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November 25, 2008



My money is on Sarah!

bio mom

Other polls have Chambliss up +6


Way to go Sarah.

Here's to hoping McCain doesn't go anywhere near the place.


Please oh please let us pull this one out and Minnesota too.

Why hasn't Pee Eee Obama campaigned for Martin?


Heard a while back the name of Obama's Budget advisor, can't remember it. Anyway, he's another Govt. Healthcare advocate.

Still not feeling the bipartisanship in this election.

Rick Ballard

I'd pay to read a bgates' script for a McCain ad on this race.



Still not feeling the bipartisanship in these selections.


He voted for the bail out. Fuck him.


GA conservatives...vote with your feet. Stay home and let Saxby become another K street pole smoker like Trent.


Just waiting for Capt. Hate to b-slap TCO in 5..4..3..2..1



How did the radio show go today?



I thought it was boring, but so far the audience (the two I have spoken with) say it was good. I'm trying to take over a bit - there is only so many times you can hear stories about Dukakis, Volpe and Saltinstall. WE do have some fun stuff going on state wise with some locally elected democrats being caught taking bribes. The FBI warns that it is just the tip of the iceberg. So we spent some time on that.

I did manage to steal someone's line from here - I forget who, (and thank you)who said that Sarah should have pardoned the turkey in an abortion clinic and the left would have loved it. I also tried to get us to talk about Eric Holder, and a bit about the bailout.

The news is slow during the transition. I made a point of saying how important I thought it was to be respectful of President Elect Obama, that was about 10 seconds before my co-host referred to President Bush as "Georgy Porgy". Amy said that succeeded wildly.

I still love doing it. I wish I could hear it. And I wish you could too.



The bailout has turned out to be a Congressional mandate to Treasury to do whatever to fix this mess. Do you even want to think about whre we would be if Congress were still wrangling over how to fix this mess, or were keeping Treasury on an ultra-short leash? Fortunately, politicians taking a known risk have kept that very bad thing "unimaginable". I'd be happy about that, myself.

Chambliss doesn't deserve credit for much -- he's pretty good at taking the easy way out. But he did the right thing here.


Oh and we spent a bunch of time on media bias which is becoming my theme. I want the public to start realizing they are being hoodwinked by the media.


I want to think that the market would work it out. That $$ would go where they earn returns instead of where the politicians want them to prevent embarressment.


I'm sorry, but keep Huckabee home, we know his real feelings;, and McCain, buyer's remorse doesn't quite cover it. Keep Romney and Guiliani there. Look one understands that Chambliss is not everybody's cup of molasses, but one does realize that he took out Cleland; challenging the liberal view
of union first; homeland security second.

The bailout happened because the Congress abdicated its responsibility, at the moment the crisis hit. They'd been doing this all year, just on a smaller scale, all the while investigating steroid use, and other weighty issues. They had stalled onsupplying
the troops, had just been forced into actually reversing the drilling bans, which should have gone by the wayside after Katrina. Realistically, what was the alternative, not following 20/20 hindsight.
McCain had tried for three years to reign in the GSEs; but future staffers like Rick Davis among others had backstopped the measures. The White House had mentioned the issue 17 times in almost as long a period. Greenspan et al .But David Gregory's wife
Beth, Rahm Emmanuel, Tom Donilon, Jamie Gorelick and a cast of thousands; pushed back with their money and imput. They along with Countrywide, Lehman, Wachovia, CitiCorp
picked out their candidate, precisely because he wouldn't challenge the Status quo. The contrast is instructive; 5 1/2 years later, Bush refused to come to Enron's aid, in part because he believed that Ken Lay had betrayed the shareholders
trust. Paul O'Neil, for all his later complications with the administration, was
a different breed than Hank Paulson, and concurred on that point.



If you made those points it was a success. Good for you and thanks for the update. Wish we could all hear it, too!

Every week, I think of a radio program that should be called "Tuesdays with Jane". :)


Paul O'neil had ten times the stones of Paulson, Bush or Rove. Bush will burn whoever he needs to, to tryu for a very temporary political advantage. Fuck him. He's a fucking moron. Hope a lighting bolt hits him and then everyone related to him dies...except the females. They can wail over the dead men. While I fucking laugh at them.



