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March 09, 2009



I thought there were aspects of a national ID that bothered everybody - the right worries about the government tracking our movements and activities; the left shares those concerns, with "movements" specified as "across the border as far from the INS as possible" and "activities" defined as "voting Chicago-style".

More simply, the right worries the government will abuse the ID to make life more difficult for law-abiding citizens, and the left worries the government will use the ID properly to make life more difficult for law-breaking persons.

This snippet has not stood up well:
Too soon to say. There's no progress that can't be destroyed provided enough progressives put their minds to it.


Well, to be fair, the war on Islamofascists does have a lot to do with good solid intelligence work. Law enforcement, no, but military intel, absolutely.


from Tapper's "Debating Chas Freeman":

Wendy Morigi, a spokeswoman for Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair -- who picked Freeman -- says "Director Blair selected Ambassador Freeman because he thought he would be the best person for the job.

Dennis Blair.. designated fall guy.

TM Duh

Of course the main opposition to Mr. Freeman is based on his heretical position that American and Israeli interests are not entirely congruent. Damm him. Brimstone and all that.

Where is that stake I left laying around here? Burn, baby, burn.

TM, being an honorary member of the Likud on the Potomac crowd - or as the man said when I visited Mt. Vernon, the Poty-Mac - of course could not be more congruent. Congruency - at least on this subject - is his currency. Benji, where are you? Do you need a foot rub? It's Tommy?

Meanwhile, with that said, I am off to work so I can pay my taxes. After all, Israel needs guns. Strangely, the same were probably used to destroy stuff in Gaza.

Strangely, the stuff in Gaza is the same stuff that needs to be fixed. So it turns out my tax dollars will be used for that too. Hillary? Now, unlike TM, I think using my taxes to fix things, instead of blowing things up, is a good idea, especially on the foreign policy front. Turns out, TM, these people have feelings too.

And so, when I am done working to pay those taxes, the ones meant to blow stuff up in Gaza, well then I will keep working -because I have to pay taxes to the US government so that it can, in turn, pay to fix the damages caused in Gaza.

Hey, TM, what about us rats on treadmill? Help us with your pithiness.

Oh the irony. Meanwhile, our little Tommie Boy fiddles about, fiddles about. Or was that Uncle Ernie?

Frau Jedöns

The GOP letter, even a poison pen one, is nice but it won't phase Pres. "Whatever B.O. wants, B.O. gets." He's the prize pony that emerged from that huge, steaming pile of Chicago carp. He is now the decider.

Whenever the Democratic minority wanted to protest a so-called injustice, the cameras were in place out on the Capitol steps. No letters, just face time on the evening news.

Charlie (Colorado)

Republican Senators Spring Into Action!


Help us with your pithiness.
OK. Fuck you.

TM Duh

Help us with your pithiness.
OK. Fuck you.


GWB would be proud. Do your knuckles hurt?

Moron. Or is that too pithy?

Newt and Rush were taken.

TM Duh

Help us with your pithiness.
OK. Fuck you.


That's Uncle Ernie's Job!!!!!!!!! Or is it? Tommie can you see me? Can you feel me near you?

Oh Tommie. Tommie.

Fresh Air

Oh dear. Cleanup in Aisle Two!

TM Duh

Actually, now that I think about it, "Fuck you" is way too unpithy. And too wordy. And too unoriginal.

"Argh" is much more effective. Try that next time. How sad that you have to curse. Soap meet mouth.

I love you despite your issues.


Chas Freeman is a nutcase. And don't kid yourselves,Obama WANTS him. You watch, he'll get the job no matter what.


TM Duh must resent paying for the rockets sent from Gaza, too.

Yep, this was the Administration's stealth candidate. Sneak him in, and blame Blair if the sneak doesn't work.

Freeman is in the explicit pay of the Chinese. How does he even get a security clearance?

If this is the best they can get, then Geithner was the best they could get. So TM Duh, why does Obama fiddle while Rome burns?


Heh, TM Duh, Freeman's heresy is that American and Muslim interests are congruent. It's a big error that Obama is making. But, money talks, and both Freeman and Obama are whores.


As I said in another thread
"How much is that doggie... in the window?"


You note that Obama isn't dirtying himself defending Freeman's dirty opinions? He wants the dirty opinions, but wants to appear to be ingenuous about them. What a crock, and you too, TM Duh, from whom hate drips unstrained.


