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December 23, 2008



Christmas eve eve. Life is good. Think about the dudes and dudettes overseas.

The Mighty Quinn

What? No Chicago style Frog March?


I for one can't wait to see the "new government transparency" so we can finally start transcending!


Given the fact that the Minnesota canvassing board is taking ballots clearly marked for Coleman and giving them to Franken; I can't see what difference it makes what Blago did or did not do. The results are going to be the same, in both states, another Democrat will be seated-no matter what the voters want.


They are too busy ogling his man-boobs to worry about corruption.


Oh no, those are washboard abs extended into the chest area. Sheesh, keep your shirt on Mr. President-Select.


They pend. The only fat on him. The President-Delect.


Gotta love Ma Belle Michelle - oy, those hips look so much slimmer with the vertical stripes of her beach towel. snort.


She just resents her Baby Daddy being called jail bait.


TM don't forget in this most transparent to be administration they are already refusing to rellease anything emails etc relying on a loophole in FOIA which exclused transition materials.


"It's been ready for release for a week. We've held off at the request of the U.S. Attorney's office and that continues to be the case, though we expect to be able to release the report shortly."

That's the first lie.


Let Fitzgerald do his job and we'll see what the truth is. He's a pit bull and I don't think he's going to to be dissuaded by spin.


Is it bad form to bestow an eerie prescience award upon oneself?


You were close elliott, but it proves to be an even more expansive exclusion.


Surely we don't want this Blago thing to distract us from Obama's abs.


Gotta love Ma Belle Michelle - oy, those hips look so much slimmer with the vertical stripes of her beach towel. snort.

You know, I've got to stand up for Michelle here. I can't stand her, but I believe the woman deserves to be left alone (no pictures) while she's wearing a bathing suit on a beach vacation.


Or are they gong to pretend that even though Blago's side was clearly proposing corrupt acts there was no need to vex the already-overworked US Attorney so close to the holidays?

Are they going to explain why the SEIU guy was under the impression he was acting as an emissary for Valerie Jarrett?
Did Rahm set that up? If not, who did?

Danube of Thought

"Are they going to pretend that the approaches from the Blago side were so cryptic that no further action seemed appropriate? Or are they gong to pretend that even though Blago's side was clearly proposing corrupt acts there was no need to vex the already-overworked US Attorney so close to the holidays?"

I don't think they're going to do either one. I think we'll see a list of dates and times that conversations took place, with no substantive descriptions of the conversations.


You know, I've got to stand up for Michelle here. I can't stand her, but I believe the woman deserves to be left alone (no pictures) while she's wearing a bathing suit on a beach vacation.

It was a public beach.


So the President elect is body surfing while the world crashes. Fully knowing that
the pictures would be taken, yet Sarah looked better, when she had no expectation of having pictures taken; she went to another hotel a mile apart from the actual site, for crying out loud. No catty down notes on Wonkette I'm willing to bet. Well back to the coverup of the indefensable.


'comparing homosexuality to global warming was irresponsible and encouraged homophobia.'

The Pope is saying that homosexuals are assumed by lucifer and luciferians like anyone else or the weather, like that huricane. Parting seas or assuming bodies same thing.


MayBee: I kinda sorta agree with you about letting people relax without all the photogs.


It was a public beach.

Aren't all Hawaiian beaches public?
Anyway, so what? Michelle didn't run for fitness model of the year. She didn't audition for Hot or Not. She's under no obligation to be cellulite-free. She's just a mom that wants to bring her kids to the beach.


Aren't all Hawaiian beaches public?

On Oahu, I think that's right. There are two private islands, though: Niihau and Lanai. There of course public access is not relevant.

Danube of Thought

There's a wonderful beach at Fort DeRussy, adjacent to Waikiki, that's open only for armed services personnel (at least as of 1969).


Not any more, DoT:

"Famed as the widest stretch of white sand beach at Waikiki, this lovely and popular park is open to the public though owned by the military." The neighboring hotel is for service members only, though.

The public access issue flairs every now and again. The beaches near Diamond Head and Lanikai have very expensive real estate behind them, and their owners have often tried to move various walls out from the property towards the ocean to limit the amount of space the public has. There is always a push back.


Clarice! Spam recipe garners news.


Jane, I just added the text formatting toolbar to my other Mac.

You can probably use the same link.


Makes we wonder if I should rethink my love of Spam.


i believe W had a resting heart rate in the 40's through most of his 2 terms (explains the armstrong comment) - i imagine it's gone up a little at this point with age.

he is very fit, i would guess still more fit than a smoking zero.

zero overtrains his pec's and roti like a model - they serve little function in any athletic movement.