It is not the nature of government to leave things alone when a panic is going on. Nor, frankly, do people in this Democracy want government to do nothing in such a case.

If the bailout did not pass, rest assured that something would have passed a few weeks later, and it would have been just as draconian.


Actually, I meant to say "far more draconian". And given that the government is really just "trying something until it works", that could have been catastrophic.


My friends, I'm here to talk to you about the reelection of the disgraceful, reprehensible right-wing Nazi Clarence Chambliss. This is a man who doesn't even use his first name, a hallmark of some of the worst degenerates in America.
Some people might be surprised to hear me talk this way about a man who voted for my immigration reform bill. (That bill would have granted citizenship to millions of hard-working immigrants who, contrary to popular belief, don't want to accelerate the transformation of the United States into a corrupt Third World banana republic any more than anyone else in the Democratic Party.) The simple reason is this: we can do better, my friends, and by "better" I mean "more Democratic".
What can I tell you about Jim Martin? Not a thing except that he has a (D) after his name, and if that's enough to be President, it's got to be good enough to be Senator.
In conclusion, vote Jim Martin. The biggest problem in Washington is partisanship, and there's no such thing in a one-party state. Thank you, and I think Sarah Palin's a lesbian.


?"trying something until it works", that could have been catastrophic.

Very well still may be. There's only so much money.


I think Sarah Palin's a lesbian.

My natural inclinations may be switching....



I think I speak for us all that hopefully, someday, we will have the technology to record programs such as yours and perhaps make them available through some sort of inter-tube thingy.

We would all like to hear the show.


Bravo, bgates! LOL, too!

Would you write one for Sarah? also


See this is exactly the thing I was afraid of; You know it's a good thing Sarah, doesn't know about this link, or she'd be mortified. First Andrew Sullivan, now this.


You know nothing had happened yet. I still want to see some Goldman fucks doing sidewalk dives.


Throw them?


"Tuesdays with Jane". :)

Dick is leaning towards: "Politics as usual".

I think it should be some iteration of "Fun with Dick and Jane". Or maybe: "See Spot Run".

There was a priest at the radio station today - Father Peter Prebble - who when I was introduced said: It's nice to put a face with the voice." I thought that was pretty cool.


Interesting that TCO only ever blames Bush for the debacle that the Democrat Congress foisted on the world.Nor does he ever give figures and details of the results of his FTA policy.


Peter, you are one of the densest of the dense. Why don't you just take a weight and bash your head in?

Of course, the loose policies encouraged speculation. But the speculation was speculation, nonetheless. There is no reason for the government to bail out trading desks at AIG, Goldman and Citi. Let them sink. Only if you are an interventionist...or absorbed with the issues of blaming while letting things get screwed up, do you sign off on the bailout and try to tag loose regulation with the cause. Grow some free market sac.


The Republicans (and Bush) that pursued a bailout had a choice. And they choose bailout. They have WRECKED the brand of the GOP. But I guess with dimwits like kim and PeterUK, maybe that's what the GOP deserves.


Jane: Drudge has a blurb up about a new book by Coulter:


It should be a good read and will probably be another best seller for her.

I read that Olbermann made Halperin WPITW because of Halperin's comments about the biased media. LOL


So Jane, this was about Massachussetts politics in the 70s and 80s, Interesting. You really almost had to troll block yourself after that one, bgates, Elliot, have anything to add,

On a more serious note, the more moderate tone took a bit of a turn, with seemingly
the net roots first victory; the declining
of the top security posts by John Brennan. Gleenwald is ecstatic, so naturally that should bum us out some. He was the information coordinator at the TTIC; not an operator; but it was assumed he had to know something about rendition, interrogations operations. So that's kind of distressing. I guess Joe Rodriguez is out of the running
(gallows humor) Hayden has proven to be as
locuacious as Colby was a generation ago; and not in a good way. Sulick and Kappes on the way up; I guess, Than again, there's always Kostiw, who showed his enthusiasm in Mother Jones.


Jane, doesn't the station make a tape of the show? If so, it would be pretty simple to put it on the web, if the station would not object. Heck, I could even put them on *my* web site.



Wet Pants in two ways?, or does it mean something else?


