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March 01, 2009



I disagree with the statements by TM and Rush Limbaugh that they hope Chas Freeman spirits jihadists into the Capitol to murder visiting schoolchildren, and I hope fine impartial journalists like Messrs Stephanopolous and Olbermann will continue to give me a national platform to uncritically repeat their complaints against other Republicans.


Forbes: LUN

Barack Obama just added double-dealing to his foreign policy repertoire. On Friday, administration officials led many Jewish leaders to believe that the president had decided to boycott the United Nation's "anti-racism" conference known as Durban II. At the same time, however, human rights organizations were being led to believe that the administration was not pulling out and was looking for a way to "re-engage."

This fits the Freeman narrative.


I'm tellin' ya Taqiya. What's the evidence against it?


Why does Obama want to fail? Is he deliberately destructive, or accidently so? Does anyone seriously believe his plans will work? I mean, among the sentient.


Taqiya. What's the evidence against it?

None that I can think of. That word has been echoing through my brain since shortly after I began to be aware of him as a serious candidate for president.


If I were Steele and Cantor I'd be playing up this Freeman story night and day..and then I'd get Bayefsky on Durban making the rounds.
Between this and his corruption (see new urban policy czar--another pay to player), his favorability ratings should continue on their fast trajectory to hell.

GORDON BROWN hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a “global new deal” to lift the world out of recession.

A global new deal would buy lots of "love" from many muslim countries.

Savior of the world...


I'd be playing up this Freeman story night and day
...unless it's mentioned on talk radio first, in which case the smart play would be to say that they love Freeman like a brother and anybody who says different might as well be a Nazi.




HUGHLEY: Now Mr Steele, Rush Limbaugh was critical of this Freeman cat who President Obama appointed to some intelligence position. Said he was a "tool of the Saudis" or some such nonsense. Now, what I don't get is, if we wanted Saudi puppets in the administration, why not just hold on to more of the Bush people?

STEELE: Haw! You're right, DL, we Republicans certainly are bitches for the Saudis. Seriously though, there's a growing consensus among the party - I mean everyone from traditional southern conservatives like Lindsey Graham to former Goldwater supporters like Hillary Clinton to northeastern Rockefeller Republicans like David Frum and Maureen Dowd - that Rush Limbaugh is an embarrassment to humanity, and we'd all prefer if Limbaugh and his listeners would get out of politics and preferably just die.

HUGHLEY: I ain't buying it. Kiss my ass, Tom.

STEELE: Delighted to. Which cheek?




Time to pop out euphamisms for politicians:
My dear friend=the guy whose throat I'd slit in the cloakroom if I could be sure there were not witnesses.


Clarice, there's no difference between this thread and the last one. If Rush is right, Cantor should agree. If Rush is misquoted to Cantor to get him to say Rush is wrong (or hateful or evil or...) he should demand evidence of the quote.

If he's going to brush it off, do so by saying, "I haven't read the speech. I'd be happy to read it and get back to you if you promise to put my full response on the air." Never, never, never, never just agree with a Democrat if you're not completely sure they're right.

We're not dealing with the 6th circuit, we're dealing with a 5th column in the form of the fourth estate that wants to turn us into a third world country. Any second.


Yes, but Rush is purposely drawing the flak; he's giving them the "lay-up", but they're too timid to score


Yes, but Rush is purposely drawing the flak; he's giving them the "lay-up", but they're too timid to score


Since we're talking about the stimulus package here, I was talking to a new landlord Yesterday who has a friend that owns a concrete pumping business not too far away. He checked on some jobs that might get affected by stimulus funds and the answer was "Non minority-owned contractors need not apply."


but they're too stupid to score

Most of these guys aren't the brightest bulbs, and most of them aren't particularly philosophically conservative. It's why they go squishy all the time.

rhymin' simon

Politico had a story interpreting parts of Obama's State of the union speech.
I have an interpretation of Obama's comments from yesterday.
I know these steps won't sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they're gearing up for a fight," Obama said, using tough-guy language reminiscent of his predecessor, George W. Bush. "My message to them is this: So am I."

I have made Washington D.C. a one party town like Chicago and now the pay for play has gone up. Pay up or be frozen out.


using tough-guy language reminiscent of his predecessor, George W. Bush

Except that Bush was talking to murderous thugs who would have enjoyed nothing more than killing him, and Obama was engaging in a bit of cheap theatricality by pretending to threaten people who everyone knows he's in bed with.