JM Hanes


"Sheesh, keep your shirt on Mr. President-Select."

It's just the New Diplomacy in action. I'd say the first round goes to Putin. Even Obama's bathing suit doesn't want to take a position.

JM Hanes

I'd cheerfully consign papparazzi to hard labor in Siberia, but I must say I'm glad to that the next generation of women don't feel like anything related to public office requires pantsuits and shapeless dresses.



Interesting comment about what protections/powers might accrue to a politician who held on to 2 elected positions at the same time. My Roman History is a little rusty, but I seem to recall that Augustus at times maintained the powers and position of both a Tribune and a Senator, plus a Consulship, enroute to creating his functional Emperorship, and that Julius Caesar previously had done something similar, with the added benefit of his position of Pontifix, Chief Priest of Rome, making him sacrosanct, and allowing him to insert 5 holiday days anywhere he wanted in the pre-reformed Roman calendar of 360 days, so that voting on legislation could be postponed while his henchmen could cudgel political opponents onto the "correct" side of an issue.


I hope everyone understands that this bathing suit stuff is just a bunch of gybe-talking. I could care less if Obama had love handles the size of Croatia, and man boobs like Mr. Costanza. I just wish he weren't a big spending, high-taxing, blame-America first, pal around with commies, conniving President elect.

Thomas Collins

Are you going to post a summary of your joustings on the radio today, Jane?


caro--I don't know what it is but throughout the Pacific spam is considered a delicacy--


Get a load of this from Political Punch:

The Obama Transition team will release the review of their investigation into staff contacts with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's office over President-elect Obama's vacated Illinois Senate seat at 4:30pm Eastern time Tuesday.

An Obama transition aide advises that the time was made upon agreement with the US attorney's office so that it doesn't impede their investigation.

- Yunji de Nies and Sunlen Miller

Is there anyone on earth that believes Fitzgerald's office has said anything other than "ok" when Obama's team calls to tell them their little investigation report release plans?


Spam is huge in Korea.


In Samoa, I'm told, Spam with mayo on white squishy bread, is the national dish. BARF

Danube of Thought

My father had so much Spam on Guadalcanal that he couldn't look at the stuff for the remainder of his life.

JM Hanes

MayBee: Fitz probably talked to them as definitively as the CIA guy talked to Novak.


While we wait for the investigation report (Ha ha ha), Fox News is saying there was a suicide today related to the Madoff scandal. French hedge fund fellow.


JMH--AFAICT the Committee's chair never did get a definitive answer on Mde Plame's legal status..Didn't stop someone from pressing DoJ to prosecute this nothingburger matter, did it? Was it Tenet on his own, or some Plame buddies with BDS..and visions of high position in a Kerry administration?


JMH said

I'm going to save this entire, fascinating, thread,

And I am linking back to Soylent on Pandora. I don't have a big music collection and this is just incredible. I put in Manheim Steamroller (holiday) and am getting a terrific Christmas collection from many sources. Thank you so much.


So, has the Obama not quite administration found itself guilty of anything???


AFAICT the Committee's chair never did get a definitive answer on Mde Plame's legal status..
To which I call, (quite delicately, of course) "bullshit."

If Plame was not non-covert before Feb 19, 2002, then she was certainly converted to non-covert status by the official actions of her superiors in sending her to the Feb 19, 2002 meeting as a non-covert CIA employee. Once her affiliation with the CIA became unclassified by official CIA action, the only way that it could become classified is if it was reclassified later. Ok, first look at executive order 12958 which was in force from April 17, 1995 to March 25, 2003 -- look at section 1.8 (c):

Information may not be reclassified after it has been declassified and released to the public under proper authority.
Ok, but maybe the CIA tried to reclassify it after March 25, 2003 -- in EO 13292 there is a reclassification proceedure (section 1.7 (c)):
    Information may be reclassified after declassification and release to the public under proper authority only in accordance with the following conditions:
  1. the reclassification action is taken under the personal authority of the agency head or deputy agency head, who determines in writing that the reclassification of the information is necessary in the interest of the national security;
  2. the information may be reasonably recovered; and
  3. the reclassification action is reported promptly to the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office.
It is, in fact, quite trivial to determine that Plame's affiliation was not classified on Feb 19, 2002. The notion that that her affiliation could somehow have been re-classified after March 25, 2003 and that fact could have been lost and any government attorney is honestly perplexed about the matter is utterly ridiculous, and, indeed, risable.