WPITW: Your translation is pretty good, but it really means "Worst Person in the World".

Jane, doesn't the station make a tape of the show?

No. Can you believe it? He said I could bring in a tape recorder?

Who has tape recorders these days. I'm telling you, it's the twilight zone.


Tina, I'm not Coulter's biggest fan, but I bet that would be worth it.


I am not a big Coulter fan either, but I give her credit for not being afraid of calling liberals out.

Did you see the NY Post piece that she broke her jaw and it is wired shut? Not being able to talk has to be killing her.


No. Can you believe it?

Hard to believe. Is there a computer in the studio? If so, a simple microphone into the sound card (with suitable software) should allow you to record it. Or you could bring a laptop or netbook.

I'm not versed in digital portable recording devices, but there must be something around. I'd bet there is something for under $100.


Talk about media bias; it has come to this:

Frustrated Claims of Pro-Obama Media Bias... This Time From Al-Qaida




Naughty naughty TCO a smack in the mouth sometimes offends.Top and bottom you haven't a clue what would happen,know little about the subject and have probably never had responsibility for more than 50cents.
Which is why you blether on about the Free Market but avoid extrapolating the likely consequences.
BTW who did you vote for?


Let's see if I can get a nice fluffy landing for TCO who would pull the safety net out from under the drunken high wire act.

Rick Ballard


Podcast shareware plus a microphone should do the trick - at least for a trial run. Others here probably have better suggestions but it's really not that complicated.


She's kind of a sharp knife when a stiletto is required; but when everyone in the MSM is selling the same old song; Obama is God, Elian belongs with his father, Sarah's an albatross around the GOP, Biden's an elder
statesman; her message rings true. It was one of those blind items, kind of like Sarah was going to go on "Desperate
Housewives" as if they forgot the meaning of the show.
The Obamico nee Politico is at it again, repeating the comments of an anonymous Senator, slamming Sarah, telling us to forget about Reagan; welcome the era of
Alf Landon; that last part I made up. Theirtrack record is right up there with the Times Picayune in the Katrina cannibal phase.


I've probably got enough equipment on my computer to accomplish the task Dr. J. I'll ask the youngsters (comparatively) when they come for Thanksgiving if they can teach me how to do it - and I'll keep that link Rick, thanks.

But I need to find out if there is any sort of FCC violation or something that makes uploading it prohibitive. Wouldn't want to give O an excuse to put me in jail.

Rick Ballard


A release from the station and your co-host would be a good bet. Host the podcasts at DrJs. I sorta like 'Fifteen Miles to Lexington' but your co-host might catch on.


Jane, I'd worry more about potential copyright issues. The station might own the broadcasts, and not wish to share any rights without compensation.

Have a look at your contract -- I'd bet there is something about that in there somewhere. If not, you are probably home free, though it would be worthwhile to ask them.

The station might even welcome the advertising!


Heh, Rick, I actually have Audacity running on my computer. It is powerful. Sadly, there is almost no documentation, so it the learning curve is steep.

JM Hanes


"But I need to find out if there is any sort of FCC violation or something that makes uploading it prohibitive."

Don't know if you meant that seriously, but if it's your host's show & venue, I assume he would be the de facto, if not official, copyright holder -- which means you might want to get his consent in writing before you put it on the web. I can't imagine he wouldn't give it, because it would mean all the more exposure for him as well. If he wants to set terms or limitations, you could counter by suggesting that he pay you for your expenses and your PR work. In fact, maybe you should actually start out presenting it as a funding opportunity! :-)

JM Hanes

I see that I was behind the copyright curve here. You guys are fast.


You guys are fast.

Remember where you are. :-)


In fact, maybe you should actually start out presenting it as a funding opportunity! :-)

And don't forget about hosting fees and labor! :)



How about more on Massachusetts corruption? I was up there 2 weeks ago and it was on talk radio. 2 state senators (separate cases) both lining their pockets....


maybe it was Warner, Arlen Spector or Olympia Snowe who made the comments. It seems the East Coast establishment is really out of touch with the rest of us. I'm sure they were Landon supporters when they first voted.


Ah, the bailouts.

