No we shouldn't, because we don't know it's true.
It might be true, but we don't know it's true.
Posted by: bgates | October 02, 2008 at 06:00 PM
Actually, I think they know and support what the terrorists, racists and felons are doing.
You forgot pedophile snuff film producers. Nothing happens in DC without their say so.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 06:02 PM
There is no TGO on my rug.
BTW,how many snuff movies have you starred in?
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 06:19 PM
BTW,how many snuff movies have you starred in?
That's more of a staff position, and after reviewing feedback from all your friends, they think you're a perfect candidate for the job.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 06:28 PM
i>"No we shouldn't, because we don't know it's true."
I agree completely. It's like those rumors that Barack Hussein Obama may well be a muslim just because he is noted for his ability and proficiency in reciting the muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic. I would never make such a claim, even if it were proven that his father and stepfather were both muslims.
Posted by: Rick Ballard | October 02, 2008 at 06:30 PM
You so obviously enjoy being beaten up, nobody would dream of depriving you of the job.Ideal for someone as depraved as you.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 06:32 PM
Doesn't that bother anyone, besides the usual paranoid wing nuts here?
Ha. I like my paranoia and conspiracy top shelf.
Come on-Obama met Ayers when they lived in close proximity in Morningside Heights, NYC in the mid-1980's. Which would really be a problem, because Ayers' wife and a few other WUO terrorist dead-enders got arrested and convicted for bomb making, weapons, armed robbery, and murder in the mid-1980's as well. Sort of shoots his "I was 8 when they were terrorists" excuse doesn't it.
What about his little trip to Pakistan-in the early 1980's? Someone sponsored that little junket for a young up-and-comer. Pakistan was dangerous in 1981, especially for a young American, even if he'd been "seasoned" a bit in LA.
Posted by: RichatUF | October 02, 2008 at 06:33 PM
Peter, the more I see the more I realize he's the Manchurian Candidate..the Telegraph published the British Ambassador's assessment of Obama, and I got these takeaways:
. He's aloof
. he's decidedly liberal
. He will have less of a track record than any other president
. he's been running for president since his early 20's
. he agrees with the UK Gov't about pulling out of Iraq, but they are worried about his stance re Iran
. His politics and policies are still evolving
When Castro came to power in 1959, some of the same things were said about him. We found out very quickly where his heart was....
Posted by: matt | October 02, 2008 at 06:36 PM
"even if it were proven that his father and stepfather were both muslims."
They probably were since Obama's mother was married to two Muslims and Barrack attended a madrassa.
I put no credence of the rumour that Barrack Hussein Obama is the Twelfth Imam.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 06:44 PM
I was just going to link that,got distracted by Sir Ian Blair getting to boot.
Barack Obama is aloof
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 06:49 PM
From an FBI file on Ayers and the WUO
Jacobs would have been an icon to young budding communists at Columbia Univerity and maybe Piqued Obama's curiousity when he attended that university later. Didn't he return to Hawaai for a few years where he met "Frank" his mentor before enrolling at Harvard?
Posted by: Rocco | October 02, 2008 at 07:16 PM
Chavez as elected in 1998; took power in 1999; 2000 was the year of the famous Katrina like flood, that occurred while he
was having a colloquoy with Fidel on Margarita Island. According to a little cited Frank Foer profile in the Atlantic; Chavez admits to have been with the Red Flag Marxist guerillas from 1984 till
coup attempt. the Ayer's revolutionary past
probably appealed to him; like his leftwing
friends he knew at Colombia. Fidel was running as a candidate of the Maverick Ortodoxo candidate Eddy Chibas; until the latter killed himself and the Batista coup of 52. Ayers, Klonsky & co; were the recipients of the CAC's largesse through
Ayers. Payback for the support given previously.
Posted by: narciso | October 02, 2008 at 07:19 PM
I could die a happy man, regardless of the election outcome, if dear Sarah just offers this one line:
... Barak Obama's political life began in the living room of an American terrorist....
Posted by: Fisher | October 02, 2008 at 07:29 PM
A little known fact about Venezuela. Chavez got rid of the middle class. There is very little middle class left in Venezuela. The dream of Rev. Wright, no?