*Gasp* Cathy you are accusing the Agency's GC of peddling carp to the Hill?!?!

Let me find the fainting couch.


Yeah, clarice, I know you are just shocked, shocked... ;-)

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Sheesh, I just got an unsolicited marriage proposal from a real hunk in Abbey Wood, London. Unfortunately, he is only a year older than my son. Oh well, nice little Christmas esteem boost. LOL.

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Okay, here it is:

Obama Report Shows Top Aide Spoke to Blagojevich

An internal review from Barack Obama's transition team released Tuesday shows that the president-elect's chief of staff had a number of conversations with Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his top aide, but that there was "no indication of inappropriate discussions" regarding the governor's alleged attempts to sell Obama's U.S. Senate seat.

The report said that incoming chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had one or two discussions over the phone with Blagojevich, as well as about four with the governor's chief of staff John Harris.

... more


throughout the Pacific spam is considered a delicacy

In my home, too. At least, by me. :-)


I just got an unsolicited marriage proposal from a real hunk...

Well, did you accept? /ducks/

Pal2Pal (Sara)

DrJ: Like Groucho Marx and his any club that would accept him as a member wasn't worth joining (paraphrased), I figure any guy 20 years my junior who would offer marriage has some serious psychological problems, is looking for a Mommy, or a meal ticket, or all three.


Nah, he just wants the apartment with the view. And a visa.


Unless he is smitten with your charm. OK, I've beaten this to death.


I'm with DrJ on that diagnosis. As probably are any of us with acquaintances who've been wooed by foreigners and then figured out they were interested in entry to the US, not a relationship.


I guess I should make a disclaimer that I'm not ag'inst foreigners in general (hey, my boss lives in Germany). But I'm definitely not thrilled by parasite con men like the one who snookered (for a while) a relative of mine. Fortunately, she figured it out before tying the knot.

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Putting aside the fact that it has been 2 decades since someone has said "you look good," without adding the dreaded disclaimer "for your age," and the fact that I have no personality, no talents, and no money, the visa sounds like the best bet. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

Danube of Thought

The headline on the LA Times blog reads "Obama Team Probe of Obama Team Finds No Obama Team Impropriety." I kid you not.


the fact that I have no personality, no talents, and no money

You might be right about the last item. I suspect many of us will beg to differ on the first two.


Indeed it does.

Here is a little snippet:

There may, however, be some future amendments. The Obama team did not keep phone logs, so their contact list was developed from memory, which may or may not match the federal wiretap chronology if it's ever released.

Well that pretty much clears Blagorhama up. Obama and Team Zero should have no worries.


Perhaps Michelle is just doing her bit for Global Warming.


I agree with PD's sentiment.

Rick Ballard


Kaus does a nice job on the Yglesias bootlicking. That Matt sure can write - almost as well as he grovels.


Perhaps Team Blog should take a tip from Team O. If they do we should be reading headlines like, "Blog Attorney Clears Blog of any Wrongdoing"

Thomas Collins

Maybe he wants to be your sugar daddy, Sara. Just because he is chronologically younger than you doesn't mean you can't be his young honey.

Only one way to find out. Get him looped with a bottle of red wine and take advantage of him!


For those who believed (When I posted it a few weeks ago) that the UN would not pass the "Islam and terror can not be considered related" resolution against Free Speech. Atlas Shrugs has the breakout of the countries and their votes:

"The newest Islamic-sponsored resolution on "Combating defamation of religion" (A/C.3/63/L.22/Rev.1) was adopted Thursday by a vote of 86 to 53, with 42 abstentions, as follows below."


As one commenter says:

""Islam" or "Muslim" is mentioned 3 times in the document. Not one word like: Christian, Christianity, Jew, Jewish, Judaism, or any others, whatsoever."

Of the 86 countries voting for the resolution, anyone want to bet how many of them a Christian is free to celebrate Christmas in without harrassment?

Anyone want to bet that after the 21 of Jan 2009, the US would vote the same way it did on this one.

From the resolution:

"4. Expresses deep concern at the programmes and agendas pursued by
extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating stereotypes
about certain religions, in particular when condoned by Governments;
5. Notes with deep concern the intensification of the overall campaign of
defamation of religions, and incitement to religious hatred in general, including the
ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic
events of 11 September 2001;
6. Recognizes that, in the context of the fight against terrorism, defamation
of religions, and incitement to religious hatred in general, become aggravating
factors that contribute to the denial of fundamental rights and freedoms of members
of target groups, as well as their economic and social exclusion;
7. Expresses deep concern in this respect that Islam is frequently and
wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism;
8. Reiterates the commitment of all States to the implementation, in an
integrated manner, of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which
was adopted without a vote by the General Assembly on 8 September 200612 and
reaffirmed by the Assembly in its resolution 62/272 of 5 September 2008, and which
clearly confirms, inter alia, that terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group,"

How long before all religions, except Islam are completely outlawed by the UN?