Who on the Republican side has called out Democrats like Chris Dodd or Barney Frank or Andrew Cuomo on the sub-prime ("They would not have qualifed but for the affirmative action on the part of the bank...") root cause of the panic? Seriously, how can this travesty still be allowed to be explained by Republican "de-regulation" without someone asking which regulations were relaxed?

McCain, I can almost understand. He isn't philosophically grounded, and his main claim to media fame is his ability to "work with" Democrats and shaft Republicans, so of course he'd be squeamish. Besides, he may not even understand it. But has no prominant Republican the testicular wherewithal to expose the real cuplrits?

Rush is right: If there were even one Republican on which they could have pinned this thing, that person would have been hauled in front of a congressional hearing and probably be in prison by now.

It's sickening. Come on, Sarah. This isn't only an opportunity for Rahm.

richard mcenroe

OK, people!

Send me your Thanksgiving turkey-eatin' pics at

[email protected]

I'm putting together a website to show how we'd rather eat turkey with Sarah than crap from a Democrat...


Thanks guys for all the suggestions. I'll see what he has to say about it all next week and report back.


I wouldn't past them, but how many anonymous
sources haven't panned out on Politico's site, or been outright pwned by the likes of Mr. Gorlin. NewsWeek hasn't pulped that half of the issue; but then they have no shame, no honor, no code ;as they would have said in "A Few Good Men".The Republican
Establishment is consistently clueless; Crist I'm not fond of, Martinez, if he was on fire. . . the Diaz Balart brothers, and
Ros Lehtinen, would earn my vote but they're
not in my district. I like that Rooney beat Mahoney, dissapointed that Hastings, holds any office, above dog catcher. Vanderleun was right, about the party, "they thirst for death" or at least irrelevance. Sarah
probably figured it out on her scouting
trip, nearly two weeks ago. the grassroots, are strong, the party apparatus might as well be stringing tin cans together.

The contrast is instructive, the netroots in large part didn't accept the results of the '04 vote, they put their man, the
malaprop driven Howard Dean; consider they saw him as a viable Presidential candidate; and dialed up their outrage to eleventy. They raised cane over social security reform; killing it for a generation, they
demagogued Katrina into the New Lisbon earthquake, then they played the death card with Schiavo. They obstructed and demonized
troops in Iraq, sometimes repeating jihadi
propaganda word for word. They were unable force a '1972' type retreat from Iraq, but they slandered Petraeus without regard. We'll leave out the Haditha horror show that Murtha and even Joe Biden, participated
in. They backstopped every possible reform of the GSEs; collecting sizable sums in return. They went along with Soros and other speculative plays that drove oil to all time high, that caused us to burn our food for fuel, which did a great deal to pop
the aggregate debt bubble; and when the time was right, they popped the oil bubble
undermining any prospect of further energy
exploration. They acted in lockstep and seemingly endorsing every vile thing said by tyrants and terrorists against our leaders. They compromised our intelligence
collection, detention, and surveilance program. Now they ask us, to play nice, because they have a mandate Well NUMB.


Who has tape recorders these days. I'm telling you, it's the twilight zone. Posted by: Jane | November 25, 2008 at 06:54 PM For about $27 at Radio Shack, you can get an excellent digital (No tape!) recorder the size of a cell phone like the one I use to record my foundation's meetings.


Andy McCarthy on Eric Holder: LUN

The FALN pardons were nakedly political. As former Clinton adviser Dick Morris has observed, they were transparently done to help Hillary Clinton, then campaigning to become a U.S. senator, with New York’s heavy Puerto Rican vote. There is no other explanation for them that passes the laugh-test.

The article covers the Weather Underground pardons and Marc Rich as well.

Eric Holder has serious ethical issues. It is appalling that he will be nominated at all.


probably figured it out on her scouting
trip, nearly two weeks ago. the grassroots, are strong, the party apparatus might as well be stringing tin cans together.

I think you're right.


richard Mc: Hopefully you will get better pictures than we got from the cruise. sigh.


Jane: I hope you can find a way to create a recording of your radio show. I would definitely tune in/listen to it.


Jane: we spent a bunch of time on media bias

Bias is only part of the problem. Don't forget bad. Setting bias aside, if people aren't tuned to recognize what isn't news, they won't insist on what is news.