Posted by: Sue | October 02, 2008 at 07:30 PM
Barak Obama's political life began in the living room of an American terrorist
Ooooo! Lemme try one too!
McCain's political life began in the bed of a woman who was not his wife.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 07:42 PM
"And though I'd also think it's an awfully deep game for the Ayers types in the world to begin grooming a kid in college for a presidential run, but . . . as a Manchurian Candidate conspiracy theory, it has a certain charm."
I love it. Someone thinking big.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 07:52 PM
I do not want to feed the troll, truly, but I do wish he/she could address the issue of the thread with a little more honesty and intelligence.
Posted by: Barbara | October 02, 2008 at 08:00 PM
"The Joyce Foundation, which has assets of $750 million and makes grants of approximately $30 million annually to projects that affect the Midwest. "
The Joyce Foundation seems legit, established in the 40's by some rich lady, gives grants to a bunch of lib groups.
So who knew? The way to get ahead in life is to join these foundations. Best way to meet a bunch of hoity toity rich people who can give you the bucks to launch you. Gotta admit it was clever of BHO.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:04 PM
It's what it does,any more sane and germane and it would be thrown out of the Troll Gibberish Operatives union.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 08:04 PM
"I love it. Someone thinking big."
After Kim Philby,nothing is too big.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 08:06 PM
LOL. That's the best explanation that I've heard to date!
Posted by: Barbara | October 02, 2008 at 08:07 PM
I do not want to feed the troll, truly, but I do wish he/she could address the issue of the thread with a little more honesty and intelligence.
Which I did at the top, noting that when people are worried about their jobs and retirement savings the Ayers story will have a hard time finding any resonance with the public.
You guys have been pumping this story for months on end, and like a dog with a chew toy, you just can't let it go. Probably because even though it's a long shot in terms of actually turning the election, your available options are dwindling quickly in the face of an advancing calendar.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 08:10 PM
"Warren Chapman was a well established philanthropic professional with a varied background anchored by more than 20 years in positions focusing on technical assistance to and grant-making in education. His career encompasses nine years with the Joyce Foundation, six years with Illinois State Board of Education, and six years with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Educational Policy Studies. Mr. Chapman began his career in the Illinois Department of Corrections directing programs for youthful offenders.
Mr. Chapman earned a doctorate degree in educational policy studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a concentration in the politics of education, educational policy, and social foundations of education. He holds a master of arts degree in urban studies and a bachelor of arts degree in studio art with a concentration in sculpture."
Co-founder of the Annenberg with Ayers, Chair of the Joyce Foundation where Obama got his start right before Annenberg. Also an African American guy by the way, and he also seemed to have a fast career trajectory. Wonder if he went to Wright's church as well.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:14 PM
He's not a Manchurian candidate. He's not a leftist, except in a shallow way of "Be on the left? Sure, why not." He is a narcissist who does whatever is going at the moment to get ahead. He just wants to have a career as Mr. Big Shot. He's exactly like Bill Clinton, only skinny, chaste and with 30 fewer IQ points.
Posted by: Jim Ryan | October 02, 2008 at 08:19 PM
Yes, TGO, it's Hell having to depend upon Patrick Fitzgerald for your October surprise. Can't Larry put a little birdie in his ear?
Posted by: kim | October 02, 2008 at 08:20 PM
Yeah it doesn't seem that much of a mystery anymore. Chapman and Ayers met in the Chicago scene somehow. Maybe Ayers got Chapman into the Joyce Foundation or vv. They started the Annenberg together. Obama got into the Joyce Foundation through some African American connection, ie Wright's church. And then Chapman liked Obama because of the minority connection, and they promoted him to the top of Annenberg.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:22 PM
"Barak Obama's political life began in the living room of an American terrorist
Ooooo! Lemme try one too!
McCain's political life began in the bed of a woman who was not his wife."
Ok let the American people vote based on those two statements and let's see who wins.
TGO were you one of those who opposed Clinton's impeachment because "it was just about sex"? It wasn't, but...