Just because he is chronologically younger than you doesn't mean you can't be his young honey.

That's certainly true: my wife is seven years my senior.

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Only one way to find out. Get him looped with a bottle of red wine and take advantage of him!

You have more faith in my abilities than I do, even if he weren't across the pond and I can't afford to walk across the street.

Thomas Collins

The money at Vegas, Sara, is coming in on the wager that you could if you so desired find someone on your side of the pond on whom to practice!



In Chikago-ese, Rahm had "one or two" conversations means the same thing as "lessee here, 21 has a two anda one, so dat means one or two, same ding, right?".

Rahm expects to see the inside of a Grand Jury room or a Courtroom, and is stirring the jury pool early.

Mark my words, I seen dis movie before.


Seems he went off script for a moment. He won't let it happen again-he's always loved big brother.

He'll be blaming Julia by the end of the week.


Are you going to post a summary of your joustings on the radio today, Jane?

Twist my arm...

Meanwhile, why no talk of the O report? I just got back from the airport so I missed everything.

The beginning of the radio show was about the silliness of political correctness with Dick going on about growing up as a "harp" with "guinea's" and the "people on the island of Palestine." I was completely silent - stunned really, and my retort was something like - "yeah it was like that where I grew up too, without the epithets." I asked him where all this political correctness began - which Amy took as a great jab at the liberals, and I meant as an honest inquiry.

We then went on to Caroline, and cronyism, Biden, the Kennedys - he loves the Kennedys and I think it is time for all of them to go. He asked what I thought was the qualifications of a senator and I commented that it would be nice if they had at least held a job at some point.

Next Dick went on a really interesting rant about some GM guys laid off today remarked that if they hadn't shut down the plant 4 times in the last 24 years with ridiculous demands, maybe they would have a job today. I chimed in that hopefully a bunch of entrepreneurs would spring up as a result.

We talked about Blago and I postulated that Rahmbo was trying to get the seat for Valerie Jarret so she didn't steal his power in the WH.

Next week hopefully I can tape it.


I commented that it would be nice if they had at least held a job at some point.

Wow, Jane. That's harsh. A *job*?

Rick Ballard

"Next Dick went on a really interesting rant about some GM guys laid off today remarked that if they hadn't shut down the plant 4 times in the last 24 years with ridiculous demands, maybe they would have a job today."

That is interesting. The natural follow on is 'Why in the world would they not pursue their short term self-interest when the Wagner Act provides no 'brakes'? I wonder how he feels about teachers' strikes?


"I commented that it would be nice if they had at least held a job at some point."

That's our Jane. Always bringing up inconvenient truths.


More Breaking News from Alaska concerning SNOWZILLA, the 16 foot tall snowman referenced last night in a Public Safety Announcement.

Democratic Senator Elect Mark Begich, current Anchorage Mayor, had had his City Officials post Cease And Desist Notices on the unfinished torso of SNOWZILLA, located in the front yard of Billy Ray Powers, a local Anchorage welder and slob with an attitude and yard reminiscent of Fred Sanford from the old TV show Sanford and Son.

Well during the night, much in the mode of the Boston Tea Party, a band of anonymous Elves secretly and successfully completed SNOWZILLA to his full height of 16 feet or so. The City is livid, but is postponing action til after Christmas, while Billy Ray swears on a local Radio interview that he had nothing to do with this mystifying completion of SNOWZILLA, and worries now about the $2000 fine and 6 months in jail warning printed on the Cease and Desist notices that the mysterious Elves failed to heed.

Mayor Begich, in his first true crisis since being elected US Senator, has so far been unavailable for comment, though he has dispatched his spokesperson to local talk radio to try to condemn SNOWZILLA as; (1) an unlawful stucture, (2) a potential health hazard when it melts, and (3) a magnet for inebriated individuals to stop in front of and publicly urinate in front of at all hours of the night. This has not yet soothed the masses, as calls are 10 to 1 demanding the Mayor pardon SNOWZILLA, since it stands to reason that if snowmen are outlawed, only outlaws will have snowmen. A very fun day on local Talk Radio has ensued.

