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January 22, 2009


Soylent Red

My two questions on this are:

1. What was stopping you for the last eight years, or is civic responsibility only fashionable under a Messiah?

2. How do you reconcile all these squashy euphemisms with the fact that your Messiah outspent Bushitler by $100 million on his inauguration? $100 million that could have been used to, you know, actually help people.


If you've passed by a television or a news stand in the past 15 months, you're up to speed on the fawning. Go directly to the transcript.

Hollywood is really making me appreciate bittorrent.


or how about the $650 - $900 Million (primaries + general) in unaccounted for funds that financed his election?

Hollywood is, I think, dying slowly. They are bankrupt of ideas and are regurgitating the same stale trash over and over again. It can go two ways. We can slouch towards idiocracy, or maybe people will begin to tune it out. Probably the former, but enough smart people are now opting out of the media hype that it may eventually make a dent.

Someone should start a news channel with professional reporters wearing horn rimmed glasses giving the news straight just to see what happens. No happy fluffy; no bimbos in low cut dresses...just rock solid, reliable news and opinion labeled as such.....an interesting experiment..dumber things have worked in the past....


The majority of vocal Hollywood is stupid. Won't change anytime soon.

Is upholstery fabric as clothing in vogue? Check out Hillary's pantsuit.

Patrick R. Sullivan

Reminds me of the exchange in The Inner Circle, when Lolita Davidovich asks her husband (Tom Hulce); 'Who do you love more, me or Comrade Stalin?'

The answer is immediate; 'Why Comrade Stalin of course.'


Iowahawk is one of the most brilliant bloggers in the blogosphere. (And for a guy who never entirely grew up past the age of 13, his links to Hot Rod stuff are pretty cool.)


Instead of serving the president, why doesn't the government serve us for a change. Free us from the government schools, free us from the labor unions, free us from an unfair tax code, free us from the con known as social security, free us from the Congress meddling in the mortgage markets.

Let's have vouchers, national right to work laws, single rate tax no deductions, voluntary retirement plan run by private companies, and no political contributions to Congressmen from government subsidized agencies.


Jorod, you are so capitalnormative.


This is priceless .. $1 trillion and no promises


Where are the pledges from the Hollywood Gimps for Obama ? This is a serious omission.

“Mein Führer, I can walk!”

Wilson's a liar

I wonder what would happen if one of these celebutards actually PICKED UP A BIBLE. It's chock full of great advice about helping our fellow man and living righteously. Some of us have actually been following it for many years, even before Barack Obama was born!


,obviously couldn't find a Koran.

Jim Rhoads a/k/a vjnjagvet

Did anyone else have the impression that each "star" seemed to be competing with the others to see who could make the most worshipful (and inane) statement?

To me, it was nauseating.

One thousand times worse than "We Are The World".


They all want to be part of the small group of friends and family with access to PBHO's Blackberry.


They don't eat enough--It causes their brains to shrink. Really.


actors, musicians, and other entertainers were considered to be anathema to polite society until the late 1800's for a reason. For thousands of years they were considered to have the lowest morals and qualities of character. Frankly, not much has changed.


I wasn't familiar with the "deuce/single" terminology hitherto, but I am sorry I am now. eww


Isn't a parody of something self-parodying a bit redundant?

And it's hard for me to think that this "loneliest job in the world" thing even remotely applies to a guy who just had $800 gazillion worth of parties. Hussein-O might be the object of a personality cult rivaling that of the other Dear Leader, but he's not so ronery.


I can't even bear watching it - they are so self important, yet utterly useless.


I wonder what would happen if one of these celebutards actually PICKED UP A BIBLE.
Mild burn. Wouldn't even scar, if they put it back down fast enough.


I dunno. I can't even listen to Rush and Hannity right now. Everything that I hear Obama doing is designed to tear down everything President Bush and his team accomplished. I've never feared for my country or been fearful of my govt, but, I must admit to having a twinge of apprehension right now. It is going to become obvious to all, I think, how much power the govt CAN wield in our lives if We The People let it.


Pathetic entertainers to be sure; imagine how pathetic are audiences who pay money to be entertained by these pathetic entertainers.