A transcript of any local or national news half hour will parse mostly into information and gossip poorly presented, not useful news.


Jane, if you've got an iPod you can get a microphone doohickey for it.

You can also get an olympus digital recorder with a USB end reasonably cheap.

If you really want to do it up, you could get a Flip video recorder for about $150 and video podcast.


Jennifer Rubin has a series of questions for those asking questions at Holder's confirmation hearing. LUN

Before Senators decide that there’s no reason to block Holder’s nomination, a full hearing and some direct answers to hard questions are in order. After all, if the Democrats are so concerned about “restoring the reputation” of the Justice Department to its pre-Bush days they should be concerned about the conduct and ethical standards of the man to be charged with that restoration.

Where is the media on this?

Angie Smith

Palin is the latest high-profile politician to head to Georgia to campaign for Chambliss and I hope she does him some good. In a year or two, I'd like to see the mess that Obama and his liberal illuminatis have gotten us into. They will have bashed Palin and and most other conservatives and there won't be anyone left to bash!


Where is the media on this?

bad: I love you sweetie, but why are you asking this question? We know exactly where the media is on this question and all others. They are pod people, brain dead acolytes. We cannot and must not wait for "the media" to do anything. We have to go over and around them in all things.


Ruh, roh.

Climate change skeptics on Capitol Hill are quietly watching a growing accumulation of global cooling science and other findings that could signal that the science behind global warming may still be too shaky to warrant cap-and-trade legislation.


It's from the politico, dammit.


Bias is only part of the problem. Don't forget bad. Setting bias aside, if people aren't tuned to recognize what isn't news, they won't insist on what is news.

Good point. I'll think about that.

Y'all vastly overestimate my technological ability. But before I deal with that, let me see how Dick feels about the whole thing.

Bill in AZ

It won't hurt to contact your congresscritters on this - it's a wedge issue that we can win. They are hoping to get crap legislation passed before this disappears. Gore, Obama, et al are not stupid - they know there is limited shelf life left on GloBull Warming, and they will push it hard just to screw up as much as they can before it becomes a non-issue.

Here is my letter to my congresscritters - excepting McCain who is an idiot.

The discussions around the Global Warming hoax need to be shut down. There is not a thinking person in this country with any kind of scientific or technical background who believes that Global Warming is caused by man. Allowing this discussion to continue to influence political and economic decisions has already greatly damaged our economy. Further efforts that are under discussion will weaken our standing in the world - all for a hoax created and sustained by bad science.

There is a lot of good information available. Here is a good summary, but by no means is this even comprehensive.


The Global Warming "Science" simply does not hold up under scrutiny. Please use your great influence to move this argument out of the sphere of serious political discussion.


The media is virtually useless, take Fox News Radio, please. their dispatches are almost entirely like AP Radio; "Obama said McCain voted with Bush, 90% of the time. Palin went rogue today, attacked a scout troop, incited three assasination threats, while wearing a towel"(I'm exaggerating that just a touch; to Onion level; Ace correspondent Carl Cameron)You have Glenn Beck, who makes me want to hang myself, warning of the next financial apocalypse; stock up and guns and food, and wait out 'the perfect storm'. Of course, he's moving to Fox News. You may get your wish TCO. Rush, who tends to publicize the best WSJ and blog insights, Schnitt, who pretends
at being an independent ala O'Reilly,
railing against oil companies 'sticky pricing' and the Schiavo overreach. And Hannity, who's a little unsubtle in his presentation, but means well. All the while, the filler, is almost designed to induce schizophrenia. Which is the truth;We
used to have Phil Hendrie, who does the no holds barred pranking routine. but he fell under Palin derangement syndrome some time ago. We have this corner of the blogosphere,
some parts of talk radio, which in a way is sometimes counterproductive; even Laura Ingraham fired more torpedoes into McCain more than the entire Japanese armada, which makes it hard to raise above the waterline
when someone like Sarah comes along to raise the bilge pumps. And we're leaving out Air America's blowtorch station, and the sports station, with Neil Rogers.
It's kind of like Spanish AM radio, you have Radio Mambi, hard core Anti-Castro, anti-Chavez, anti Obama but with a bit of a tin ear. Than you have other stations who are more populist right like The Poderosa. Then you have the Latin version of Air America, and the shock jock drive time music stations, who were rather merciless with Sarah last week, hinting not so broadly at her presidential ambitions and
making some scandalous insinuations about those pictures at the InterContinental or the Mandarin; they still can't get that straight. Yeats was so on point about this era, it's scary. That's just my perspective on things.


