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March 10, 2009



Am I mistaken that absent the five billion bailout, their losses would have been 3.1 billion? Or worse than 2007? I don't understand all this, so I may be way off. Somehow, worsening conditions adding up to greater profit sounds like an extraordinary situation, to me.


"It is not alive!"


GM is going to be rescued as a giant "make work" program. It's going to be cheaper to keep all those people making cars nobody wants than to deal with the fall out of so many unemployed people with houses they can't sell in a state nobody will move their business to.


I say--as I said to a neighbor in favor of a GM bailout "to keep the workers in the middle class"--do it with YOUR money.


I say--as I said to a neighbor in favor of a GM bailout "to keep the workers in the middle class"--do it with YOUR money.

We're going to do it with the magic money from the wealthy, clarice.


I suppose she expects that her support payments will be undiminished by her husband's change in circumstances ,MayBee. Cause there's no one in my neighborhood who doesn't meet O's low bar for "rich".


Why are the proposed new tax rates for the rich not indexed for inflation?

Or am I missing something?


Sorry, I meant adjusted for inflation from the rates of the Clinton years.

Or something like that....


with overtime, GM workers make a lot more than most middle class workers. One of the tactics they use to generate overtime is carefully planned slowdowns of assembly lines, maintenance, housekeeping, etc, so that they have to come in for a few hours on Saturdays or off shift to complete what a normal worker would have done within a 40 hour work week. This is standard operating procedure at most of the Big 3 factories.
Until they have reasonable work rules, the problems will remain.


with overtime, GM workers make a lot more than most middle class workers.

O has stoked the fires of envy so well that the above statement is why so many Americans are furious about the auto bailouts.


Six percent rise in the Dow? A zombie cat bounce. Please don't tell me you really think Citi's become profitable.

Not with one thousand, one hundred and fourteen trillion dollars in derivatives zombie walking about.

And you think card check is going to help the market? That's the newest push from these ham-handed destroyers.


This will be just like the good old days in the Soviet Union, GM dealerships will be full of poorly made "GREEN" cars for the new "GREEN" economy we are told is coming. The union GM workforce will become the union Govt workforce once the final bailout is complete. It will turn out overpriced cars that won't start, won't run, and won't sell. But it will be green and glorious!

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