As Epictetus wisely said "stay away from most popular entertainment. Most of what passes for legitimate entertainment is inferior or foolish and only caters to or exploits people's weaknesses. Avoid being one of the mob who indulges in such pastimes. Your life too short and you have important things to do. Be discriminating about what images and ideas you permit into your mind. If you yourself don't choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest. It is the easiest thing in the world to slide imperceptibly into vulgarity. But there's no need for that to happen if you determine not to waste your time and attention on mindless pap."


I haven't seen adolescents so proud of themselves since my youngest had her first unassisted poop in the adult toilet. The cause of the pride in both instances was the same, too...


I'm with you there Po....we'll just have to roll with the punches...sadly the GOP has nothing to offer either IMO....


Good post, Stephanie


we'll just have to roll with the punches...

The trick is going to be not getting backed into a corner.


hi, gang.....whats scuttlebutt saying about caroline kennedy....o'reilly was saying something was on the street about here that was bigger than the spitzer story?


btw...did i date myself with scuttlebutt?


"For thousands of years they were considered to have the lowest morals and qualities of character. Frankly, not much has changed."

No that has always been reserved for politicians.Who leaves the the greatest legacy,Mozart or Al Gore?


I was certain you'd rise to that bait,PUK. And if you hadn't I was sending out the St Bernards to find you.


The NY Post said it was nanny, tax and possibly marital problems. It's long been rumored she's been having an affair with Pinch Sulzberger,bobs.


thats what i heard, too. talk abouy an ick factor....she should never have been considered anyhow.....paterson was always going to appoint a liberal dem and has many more exoerienced pols to choose from.....she's been a sympathetic figure for years and most reasonable folks wish she'd never gotten involved in this.


"lowest morals and qualities of character" Poor old Johann Sebastian,church organist,married man with children.Those Lutherans would have had his guts for garters.


on another point, someone left an inquiry on my blog after a post i made regarding illegal foreign contributions the obama campaign had receieved.....LUN.....the commentor asked for more information....i hade already linked pamela geller's blog....are there other folks moving this information?


Clarice, I thought Pinch prefered hotdogs to bagles--if you get my drift.


Verner, that would make Caroline a faghag...


verner...that sounded like a rodney dangerfield line.....


IIRC, ACE of Spades had quite a bit about the campaign contributions.

I wonder when, somebody, anybody, is gonna start holding Barack Hussein accountable for-something?


i hate to keep saying this pofarmer, but its all about the dem agenda....its party before country....power before truth


Is "Hussein" okay or are we supposed to call him "aitch."

Or how about "BaitchO"


dem partisans are unable to accept anything contrary to the narrative, the mantras , the dogmas

Amused bystander

PeterUK: Those guttersnipes Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Brahms too.


Hmmm....I think Ashton "Boy Toy" Kutcher got his "pledge" idea from this:

"I swear by God this holy oath, that I want to offer unconditional obedience to the Führer of the German Empire and people, Adolf Hitler, the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht, and be prepared as a brave soldier to risk my life for this oath at any time."

Whoa, Michael Moore wants to be a "servant" to Barack Obama. Does that extend to dying for him as well?


Mind you,old Schubert was a bugger for the sherbet.


I heard he never quite finished.


Left it in the pub.
Still we are comparing real musicians with that ramshackle bunch of jesters,jongleurs and jackanapes posturing above.




I just read an article where the Bushes only took back to Texas what they brought with them, besides new clothes and books purchased since their arrival 8 years ago. The thought occured to me that Bush might have forgotten to get bin Laden out of the basement before his departure. Won't Obama be surprised when he runs into him while wandering the halls of the White House?

Barney Frank

In defense of matt, actors have generally been considered the scum of the earth in more sober, sensible times and they sure weren't considered artists.
Playwrites, yes. Line readers, no.
Composers, yes. Horn blowers, no.


BobS, that question dated 22 Jan 09 appears to be from an Aug post of yours, which seems strange to me. I found these at Yahoo.

1 - 10 of 2,960,000 for obama campaign receives contributions from Gaza

If one started right now, they would probably have read most of the info available by
the time the next election comes around. The Obama campaign deliberately set up the contribution system so the credit cards/cash donations under $200 couldn't be traced. There is only one reason to do that-to invite fraud. I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of what they raised wasn't illegal.