Yeats was so on point about this era


Just curious which poems you're thinking of. I always think of The Second Coming, but there must be more.


Heads Up Jane! You have competition:

AT's News Director Ed Lasky will join frequent contributor Clarice Feldman and Commentary Magazine's Jennifer Rubin for tonight's Rick Moran Show.

Feldman On Rick Moran Show Tonight

Podcast available soon.



If you happen back upon this thread before you go back to the studio next week, there is one other thing that you can check.

Presumably you already sit in a studio, with microphones and the various amplification "stuff" before the station sends out its (modest strength) transmission. Usually at some point you can intercept the signal that contains your and your colleague's voices. That might be a preamplifier output, a mixing console, or a tape monitor, but you should be able to tap into the signal at some point. Usually that is a 1V signal, give or take, and that should be able to drive nearly any computer device (like an A/D converter). Tapping into it as suggested will in no way affect the station's transmission.

If there is any sort of audio engineer at the station, you may wish to ask what options you have to tap into your pre-existing signal. If you can, you don't have to worry about microphones, mixing or equalization or anything like that. The station takes care of it. All you have to do is run a patch cord from this point to your computer and record it. This is trivial for the audio engineer at the station.

I can take care of the rest.

Of course you have to deal with copyright issues too.


You guys are fast.

Jane, that is 'cause we can't wait to hear you in action.


richard m.

We are going to video the gravy-making so I will send that on.


Darn, Clarice didn't make it on the Rick Moran Show. The whole hour is with Ed Lasky, who was very interesting, so listen if you have the time.


Didn't think that was Rick Moran sounded like; always seemed more moderate by his writings. Ed Lasky sounded knowledgable but also not nearly concerned enough. Too much hedging about Susan Rice, for those not in the know. The whole concept of NATO or UN troops on the West Bank, bad idea, Inigo Montoya level bad idea; it didn't even really work on the West Wing. Giving the UN Human Rights Council, the home of Zimbabwe, Sudan, Cuba, Saudi Arabia the time of day, really a bad idea.Having a chuckle at the media's acknowledgement of how they served as Obama'spublicist,covered it his buying the election, voter fraud, et al all the while trashing a good man, and a decent woman; sorry about that. The only anxiety was seen at the end, when you considered what the real progressive project would entail, And I didn't hear Clarice, which was the real draw of the show;or Jennifer Rubin, who I have heard from Pajamas Media. Sounded too much like your typical Fox or CNN roundtable. I guess the reams of words, of data aren't as vivid when they end up on the microphone. Although Steyn could hold my attention for an hour.


Sounded too much like your typical Fox or CNN roundtable.

Good point, narciso. If alternative media content is the same as mainstream media content, how is that an alternative? The channel on XM devoted to covering the Presidential election is a good example. Instead of doing something unique, like airing campaign events live and in full, the channel provided the same stuff you'd get on talk radio or cable news. Anchors, interviews with pundits, surrogates, etc.


All I know, is I've always been lukewarm on Saxby (He's a nice guy and not a complete sexual deviant like Cleland...look it up, but I've never been one with the faith based values crowd), but he had that R by his name, so he wins. That said, I'm going to join the mulitudes on Monday. Because, she's got that star power, and will be the next president of the United States. And moron's like this TCO guys head will explode like Scanners (It was on about two weeks ago, I got excited, made my wife sit down to watch it. She lasted about 4 minutes. She doesn't like Videodrome either, it's not fair), which let's face it, will be kinda cool.


You know what else is cool. I just looked at the comments in the CNN blog. I love the absolute hatred she endures for enciting the 20% christian "base" of the republican party. Because that's all she appeals to I guess. Well, except me and the rest of my punk/atheist/let the homo's marry, who cares brethren.


Well, Donald, I always appreciate your comments, but TCO likes Sarah Palin.