And just what, exactly, is Blair's problem? One has got to question his judgement, too. Unless, as suspected, it's not his choice, but Obama's.

So where are Freeman's defenders, other than his son, who seems intemperate. Where did that haymaker come from, and why is his opinion useful?

I'm serious, why won't those supporting him defend him? Is he heretical, or treasonous? Good question. Huh, TM Duh? You don't weigh in with support, just anti-Israel garbage. Do you like this authoritarian monster? This police work fool. If so, why? Interpol is going to arrest the Taliban? Don't make me laugh.

Captain Hate

I love it when Jew hating tools like TM Duh raise their hideous mugs and side with the pali vermin that celebrated 9/11. Go pray at Rachel "Pancake a la Caterpillar" Corrie's grave, idiot.

Regarding that other jerkoff, Chas Freeman, the WSJ had an op-ed opposing him that led to a letter to the editor from a bunch of gasbag former ambassadors praising his qualifications; which was pretty rich coming from the sort of ass pirates that have infested the State Department and consider Alger Hiss an American hero.


Unbelievable, that the representative of the most theocratic state, masquerading as an ally, which has underwritten the PLO,
Hamas, and their own Black One Hundreds, AQ; has a seat at the table. They also helped underwrite through the duel oil shocks, a good deal of the turmoil of the 1970s and early 80s. And everyone is who every had a criticism of same, were labeled as outside the mainstream


"Strangely, the stuff in Gaza is the same stuff that needs to be fixed. So it turns out my tax dollars will be used for that too. Hillary? Now, unlike TM, I think using my taxes to fix things, instead of blowing things up, is a good idea, especially on the foreign policy front. Turns out, TM, these people have feelings too."

What is wrong with supporting your local Crime Lord? Why give your money to foreign gangsters when you could take out a direct debit to the Cosa Nostra?

Old Lurker

scroll on by

Old Lurker

WaPo editorial today goes after Hilary. Worried about a pretender to the throne already, I wonder?


If Freeman is Obama's choice, and who doubts it, then whether or not he gets his pick, we know what kind of advice Obama is going to listen to.

Oh, please, let the birth certificate put an end to this madness.


I wonder who's paying his legal bills to fight the birth cert lawsuits.


They also helped underwrite through the duel oil shocks, a good deal of the turmoil of the 1970s and early 80s. And everyone is who every had a criticism of same, were labeled as outside the mainstream

Posted by: narciso | March 10, 2009 at 08:36 AM

And lets not forget that those oil shocks are a cheif reason that Africa has been mired in poverty for the last 3 decades. A huge chunk of the debt the thrid world has racked up was a result of having to borrow dollars at huge interest rates to buy artificially inflated oil. That debt was later compounded by more debt to pay the interest on the oil debt. Things weren't wonderful in Africa before 1973, but they would be a lot less misserable there now if OPEC hadn't crushed their economies to "punish" the West.


I wonder who's paying his legal bills for the birth cert lawsuits.

1) If it's White House money, tax payer money, surely that's illegal.

2) If it's campaign money, would that be illegal?

3) If it's a private party, then he's beholden to that person/group and surely impeachable.


Does anyone here know who his lawyers in the birth cert suits are? (Hee, sounds like they're practicing in the nude.)

Which law firm(s)? Even if it's pro bono, he'd still be beholden for the value of service received.


I can just see this cartoon of O assuming the fetal position, offering his stem cells to the highest bidder.


This birth certificate issue is going to bite him in the butt eventually, but it won't ripen until enough people realize what a scam artist he is. I still have a horror that what's on the birth certificate is merely embarrassing, and will ultimately be used to cement sympathy for him.

But until we know, we don't know, and the not knowing, the deliberate hiding of evidence is not confidence inspiring. He's hiding something. What is it?


Dems new villian: Eric Cantor.


Cool,Deb,Just as the muddle wakes up to the porkarama with disgust at its author, the Dems are knighting Cantor Mr. No for having ythe guts to oppose it.


Trolls like TM Duh expose themselves when they taunt with their selective use of facts.

Old Lurker has the answer. Scroll on by.


Yep, Deb, holding the House Republicans in line was a stunning display of discipline, that must worry Reid, Pelosi, and Emmanuel. The Republicans are going to get a spine even if it requires a bone transplant from an enraged hoi polloi, with Rush as Chief Surgeon.