I've taken to asking Dems defending Obama yet complain about Bush and Republican overspending, what spending besides the Iraq war they didn't like.


OMG hes teh aawsum:
One day after his hometown Chicago Bulls visited The White House, President Barack Obama watched his Bulls get spanked by the Wizards 113-90 from a courtside seat at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC. As if that wasn't cool enough, the Baller-in-Chief even arrived fashionably late, holding up the start of the game for a few dramatic minutes.

It's so cool the way the President knows he's better than anybody else but mostly he plays it off like he's not. Bullz wud win if Obama started cuz hes got mad skillz!


bgates, your Steele take is almost perfect. May I suggest you end a few sentences with "baby" as he often does and add colorful colloquialisms like his promise to appeal to everyone... including "one-armed midgets".


Cornell Law Prof: Barack Got Enemy

"What is it with this President? Obama has an obsessive need to find enemies against whom to campaign. When Obama's presidency is over, hopefully in four years (but likely eight years) there will be two sets of psychologists: Those who provide therapy to the American population which has seen its life savings and economic system destroyed, and those who analyze the psychosis of the Demonizer-in-Chief."


Another reason to disdain this Zero. He's taken to arriving late to make an entrance for some reason.
What a maroon!


Meanwhile in financial news, Asian indexes are down 4%, probably due to disappointment that Obama hasn't agreed to become god-king of the world yet and is only bringing economic and spiritual perfection to the United States for the time being.

Or possibly because of the rumor that Obama plans to join the Chicago Bulls as the first player-coach-President in NBA history, assuring the Bulls a title but delaying until June the date that he can concentrate the full power of his superhuman genius on healing the planet's economic woes.

Rick Ballard


Europe wasn't about to be outdone by Asia.

It looks like Captain Zero's It's Midnight in America - and Getting Darker campaign is a hit around the world.


TM, I am so glad you picked up on ole Chas. His appointment is just the icing on the crap cake, and absolute proof positive, as if we needed any more, that Obama is on a mission to utterly destroy this country.


Good morning all, I'm feeling a little better, the Bush administration are the Saudi's B@!$@#, huh, that's why the top people in the Defense Department, like Feith and Wolfowitz, were writing about
the Saudi oil weapon as far back as 1979;
and the latter opposed the Iraq card against
Iran. That's why we put a Shia democracy on the doorstep of Wahhabi Ilkwan Central; Felix Arabia, no I don't call it Saudi because one family shouldn't own the entire country. Now Powell can certainly be characterized that way as well as Haas and
probably Armitage; but they weren't the driving force in the Administration, were they, just the saboteurs, with the aid of the likes of Bob Woodward. Add Joe Wilson
and his Rock Creek Partners, in the AlAmoudis, also generous donators to the Clinton foundations' et tu Hillary and let us not forget the Golden Chain of AQ's primary financiers. So Hitchens, how do you like your vote eh now. So Freeman adds to this panoply of Saudi largesse, which shapes
the likes of the Walt and Mearsheimer "The
Israel Lobby" which should have been translated from the original Arabic, or German, or possibly the colloquial Russian
of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Meanwhile AIG is slurping another 46-60 billion dollars, while he's considering reducing the deductability of the home mortgage, because we have too many assets in our lives apparently you can't call
something 'socialist' according to Mark Liebovich, because it's the new insult and the President, must be praised to the hilt, even though we're 'going to hell in a handbasket' and we're out of handbaskets.
Because he voted against the comprehensive
counterinsurgency strategy by Petraeus, because thought it might work, and credit might be given to the Bush Administration. That's not a proper application of Alinsky is it.

So we're whining about Limbaugh and Coulter
and Cantor and Ryan, because why again; because we can't say a negative thing against the One, because it might run afoul
of the 'eminent domain' restrictionsproposed
by Durbin in the DC appropriation bill. It really does start to feel like 1959


Those aren't nuts pouching out bgates's cheeks, narciso. I remember talking of the Arab oil weapon in the early '70's, after the oil shoku.


My father had told me, from the '50's, that by the time the sheiks' oil was depleted, they'd own the London Stock Exchange.



I certainly hope you are getting paid somewhere for what you write. You certainly deserve it.