But plenty of morons' heads will explode. They explode just thinking such women exist, let alone might be President.


Whoops, sorry meant B-Gates. TCO I apologize for that transposition.

hit and run

Sue!!!! Did you hear it?

I was honking and screaming as we drove through town!

Don't worry Mrs hit and run tok over the driving before we hit Texarkana, so there was no added danger from me hanging out the window or even in me typing this now.

But I did manage to type an email to Glenndapundit as I was driving through Knoxville last night.

Oh and Jane, here's a question. Do you take calls during your show? Not listener calls since we can't listen, of course. But we could talk...

Finally, a big huge friendly hello to all my fellow Texans. If you were friends with the local Shiner distributor I would honk and wave by your house too.

It's good to be home!


I don't mean to be harsh, or dismissive; well I do about Rick Moran, but not everyone
knows how ill-informed these policiesoutside
of this merry band, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" to drop another reference, from Bradbury, who seemed to be prescient about some things. Gates, used to be a top flight
analyst, a hawk despised by all the right people, his 1991 confirmation was quite nearly Gotterdamerung. Ever since he came back from down to College Station and started talking cooperation with the mullahs; this is how he got in trouble in the first place. He was opposed to the surge, to challenging the IRGC's actions.
He's probably oppose any affirmative moves against the Bushehr and Aranz plants. He still adds up to the most sensible of the Obama foreign policy crew; but that's not saying much. There was a littlesatisfaction in Jane Hamsher, stammering at the choice but not a whole lot. Because it's a madhouse out there.

I happen to catch a glimpse of Show Biz Today, and I felt a little why the foes of
our aggresive policies, despise us for what we have done. After the Oprah discussion, there was the Sarah discussion, about the 800 offers, 200 interviews, et al. But they really don't understand why, they chalk it up to Tina Fey. They scoffed at those amateur 'thank you' videos, saying they were too much like SNL. They said, she likely didn't have a chance because the GOP had two choose between being the party of Sarah Palin and that of Colin Powell; another 72 year elder statesman (I added that last part) What was the question, again?They don't understand hergenuineness, her heart, all those things that drive her.
In short, they don't understand the
heartland, they did not see by demeaning her, you diminish your own sense of decency.
The effigy on West Hollywood Boulevard, was only the most obvious example of that. That her policies,underlined by the latest idiocy of the 9th Circuit against drilling in the Beaufort Sea, and Chuchki fields are the only ones that make sense,in the long run. We need oil and we can't depend on GAZPROM, ARAMCO, & CITGO to be understanding
with us. That we need to rely on our own coal, and global warming can go hang itself.
The Russians knew, they didn't chose the tag "Ohanitsa" by accident. They recognize if not a kindred spirit, a fighter forged by the Arctic gales. Would Medveyev have had second thoughts about bringing the Russian fleet, on a tour through the Caribbean. Or threaten missiles on the Polish border?. It's not an accident, that Chavez threw all that contempt upon her, she reminds him a little too much of his ex wife, who led the resistance against him, in the most recent elections; and Alisa Machado, the other former beauty queen that he's tangled with in the past.They have to suppress a guffaw; you fools did you not realize what a formidable foe she is. I swear, sometimes, I wonder how did it come to this how we're on the verge of wasting away the great promise of this nation; it is the last best hope of Planet Earth, and yet a plurality, for selfish superficial
reasons, has just given it up, or at least postponed it.

I do recognize the looming fight ahead, the fact that she has moved into the Chambliss race, means they will up the ante. That she will be the defacto rival to the One at the Philadelphia Governor coffee clatch; kicks it up another notch. That the upcoming season, in Anchorage, with every dirty trick the Democrats and the old Republican machine lie in weight for her; will be like 'War and Peace'. One can just imagine what they will cobble together to attempt to defeat her in 2010; considering the truth
was no obstacle, in this last short stint. I still feel confident that she will prevail.


I still luv ya, Donald, but bgates satire went right over your head. There are a lot of people on this board just as funny and more than you are, as I know from George's board.


We cannot and must not wait for "the media" to do anything. We have to go over and around them in all things.

Right you are, cc. They're enemy propagandists and should be treated as such. No winning strategy can depend on their cooperation.