I think Cantor is spectacular!


I do, too, Jane. A young friend of mine when to intern for him as a college freshman, liked him so much he bcame a republican and headed up the Young Republicans at one of the most liberal universities in the country. He's as nice to work for as he is competent.


What could be embarrassing on a birth cert? I don't think the omission of a father's name in this day and age would be considered embarrassing. Are you thinking of something else?


**went to intern for him***

(I have about 6 people working on the house all around me, forgive my errors today. It's a madhouse.)


I don't know, BR. I'd sure like to see Box 7c on the vault copy.

If a father's name is absent, it highlights what a fantasy all his autobiographies were. That might have inhibited him pre-election. I have little doubt that the Dunham family history is one lie after another, and I suspect Obama himself doesn't know the truth about his origins.

But you have a point. What could be disablingly embarrassing now? That's why I think that he may truly be ineligible and he is just relying on chutzpah, which has been his modus operandi from birth.

And the Wiki censoring? Problematic, if only because it demonstrates sensitivity to alternative views, and the ability to censor. The volume of smoke increases. Add a little O2 and watch the result.


Am I alone in thinking Obama is a poor student of history? Or is it he assumes we are. His speech today:

They forget that Lincoln helped lay down the transcontinental railroad, passed the Homestead Act, and created the National Academy of Sciences in the midst of Civil War. Likewise, President Roosevelt didn’t have the luxury of choosing between ending a depression and fighting a war. President Kennedy didn’t have the luxury of choosing between civil rights and sending us to the moon. And we don’t have the luxury of choosing between getting our economy moving now and rebuilding it over the long term.

In how many ways is that statement just plain goofy?


Sounds to me like that statement was written to respond to Buffett's claim that O is trying to use this crisis to shove a lot of extraneous and controversial matters down everyone's throats when he ought to be concentrating on one thing:the economic crisis.


If the lawyers' fees are really in the millions, it must be something big. If we pull the string on the money some more, something may come to light.


I wonder if his lawyers know why the birth cert isn't being produced. If these cases could just get to discovery, but the judges aren't letting it. It's like a massive coverup with Nixonian overtones.


I'm dying to know who the lawyers are. Williams & Connolly - the Watergate and Clinton lawyers?

Captain Hate

Am I alone in thinking Obama is a poor student of history?

No; but you might be alone if you think there's any subject other than self-regard that he's well versed in.


He misses the point that everything he is doing the reverse of what that National Homestead Act, the expansion of the railroads,( more carbon mischief), putting forth a useless form of biotechnology, instead of one that actually works. The Depression didn't end until the producers not the planners, got control of theeconomic
structure. Likewise, Kennedy, who did really
preciously little for civil rights, did move on space travel.


Looks like O operates as a reactor. We're all very familiar with his toxic waste.


It's a pitiful response to Buffett's charge. It won't fool the big boys, even if it has fooled Obama.


Never mind that his plans aren't rebuilding the economy over the long term, they are destroying it short and long term. Like I say, he's only fooling himself and Axelrod.


I do think it was a response to Buffet, which shows how much he'll listen to a "team of rivals", I guess.

The FDR stuff is preposterous to me. FDR took the "luxury" of years and years to end the depression before we entered WWII.
Is he trying to imply he's got 7 years of this economy before he should be judged.

FDR also didn't have the "luxury" of deciding to empty out detainment camps in the middle of the war.


what I find fascinating is that the wheels are coming off on the Obama train. He's now catching it from across the spectrum and for a wide range of issues. The candidate who presented himself as all things to all men is in fact who we thought he was from the outset.

We are hearing the words incompetent, lazy, socialist, imprudent, overreaching etc all withing the first 7 weeks. FDR had his 100 days, but so far Obama is at the halfway point to 100, and people are freaking out.

My concern is that the democrats are trying to steamroller through such far reaching legislation to ensure their own grip on power for the forseeable future that it will take an act of God to remove them. They really are a cancer. Not that many of the Republicans are much better, but the sheer criminality of many of the the democrats is beyond belief at times. This really is a battle for the soul of the nation.


We are hearing the words incompetent, lazy, socialist, imprudent, overreaching etc all withing the first 7 weeks.

I'm noticing a sea change too - mostly from people who weren't all that involved in politics before.