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 08:25 PM
Sylvia, sorry, but you have missed the substance. What was CAC used for? And it happened right under mister-executive-experience-is-my-name's nose.
It is no wonder the Big O minimized CAC CEO in his autobiography and his campaign.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 08:27 PM
No, you can't make someone look at what one does not wish to see.
Posted by: sbw | October 02, 2008 at 08:28 PM
"Ayers story will have a hard time finding any resonance with the public."
Actually it will have plenty of resonance with the public, the problem is it has no resonance with the MSM. But like Rathergate, sometimes a small break can lead to a big result, so just let us keep on plugging, in the meantime you can watch rehashed Obama speeches on his TV channel.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 08:29 PM
Ahem, sbw--take it from those of us with experience, you will have a more meaningful discussion with an ice cube.
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 08:31 PM
Well there def seems a radical Chicago scene, inheriting the Ayers radicalism, probably merging with the radical civil rights movements, now cleaned up and sponsored by Chicago lib old money.
Ie Warren Chapman, born in 1968, for a guy who started out working as a juvenile officer, also seems to have had a stellar career rise, much like Obama. There seems to be a network there, funneling young radicals, especially African Americans with decent degrees, up to the top. Probably the churches were involved, also the Universities.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:39 PM
"Mr. Chapman earned a doctorate degree in educational policy studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a concentration in the politics of education, educational policy, and social foundations of education. He holds a master of arts degree in urban studies and a bachelor of arts degree in studio art with a concentration in sculpture."
Yes,but what are his qualifications? Looks like the bloke never had a job.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 08:39 PM
Google "Fox News" Ayers Obama
375,000 hits
Limbaugh ayers obama
185,000 hits
Anyone remotely interested in this story knows where they can go to get their fill. People just don't care about "Nearly Smoking Letters" when in the real world they're afraid that their savings may be going up in flames.
Posted by: TGO | October 02, 2008 at 08:43 PM
Cecil and Clarice,
One does not go from a non-honors Columbia poli sic to a star at HLS if there's any honest evaluation.:
Percy Sutton, no relation to Willie, was introduced to Obama by Dr. Kalid al-Mansour. Mansour, aka. Don Warden, a principal advisor to one of the world's richest men. "He told me about Obama."
"And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?"
Read all about it @ LUN.
Posted by: Publius | October 02, 2008 at 08:45 PM
Sorry Peter, there's more to his bio-
"Prior to joining the University, Dr. Chapman served as the vice president for corporate philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase. He oversaw all corporate giving including corporate contributions made to not-for-profit organizations and administered the daily operations of the Bank One Foundation."
More at the LUN, picture too.
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:46 PM
If the Obama Ayers(terrorist) connection is unimportant why is the whale banging on about its unimportance? Touch of the Brer Rabbit here.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 08:47 PM
Dick Morris just said Obama peaked too to my ears.
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 08:51 PM
""Prior to joining the University, Dr. Chapman served as the vice president for corporate philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase"
Anyone can give money away,earning it is the hard bit.One up from corporate hospitality.
Posted by: PeterUK | October 02, 2008 at 08:51 PM
In a real world, TGO, the public would be usefully informed by our free press about the real villains of the housing mess, the Democrats. In the made up fantasy world of the MSM a pig is being sold in a poke.
Posted by: kim | October 02, 2008 at 08:52 PM
Drummond's top two posts at his webpage make good reading.
Posted by: PaulL | October 02, 2008 at 08:53 PM
I know about Mansour--and I know that the Obamited tried to muddy that up and failed per Sutton's family.
But--assuming that's how he got into HLS, it doesn't explain his remarkable academic turn about, a turnabout that id not reflected in a single comment Obama has made in the campaign on legal issues.
Did he only take open book exams which Tribe filled in for him? Did he get a pass on law school courses and get credit for "independent work" with Tribe and his friends? WTF?
Posted by: clarice | October 02, 2008 at 08:56 PM
"in the real world they're afraid that their savings may be going up in flames."