The new meme is that we don't want Obama to fail, but he insists upon it. Nothing about his plans can lead to success, from the phony stimulus, the neo-socialism, the skyhigh deficits, to the carbon encumbrances. Why is he so destructive, folks? Accidently and ignorantly, or deliberately? Say it again. Louder, louder.


His destructiveness should be hammered upon. Then it will seem like prophecy when the inevitable destruction is obvious. Or when the immiment becomes immanent.


This also underlines a key conundrum even we can't decipher. Is he a doofus well in over his head, or is he or his masterminding all this? It won't hurt to get that question before the polity.


Good Morning
Chas Freeman, with this appointment, has become (IMO) one of the most powerful people in the administration. Obama will get no Intelligence reports that are not pro Saudi, pro Chinese, anti-Israeli and anti-American as long as he hold his position.

I'm really surprised that he allowed the Tea Parties to go forward last Friday.

Here's a Sweetness & Light view:

Now the United States has brought the Palestinian experience – of humiliation, dislocation, and death – to millions more in Afghanistan and Iraq. Israel and the United States each have our reasons for what we are doing, but no amount of public diplomacy can persuade the victims of our policies that their suffering is justified, or spin away their anger, or assuage their desire for reprisal and revenge…

IMO, Freeman was handpicked by someone/some group to insure that no pro-Israeli intel got to Pres Obama. I believe that we need to spend a lot more time looking at who is advising Obama and a lot less time worrying whether the leftists like Rush Limbaugh.


Watched Fox and friends this morning and found out I'm a sucky parent because my children eat cheese sandwiches for lunch.


It's obvious that Freeman and Co. believe that peace and understanding can be achieved through the sacrifice of Israel. They're gonna make the muddle believe it and want it. Ever again, I say, ever again.



That's only cheese sandwiches doled out by the government as a result of non-payment of the lunch bill. Homemade ones are fine.

Whatever happened to working in the kitchen in exchange for a free lunch if you can't pay? That's what I did for my entire elementary school career. And look how strong it made me.


What a relief, Jane. I'l try to get over the guilt.

As for working to earn something-- not so sure that's a good idea. Working implies you lack a trust fund and I've heard that's really hard on self esteem.



It's obvious that Freeman and Co. believe that peace and understanding can be achieved through the sacrifice of Israel.

I was reading a profile about him the other day that called him a "realist". Seeing his comments-sympathetic understanding to terrorists, a blindspot to the true nature of the Chinese and Saudi regimes, an unhealthy obsession with the "Palestanian" issue-I think traitor might be more accurate.

And whoa-AIG reports at $61 billion loss-wonder what Geithner knows since he came up with the "systemic risk" test that Lehman failed and AIG "passed".


I read that article too Rich - about the realist thing.

The dig on him was that when Tienanmen Square happened,he was more concerned with how you win the fight than the human rights of the protesters. I don't have a problem with that. Seems like it is smart to figure out how to win a fight optimally first and then backpedal if necessary from there. We have no idea if he would have backpedaled because it didn't get that far.

It's pretty clear President Obama is not terribly concerned with human rights - well some human rights - so I'm not surprised by the choice or Freeman's obvious biases. It's pretty much par for the Obama course.


Electric bills higher by 68% and an additional $1.27 tax per gallon from cap and trade.

Now that is change you don't hope for.

These figures were just discussed on Fox.


That was a tax per gallon of gasoline, by the way.

Old Lurker

"Electric bills higher by 68% and an additional $1.27 tax per gallon from cap and trade.

Now that is change you don't hope for."

Coming soon to an electric meter near you:

My socialist state of MD has for several years applied a two-tiered pricing model to electric bills. You guys probably all pay the same rate per KWH, and if you use more, you pay more (like gas in your car). How old fashioned. Here, since we use a lot of AC, those who use less than a certain quantity per month (enough to cool say a 2000 SF house) pay a low total rate per KWH; users that exceed that base amount pay a much higher rate for each total KWH used in the month...

Now imagine that mentality when the GPS tracking for each user's gasoline tax comes to reality. Do we tax by zip code I wonder in addition to date, time & location?

Also, those smart meters already exist. Accept one and you get a lower rate, but it reserves the right to remotely turn off your AC during peak usages or electric HWH. Yes we can have lots of fun when central planning gets control of those switches.

Oh it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood...