What could be embarrassing on a birth cert? I don't think the omission of a father's name in this day and age would be considered embarrassing. Are you thinking of something else?
I have wondered if the birth certificate is completely innocuous, but the embarrassment is that it proves that the documents that the campaign handed out were forgeries. (You know, "fake but accurate" but in this case really accurate, at least as far as the place of birth which is what's in question.)

For example, suppose back in 1961 a "helpful" government clerk looked at his mother's name, said, "Stanley can't be her first name, must be 'Ann Stanley Dunham' rather than 'Stanley Ann Dunham'" and the clerk "fixed" it.

Or Michelle made a comment tut-tutting the birth-certificate litigators for trying to make it a scandal that Obama was adopted by his stepfather. Maybe that's the scandal: When Obama was 11, he moved back to Hawaii, and this was also the point at which Stanley Ann stopped living with Soetero and he married a second wife. Perhaps Obama moved back to Hawaii to escape Sharia law. (In Indonesia, Stanley Ann would have had no legal rights to custody if Soetero had wanted to make an issue of things.) But anyway, if Soetero officially adopted Obama, and then nobody ever did anything to undo the adoption, then the 1961 version of the birth record has been erased from the Hawaiian system, and a 21st century birth certification for Obama would have Soetero's name on it, not Barack Obama Senior. Again, that doesn't show that Obama is ineligible, just that the paper that the campaign produced was a forgery.


mostly from people who weren't all that involved in politics before

This is a nice opportunity to point out how untrustworthy the press is. People who aren't involved in politics depend on the press to keep them informed. Well, lots of press people were united behind this guy, who after 7 weeks is obviously a complete bust - what else did they get wrong?

And was it maliciousness or just incompetence?

It's not like nobody saw this coming. Somehow the warnings never got that much airtime. I'd like the people who don't pay much attention to wonder why that is.


This is a nice opportunity to point out how untrustworthy the press is.

EVERY SINGLE CHANCE I GET! That's my #1 theme.


Somehow the warnings never got that much airtime. I'd like the people who don't pay much attention to wonder why that is.

I've been burning up the phone lines to chat with the muddle (from various states) who only tune in at the last minute before the election. I never bring up politics, they do, and I just listen and empathize so I'm not guiding the conversation.

Overwhelmingly, they feel like they bought a pig in a poke that turned out to be a rattlesnake.

Soylent Red

My guess on the COLB is that Stanley Ann Roundheels didn't know who the daddy was and there is a big fat "UNKNOWN" in the space marked "Father".

Thus destroying Barry's homemade mythology, and causing severe damage to his fragile narcissistic ego.


That's my guess, too, Soylent.


I've wondered if Obama Sr needed a wife to stay in the country for his education but haven't seen anything to substantiate that.

I concur, Soylent and Clarice.


That's my #1 theme.

Oh, good. My slapdash ideas can go either way, but if I'm agreeing with Jane, I'm probably right.

Rick Ballard

"My guess on the COLB is that Stanley Ann Roundheels didn't know who the daddy was and there is a big fat "UNKNOWN" in the space marked "Father"."

"UNKNOWN" is rather harsh. I imagine a series of names ending in "?" with a "see pages 2-3" notation.


From Tapper:

At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing this morning, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair said that the many quotes of Freeman's that critics are taking issue with are being twisted.

"As far as the statements that have appeared in the press, I would say that, I would say that those have all been out of context," Blair said. "And I urge everyone to look at the full context of what he was saying."

The new standard for O's administration is looking at the full context.

Imagine if they had tried that with Rush....



It is possible for a variety of reasons that she wanted to avoid any issues of custody and support and therefore put down "unknown" although she and he knew full well he was the father.

Soylent Red

"see pages 2-3" notation.

It takes a village Rick.

Or, possibly, she took on a village.


If she honestly didn't know who the father was before the birth, I think Barack's skintone would have provided a pretty big clue.


Next question: if the father was genuinely unknown, or if there were custody issues as Clarice suggested, what name was Barack given at birth? Surely they wouldn't have "unknown father" and "Barack Obama, Jr." on the same piece of paper. Kinda defeats the purpose.

Rick Ballard

"what name was Barack given at birth?"

Barry the Bas... Probably just Barry.


Yep, Porchlight, except maybe she had a penchant for men "of color."

Changing topics . . . I feel pretty, oh so pretty . . .

Thanks to Instapundit I clicked on a link to Celebrities Who Have Aged Miserably.