Hollywood. Sigh. So much attention paid to people whose one skill is playing the part of someone else.


pagar....must first inclination is that it was a strange post as it came this morning at 530.....i know that many bloggers looked to cover the topic in detail and that it was my only post on the topic, and perhaps it was one of those odd little spam comments although i've never seen a gmail addy along with it


please forgive the run on sentence from a teacher.....


Throught the looking Glass LUN

Immediate Action To Help You

Tax cuts are one means of providing economic relief to those in need and will be part of the recovery plan for America. However, Government Grants will also play a vital role as a means to swiftly provide assistance to those who could use financial assistance. Unlike a loan these Government Grants provide funds which do not need to be repaid and can be used for virtually any purpose including:

pay off many forms of debt

consolidate debt

provide mortgage assistance or prevent foreclosure

purchase a new home

start a new business or assist with an existing business

pay off student loans or assist new students with obtaining a degree

If there is a bill out there that needs to be paid there may be funding now available that will be able to cover it.

I'm actually considering signing up.

What the hell.


Few million in Grants. Expand the farm, hire some workers. It'll be great.

I've just got the funniest feeling I'm not the target audience.


Obama and his Ogirls got all mad again and this guy cut off this girls head like the Greyhound murders. virginia tech and more orientals. It's what really happens in hollywood.


What do you all think? 5 mil??? 25?? Anybody want to help write it up?


Po if you get all that, we'll all come to live with you.

Ol'Pofarmer had a farm....


o'reilly's going with the caroline and pinch affair story.....gee, is he a bombastic sob.



Just be sure to get enough to take us all on a cruise.



The URL I got in the comment at your blog was to a spam website registered through GoDaddy with technical contact in Romania.;(

I still would like to get some answers re: Zero's funding scheme, but the FEC is going to be far to busy going after Reps.


I particularly enjoyed the "Executive Order", signed yesterday, that stripped executive privilege from all past Presidents. The press concentrated on the "reintroduction" of FOIA, as if it ever disappeared. I wonder who he was getting ready for the pogroms? I know Carl Levin's ready to go on the witch hunt. (LUN)

I voted for them, so I am guilty by association, I presume. Just waiting for them to start checking voting records so as to "re-educate" the needy.

I am sooo tired of this already.


i have to laugh at that rich, but i agree with you that we need to know more. but i remember reading some stories that he actually didnt raise as much money as had been rumored.

at any rate...the left wing stuff is here....gitmo closed, iraq retreat, support for dem payouts via bogus stimulus packages, ending tribunals to appease....yada yada yada.....he needs to change - ha


Them being President Bush and the continuation of sane policies, versus the bombast and "Flipper, the bravest sailor ever".



That looks a bit sketchy (like a phishing scam sketchy). Not saying that Obama isn't a schemer, but this is the time that crooks of all sorts would be looking to cash in.


The URL I got in the comment at your blog was to a spam website registered through GoDaddy with technical contact in Romania.;(

WEll, nuts, and I had such high hopes.

tainin a degree

Five years we're outta the depression.

The torture thing is a problem because some of the people who participated are doctors and psychiatrists. If the law is reversed like executive privilege and the telecomm immunity, some university hospital doctors are goin' to jail and samples really can't apply there; they know and treat you different.

Bill's privilege gone, wow can we be new there.

Gotta check on the chinese van killing babies story.....


I particularly enjoyed the "Executive Order", signed yesterday, that stripped executive privilege from all past Presidents.

Whaaaatttt??? Link? Text?

Captain Hate

It's long been rumored she's been having an affair with Pinch Sulzberger

I hope when notorious Jew-hater and all-around scumbucket Joseph Kennedy is being justly tortured in Hell, Satan makes him watch videos of this.


the left wing stuff is here


I don't get it. All the coverage up through the inauguration involved slobbering over His Centrist Ways. Does anyone think his actions since Tuesday have been centrist?

Also, OT, but just wondering if anyone saw any MSM March for Life coverage today. I didn't.