When I read it, I couldn't help but think from a "realist" perspective, how it is in our nation's interest to have a hostile, authoritarian regime in China or a global proselytizing Saudi Arabia.

And would you look at that-the Obama Bear Market continues with the Dow opening down 125 points and the S&P opening down 15. He keeps it up all those baby-boomers who thought he'd make the world like us will be broke going into retirement.


Energy footprints will be an ongoing source of guilt and punishment, long after carbon footprints have eroded into history.


I think the meme that in two short years the Democrats have turned 401k's into 201k's needs to be broadcast. That might emphasize the urgency of action to change the way we are going.


Speaking of 201ks--the Dow has just gone below seven thousand.


I don't think the fact that Geithner's out of the market has helped confidence. Our finance leader, tax cheat and market pessimist. Who could ask for anything more?


Morale has much to do with morals. Trow de bums out!


Can Senators and Representatives be recalled for voting for the stimulus bill without reading it? Good question. With a wrathful polity, maybe so.



It's kicking around thinking whether it should go below six thousand. It will make it much easier for people to give up their 401k's (and other tax free savings vehicles 529's?) if they keep dwindling in value.


about six months ago an analyst my husband respects said DOW 6000. GE @2.


It will make it much easier for people to give up their 401k's

That's what I like about this board, is the optimism.

Just saw the headline on Yahoo, "Analysis: Who's on Pelosi's Bad Side?"
My answer: whoever's in front of her.

Jane - thanks so much!


That's GM, GM @2.

GE shouldn't get down to 2 until May.


bgates, I respectfully disagree. All of Nancy's sides are icky.


Hi,jean. Missed you.


That didn't take long. According to memeorandum: "Pushy Jake Tapper"!


I forgot his (Tapper's) debut which I did happen to read--it was in an alternative paper here about his date with Monica Lewinsky before she became famous. It was very sweet.
I'm glad he's getting credit for doing the job his colleagues can't.


Jean, did you get my message,


Thanks Clarice.I read more than comment.The less I open my mouth the more I learn. Narciso no


LUN is about the smear against Jindal but it also talks about how the left is so good at picking off any republican rising star and how the right sucks in comparison.


Cornell Law Prof: Barack Got Enemy

Taking his cues from FDR, perhaps. Target specific beneficial bits of legislation at special interest groups to keep their votes on board; target everyone else as the enemy.


It is amazing how much we are all prejudiced by our first knowledge of a person and how easy it is for the oppo with the helo of the media to poison the waters, isn't it?


how the left is so good at picking off any republican rising star and how the right sucks in comparison.

Jane, the right should be too principled to pick off a Democratic "rising star", if there were such an animal. If it used such tactics, what advantage would there be to electing one over the other.

The right needs to be Trumanesque, "I didn't 'Give 'em hell.' I told them the truth and they thought it was hell."


It is kind of amusing and frustrating, at the same time, practically nothing that the Kos, and Huff Po is true, yet it is accepted
as truth. Most everything on the center right is backed by facts, yet it is regarded
skeptically by the media; no matter how many times it's presented.


Fred is on the radio starting today 12-2.We don't have a westward one in my area,but somebody out there is very lucky today


Jane, the right should be too principled to pick off a Democratic "rising star", if there were such an animal. If it used such tactics, what advantage would there be to electing one over the other.

Therein lies the dilemma.

We better figure out something pretty soon.


NRO actually posts something not by Steyn which is funny.
http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YjUwZDFhMjhkODc2OTg2N2RjNmYyYmIwYTFhMmE4NmI=>Hollywood and The Won


Steele apologizes to Rush, says he was inarticulate and that he respects Rush and hopes to get together with him soon.
"Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”

The dust-up comes at a time when top Democrats are trying to make Limbaugh the face of the Republican Party, in part by using ads funded by labor. Americans United for Change sent a fund-raising e-mail Monday that begins: “The Republican Party has turned into the Rush Limbaugh Party.”

Steele told CNN host D.L. Hughley in an interview aired Saturday night: “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it's ugly.”

Steele, who won a hard-fought chairman's race on Jan. 30, told Politico he telephoned Limbaugh after his show on Monday afternoon and hoped that they would connect soon. "


From Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it's ugly.
we get
he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”

Michael Steele is a bald asshole from Maryland. I mean no offense when I say he's bald or from Maryland.

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