So, now I am having a great day. Feeling pretty, oh so pretty.



We have a bi-racial, extended family member whose father was unknown, but we knew one of the "possibilities" was black. She was nearly a month old before you could tell she was bi-racial by looking at her, and the possible white fathers were eliminated. In fact, her skin was more pink and white for several weeks than that of my daughter at the same age.

Now, she is not identifiable as mixed race unless you know her mother is white.

Short version, maybe BO didn't look black tll after the paperwork was done.


central, love your LUN. Though I must disagree with one of the choices on the list. David Lee Roth is still hot. :)


I think Barack's skintone would have provided a pretty big clue

that he's Frank Marshall Davis Jr.

If you don't go for the photographic evidence, check out the video. Look for the stammering old guy in the yellow shirt.


Per Ben Smith at Politico:

"Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair announced today that Ambassador Charles W. Freeman Jr. has requested that his selection to be Chairman of the National Intelligence Council not proceed. Director Blair accepted Ambassador Freeman’s decision with regret."


Oh dear, CC..

Since I'd be afraid to have cosmetic surgery, it's nice to have this reminder that it is no panacea.
BTW this is a useful display to show the kids why they really shouldn't be so keen on attaining celebrity.


Well, hurray. Well, TM Duh? What you got to say now, you punk little brownshirt?


I found a lot of the comparisions to be unfair. A professional, youthful photo with hair, make-up and great clothing against a casual snapshot.

Most people would fare badly in that comparison against themselves on the same day.


wow, another Obama selection down the drain....is this a record yet?

As to Obama's citizenship, I really think at this point we are going to have to move on. Regarding parentage, I have always believed that one cannot choose one's family. He may or may not be hiding something with his whole birth certificate coverup, but the bottom line is that he does have an American mother and it seems he was born in Hawaii.We can argue technicalities and cast aspersions, but I would rather judge him for his actions as a man. And now, I think those actions are speaking very loudly indeed. Let's not get tarred as a loonie right site.


bgates, how could you make me watch that excruciating video? I do think he looks at least as much like Davis as he does Obama Sr. But now that his grandmother is gone, I guess we'll never know.

Sweet news about Freeman. Thanks centralcal for the best news of the day!




There is nothing at all crazy, Matt, about asking Obama to prove his eligibility. Sorry, no way.


I found a lot of the comparisions to be unfair. A professional, youthful photo with hair, make-up and great clothing against a casual snapshot.

Very true. I saw Sharon Stone with makeup on and hair styled a few weeks ago, and she looked fantastic.


What's crazy is his going to such extremes to avoid proving his eligibility. Now, if he's not eligible, then it's not crazy, but otherwise it is.

Get this right. The issue is not going away.


"It seems he was born in Hawaii". There are a lot of 'it seems' about Obama, and now that the scales are falling from eyes, it seems that people are wondering about some of the 'it seems'. 'A pig in a poke', 'The Great Pretender'. This is a big theme, and if the big boys want to get rid of him, they'll be asking about his birth certificate, too. It's an easy solution to a big problem. Maybe.

Obama's campaign, at the same time as promoting a clearly forged copy, marginalized everyone who doubted it. What's up with that?


It was marvelous PR, and even the smart, skeptical people fell for it. What is he hiding? More and more, people want to know.

Look at that joke of a Hollister judgement. That wasn't legal reasoning, it was bullshit.


. He may or may not be hiding something with his whole birth certificate coverup,

In no other job in America would one get by saying I am just not going to show my birth certificate when the job specification says one has to be a US citizen. Why is it being accepted from Obama?


You just can't get past the belief that no one would have the chutzpah to run for President if he was ineligible. Well, I about half think that Obama, if he is ineligible, didn't know it until sometime last year. Remember the dive into his passport files? Remember that the first, and apparently main, effort from the 'Fight the Smears' site was about his birth certificate? Some of you may not be aware that that COLB on that site was clearly forged. Obama has depended upon the sworn testimony of Hawaii officials that there is a valid vault copy of his birth certificate on file, but they have not sworn to what it says. Box 7c is the key, and it does not have to have a site in Hawaii for his birth for it to be a valid birth certificate.