That's this weeks excuse, what was last week's? Obamabots always have a good reason for why this guy should not be exposed, and it's always because "there are more important things". Yes, a convicted felon helped him buy his house, but we are losing in Iraq. Yes, he sat in a pew while Wright railed anti-American doctrine for 20 years, but we are losing in Iraq ...uhhhh, we are winning in Iraq??? well, Sarah Palin killed a cuddly moose. Yes, his career was launched and funded by a terrorist bomber, but wait, there's a financial crisis. No record, no accomplishments, no experience???? A hurricane is forming in the Atlantic!!!
Posted by: ben | October 02, 2008 at 08:57 PM
Did anyone ever ask for the undergrad and grad transcipts from Obama? We knew all about Bush's C average, we know his SAT's. We know Gores SAT's. What about Obama?
Posted by: sylvia | October 02, 2008 at 08:59 PM
Tribe has said that looking up case law and mundane stuff like that was well beneath Obama's stature. That kind of stuff was for the grunts. Tribe saw in Obama a kindred spirit, one who understood and agreed with his vision. I'm sure tests and grades were beneath Obama too. It would have been insulting to test such a god.
Posted by: PaulL | October 02, 2008 at 08:59 PM
What evidence do we have there was any academic turn about? To my knowledge, he has not released his LSAT score, Columbia, or Harvard transcripts.
Somewhere I read that his election to HLR was another political manover.
Posted by: Publius | October 02, 2008 at 09:03 PM
Posted by: Publius | October 02, 2008 at 09:05 PM
I'm not willing to say that there is any huge significance to Obama graduating from law school with significantly more academic prestige than any of his other academic endeavors. I mean it wouldn't be the first time that a bright slacker coasted through undistinguished, only to connect and shine at some point.
The folks at Volokh have collected various assignments, test questions, etc. from former UC law students of Obama. As professional legal educators, they claim that Obama is a quite talented and articulate writer. (Just like Joe Biden said :-)
There is no reason to claim that Obama is less talented than he is -- he's quite lacking enough in all of the things he is lacking in...
We have not seen transcripts, but we know that he graduated with honors from law school. (That's a classic publicly available fact -- call up a college or university registrar, say that you are verifying a resume, and give a name and a graduation year. They will tell you degrees received and any honors.)Posted by: cathyf | October 02, 2008 at 10:07 PM
The question is not about his intelligence, but why we do not have his early education records.
We also do not have his medical records.
Why not?
Posted by: davod | October 03, 2008 at 05:59 AM
We don't even know if he has a US birth certificate, and he has a CAIR related lawyer working to have the case tossed out rather than producing a birth certificate.
" The real issue is why is a candidate for President of the United States, a guy who wants to take over the role of Commander-in-Chief in the war on terror, using the Lawyer for CAIR a group with terrorist connections, to represent him in a law suit? Once again the Junior Senator from Illinois leave us with questions and no answers."
Not only is he a lawyer for CAIR, he is also a DNC lawyer. Why would CAIR and the DNC, and Obama all be so eager to make sure the American people do not get a chance to know who the Democrat candidate really is?
"The DNC connection
What Yid with Lid did not mention in this article is that Sandler is general counsel for the Democratic National Committee."
When will Obama be vetted? Does anyone care?
Posted by: pagar | October 03, 2008 at 08:09 AM
Forgot the Link under Name:
"Obama, Sandler and a DNC conflict of interest?"
Posted by: pagar | October 03, 2008 at 08:11 AM
So in conclusion to these thoughts, it seems like Ayers was clever enough to keep his associations with his handpicked proteges indirect, and worked through surrogates associated with his foundations to propel them forward. So it will be hard to find a smoking gun. A little bit like my theory on all the Obama donations over the internet from "college students"- even if they aren't all on the level, Obama has plausible deniability on it.
One angle to look at in this, is the hijacking of these supposed charities, with their supply of milions and billions of tax free dollars from disengaged old money people who really just want a tax shelter and some vgue idea they are doing good, to promote a radical view by a few individuals controlling the purse strings of the charities. I wonder how often this is happening in this country. You know it kind of reminds me of how Hamas and the Saudis operate their fundamentalism covered up by charities. I wonder if Ayers got the idea from there.
Posted by: sylvia | October 03, 2008 at 01:51 PM