What would happen if Republicans refused invitations to the Sunday shows, or only accepted those from networks considered fair and balanced? (Too many McCains out there, I know, but that's just what Sarah Palin should have done and can do in the future.) Just start by calling out one network or one newspaper. "CBS? No, sorry, CBS is an extremely biased network, more of a political organization than a news organization." Etc.

Let the Balkanization proceed, since it's going to anyway, but let's not make believe we're all in this together anymore.


n, she needs bodyguards.



No calls yet. We really should do that. I dunno, what the deal is. It's Dick's station. He's no spring chicken....and I am grateful for the opportunity


bgates satire went right over your head
No great trick to going over Don's head, just aim at Obama's navel.


I agree Extraneus. President and Mrs. Bush are doing an exclusive interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC soon (not sure exact date - maybe this weekend?).

Why? Why are any of our folks playing the game still? All the rules, refs, fans are proudly against them. What is the point? Martyrdom?

One of the areas they need to be more aggressive is in calling the media out. If they must do these media minutes, then they should use every opportunity to look into the camera and say what a biased, untruthful bunch of louts they are.

Every interview - air or print - and no whining allowed. Agressive, forceful, clearly stated denunciation of them and their ilk.


Rick Ballard

"I still feel confident that she will prevail."

I'll join you if she begins to go over the heads of the zombiemedia by using the net effectively. It appears that we may be at an inflection point in a number of areas. We now have zombiemedia being unsupported by the missing ad dollars of zombieDetroit and zombiebanks. We have the additional advantage of the fact that the weak minded northeastern establishment is overinvested in all three - to the detriment of their wholly undeserved reputations.

If she can capitalize on the moment then she will prevail - despite the babble about Zero causing the sun to shine when the economy takes off in the spring.


let's not make believe we're all in this together anymore.
Absolutely. The YouTube debate showed the way for any Republican who wants to see: solicit questions from the general public, select softballs and superficially tough queries with no followup, answer what you want asked.

They also need to start pointing to the declining revenues of their enemies in the press as evidence the press has lost the public trust.

Cut the national press off entirely. They're obsolete. If they want to howl that the general public isn't capable of posing its own questions without intermediaries, compare the sort of questions the Republican solicitation turns up vs Charlie Gibson asking Obama how proud his kids are, or other such junior high crush material.

I don't need a travel agent to buy a plane ticket for me, I don't need a mailman to send a message for me, and I don't need a journalist to ask questions for me.


the GOP had two choose between being the party of Sarah Palin and that of Colin Powell

That shouldn't even require thought. But it is the GOP leadership you're talking about.

Let the Balkanization proceed

IMHO this election pretty effectively showed the depth of this. 2010 and 2012 will show if there is any hope in it's undoing. With the education system as bad as it is in the cities, I'm not real hopeful.


Yeah, I've thought that do. It's been a concern expressed inplicitly because of
that stupid football Youtube video, Sandra Bernhardt's rather explicit suggestion to violence, some of the rank pornographic
incitement and even the comments to those
Bauer-Griffin pictures; too much of the other ill will that has and will be raised against her by the Kos and their thousands of imitators. As they would say in Spanish,
"No Hay Despojo, contra tanto Mal De Ojo'; (there's not enough despoiling, against so much of the evil eye)

Now B-gates, I won't hold it against that you patented a program, that suggests I'm
longwinded; slightly above a troll,although careful with the satire, it may be
interpreted as real now adays. Witness the carp Danny Schechter, circulated for weeks at a time. TCO I really can't tell his motivation; he can't really think that turning down the bailout was a viable option.


Cut the national press off entirely. They're obsolete.

There is a large segment of the population that gets all its news from the national press - people too old to use the internet, people who don't care about news.

I still believe my mother would never have voted for mr hopey changy if she had access to media that actually reported on stuff. She will go to her grave believing that the NY Times is indeed the paper of record.

Rick Ballard


Not if the NYT beats her to the finish line. It has a date with destiny established in May and the WSJ attack to capture upscale advertisers is particularly well timed. Manhattan real estate isn't going to drop to zero but it's going to drop considerably. Unemployed investment bankers don't need much office space.

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