I believe he was more likely born in Hawaii than anywhere else, but I'd sure like to know why he is spending millions of dollars to hide the truth from us. And it irritates the Hell out of me that the curious among us are marginalized as 'crazy'. That is thuggery. Typical, nay pathognomonic, Chicago and Axelrod thuggery. We do not have to put up with it.


bad, Maybee - you are being very fair to the gals, I notice. What about the guys - would that be a hair and makeup remedy too? grin

Actually, I rather respect the ones who have aged naturally. Perhaps the photo montage should have been of the celebs that have become bizarro looking due to plastic surgery, etc. I am especially repulsed by the grotesque puffy lips look.


I found a lot of the comparisions to be unfair.

So did I, except for those of Keith Richards, Kathleen Turner and Mickey Roarke. Brigitte Bardot looks a little like an aunt of mine, who used to look a little like Brigitte when she was young, and I think they're both fine looking old ladies. And what's wrong with Steven Segal in that pic, or Al Pacino? I didn't get those.


Oh, CC, come to Ohio in August and I will take you to the Ohio State Fair. You will feel like a Queen all day. :)


Hey, thanks Ann. It does sound tempting.


What about the guys - would that be a hair and makeup remedy too?

ha ha CC, I knew you would catch that that...


Well said, Matt at 1:10.

Fee Fi Fo Fum
Out with the bum!


I just woke up to the wonderful news - read it first in the Hawaii Reporter. Chas Freeman out!

It's a beautiful day!

Speaking of Hawaii, I was thinking as I fell asleep, what if there's no birth cert in the vault? And then drifted off looking at the lawyers' filing cabinets.

Army's in retreat, chase 'em down :)

Hmmm, a tea party by April 15th and a new election by summer?


The Constitution doesn't specify a two-party state, so let's have lots of parties!

Break the monopoly of the entrenched, money-driven, corrupt politicians.


Still reading this thread in between making breakfast. As I was breaking eggs, I thought, hm, this birth cert thingie, it does have to do with sex. And the e-mail with the Hawaii Reporter article was the 69th of my emails. And maybe Obama's birth cert shows he was born as a baby girl and somewhere along the line he had a sex change.

Laughter is a great antidote to cutting onions.

Seriously, though, I'm a thinking up a slogan on the lines of show us your cert. The Constitution demands it and we, the people, have a right to see it.


Oh god, maybe he/she/it was born in a lab. So we have our first female black president, and his clone in the lab is being prodded to the left.


Pagar at 5:22: "In no other job in America would one get by saying I am just not going to show my birth certificate when the job specification says one has to be a US citizen."

You are so right.

Kim at 5:34: "...sworn testimony of Hawaii officials that there is a valid vault copy of his birth certificate on file, but they have not sworn to what it says."

It's so good that we all look at this from all possible angles.

More thoughts on why the million-dollar coverup: There could be no vault copy, with a false sworn testimony from HI.

Or the vault copy could have been planted there in recent times, with the help of an Obama supporter in the HI records office. If planted by an outsider, unbeknownst to the HI officials, they are probably not scrutinizing it for type of paper used, watermarks, comparing typestyles to other certs of that era, etc. That would be a reason not to have the actual piece of paper scrutinized in a court of law or by FBI forensic experts.


Yes, I worry that a vault copy may have been tampered with by experts, by now. Nonetheless, I've a fair amount of confidence that if it gets dragged into court, it will be examined by people expert enough to catch even an expert forgery. There is real expertise out there, because the market for forgery is lucrative.


Original documents speak for themselves; copies all need provenance. The provenance of the copy we've seen stinks, and it's also obviously a forgery. Now, why is that? Why is not the original being allowed to speak for itself? It's utterly damning, and it's crazy to think that wanting to see it and hear its message is crazy.

Bamboozled, that's what's happened to the credulous.


Ah, you're back, oh great. I wanted to ask you about the passport event. Who was digging into that? Obama's people or Republicans? And what was found, do you know? An original birth cert would be needed for a passport, right?


What's so bad about the guy. Haven't read anything he said that was wrong. Of course GWOT is more a law enforcment issue than military. Iraq has been a complete waste of resources. Soldiers break things and kill people. They put ordnance on target. They're not a bunch of Wilsonian nation builders.


Obama's people, BR, and I don't know what they found. No one does, except, of course, Obama's people.

Yeah, sure, I'll dial up Interpol and have them arrest the Taliban. None of those moderate Taliban, though, nosiree. TCO, any society needs a good cop to keep civil disorder. Even libertarians understand that little concept. Ours, today, is a variable coalition of the world's functioning democracies.

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