Thirty minutes ago I took the 11 year old on a drive down to view SNOWZILLA. An elegant snowman, neither of us felt the urge to urinate upon him, nor was my hankering for a Pint of Guinness any weaker or stronger than normal. And on advice of my Counsel, l can neither confirm nor deny that I was party to the Elves that erected that "unlawful structure" last evening. I shall however continue to keep you updated on this important story as further developments unfold. Now, in the words of Sue, back to Obama's "man-boobs,"


I wonder how he feels about teachers' strikes?

I'll ask him.

I often end the day thinking that Dick and I believe a lot of the same things, but we think they should be achieved in different ways.

I guess that's the old fashioned democrat and republican divide.


Rove's takeaways from the O report

1.O more involved than he let on
2. Rahm pushed Jarett before he talked to Obama
3. Where did Blago get the idea of appreciation only if no discussion of quid pro quo
4. How could Rahmbo think this was a good thing to be doing.


I hope if the FBI whistleblower is telling the truth and the case against Stevens is reversed and then dismissed, that the citizens of Alaska vote to remove Begish and have a new election and sue the Feds for the cost of a new election.


Sanders, a particularly nasty bit of business in Kerry's band of brothers was just pleaded guilty of possession of child pornography..
http://online.wsj.com/article/best_of_the_web_today.html#printMode>He called his opponents chicken hawks


"I hope ... the FBI whistleblower is telling the truth ..."

So do I, Clarice. Maybe it might shine a light on the FBI and DOJ.


I saw that about Sanders, too. I am coming to believe in Karma - that old "what goes around, comes around" kind of thing. And, am always hoping that the "comes around" part is doubly potent.


**Has just pleaded guilty****


You know, one reason I'm trying to take better care of my health and live longer is that if you die young you miss the denouement of all your enemies and all the people you knew were rats.
When you're young you think it rather romantic to die young with everyone mourning your unfulfilled (probably truth be told, non- existent) promise, but when you get old you just want to see the bad guys suffer.


Amen, Clarice honey, amen! Now, if only I could quit smoking like you did!

but when you get old you just want to see the bad guys suffer.

True, true. I'm with you on that one.

Merry Christmas JOM!

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Today was Brit Hume's last day. He is one I will really miss.

Danube of Thought

Clarice, I once heard a talk by a 95-year-old Texas trial lawyer who afterward was asked a question about his enemies. He said "I outlived the son of a bitches [sic]."


I'm with you bigtime Clarice on hoping Stevens really raises a stink about this and triumphs. I am having a ball however watching this goofy Snowman saga unfold. Senator Elect Begich is really coming off like a boob, and if it was any Republican; ie (Sarah, Steven's etc) the MSM would be having a field day portraying him or her as a Grinch and an idiot. Hopefully it gets some national press, but since it doesn't paint the Dem's in a favorable light, I'm not holding my breath


Breaks my heartto see Brit retire. We've known eachother since 1969, and I know he deserves this, but his is the only news program I enjoy watching. Now I don't even turn on my tv.


Daddy, I'm counting on you to begin the Recall Begich move the second the Stevens case is overturned.


DoT, what more could a person want than to read the obits of his enemies?

Pal2Pal (Sara)

Fox and the All Stars give a tribute goodbye to Brit Hume - video">http://">video


"Breaks my heartto see Brit retire."

Ain't it the truth!

The old order changeth, giving way to new.
And, God, fulfills himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the earth . . .

May a choir of angels counsel our Brett Baier.



Not surprising: Muslims demand a respect for their religion that they will not extend to any other.

How do you suggest we make known our disapproval?


Pager, PD

A Hindu friend from Gujarat that I'm decent friends with says that informally in India Muslims are known as "The 5 percent majority", due to their continual demands for the country/government/society to institute respect for their religion. The news reports a year or so ago about special Islamic footwash basins supposedly being installed in the Kansas City Airport surprised him not 1 bit.


We've known each other since 1969, and I know he deserves this, but his is the only news program I enjoy watching.

Agreed. And it also reminds me how different the worlds we here run in. I've been reviewing proposals that wish to study artificial bladders, Monarch Butterfly noses, Venus Flytraps and various other oddball things.

Pal2Pal (Sara)

I've been reviewing proposals that wish to study artificial bladders, Monarch Butterfly noses, Venus Flytraps and various other oddball things.

DrJ: Sounds like you would appreciate this story about coked up bees.



There is also a proposal on artificial eyes, coupling neurons to chips that can be connected to a computer.

This whole series reeks of Blade Runner.

(Yes, the pun was intended).

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