Well it's a depressing turn of events, specially down here, Chuckling Charlie, our beloved governor, has relatively sky high
popularity ratings, apparently for betraying
every conservative principle. Bill McCollum
Mr, excitement is in the lead for the polls of the GOP side of the Senate race, He's a dependable guy, the next one down is Marco Rubio, the former State Senate leader. If you want to see a little of what we could have had, in a perfectly alternate "Spock's
with a beard" world, look up the KTUU link for the State of the State address from Juneau. There are those including one of the even more fervent Palin bloggers than me, Carlos Echevarria, who says she should wait it out till 2016, Can the country afford to hold out that long. Of course, it seems increasingly that we have drifted into the parallel universe right here. The Leonard Downie roman a clef, mentioned earlier, features exactly the portrait of the Vice President turned President that Sarah commented what would have occurred if she was a Democrat. Susan Cameron, daughter of two politica science professors small time prosecutor, appointed to her husband's seat because of complications from his wandering eye (the character is loosely based on Katherine Graham) is impeccably liberal, with all the right catch phrases, about the Iraq War and national health care, with no kids,pro-choice without exception. Of course, with this build up, she's destined for a fall. But it doesn't take too much effort to reimagine the scenario, had the tables been turned.

As for the National scene,it's as scary as we dared speculate, and this is just Day 2.
Why did he have to be so insistant on closing Gitmo and open ended talks with the Mullahs. It's like the Lowery invocation, and the Alexander poem, a needless
provocation.Charles Hurt, of the New York Post and the Washington Times, says the GOP has to cooperate with Obama; and viceversa, David Frum, well what's the point with anything this dweeb says. Unfortunately
Rudy Guiliani is making me regret my primary vote by saying the same thing on his New Majority site. Who knows what day 3, will bring; a special envoy to Gaza City, General Zinni no doubt, probably offering reconstruction aid, well that would have been Samatha Power's advice.


O'Reilly knows something about Caroline. He is on the edge of telling it. She is having an affair with whatever the man's name is that was mentioned earlier. Pinch or Pinky or something.


but this is the time that crooks of all sorts would be looking to cash in.

Looks to me like they just did.

You mean there's more?


It'll be George Mitchell, not Gen. Zinni LUN


Sorry - LUN here


just to get the full fawning flavor.

If you haven't gotten the full fawning flavor yet. you might want to look at

Obama spy choice sees opportunity on Iran, Muslims

Why don't they just invite them all in and let them run the country? Oh, wait, I think they have.


Hey Po, I don't know if you're a white male or not, but if you are, don't get your hopes up.



This is Mother Jones twist on the order (LUN).

Soo much fun coming.


"What do you all think? 5 mil??? 25??"

$57.35 mil,bigger numbers tells them you are serious,it also allow for the kickbacks fees.A precise figure looks carefully costed.Don't forget to open your Caymen Island account first.A foreign pass port would be useful and tell the family to have their luggage packed.


This ignoring of the law by Geithner is tortureous.


I know C.R, but just like that line from Network, about pissed off heiresses and revolutionary groups, there seems to be more than one retired general with a pro-Palestinian tilt, with a spot to fill. Besides George Mitchell looks too much like my high school American Government teacher.
Admiral Blair, when one can read Bill
Gertz's dispatches about how effective he was, when he was at Pacific Command. Much like Admiral Fallon at Pac Com.


I think we should apply for some bailout money - for the cruise, for the cookbook, for TM to get a new blog home. Anyone here have any experience writing grant requests? Ten Million should be a good start.

It's long been rumored she's been having an affair with Pinch Sulzberger,bobs.

Is that true - seriously? I want to be in on that gossip circuit.

rhymin simon

So it seems that Great Britain is more broke than we are. So there goes the Sarbanes Oxley theory that the IPOs went to England instead of NY . so maybe London will suffer more investment related job losses than New York.

Geithner attacked the Chinese in his testimony regarding their dumping and or not applying sufficient tariffs. We have been the baby boomer generation that through Pavlovian use of advertising never knew its limits as to true consumption. We have created our own beast. Welcome to Hotel California. Its got a $42 billion budget gap. Putting more money in my pockets won't feed the beast because we are in Dante's Inferno with all the assets being burned


Hey pagar, did you get my email? Sorry about that.

Captain Hate

How did Will Smith get so popular? I wouldn't cross the street to see him electrocuted.



His tv show. Which was mostly funny, back in its day. I used to like him alot, but lately, he is making it easier to remember he isn't really the character I liked on the show. The problem with actors is they don't know when to keep their mouth shut.


Don't forget to open your Caymen Island account first.A foreign pass port would be useful and tell the family to have their luggage packed.

Man, I'm such a Huckleberry. I was actually gonna use the money, to, ya know, fund a business!!!

Aye, Carumba, I need Gienther lessons.


narisoo...good to see you weighing in on our senate race....as you know, i'm a student of senate politics and believe that rubio will catch fire and surpass mccullom. unless we can get colonel west to run....we never seem to get it right us republicans, but i am hopeful of the fight displyed in the texan, john cornyn. bot seats need badly to be returned to gop hands and we need a high profile, say jeb bush, to take on clintonite bill nelson.....still, the sloppy patriot in me desires to call upon col west just one more time and hope he stays in the public eye.

Captain Hate

Sue, you're talking about "The Fresh Prince of BA" right? I'm sure my kids liked it; the only thing I remember about it was seeing it on tv in Paris dubbed in French. Now that was funny!! But yeah, seeing a preview of him talking to gap-toothed moron Dave Letterman makes me ponder the quandry if I had them in the room and only one bullet. Is Tom Hanks the only one to make the transition from TV to the big screen without making a preening ass out of himself?


Did you see the latest from McCain on Palin? LUN


http://gawker.com/5115286/times-city-room-will-not-mention-caroline-kennedys-special-friendship-with-pinch-sulzberger> Caroline and Pinch sitting in a tree


You couldn't have found a less moonbat place than Mother Jones?

These idiots have a voice now.


thats just perfect clarice!!!


Pinch is soooo unattractive, in a Tim Robbins sort of way.


This just in from the London Telegraph:

Merrill Lynch management pays billions in bonuses days before bankruptcy.

Apparently, Merrill paid out over $4 Billion, despite knowing they were going to file.

The company loses $20-40 Billion (no one is quite sure yet) and for doing such a good job senior management rapes the company even further.

when do people start getting outraged enough to demand action?


Too little, too fricking late, "my friends" when his advisors were calling her a 'diva'
and a 'rogue',because she mistakingly thought there was still a campaign to fight, when she pressed not to give up Michigan, the only trace of a campaign left was her and Joe the Plumber. At that time he didn't say a word in defense of her or even try to reprimand those who badmouthed her, in fact they tried to get rid of Schueneman, who along with Biegum, was possibly the only good people on the staff; despite his mishaps with the Canadian tricksters. After the campaign, he waited a week while those ridiculous rumors were being spread. before making a weak statement on Letterman, the clueless former weatherman from Muncie and BallState U, who thinks he knows anything except how to be a poor court jester. One sadly sees McCain's true character in this instance, the one who abandoned his first wife when she was injured, while she waited for him. It seems disloyalty runs in the family, witness Meghan McCain's pretense of pomposity, or if it is to be believed; although it comes from a tabloid, Cindy mcCain's supposed concerns about John and Sarah. One doesn't want to stoop so low, but what are Time and Newsweek but tabloids with brighter colors, instead of graying newsprint. If we're going to vote next time, let's do it for someone who not only has said the right things, and has lived out those principles.
Don't vote for the lesser of two evils, because the result is still evil.


BoA fired Merrill. The bonuses can't be found at the Merrill Asian bank bail out unless you count citia.

Those teachers are of a very dependable nature when they're not weaving your life into some horrible death. Maybe it's Clinton diplomacy and not Canada. Need to find another one of the Ogirls Ogreish asians..........


I just went and found it. It doesn't change my opinion of him.
But it was probably the wise thing for you to do.
Best of luck with the show.


Anyone here have any experience writing grant requests?

Actually I do, and have won about the amount you are seeking. I've also read and evaluated well over a hundred.

These admittedly were for solid technical proposals for reputable solicitations. I've no idea about what you are thinking about, but winning $10MM in the technical area, from a single solicitation, is really hard. Really hard.

Yeah, I'm playing this straight.



McClatchy's link(LUN). I saw the original story on memeorandum.

Right next to the story that Bush is the first president with limited Secret Service detail. Reid snuck that one in, and bragged about it.

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